ite : o be Pitsuant . | Meeting of the. Shiitfeholders of the in 24 come reception, all were delighted . to again meet him, his military Ontario Pine Grove Cemetery Come. appearance and fine physique make him a prominent personage, and his superior' tact and suave| Mr. McCaw. was called to the tained the necessity of oid manner certainly place him advaa- | chair. dimensions and style. It |tagevusly in the front rank as a| The Secretary, Mr, Rulgh; fead however, to make _ prac t| military officer. During his some: | tire minitites 6f the. Ativiial Meeting! what short stay he called on Mr. |of {914, which, on motion, were A. E. Claughton, and while visiting | confirmed. building 30x20 t, Sryres thay gentleman's famous. stables of | ry, cup minsion to the meeting of |said he Wotild ect 2% . = | high-class, thoroughibrdd registered | 0 a gitorg: Report was the next | specifications of a build saddle horses, he espied a beautiful busi 3o N ; > 'black hotse, in 'every way snitable onder i. the both d Aa to he lor an officér's mount--just the one he wanted--aond he tlosed a deal Th enews that his son has been wounded in action is not likely to '| bring any, comfort to the persistent A critics. of Major-General Sam. | Hughes. - It is the ola max's scalp 5 | they are after, 2 | 0 ir intellectual debt to Germany.' "The question of why, if the Allies is worth while, therefore, exam- | are doing so. well, they. have not i ning in the dry light of reason what [thus far managed to drive the! {| Germa really "done fur cul: Germans from France and Belgium, b and scientific progress. "Asitoll is answered by the 'military €xpert was certainly the product of experts, a meeting of the Board to' bei c, I can say nothing, as Tam of the London Times. He says in ) it was neatly and nicely got up, and | by the President." The buil ot a musician. * In literature, Ger. [fect that neither ' England mor [iv Veen aud 'there and enprossed him. showed that the Company is solid {to be constructed of wood, ny has Goethe, who occupies the France were ig | for war, Lord self touch. pleased -_ Vie Dore: fitianciully, there being a balance on Trt § st rank, Heyne was a Jew who Kitchener has a splayed prodigi- P hn 19 F hand on December 31, 1914, of|Port Perry, Reach and ded the Germans. as barbat- id activity, bul he is no magici- hase. The stables of Mr, Claugh- ' ' Agricultural 8 ; i y ill b f rn Observer. fon contain many other horses, | $1395.40: us. Schiller, the most character (a8, and it willibe February before vit v5 good, but the " decid. ic of German writers, was a milk- | his new army is ready to take the he be black, jor dee d-water Longfellow. In philos- field. France has not as yet put ed to take the blag! there were Kent and Hegel, anything like her. whole strength * * Didn't kooW it was loaded," is re than half Scot- | into the campaign ; but. is making |: the best 'excuse of Germany and Austria, i jeve science from the thraldom of commonplace, And now: 'Professor ona ol of the People.) Recurers Balance ........... $1372 38 -- Sale of Lots and one vacant in Aoonto. Ter e it E The We look in a The towns of Yarmouth : Il Hicks, the weather prophet, r $2198 08 Dre any that can be put up by | bankers and manufacturers are ham, Ringe ox Cromer, Beeston, maple syrups J to-day its final report on is ki x Y years of age. Old enough Total E¥penditure ; $802 68 manner. ument and got up in a highly reli side. of those or Newton, Dar- begiuning;to ask whee the meney SCE na pain a peo " Lo Be food in Tr to know better, Ne fax arty ¢ i oro! le to a fine one ie d and value of field crops in On motion the Report was adopt- a Auditor' Report showed. that i, Faraday, Laplace or Pasteur. | '° i on ite id . To Soke 110% which shuns ins North Sea about 160 Spectors drop in and secure a_ sample. of fo14, The report states that, in| Thursday, February 4th, i$ the ed. . the total receipts for the yéar reached! $imy own departments of study it re oly e ends ays e . eg} On ns Great Yar. | the goods, 'marked contrast to 1913, the season | date fixed for the re-opening of the . the haudsome sum of $1909.52, includs e same tale. The German can e Port Hope Guide says:| youth, and Cromer are favorite water ---- ) i oe ) The Chairman announced that the {ng a baiance of $266.58 from 1918; whil : "The chicken thieves are till busy resorts. King's Lynn in a seaport and particalatly unfavorable to| Dominion Parliament. Election of a Board of Directors|'h® $88 expenditure, iuciuding the riously . count syllables and) * F ed a wi od | market town. reid shiphuilding Patricias Not In Fight At the growth of grain. Persistent! (yf (ogg 411,876 passengers | would be next in order. $438.54, ron re S of $1615.99, pile. 8p voiumes of indices, he, es " u " onnie rics mashite Yast tien, it ; S ht fthrooghout the greater ! 411, S r rder. 8% . we gic. in the hen use o r. Qurie | oil mills and other industries. pe ? : Srongh Xb Northwest orovinces carried by the Pennsylvania Rail-| Mr. A. W. Allin, seconded by Savage Slause on hand on the Bib appropriate othcr men's. dis Barkwell, Smitk-urect, and stole| The aireraft which made the attack | London, Jan. 18.--The observer with ries in the in the interests of 0 wayin 1 t kill i } Loe wers-@vidently the same three reported | the British army in" France who writes resulted in a yield per acre of the| y Li 914 not one was killed while | Mr. G. A. Rose, moved that the The Chairman congratulated theigiiture ; Hut beyond this, as I have twelve fine fowl" The owner -of|yq baving iors i the day-by-day report of events given by '¢hiet cereals lower than in any avelling. Board of Directors for the coming building committee on ihe splendid a seeking to show for yeatelin the chickens may baikwell, but Ameland, of the nothedan vf linliand, out to the press is suthority for the a . jority in the |term be composed of the same with soginalt! ao amoun ie does not bark loud enough.-- |!" 8 Westerly dircction at 2.80 Tuesday) | hat Britis! geason since 1910 and lower than 555 was the majority in the po! A . lov: gh. afterpoon. They probably started from |® ement that Britis! forces did not re- 'the avera, of he six years ended mayotality contest in Peterborough, gentlemen whose term of office has] had accomplished much, and the Sociuty || Be eo fron oF Orleite) Sichaa = Onillia Packet. the Viectnity of Cuxhaven aud ould cently capture certain German positions a ge . 1t is hard to beat '"'thre » just expired, viz :--1J. p.|%o™ -d an Important building at get from him-only theories whic --e have to flv about 150 miles ncross the | near La Bassee and make an advance of v In O 4 b ° three of a kind" |j xpired, viz ;--J. Carnegie, P. 'gr3. In Ontario and Quebec. Cl « cost. . e po regard to facts, though es| At this juncture we hesitate to| North Sea to r ach England. one mile. That they had done so was though the grain crops suffered like that | Christie, S. Jeffrey, W. H. McCaw, Re Few CASULTIES 4 5 gr N P pe H. L. Ebbels, J. C. J. action of Mr. Purdy, Seconied by fBoming from Germany we are told | criticise those in places of authority | The first placa visited was the well | reported January 15th in'a derpatch from from a dry season, the conditions| Port Arthur News: --Two fam. | y J Campbell, McKee, the report was adop \ : were not so unfavourable, whilst in|ous German lion_tamers have been | ROIPPs J- Jeffrey, R. Penhall, On motion of Mr. P. C. Graham, t they must be regarded as in- | and responsibility, but it 1s impos- Jehown snnside resort and fishing town | St. Omer published in Paris. : : y fallable.- On the artistic side per-|sible fo avoid the feeling that in |of, Yarmouth, where the people were| No attack on the positions at LaBassee the Maritime provinces a favorable killed at the front in France. Th Mr. J. H. Brown, seconded by |seconded by Mr. Purdy, the matter of © L08Y Mr. E. H. Purdy, moved in amend. |%RriDg expert judges was left with season resulted in good returns. went after the wrong lion this time. . the Dew, tio ps the less said the better. Ger-|some cases the medical examination | Two persons, a man aud A woman, were bas been attempted by the British forces. taken by surprise at the sudd-n visit, rd to deal with. e in architecture and dress is|of recruits is almost whimsically killed _and a number. of other hertora 2 were injured, and much dama The foregoing statement by Col. E. D: ". +4 YIELD OF GRAIN CROPS. Tr ment, that the Shareholders pro- ot 3he Shuelrmas soi the. Doz goer of overbial." exacting When men of almost Py was' done by tho raiders in Swinton, the British official "'observer" or the whole of Canada the area he latest batch of pardons for | ceed to elect a Board individually. Directors me ret perfect physique are rejected be- | {Beir Visit, which lasted Jo thas ten | ould seem to spoil the effect of all the a : . ; ' minutes. Four or five bombs were | oo iy to be'sown to field crops Son ista { franied, ry rr On the amentiment being put it The election was proceeded with and | Cartwright Council cause of the lack of a tooth or two |dropped in Yarmouth. special despatches" and comment ex- Was 35.:£02,175 aclres, as compared thirty thece on aro on pejudess a. : . |resuited as folliows ; o The i I meeti iC "or for some other small defect, it is tg Thted by oe Fepenred charge of the py . 35,375,430 acres in 1913; but . convicted of mur- e ol motion then being| President--Wm. Graham. _ | \The inaugural meeting of Cart-| (uy discouraging not only to them cess Patricias. They were repotted ng 10 the drought the total pro- | der: put was declared carried. a0 Yioe President --Jas McKee. wright Council was held on January | "to others who arg ready to Bourassa and Laurier have gained (along with territories and -- line regiments) a mile of territory near serve King and country, and is| Henri Bourassa has published alla Bassee. Ottawa was always inclined calculated to make the task of|pamphlett on the 'National Duty of | to ridicule the story that Canada's regi- recruiting exceedingly dfiicult. | Canada at the Present Hour." The | ment of veterans had been in action. The Canada wants to send to the front | gist of his remarks is that Canada london Ciirouicle story. about the ' Suckive urea in 71914 was reduced| Primitive conditions prevail in| Messrs. J. H. Brown and T. J. Secretary 11. G. Hutcheson. 11th, 1915. 0.33.440,075 acres. Upon this are| Lindsay: The Chief Cstable is | Widden were re-appointed Auditors. | =): Ls FC c Reeve J. G. Hooey and Council- "#he total production of grain crops threatening to prosecute house-| Mr. Bond, Caretaker, next pre- Bro Ce. , Jas. Lucas, LS rs Jos. Forder, Fred Hyland, in bushels was as follows ; wheat | holders guilty of dumping ashes on |sented his Report showig the fol-| Purdy, A. Dowson, S. Farmer. Jas. Car- Andrew Devitt and Arthur Van. 161 +280,000 as against 231,717,000 | the streets: lowing number of burials :--Still- | Bowels, H.T, Comes, Wel Some ~ mp being in their places. men who will be 2qual to the heavy |uunderino moral obli ationfto, take "slouch Batted tpen in kheki™ ca i, 8 . } : it 'el. Somerville, All subscribed to th ! " g many a smile among those who bad seen 1913, joats 313,078,000, agains The Crown Prince las not died | born, 4; under 12 years of age, 6 ; | Go Geen. Br H. Parsons. subscribed 10 the nNECessary | girain of campaigning, but there 1s part in "this or any of Britain's wars, | the regiment or sections of it before it "404,669,000, barley 36,201,000 again-| again for some time. But seven. | females, 22 ; males, 18.--Total 0. DIRECTORS--Wm. Smith, Seclararion and qualification of no doubt that therc ate many re |and that our participation should be | left Canada.. They wore the staff cap 64 48,319,000, Tye 2,016,800 against | teen or eighteen times since August| On motion the to Ee Be WE RL "i . cruits in whom doctors can pick |a matter of choice. At this the that has been adopted by the forces ob, * 2,300,000, 'peas 3,362,500 against| rsth is not a bad record and shames | ed to be filed. Shire tna, © Minutes of last meeting read and physical flaws who would still make | { iberal press profess to be amazed, the United Kingdom and Canada. 'fren $951,800; beans 797,500 against | (he proverbial cat. Mr. Carnegie said be had | On poin Messrs. W. oy Weir snd 793-300, cos cs I TurorTANT Auction Sarg --It will | "equested by interested parties to! = were. Skipined Auditurs era The 5 be seen by the advertisement in Reereaia the opinion of the Share-| ; : . pedi 4 , joe 000 and corn for |2POther column that Mr. Joha | PO the Company regarding) "3 ar i abiding 13,024,000 against 16,- Stone; lot 13, con. 12, Reach, has|th® mterment of remains of bashois. 4 disposed of his fine farm," and in |ed in individuaf vaults coniructnd To te Bditor of Thx Ossel 2 £20 por acre were in order to make a complete clearance | Of concrete so that a vault would not oath 'Sir, -_ I ery ues os follows :-- Fall wheat | of DiS farm stock, implements, etc., not exceed eighteen inches aboye through jhe 20 a hort oi red he has instructed Mr. Marquis to|the ground. He said that systeas 2° friends for th a nds '1.41 compared with 23,29 in 1913 ell all with in the South, where ne had visited, the unceasing ki spring wheat 15.07 against 20.81, sell all wit out reserve on the pre- shown me and my daug 'all 'wheat 15.67 against 21 04, oats| co °F Thursday, January 28, | universally prevailed ; the: founda. re 4 ; 1.12 i, BB, barley. 24.21 Mr. Stoue is one of the best judges | tions of these vaults may be sunk It always remain in our n bout as beams of sunshine break 96, tye 18.12 against 19.28, peas of farm stock anywhere to be [ound | to the depth of a Shree out i rn ong the thick clouds of d a in Otta 1d have 'been notified though why they should be is not pal bad there been cas : alties, quite clear, Bourassa's pamphlet |' Be ; "°%1and all it contains merely shows More Horses Needed in Britain i flected by. some. other medical | 44 Sir Wilfred Laurier's old pols - iit ab Ones Sr examiner shall be required to pay |; 1" pupil has not forgotten his wok R ; all the expenses connected with his carly training. And we have no journey to headquarters is calculat- 2 ed to aggravate the trouble, and is besides most unfair Canada wants to send as many men to help excellent soldiers, The regulation Air Couns, VanCamp Anda any army pliysician who ~pas- ws at ts Treasurer havethetios 4 'recruit who is afterwards aoe g Daniel Euglish assessor flor 1915, at a salary of 855. By-law No. 579 was.duly passed appointing Fred Taylor and Rich- ard Edgerton auditors for 1915 at a salary of 86 each. By-law No. 580 was duly passed appointing Samuel Jeffery member of Local Board of Health. Ottawa, Jan. 18,--The average : fife of riny horses when put tive servic recollection of the "Globe" and its be) > oy Bris 'about ie. satelites getting up on their hind | days, aud consequently the demand. for . legs when Sir Wilfred told the Im- | remounts from Sands is steadily in- ay perial- Conference of 1911 that creasing. - The War- Office is asking. for g le ' wiling and 6 to gor amd non anty | "Canada has taken the positon that [Se SRE, FL VELL the few who can Ds through y she need not feel called upon' t0| of horses purchased for the second Cana- take part in-all of England's wars." | dian contingent are to be shipped at fine mesh medica! screen, d would not on any account have | order to prevent the frost from By-law No. 8 dul d to Boland. < They will be 1zplaced 3 ainet « 18.05, beans 18.20)" He ne f surrounded our y-'aw No. 581 was duly passe i A once to Bog ey repla Fania tt To 24.34 poor or inferior stock around, He |fluencing ir pers on a 2 py whom we loved pi appointing Dr. F. M. Howe sanitary More Women Than Men |by farther purchases from the farmers of against 21.09, mixed grains 3s.36| POSSCSSeS first-class. horses, and |of the vault being left open forthe 'though her sickuess unto death, inspector. HEALTH "WRECKED Found Alive Canada, under the Sisantion of the pur. @gainst 33 33. flax 6.62 against Shorthorn Registered Cattle that | reception of the casket, which, whe (Signed) Moved by Couns. VanCamp and - THROUGH LA GRIPPE Avézzano, Jan. 18 --Fresh trqops Covernment.--Te Globe Byte 11.30 and corn for husking 54.39 round be a credu to the best farm |enclosed, the end J ! Nicuoras Ju Devitt, that this Council give the reached the carthquake area to-day, - Against 60. in the Dominion, and he always|sealed up. Whether Se lpr sum of $65 to the Patriotic Fund, |It General Leaves the Patient andthe work of rescue wes, 0 au London, Jan. 8. --Major Howard % os OF CROPS prides himself on having the best, | will give permission 10 this mode Prospect $65 ; a y with energy. Particular attention | lot for Nova Scotia has just returned the cost of a municipal election, as| Débilitated and an Easy |is being directed to the pulling down of y ----- from a trip to Rotterdam. He speaks % i i ) " % e - q I ich i d Computed at average local mar- and at this particular time, his interment he was not aware. , +A 'Patriotic Concert under was suggested at the nomination Yiu to Other Dis Peale walls, hig oy ne Aa the Belgians Jn wie which fi peices the values of these crops stables are filled to their capacity |. The innovation seemed to of the ladies of Pr | meeting. The motion was unanim- eases burial: ol the dead, the distribution of distributed Mejor Hiward Vinesed 3 sere as follows :-- Wheat | With animals that would have won | the general approbation of the meet- of i and Vicinity will be helg M i Church, Prospe: Tuesday, Feb. 2, 1915. Bl ously carried, -One of the foremost. medical |*upplivs, and the caring for 6,418,000, oats $151,811,000) in any prize ring, and all will go at |ing and a number- 'expressed them} y 821,557,000, rye $1,670,300, Auction prices on day of sale. This | selves in its favor, 84,805.000, beans $7,368,000 | Will De a grand opportunity to ob-| 'Mp, Ebbels, seconded by Me Vere + Songs, Dialogues, corn for husking $9.808,000. tain them for there will not be the Allin, Wigyed that 'the Directors a and Drills will be g ll field crops, including root | Slightest reserve. take ith consideration the advis«| The following artists will al fodder crops, the total value| Mr, Roosevelt expresses indigna- ability of the construction of a suit-| part 1--Miss Moore, Elocut to $639,001,300, as com- |tion at the failure of the Wilson |able building for the' convenience} {Ontario Ladies' College, ) with $552.771,500 in 1913 |administration to enter a protest and comfort of mourners and others | Messrs, Mackay and Sp ¢ i says: "Iti tonishing the | #0d orphaned children. i cl on was unpacked ri on awa; Joseph Strong ahd John Forder naher. of pesple wit have Rees The sidiarsplesont an rxirordinary andorted DE complained to the Council ré a|crippled in health for years after an ain ntire detachment a Jt possible te Feo bao family by the name of Vepons being | attack of la grippe or influenza." ars. Theg are. covered with fine dust. | grain cargo was being unloaded partly without fuel and food Referred to The real danger from this disease, Their work is worthy of much praise. Ro bares and the rest was being sett : ; which sweeps over Canada every| It is interesting to note. tbat the|iunland by To roll: The gutboties at Reeve and Couns. VanCamp, and winter, is during convalescence, | Dumber of women being found ative is|terdam are now able to deal with nny [the Clerk to notify Whitby Council | when the characteristic symptoms, bigger tinh the De oY a thousend sates of cidthing daliy.'} i to look after them as they are not the fever, the catarch, the headache appe Even: to-day, fve'daye a spatch of this quantity highly desirable. bl long envugh in Cartwright to be|20d the depression of spirits pass disaster, several girls and old women ee ----e ase of $86,289,800 being against the treatment meeted out to | attending funerals in the Cometety, 3 Mr. M. Letcher, § fi residents. gwig. irre Jeans hin hg: we extricate d ram tho Noi he Jace Jan, 18,-- la Seceudance nos due 10 the enhancement of Belgium. He calls the, Wilson at- during inclegient weather. ¢ il Orders were signed as follows :-- imparied digestion and over-sensi- doctors bo osave them, Thiele bo nig! \dings in wis he vindows which has thus more than |titude "the cult of cowardice," and| Megsrs. S, W.Bradbyrn,cutliog bushes © tive nerves--a condition that makes by oy horse, dently a {pp Sal Soveiee using a mini- anced the low yields of | be declares that if he had supposed | yy, 4, Letcher, and Rev. pd § ; n 25¢ 3 children 18 ODEON. 4ixueayanas 00 [the system an easy prey to pneu- i ows ! i uonce of the|that the i World, ies, monia, bronchitis, rheumatism, ner- e dark. - : . Spasequonce + © . a + United S18188 would po Harris, strongly | a e J SIPS Wor Le 78 vous prostration and even consump-|. [being ap IMAL an. THE | would never Tou signet th oy € | motion, the later gentleman instanc- occupy the chair, oo | tion. Itisa condition that calls -~ Sl setdent go which, Ls igne e Hague cise point shal Miss Diamond. M most emphatically for a tonic, for | EVeryone. g PROVINCES. Convention. It isnot for Canadi- dasa ing the in J Miss mM. 00 P y than to have a sliver.of wood stuckinto | the blood. Dr, Williams' Pink |! th Pills are a tonic especially 'adapted {10 meet this need as they purify nrich ood, They 'ea reaver, it is ver inful | orthwest Provinces |ans to, judge the people of the : moved. 1 tha wood | United States ia the matter, but we 6. 5 2 25 8 00 8