bly higher than g rate for the entire | ountry 1387 in 1g1a: -This high eath rate is probably due to the ct that pastors of churches offici- "ate. Atay. funerals of others than icants, while their rorotin reports are akon {orm actual records. As Jindieating the extent of he tuberculosis problem in the average church the figures show that 10.3 per cent. of all the funerals report- ed were caused by tuberculosis, and that; in addition to the 3,794.deaths from the disease, the ministers had 41254 living cases now under their pastoral supervision. "In one year, therefore, the 2852 churches were caring for 8,048 cases of tubercul- osis, or an average of nearly three for each congregation. The avers age size of the congregations was 56, which would indicate that there is a tase of tuberculosis developing . each year for every twenty church menibers.. Because tuberculosis. demands 80 much time and 'money from the churches, The National Associatioh for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, is calling upon all of them throughout the, United States join in an educational campaign thed son Tubercul tobuy a rabbit. The bunnies are plentiful, yet the tradesman who has for years supplied the villagers with this cheap and deléctable meat | can' take no: orders. To his near friends he has to confess the reason. All the local poachers had enlisted ! The whole supply was contributed by them, 'and this. reputable shop: keeper . admits that if he does not turn soldier himself he will have fo turn poacher. Meanwhile the rab bits ate having the time of their t lives. 2 What is known in Canada and the United States as pie, and in England is called tart, figures so prominently at most of our public functions where refreshments are served, and is s0 much sought after and talked about by men with'an appetite, it seems a. pity that that the fair-cooks who are entitled to "the praise for making the' best, get "np credit individually. - This is "hardly fair. The ability to: make a first-class pie evidently ought to be n asset to an eligible girl, conyerts le: into matrimonial possibilities. never Joany a inh who can't} farmers ate advised. to apply early ; but the applications will not neces- sarily be filled in the exact order in which they are received. Preter- lerice 'will -nlways be -given-- he most thoughtful and explicit re- quests. Applications received after |- tie end of January will probably be too late. All applications' for grin (and applications trom the provinces of Ontario and Quebec for Potatoes)|, should be addressed to the Domini- on Cerealist, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Such applications require no postage. If otherwise addressed delay and diseppsitment may occur. . Applications, for potatoes sfrom farmers in _mny other province should be addressed (postage pre paid) to the Superintendent of ;the nearest Branch Experimental Karm in that provinces . J. Ha. GRISDALE, Dir., Dom. Experimental Earms. We have a full Stock of Flour of the following Celabrated and "Popular Brands--PURITY, REINDEER, THREE STAR, 1% ds well as MONARCH anp DELIGHT PASTRY FLOUR, BRAN & SHORTS "hn Bran and Shorts we have' Best Brands--PURITY : axp : LINDSAY BRANDS. £5" Farmers and others before contracting for their Summer supe of Four will do well te obtain our quotations for. 500 Ib. and } tun quotations, for which we make Special Prices, Ingrams'. 'Oranges ! GOOD MORNING We are Introducing Americal SFE PE nel Angrican Cashmora American, Cotton:Lisle They have Wed thetest, Give real font comfort. No seams to QUR SPECIAL OFFER 10 évery ofe sending | us $1.00 iu 'currency or postal' no'e, to cover advertising andsbipping charges, we will send post-paid, with writ- ten gwirantee, backed by a five million dollar company, either 3 Pairs of onr The. yajng * American Silk Hogleay, { of. 4 Pairs of our 50c; yalue of * Ainerican Cashmerd Hosifel ' or 4 Pairs of our-50c. yalna; ..: ; * AmericanCotton-LisleHorior or s Pats of hi Sea Give tha enlor, siz:, and whether Ladies' or Gent's hosiery is desired. : orate when 1 dealer. In you - selected. 2d deol] THE INTERRATIONAL BOEIERY C0 JP. 0, Box 241 wat A HOSIERY } Oranges! Oranges | New Rain Lge and Cltén. New Seedléess Raisins, ..... New Seedless Raisins .. % 'Seeded Raisins, Giffin Brand .. « Extra Quality' Coreduts.. 4 Beautiful New 'Dates. . Cooking Figs..oavevinrie.n Lemon and: Orange Peel. ..... -. New Shelled Almonds ..s,.... Shelled Walnuts - Best Granulated 3 veer 2 "ew 10c peck 30 oni for 25c stuns 3 tao gti00 oer 15 Ibs lor $1.00 5 7 PHONE 38. ET wae: sicizsTioh = sr --. RED CLOVER, ALSIKE: ~ FOR LUMBER all kinds of Fruit Baskets and nt Boxes direct from the tory. Line STOVE, NUT and PEA COLL con- stantly on hand at Lowest Prices. M. MAUDE I¥. DOUBT Has just received a 'Let Us Show You the Land "Sunshine and Flowers 4 WHEN THE NORTH | UNDER A BLANKET O T@NOW AND ICE. 'Where truck farms are producinga. 'thousand dollars per acre upwards | 7 during the Winter { We have properties that will pay you 25 per cem _ dividend the first year--have lots on lake fron that are most desirable homes. "We also have a DAYTON, OH10, U. 8A 4 - - sad) Sittings of the Division Conrfsi{ * OOUNTY OF ONTAR10. 1a. a A id 1. WHITBY Clerk; Miss E. FL. Mac- douell, Whitby "Jan. 13, Feb, 5, July. x: 4. Auris May 4, Juue 8, 8, Oct, 3 Nov. 7; Dee, i two thousand acre Stock Ranch for which we wi « Jeeopt northern property in. exehange up to half it: value. "Make your arrangements for September 16th, a we are going to personally conductjan excursion on [that date to Kissimmee, Florida, Let'y us'know in advance fo that we. can make ar. rangements for' your accommodation as we ar : expecting a Jurge party 11 Range of Overcoatings hincillas and Rough Goods) 5 to B25 ' Samples of Suitable Goods forLadies' ; Coats which will be made up and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed FRESH & TENDER CAWRER BROS. ! In returning thanks to the ublic for the extensive pat- i ace bestowed upon them would intimate, that asin tho ast only choice fat animals' will be slaughtered, so as to 'ensure the choicest and ten- erests Cuts possible, and we ntend at all times to have an ainpe supply of FRESH AND FENDER CHOI 28 MEATS which we will cut to please and deliver "promptly, gr SMUKED AND SAL MEATS A SPECIALTY. FULL ei 'OF EVEYTHNG IN THE wre "Book F arms AND TIMOTHY SEED FOR THE SPRING TRADE All Seed sold subject to Government Tnspection iio. graded accordingly. Prices Rieur We are Still Biyuig Red Clover, Alsike and Timothy Seed. a. Highest Price paid H A¥ine HAD CONSIDERA House Decorator and Sign in thege lines in see EXPERIENCE asa titer I have Opened Bu PORT PERRY and am prepared to do all Work entrusted to me in a manner thaf cannot fail to give the utmost satisfaction as regards style, durability, perfection of execution and prices. Having had somewhat intricate experience with a number of Jarge firms in Toronto, I feel confident tba I can GUARANTEE ALL WORK. "BNGROSSING A SPECIALTY PATRONAGE SOLICITED. STEWART FORD: - --t Farm tor sale. a Ts undersigned offers fof sds that excellent farm being lot 1 concession 4, in the townshi Reach, containing 200 acres or less, of choice land a large por tion of which is cleared, the balane being splendidly wooded. The ante is in a capital state of cultivation There is on the premises an otchard and a complete supply of water. - There is a large barn with cement floor stabling, and a smaller barn onthe north end of the lot ; : fame dwelling hoyse ofi the and. The location of the farny i 'a capital one, being about r} mi! ' from Port Perry on a leading roa This farm is, in every respect DON CARLOS first class dairy farm and is onl FRC half a mile from Manchestés 7 ti Vee red oe fot sale Why sation: Port Bary Jan, 20, 1914. "FOR SALE Ha Foch Coach Stallion For particulars and termi: Ke that fine French he pro; Fistress on LURE ros, the| © the Props Mc! tente. pP ./A" PHERR! "in thy stables | Prince Albert, Joe 28,191 Te A anaens be may be st. Cables Ho be seem: 1g H. <1 0. app vo, PR HORT. Brak 12, 194 hE A. COX PROPRIETOR {Late of Hotel Falconer, To. Jaumsol & BNNISON.) Ty Having purchased the Liver business carried on by Jamieson -- ises con: | Dennison, we intend to