x months residence in os Jeary, after iter wirniug how o pie mies Su . CO Deputy oan WosOR tha N. B --Unauthorized pabiieation of this advertisenient 'wall: not poe | -paid . or, --64388. din the exact eo ey are received. Prefer- always be given to the thoughtful and explicit re- quests. Applications received after | the'end of January will probably be too late. © "All applications for grain (and applications trom the , provinces of Ontario aud Quebec for Potatoes) should be addressed to the Domini ] alist, Central Experimental Ottawa. 'Such applications | - ire no -postage. , If otherwise essed delay and disappointment Sittings of the Dison --" OUUNTY OF ONTARIO. 19014. v WHITBY --Clerk, Miss E. L. Mac. donell, W bithy --Jan. 18. Feb &, March' 4, April8 May 4, June 8B, July 8, Fept. 8, Oct. 2, Nov. 7, Dee. 4, Jan. 7. 1915." OSHAWA --Clerk, Miss E. 1.. Mae- done! Whithy--Jan. 14, Feb 6 March Bb, Aprird, Mav 5. June 4 Jaiv 4, Sept. 4, Vet. 8, Nov. 9, Dec. 6, Ja. 8, 1915, 2. BROUGHAM --Clerk, M, Gleeson, Groenwood--J au 18, March 6, May Gy 2, Sept. 6, Nov. ty Jun. 1, Applications, for potatoes, from Tarniers in any. other province| i should be addressed (postage pre: paid) to the Superintendent of the nearest Branch Experimental Farm that province. J. H. GRISDALE, Dir., Dom. Experimental Farms. Jan. 12, 1813, FOR SALE 1, UXBRIDGE--Clerk, IRST-CL ASS! DRIVING ARE--7 vearaold," Phone D. M. JACKSON, Port Perry STRAYED HEIFER RAYED from the premises of the undersigned, lot 12, con. 9, SReach, about the middle of Septems ber, a- Two-year-old Red Heifer, 'due in Decemter, Mark--half gun punch on lower part of right eat . PORT PERRY --Clerk, J..1V. Barn- ham, Port DP. srry--Jan. 17, March 7, May 7, July 8, Sept 6, Nov. 12, R M Morera, Ushridge--Jun. 10, March 14, May 18, July 14, Sept. 8, Nov. 20, Jau. 16, 1915 . CANNINGTON--Clork, Thos H. Fos. ter, Cannington -- Jan, 8, March 18, Mry 14. July 15, Sept. 9, * Nov. 19 Jan 15, 1915, 68, BEAVERTON -- Clerk, Chas. A Paterson, Boaverton--Jan 8, March 12 May 15, July 168, Sept. 10, Nov 18, Jan. 14, 1915, 7. UPTERGROVE -- Clsrk," Danie Leousrd, Atherlv -- Jan@ucy 7 March tt, May 16,Jaly 17. Sept. 1 Nov. 17, Jan. 18, 1913. hi oid 79. ar, Be FAREW BLL Cle : vi the RB Dated a a Wile, Nov. gh, 1918, Ww. J. GIBSON SONYA ONT. Licensed Auctioneer Valuator, &c. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed, Patronage respecfully solicited. FORT PERRY MARKETS, ed weekly by Jas. Lucas, Grain fCorsset and Seed I Nov, 19. 1914 20 15 : 6s 75 50 28 28 o3 00 25 oc Fall Wheat Spring Wiieat. Goose Wheat Rye... Oats wu. . Batter . 'Eggs Cattle, per 1b Hogs, per 100 Ibs.. Beans Grass Seed. . + Alsike Clover. , yawn Red Clover........ Peas--Black-eye . Peas--Small yu Farm tor Sale. HE undersigned offers for sale that excellent farm beingslot 15, concession 4, in the township of Reach, containing 200 actés more or less, of choice land a large por- tion of which is cleared, the balance Being splendidly wooded. The land is in a capital state of cultivation. There is on the premises an orchard and a complete supply of water. There is a large barn with cement floor stabling, and a smaller barn on the north end of the lot 'also a fame®lwelling house on the south and. The location of the farm is a capital one, being about 1} miles on Port Perry on a leading "road. ® This farm is, in every respect, a |e class dairy farm and is: only half a mile from Manchester rail: way station. i For particulars and terms, apply o the proprietress on the premises S. A. PHERRILL: Prince Albert, June 28,1911. 'GOOD MORNING! ern] 'We are Introducing American Sitk American Cashmore American Cotfoy-Lisle HOSIERY They havastond thetest. Give real foot comfort. No seams to ~rip. Never become 'loose or baggy. Tha, Shape is duis in-- pressed 'GUAR, TEED, for fines ila. stiperioris 'ol mater- ship. Absolutely We could sell poorer coal for less money, but we not keep it and will not sell it because it is dearer {the long run, ; * Prices to beSraised 10 cents a ton on and after first of November on Nut, Ste: e and Egg Con! pion RE i EE ot We have a full Stock of Flour of the following Celebrated and Popular Brands--PURITY, REINDEER, THREE STARK, as well as MONARCH ano DELIGHT PASTRY FLOUR. BRAN & SHORTS In Bran aud Shon. we have Best Brands--PURITY anp LINDSAY BRANDS. £7 Farmers and others before contracfing for theit Summer supply of ¥iour will do well to obtain our quotations for 00 Ib. and § ton quotations, tor which we make Special Prices. Ingrams'. Oranges' Oranges !|_ Oranges! Let Us Sunshine and Flowers WHEN THE NORTH 18 UNDER A BLANKET OF SNOW AND ICE. | Where truck farms are producinga thousand dollars per acre upwards during the Winter We have properties that will pay you 25 per cent. dividend the first year--have lots on lake frontage that are most desirable homes. We also have a two thousand acre Stock Ranch for which we will accept northern property in exehange up to half its value. Make your arrangements for September 16th, as we are going to personally conduct an excursion on that date to Kissimmee, Florida. + Let uwknow in advance fo that we can make ar- rangements for your accommodation as we are expecting a large party LL Oxfords, Pumps and Slippers in Patent, Suede, Nobuck; Canvas and Gun Metal, ~in Men's; Women's and Childrens'-- will be sold At Bargain Prices for the Next 30 Days. SINESS CHANCE ing pirchased the Coal business 'of MR. JOHN FUR) ER, and just received a large Stook of the est Goal Mined JU in a pdsition to fill promptly all orders which I may be favored with for Stove, Chestnut and Pea Coal AtBrice that will demonstrate that I mean business and ot fail to please my patrons. ".#&F PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Orrice--Water Street, South of Railway Depot. M. MAU DE Ww. Ix. Has just received a Full Range of Overcoatings {Chincillas and Rough Goods) Suitable ©oods forLadies' Coats which will be made up and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed RESH & TENDER CAWRER BROS. In returning thanks to the ublic for the extensive pat- onage bestowed upon them oulil intimate, that as in tho t only choice fat animals | | be slaughtered, so as to nsure the choicest and ten- lerests Cuts possible, and we intend at all times to have an ampe supply of PRESH AND TENDER CHOICE MEATS { 1A FULL STOCK which we will cut to please and deliver promptly, gz SMOKED AND SALT MEATS A SPECIA OF EVEYTHNG IN THE TX arness Line be urpassed n the County, Jankets, Bells, Trunks son of Prices Courted BEATTY DOUBT Rit WHICH I MAY BE ENTRUSTE WITH Rarip Transit NEGOTIATIONS AND oy "Fon Guansuteny, gi IND TIMOTHY SEED SPRING TRADE. All Seed sold subject to Government 1 Tnspocticd graded accordingly. Prices Right We are Still Bugyuig Red Clover, Alsike and Timothy Seed. Highest Price pafd EH. XE. PURDTY. I am prepared to pay Cash and the highest price at all timed for any quantity of Wool. T keep at all times a good assortment of all kids of : the Best Meats--Fresh and Salt--obtainable and at reas onable rates as possible. : I am also in the market, at all times, for Choice Cattle; Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Sheepskins af. the Highest Market Prices, EF Fresh Tish every Tuesday. Courteous treatment and prompt dolivery. May 21, 1913. WwW. A. sores ; Painting, House Decorating (SIE WRITING AVING HAD CONSIDERABLE EXPERIENCE asa Painteg House Decorator and Sign Writer I have Opened Business i. in these lines in PORT PERRY ' and am prepared to do all Work entrusted to me in a manper, that cannot lail to give the utmost satisfaction as regards style, ind perfection of execution and prices. Having had somewhat. ipty experience with a number of large firms in- Toronto, I feel confident I can Guarantee ALL Work. BNGROSSING A SPE CIALTY & | PrkoNacE SoviciTED. 2 FOR SALE That French Guch § (Successors TO Jaumimson & iDeNNIsSON.) © LIVERY Having purchased the Livery | business carried on by Jamieson & | Dennison, and the premises con. nected t vith we intend to RB-HORSE THE STABLES with first-class animals, and install New and Up-fo-Date Vehicles YRTLE LIVERY MYRTLE STATION, ONT. FIRST-CLASS HORSES AED a ro ith modern T\ | which with modern Sappings for comfort cannot | -