'BABRISTER. &¢., 'Btiecessor to. and oggupant of the Roman tho Jate FM. + Yamold. > 0 Ont. 3 ins = © KONEY TO EGAN. ; Privale Fauds al § per conte © 1901 *. BoLioroR, CONVEVANCER, 5: Ofis at 'reshinace, 6th fone milo west of Port Perry.)- j Mossy to Loan. Tssuor of Marriage Licnsss. PREIS E FAREWELL, K.C., LL.B,, Coun Sri pe rt Vi . fod Ss South wig Court House, Whitby, DR. R. L. GRAHAM. Saooussor To. Dit. FD, Mclkarra POM PERRY, -- -- ONT. J, A. Murray, DENTIST, = North Oatario Observer A Weekly Political, Agricu/lural ana ; Fauily Newspaper Sy RREY, a LETTERS oonteluing money, whon sddrasied to this i" Oh spat Sud vag lane wili bn wt one th. ADV! NENTS mtasared by Noaparigl, and hE he syne thay sheng: DVRRCBMENTS, ere af To. spoovicd unit will Manufactured by the Owen Wire Fence Co. Ltad,, ~prepaied to" supply 'this shoe commitnity with the 'very BEST WIRE FENCE produced oh this (Continent and. af prices that ear not fail lo satisfy purchasers.' "The Ditron Fence is withopta peer. 1 is the BEST becauseit 1s Hoxible ; it is a square mesly ;its a perfect biuge-stay fence; therefor le to bend the day: To fact it is the Dest fence nade this or any other Country. 2 fore pirehaning a Wire Fence WARD & PEARSE] FIRE INSURANCE AGNTS * PGRT PERRY, ONT. 1CATIONS vor. INsuraNCE -Xpiditionsly vegotisted and gu. on the rapid. transit »vee neurcd 'oy rocei RE"ALSO AUTHOR: 30 INSTANTANFK:. Y, ADJUST sMaLk il i a. LES EAE oe oh J tor, hres will Tn all cases be stristly adhered te Peaters "". .JOB DEPARTMENT. Fampblota Hand Bills, "Hotite shut no effort or pains willbe spared . RA, ADAMS, BeliPhone NG, 4t ~~ ADAMS & H. Gi HUTCHISON, Bell Phone Office No. 6 Residence, No. 4 HUTCHESON SUCCESSORS TQ DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS "Tee INSURANCE Joins i Real Estate 'Steamship Tickets a Mortgage Loans: $00 fouts broad 93 fect, 6 finches; S10 stainronmas and parlocs scomemodating 159 passens Pog pers see LEE oteamer va waters of the world, ane 35th. ? ' Maguificont Steamers "SEEANDBEE," "City of Erle" and "City of Buffale™ ily -- BUFFALO and CLEVELAND -- May 16 to Dec. 1st Wives Port Perry as fullows:: 2 Going Noeth-- $9.00 a. m. Going South=<11.20 a. m. Going North-- 8.15 p. m. Going South--10 p.m, es - Misq Harrison, Dress. ard Manila Maker The mailnire desp cho from the Port | Desert Prof J . 9:00PM on TA My x Ta So iet lam the Trouble In Ssiving. i Two Arabs stopped at an onsis. bave. luncheon. One bad three da and the other had five, which were to eat together. Presently strange. came up and asked per wluhi to share thelr meal. which cheerfully granted. After &ll © eaten the stranger thanked then the food fey had given him, left ISHES to infor 'the ladies | doents und rode away. Vathat. she. -bias-maved tothe | The Arab.who had the three. ¢ twoms _ lopmerly occupied by her aid, "Here 1s 8 ducats for aver Meo Fhiets Doug Store where dvies.) ducat Jor such Some} She is prepared 'to éxecite all or | fore three ducats Jets for-Dress-and' Mamie Making other Arab argued differently 44 a apanoer unsuipassed for Correctness of Style and Charming Effect. tended that he should fve cats and the first man one. was reférred to the cadi of the § town.. who upheld the second contention, This is the way he Our charges are consistent with | bis dechsion: the value given, © : tort Perry, April 1; 19g. 7 * GEO JACKSON, Iiteensed Avctioneer, Valnator, &¢. | second Arab contribmted voll $k CON STY OF ONTARIO AXD TOWNsHI | fifteen thirds; he ate elgh oF ¢ A sontioned patronage ot is park to make all sales untrusted him successes, Hin very extensive prartice in ti The: three mien- divided eight J There were two and two-thi each. or eight-thirds. The Brag' A bad three dates, vo be contributed thirds to the whole, but thirds himself; so be. gave third of a date to the st! self and gave: seven-thirds stranger. "80 reasoned} the ¢éndl, and he frst Arab 1 ducat and the ducits.-- Youth's Companion. "| © Two CROPS AT ONC past should bea aifisien peso Tree Agriculture an Old: Story em. Island of Majorca, Wpproximitely nine-tenths- + ble. of Majorca, one: of p-eds at -- university. Den an acquaintance itito love. Unfortutiate. - pion Miss Barttiolow bad was an active worker was a member of the bar. as gradoated with high er aumt was befit on her the same profession as bad been a long court p Harley and the young which stie had agreed to Harley endeavored to Re fief promise, but Miss As- teided that marriage in a woman was incompati- a profession. Bhe therefore d to persunde her niece to ehgagement. was a strife between Harley stbiton ds to who should rgaret, the'duiit for the law, for a wife. The foimer wor ow broke her engagetment th entered upon the study digestion. ** = HENRY CLARK, Glanford Station. On Chesterville, Ont. -- "I heard yout medicines highly praised, and a yeut 1 began taking them for falling of wt and ovarian trouble, , " My left side pained iid afl thé timé' and just before my periods which weré irregular and painful it would be worse: * To sit down caused me pain and suffer: ing and I would be so nervous somes times that I could not bear to see any oneor hear any one speak. Little speckd would float before my eyee and I wad always constipated: } ". 'I cannot say too much for Lydis E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 'and Liver Pills, for there are no medicined like them. I have taken them and recommend them tc all women. You may" publish this testimonial." -- Mrs. STE PHEN J. MARTIN, Chesterville, Ontarioy Canada. that on one occasion De Killed an 10e® at 200 yards with a crossbow when hig companion had missed it with a gung fesing that the "fire tabes" of th it period were about the slowest & most awkward wkapous any one could fmagine, the feat was scarcely to ba wondered at.--Eondon Globe: -- "x { END OF THE EARTH. | That Great Tragedy May Be 3000000 or 95,000,000 Years Aways he Scientists tell us that life on thd 'earth began about 2,000,000 years sgt yea. ve million rs In Nove of us who are alive' today worry about what will take phic 95,000,000 years hence. Even the most altruistic can scarcely be inspired by love for an inconceivably rel ty. i But the Frepch savants are altos" gether disturbitg. Here comes high: 4 Verronet, who says that the earth wilf* permanently freeze within the mnexy 2,000,000 years and that life will vam tsh. This is bringing the tragedy neare.. er home. We would gladly accept the older reckoning, » Verronet places mankind of toda abotrt midway between the beginning and the end. He computes that in the - future life will exist as long as it bag already existed. He specifies only one forty-elgbth as long a life as those wha have studied in the past. There is only one consolation to be derived from the Verronet reckoning. As far as the influence of today Is cou cerned 2,000,000 years is as good as 95,000,000. In either event those wha are comfortably laboring today cannof expect to be lovingly remembered when the eatdclysm of ice makes 1 earth a barren wilderness --Clev Plain Dealer. | gd An Eye to the Future. ' The late Willison Barrett possessed &.: valuable oi@ dresser who had thd good fortune to be bufit on the same classle limes as Barrett himself, and sceordingly inherited his master's casth off clothes. One day something hadi upset Barrett at rehearsal, and he los his temper. Bvery one stampeded out * of his way. He strode into his dressing room with flashing eyes, and 80 iia dignant did he feel that he fmcome! tinently dashed his hat with violence into the corner of the apart Francis: Bacor. : The death of Francis Bacon was caused by his devotion to the cause of research and scientific investigation. During one of his excursions. to country he conceived the ides' shat ¢ 3