Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 Apr 1914, p. 2

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Fa a cent i-- mss si - ambi Muthodist Ohmeh | i i . | Corner Probing U. Prince Albert (2) Every poster issued shall Methodist Geach | Motion Picture Show Death. -- contain a copy of the certificate of Mr. Coolege and daughters have enrolment printed in bold face and . Rev. 8. C. Moora, B.D. of J i he : -- : : he Res fpr er { onald The Motion Ficture Show will Uxbridge, March 26. got settled in our midst, and are| conspicuous type and shall not : -- = {Oshawa will: preach, Ic Si | Feature in the i : : : 5 : ; HE CAMPBEL (UrcoraTion, snd is | Sermons in the Methodist y; [put on. a Dpevial. Ten quest into the death of Wm. itheartily welcomed. contain any illustrations, pedigree . ier. It IID. Pours, on Sunddy ' {tow hall, Port Perry, for nest Wed: | erley, found with a fractured Mos Cook of Brandoniiss or other matter which is untruthful ARE COMING f! avi oF Medium ints or ain HD gesday, April 8th, in the burned ruins of the Pa, ' ot io v ny ARI or misleading. : ma ing and evening. | house in which he hved alone sent spending a short time with her]. gyery person who is Toronto's famous Pipe Band the champion of the i Tr CoLING or Co id of the more con- . oe pemen Tue Coming oF Co opened 10-day before Coroner tical clas of peo: HOT x BUNS.-~Don't fail to] We have been at considerabic ex- and County Crown Attorney MBUS. parents Mr. and Mrs. Luke. Mrs. : 1 oive a Grand © int rs : : guilty of a contravention of this| 8 oucert in the Luke is in poor health at present, Act shall incur a peoalty of not| Sons of Scotland Hall, Sonya vorite of schemers, i : iw 8 ; bh se are hoping r ol cliques: it is the Oldest | jjace vour orders for Hot x Buns pense and trouble to obtain this] well Provincial Inspector ub we es poping fo Yenewed more than $100 nor less than $25, on Friday, April 3rd. All hed.founded in place yo r | is here health for her in the near future. bl da Th > Ys April 3rd. Established best ins 8 If the sample of 1913 film 50 do not miss the opportunity A l 7 i recoverable under re Ontario Highland Costume, und original and bes at Iograms , the sample of 171: William Compton, a ba Mrs. J. W. Totten has been | Summary Convictions Act. : yl the leadership of Pipe "and vs depart : | of seeing it. It will doubtless bef. . 3 nd is an othe ts an indication of what we may Be : aad Srevacti he tte be living near Beverley's place, lara a nterestic EB ~ i = . blication--Port Perry. expect on April 10th (Good to having played cards witk hi spending a few days with her dau-| Reg. 20. Each owner of a stallion ghters and their families at Can- ghall transmit to the Secretary of inington. the Board a copy of every poster or Major Ross. Consists of Pipe Selections, hold, and the opportunity, as it Glen Major Post-office on the | annum in advance, if not advance, f1.50 will belig14 there will be a great fus were, of associating with our anci- {of the fire, but left for home The W. C. To Us. held a meeting: other advertisement issued or used Solos, Duets, -- them. Order mm time and thus | ent predecessors and. forefathers, Beverley, Hat the home Dr Ms and Nuk E. for the purpose of advertising such Readings, ., y y . . 8 A x This ry : i » . $ MODERN STVLES | will - doubtless prove fhe 'event of Col Farewell asked why it sas) Briggs. his Temperance Union, stallion forthwith after the issue : i : ! preading over a large extent of the thereof. In default of compliance Sword Dancing, that he did not wait for -Beverle ely by s they had a lonely walk home oi riof the Coming to Conguor a New ee roads y Reels, &c.,by some TING. Most i die i 2 AND AT Low PRICES avoid disappointment. Christian world do not seem to give | with this regulation, the Board may [our lives. « This spectacular affair old John Barley-corn any rest till lcancel any certificate issued for of Toronto's Noted or re rt The worthy, talented anc Y hae fom i of hy Ga A I ' World by Columbus, is pronounced, "We seldom went home they get him shipped off to regions such stallion, Artists. Assisted by x. 4000, ha ere, Rev. R. Ba :B Ig RE 4 2 yal with me for immediate In| yo sympathy of this entire {Dy 'gompetentaclcs, perfection er," said Compton, "We Jlunknowm As the Enrolment Board are Local Talent. Sonya Or- he sald deceased in h é stim | personified. always good [riends, When 1 Our Pastor announced for alarranging for the ri enforcement estra i e 8 said dad rd a) estiniable | Pe ys g anging fo gid rcemen chestra in attendance, Don't entitled thereto having LO 1. EBBELS, munity in the loss of at Barrister, Port Perry. and loving and beloved special Temperance meeting next lof the Act this present vear, they Misss this Great Treat, Doors | stich claims of which notice shall open at 7 o'clock. Concert at 8. ben Ie Bs alien ArAnid tothe post-office that night not know Beverley would be t { li te r who | ISunday evening in the Prince Albert {would therefore request all stallion passed away at Melville one day { e 3 . : : ; 3 fist week. The Reverend entle Husband a Reunited Askid if Beverley had any elige church, Some of the, young peo-jowners to coniply | promptly with teat Ae Chi a aridved Loo 1018 40 bid | or Epa amon 0 mies, Conipion declared Bev ple are to help in the meeting, and the provisions of the Act, as adver~ Admission--Adults 25, Children 18¢ Hable Jor the said asw ta or fectionate but snd ares! | A had said he did tiot care for ae making Preparations for it. - All | tising a horse high is son jeneeiied Wat. CLARKSON, Chir. rn en A Ee Te | Mew York Matehiao. A grey.) Bul Sykepfils o£ i UF NS be heartily welcomed. fice. coctavention of the lao T. H. Watson, REC. SEC» [have bean received by him at th Miss Nita A. Eetoher I¢éft on Y dnd e Redshaws had come @ The parsonage expense contri- therefore all owners wishing to Ea of such distribution, Dated at Port Peres. ; haired man of prosperous appeat- Bch day of March; A.D). 101 or of the People.) Monday last for uso. here lance rapped timidl a door | by his house, where he lives al she has accepte ie position of he house at | and imparted the news of ul butions at Bethel, on March 22; {ore very satisfactory. Offctal Pap Re ~Htimated © their intention. hve bills printed should enrol at £7 My Spring Stock of Wall s rich and rare in all per- {on the third munications to, Night Superfutendipt in the, Heuy lg, Gouih dhe l a ; VHA Rr : n Wil- | and he had gone along a h ) e : rotin Memorial Hospital. jErseaty this Con- | to search for the remains "helping in the effort to meet Bethel's E Wan tary, Parliament ' | fronting the man was a woman of Compton asked to be allowed (to | apportionment. Next Sunday, when 1dgs., Toronto. ee dm Mr. Totten visits us, is. suggested re asthe time for the completion of Shirley about the same age, grey-haired too, | question some later fviincsses, as he W. Hi. McCaw one of the leading fe APRIL 207 1014 | cL GAT dead ! Mary 1" he cried; holding had some enemies who might take hr i = | ve Reunion 1 out both hands 'to. the woman, advantage bf him because he lived | this offering, g aie Sg BL eg A boy with two stomach bas|ard of June. Th Yt you know me? Don't you [alone within 4oirods of Beverley'st The! Sunday School which has WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. 3 3 They told | house. His request was granted. Pheen interrupt€d for a little time it The meeting at Mrs: Hall's was] To the Ladies been discovered. Heis a joy to f 1rack is excepti "his parents, doubt, butif he were { then' adjourned [45 expected will resume its good|as successful as usual. The day was cold but fine; and the ladies re living." : Go - i were full of smiles especially when | Port Petry and vicinity that I bave { that theMunicipal Coun The iuguest was I've hunted = In Annnounéing to the Ladies of Notice is hereby given 3 an orphan/and a candidate for for you, and. just [ull Friday, April 3. work. All welcome to it. \ in these days of dear food = -- Ax t be few sob the woman 5 : their photographs were being taken. | hice uted representative ofl . ma i RR oR ates Profanit the graphs we g -| been appoiuted representative ofl J answer to.a challeoge from the shout, thé man's | Hydro Delegation Evacnates i y The next meeting is to be at Mrs; | (he Spirerca Corser Co, 1 wish cil of the Township of fbrook' Reporter, the : Revie: ompeti k a in Jpn A inh Lately I beard a: very fespectable o Vanes: Apri BH when Ns to state that apphintmenls wiil be | Reach intend to entions one resident of Peterb: ion ; EO OnE Huxbrid Western Qnt« [Man who was speaking to a com- With hi Toe ath 4h 9 ae made oh fequs st fram you to meet 3 o % . w (> BL ys ANC Tr nos pre m ( hic 8 any: oe S100 "who was not on the pay-roll of the |! Sk od ope LRave CAPITAL |Pany of people. call attention to the will give a paper on Salads. A Bok | you " y fod 3 ok i y Laan CONSIDER A BY-LAW Trent Valley Canal." And there | years ago Allred | To.Day 18 Good Humor sad increase of slang and profanity. RN BPEL on Salacs. ; A BOX) ar evening uxceph HEday: HES Er ff ng patrons, land, prosperous British Toe 3 TR He iroed that we stamp it out ol Institute Pins will bé on hand! 1 will'be at home for this worl | 5° £ e Stam} OU land anyone who wishe ay pur- Meso BR. HawritoN. | at the Town Hall, Man- may be others. f atame | : : an ypt, 'became | 5.) Recently 1 was in a business place, lchase, Music will be furni { by |chester,on Monday, 13th 'The interesting fact is mention ed I Ri PAR BTIONS nV urkith polities | 49. melon legitimate business: The pro*icome of the young ladies of the aE ' dab eran I'he or Hie Kish army at{ 3 art aout] re win resnettablet. M2 RL x PAR RL go ride 3 that the late Hon Wm. 1 aterson TL ronto | the by Hydro: Radial dele {BHEOT 1 1 d as as a respectable neighborhood. Do tot forget th 1 ICKRTS. TO ALL FARTS OF rir A pri kL 1014, at Two would never travel on. a train on| gry nie rn. Onfaro tepre- [mans While there I there I heard | Roji-C qa TR WoRrLD.&- Mr, 'Wi H. McCaw, Pert} ' Sunday. ind wl oh former | thtoor] rn Ontario repre : I Roll=Call and Seed Exchange. h : i o'clock p.m Ba wherever he might be rel y | men of thatilanguage that was on the line of Sl TE Perty, is how ih a position 10 issue | A § on the Lord' ay i shy lér - to ey . WE ind a ALE a ickets 21 Barts i world 2 1 y . i s Dey he assiduon: 1y | 1 Plevna. IF eft early} to | profanity, very objectionable. Should A {Chance Coming tickets to alt parts of the world and : for. selling to the Bcugog Game sought out a place of worship, I Filled | day on their half special | Dot business men, for their own to supply all necessary information | Preserve Company Limited, the unopen- een xiiec ea 3 > 3 cow . . . bree : le 1 a 3 * | . 3 He odd writ] v Ll safe yt stices . 3 to parties asto the cheapest and | ed road allowances passing through the oy Alfre Wel. | trains de bed wi result of) safety, "put up notices forbidding For THE RUGBY PoTATo KING. Fal F ands dC Herbert Clayton, manager of the Alyed -Wel eir invasion of the Capit Cheo |stich, or in some way forbid and : : CE best routes, &.- In. addition io his| ands of thesaid Company. R ifats their inv f pital. ey 3 oyal Theatre, Peterborough, has been | wile i J 10-4 G har aa seed uit] of Pevent it. . For. we believe any | The Toronto Star 5: Who is the! jumerous Ticket Agencies for Rail-| © Reserving, 1 the right in tt fined a hundred dollars and costs for | pl: that her. husband had | Were. greatly nips ssed' with thefptevent it. os © DEHeve many | champion potato grower of Ontario? A NE ay oh aa Tet Al Reserving, doweven the nig it in the 2 ; 1 ¥ A hack , i i x B road and Steamship 1 he has | said Council to open the said highw permitting a child under fifteen, unac- | Rin an AAD o trong speech of Fremier Borden | will not go back to places, even on! conple of weeks ago the Fort William £ ar sleamsiip; Hr 1e has : i P lighways 1 by ps d in an unna gr 8 : { . ila Phy : bee LiTy 11 | fof public traffie, whenever they dec at companied by an adult, to attesid. his | A a + home in Cairo and went | He made a most favorable inipres= | business, if they are to be insulted Board of Trade gave a banquet in honer | DEEN TE ap] Ot C gent for | xidients without iil y moving picture show t unan 1 ' ge al AS and a {sibn: They liked bis earnest a vd {and shocked by profane utterances of a farmer who had r d 428 bushels| the Grapd Trunk R Parties ET Nie id Ciony BN Sop teen ci ( ally coming to the" : ar LT eg a 7H e "T° of potatoes on an acre. The Soo Stir |nte 44 aval wil Br ' { ry ¥: Sel late tHE ha detntatibg IAAL] al 8. kor Phe 7 of potatoes o 1. 8c Soo Stir | tending to travel will consult their g The G os that co that all { United settling 9a Nex {dire manner: Lhe deputation Will all help in this matter. Will now puts forward the name of Mr Henry | ow ravasta 5 : The unopened road allowances which e Gazette says that over one hun . & asked the deenening of thetall seek "pur i sechi. both by i Kui eh ry | own interests by. consulting Mr.f co 5K ee BR dred cars of hav. have come to. Brace. | A a gre | York fant when his {asked for the af pening ei all seek pun o ech both by | Knight, of Korah, and claims that this | MeCa belore Bark said Council intend to sell may be de : tes hear a os AR . Has aT a Ver from the head of the lakes to Mont. fprecept and example | Algoma farmer is upon. Ttis claims | Y claw belore embarking ona trip | seribed as follows +--Those unopene bridge already this. These cars will | , for . the | father ; some' years : {RECCE] amg Ve hat hie prod ee ls i : PD a fac, or 1a total of $20,000 | ad Reunion of matriec s now living. in | real, for the Holding of ail 1 Yours 8 i tock Tr oth Cte ton ¥ > Sn n Ta ier 0 . an afterme far 2 Ontatio for 7 TOTTEN, | 105 | ar. 1H 3 ) ¥ , desc : 4 es chair his isan aftermath of} yotg ae Port Perry o ton. z Cs { Jo Wo TOTTENGI Sopp Mr. Knight had put the 16° p | Old Boys Re-Union and oi t tin order to make halle Fa un § i ---- = | shot 52 feet, or hnfled the hamme | Field Day! (a) The uibpened road allowance be- g fbr ot : i. sially ou th } ol ES or i436 Ai ef than Flanagan of - New Vor 1 : tween the 4th and sth concessions of the Port Hope, like other towns has sure, € mit ed to Cair od third fo Hydro Radial Qosts. Fe + hundied { . Townsliip of Reach laying between and troubles of its own. A writer ir ees Were veteran of tYectfic Ra Bp is pe | THDAY WEDNESDAY, opposite to lots numbers 20, 21, 22, 23, Times declares that property owner él street. and ect $ [From the Uxbridge Journal] have 8.3. aiid 24 ih the said concessions. white with taxation now," and av bé * far and Biit as > y = ma - SR Te ar an 4 { ay yom " oe TEA re all-round increase of ten per t. in the w ay a 3 B hy ould Oritario record fof tward Loyal Orange Ih) The unopened road allowance be- 'assessment has been decided upon, j eniere %, A be 'respon following cca; +d phenominal shies | tween the 3rd and 4th concessions of the P anaNa had I eveitt d phenomin ae=1h 5 3 irs amounts in the. "oie : .. | Township of Reach lying between East { c and enter | halves of lot number 10 and between lots numbers 20, 21 and 22 in thesaid Conces= sions respectively. belt I Railway ower of tk €: edch mun-. yet th npior : in the way of fered for the best potato rkeéd on one | that if properly pushed and backed tainments; conti EF Owing to the receipt of my tremendous Spring Stock of Wall| te 14 ny Wall {hers for Zand d: fin 16 do aud the 1 this RiHG Provinee. bit: no doubt, when we' cu Paper, and to make room for it, 1] ihe Port Pers A herica: ng ITE curisid-| BES to this AMOUDE pp ron Tames DinfPs attention tor the | toe oiied ine © HEREC Dated at. Manchester, this 1ith day of __am making a deep cut in prices of | 5d NG along thiglaiis not expend, (here WAHL BE ANY: irecrint » as we hereby do. bie will put | DY its alieady extensive, expsriches March, 1914. AEC VEAT fmportations: WH. 1 qe . w.. York he. went folie. rect tax. This will enable the up a belt for annual competition, and in| in the entertaining line cannot fail WILLIAM F. DOBSON McCaw. | ? Canada and "setfled in Montreal, |" an { yd 2 h Tovernment to readily dispose of a few years there will be a+ keen €onipe- | $e E ee S 9, «DOBSON, { "The answer of Mr. Borden with , ti tion for the DitiE Bolt Ito prove a grond success. tis no Clerk of fhe Township bonds and con ct the road. It bus fotnitnre] 3 $ : it s ea othe an a Gre Re-ni 3 It the roads should pay a divid- {other than a Grand Re-Union of lo "REPLEMSH = |r Tem OU Bae ana RA SORING HIS THE THR FOR" o tlie power to be developed trict was entirely Premier intim- the new Govern tlie Pro _ An enquiry conducted at Pittsburgh into the cost of the smoke nuisance i is called indicates that the total am 'to almost $10,000,000 a year, of i $1,500,000 consists of loss to the m . owners through improper combustion of + the fuel they use. 5 | Day, and already ubpromptu meats $430,273.00 | | : 27 YOUR BLOCD | ings have been held in order to make House Cleaning 1 ART } SB 700,600.00 | proper preparations for the Coming 18,720.00 IN" THE" SPRIKG | Event of 1914 in this County. Toa FOR PAINTING ] go 'he received infor. | n friends that they had|v would conve 't 0.00 ~ i ; : the » i his rd 2 Governor Glynn, of New York, is ~ 1 1d.ms : {7 Op the third subject: thatso Ao > ust ry vou are feeling ont of | few s many theusands of press- a : 2s Cattle ar a § y iy Hn ie 1 Subject, 4 IML Toy. Sad sean 7 045.95 gst now you are feeling "ont of | 1€ $ any thous: pres: 3 providing Iree transportation for alll? th + he came i to New York| subsidies for * Hydro Radials, Mr. | hr? ile 3 Ho 1p Soris'-Lnot your usual self. Quite {ing invitations wills be issued and GRAINING AND : : X y he keen © nt to the address 5 Jia | Fvillel id Taana en 3,829:42 % * | » mE % of the upemployed in New York | 4 nt to the address the { Borden ¥ it be expeeted, oh 21.02 miles 473.700.00 exhansted at times and caonot de | ¢ aosmitted to all throughout Can PAPERING city ~ who wish to go work on the} To oe 2 ! en him, - It was 'his >| more No While there | Cu Zl. 2emieS nh iren on vole real 'energy «to your work ha . . : : farms {offered were of a Superior ho opened the door to him: 8, lvoas fo reason in principle,l id 272,700.00 oo ~ JRA 2 a EL das United States and Europe that CONSULT : . i Brocoht atisfagtory | Spe . Toy 8, {was no reason in principie, esata, 417,600.00 Sleep does not rest you and you - : APO { , had remained faithful to hin why stance should not be 'given: 302.02 wake up feeling all ticed out." Per | Were former residents of Fort Wi H. DRUEBAN 2 fii entire list of animals, i hiaps rheumatism The Hon. Mr. Graham says Ca g an aver mary covineial or municipally owned withrotah | Peery. ; More anon ada contains. sufficient Lo make an; extensive Cif ae night, Mrs. Welland's oads, yet under tie Buiash p your fouscles and. joints, or may be | : -- pi ta PORT PERRY coal barons persons of insignifi-iF 1y exhausted : In a Was and" her | North America J natters of this | a a ON . 536 450.00 LON skin is disfigured with rashes, | BIRTH All work ak bimad i strioils Vpstoe cance, ifa method were obtained | th large Ea shand were ool v 16 Bos {Kind were left to Provincial juris- | °° *h Tp. 9.8 miles', 239, 20, a boils ar pimples Headaches, twinges rich Date Siyle and guaranteed. Prices for properly eliminating water from 18 nner they ! [ton to see their son. He will 'mot { diction. I foie 3 0:46 of neuralgia, fits of nervousness, ir. | BAKER In Haliburton, on Sunday, | Moderate. peat, ed the sale by their ELV: know until tomorrow morning that | ' AT ALL CANADA <x ori Cp. I1.56miles 253 $70.00 ritability of temper and a disorder-| Marchi' 29, 1914, to Dri and Mrs. | ------ Bic Auction Sacre or M is jand eine susation ih sn he has a father. It a true that this principle | Uxbridge Town. .vos 180,677.82 ed stomach. often increase ydur E. S. Baker, a son. ifs abel J N Sire oF MacNi-|apnounced that. ther ot { x discomfort in the spring: Sittings of {he Division Cours Welland will Jive in | had not been lived up to 'and until | DIED in | Montréal, wliere -he has a home he had consuled his colleaguesshe | The cause-- . o ready for her. He'is 60 years old | was not prepared to say that a| mark on you. These troubles ate| Borton--In Port. Perry, on Thurs- | OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. | Be OTIOH TO. STA : | ction | and she about the same age. further departure from that pringi-| NOTICE TO STALLION [sgns that your blood is poor and} day, march 26, 1914. Magaret | : 301-1. oth OWNERS watery, that your nerves are ex | Huntington, = wid: w of the late Mr, and Mrs. ; d inter hag left its FICENT FurNITURE, &c.~1t will be {Monthly Sale held at. the seen by the posters that Mr R. I: | the Sebert House so that ; Willamson has dispost d of bis fine | guest of choice animals wou J tesidence ou Union Avenue, and | where to secure them at sle might not be warranted in the | [ g { i hausted, You must renew and en- 'baving po further use for his large | prices. en 2 1h wh be SG Ep} I I 84th - and magnificent array of modern, | : 3 future. n whatever the overn- | -- Si iphraioy -Bolting yi her S4th ah . 'desirable, first-class Furniture, all The of Hollyw Death Removes Lindsay ment did the interests of Canada Extracts From The Ontariojrich your blood al once and restore year. he kA ER ky i % Ve yas will be sold, without the slightest School, in the suburbs of 1 Citizen would have to be Jooked to: i Stallion Act. tone to your: tired nerves, or there Deceased enjoyed a long life, and March 4, April 8 May 4, June 8, erve, on the premises, on Thurs | €5 California, were given a cours = The projects presented to the ! Si ~~ may be a complete breakdown. The liv gto good purpose and though July 3, Sept. 8, Oct. 2, Noy. 7, Dee. y, April 20d This will be a | in practical plumbing last term. it| Thomas McConnell, of Royal Gur x : I of eich a far. 5.-- (1) No person shall stand, most powerful remedy for those in a quiet, UNOStENtAtions: way ah 4, Jan. T1015: ; rand opportunity to secure at) is 10! intended _ that tI soft-| ~~ Hotel, Succumbs to Long ie chiaaC cr lvat/they woud | travel or offer for use any stallion spring 'ailments is Dr. Williams | bac the means of doing much gobd | OSHAWA--Clark, Miss BE. T.. Mae~ ction prices that cannot fail fol handed students shall re enter] Illness ony g % i an th een eon. | less and until the name, descrip-i Pink. Pills for Pale People, because! 4 did her part nobly towards. the tell Whithe--tnn; 19. Fen 8, appreciated by all who are for: | into competition with the ie, but, i Ee ave A 3 Mr B t ad yn and pedigree of such stallion | these Pills cleanse bad blood and weneral weal, Her kindiy disposi March 5, April 4, Mav 5. June 4, nate in securing it. "Don't fail to as the Independent explains, the | Lindsay, March 8fi=Death claimed sideration; said M1, J01f en, 8 | Leen enroled and a certificate! strengthen weak nerves: ken secured for her the respect aud | July 4, Sept. 4, Uet. 8, Nov. §, Dee. th Tit 8 Te Tis bos Ja arg s that Capable botise« ja well know eitizon this morning in| he could assure the delegation th ab | 1 cuch enrolment procured as herc- New rich; red blopdoc your rents] oo hd Howl a spec dl b, Jan, 8, 1915. 5 i the posters; the listis a large | girls 'argue that a capable HOUSE: bryos, McConnell; who' parsed away nt they would receive the most carelul | (pi : ; : bile = greal-lestecn of all who enjoyed Hoe, os, WOUGHAM -- Clerk, M. Glos: g cl ? Cs Eig Seanad a] "TH A § inalter provided. est need in spring--is. plentifuly |g Fare apie oro 120 BROUG Clerk, M. Gleeson, d 1s of interest to all house- | wife shotild be able to repair the| the Royal Hotel. Deceased, who bad thought by the Cabinet. Et 1 x I 6 I uly Lquaintance. She was a loving wile Greenwond--Jaao. 15, March 6, May Mr. W. J. Huncock will {leaks in her kitchen if necessary and | beer in poor health for some vears, took 4 » i (2) For the purposes of enrol lereated by Dr. Williams Pink Pills, | and mother, a true friend and an nT Bans Ra | i TRIBUTE TO PUWER MINISTER: © | ment the owner. of every stallion land with this pew, pure blood in | exemplary member of the Mrtho= te ! TN y ntly to | a serious turn a few days ago, | lioneer. read her water meter intell l k 2 3 Mr. McConnell was born at" Wool-| During his reply Mr, Borden | chai submit 10 the Board all evi-|your veins you quickly regain your pdist church. Deceased's husband |g. FORT PERRY--Clerk, J. W Burn know whether her bills are correct | oo P hr, England t dq : : isi: | Ee ! > : : AT McCAW'S a most mag- | OF Bot. Their teachers agree with i 1 glam And came S Gana at paid bigh tribute to the work of Sir | dence of the breeding and owner: health and increase your strength. | pre deceased her by twenty years ham, Port Perry--Jan. 17, March 7, stock of Wall Paper to| them And the gesult is a course | ployed in iumbering yo perio at| James Whitney and Hon. Adam | chip of such - stallion, and upop| hen your skin becomes clear, your | For some tim< prior to her demise May 7, July 8, Sept 6, Nov. 12, y > 7 a x ; Saliforni Suse. | Fenelon Falls, working with Dardel Beck in Ontario. "No one," 88d | receipt of same and payment of theleyes bright, your nerves strong, and | she has resided with her son-in law Jan. 12, 1915, : fi om---th ost beautiful | that will enable California house : : I y 4 OE Ee ater ¢ fant, and | Wives to stop escaping gas, clean Mann, now tho railway magnate | Mr. Borden, "appreciates more fil | fee, the Board shall issue a certifi-| you feel better, eat better, sleep| Mr, Thos. Cook, Port Perty. Slice 4, UXBRIDUEClerk, R M Moser, are pe Do's fail to | congested sinks, know the difference Goming Tr ily than my colleagiies _and myself cate accordingly. Fee $2.00. better, and ace able todo. your lis survived by three sons, Messrs, | Uxbridge Jan. 10, March 1, May ; between the use of granite and al-|and about 85 years ago purchasad the great Sark Sone Ale past (3) Al certificates of enrolment work. Abraham and Ephraim Bolton 2 July 14, Sept. 8, Nov. 20, Jau. 1 : og events' the Royal Hotel, he hed € and whic Ll ape wi do shall | d in Begin your spring tonic freat- Toronto; Mr. Emerson Bolton, 5. CANNING TON--Clerk, Thos H Pers : ts pense, d generally fo extend their | "or hniastic curler and was mission of Out RV . LC Ti ons B ; for the blood and nerves pan Bary a two daughters, tor, Cannington -- Jan. 9 March 13, mn Association has] ability as expert housckeepers. ber of the Masonic Order and Sons of ; the tas iB upon the pa) Hw : 5 Pink Pills-- the | Mrs. Those McCoy, : #AASSOCIS has ; y Commission there are t nam inal ed. Fee $100 Th tc "record int. Opposi- ee England Benefit Boctety. In religion h Ee ently. 0 einalter mentioned, Fee -| Pills that strengthen. Mrs. Thos. Cook, 1 erry sal that the duties | ADDRESSES WANTED i-- ho wae an Anglican and in polities a | that StaRA GRE PICS \nently. OPEL" (4) In addition, if desired by the| These Pills are sold by most deal termeat took place at P A Do: Conservative, Ho leaves to mourn hls|1s that o Jam Ws wher, ar v stallion may be inspect=| oro hut do not be persuaded to take Point Cemetery on Saturday last. The active and indefatigable psa bie Sige one Jaughter, ih a whose recovery all Canada irres Commitiee who have charge of the | Li. Campbens ab three ons, Joseph, | {ive of race and creed, is thank Mail Department of the Old Boys' Horry, and Norman, alt of Lindy. The other is the name of the Re Union desire to return thanks to whose inspiring and Siaguent a the citizens of Port Perry for the dress we have listened to bere Good Health day. Anything that Adam Be interest they have so kindly mani- suggests to "the Government fested in supplying addresses of x i ' former residents of Tey but Vim and Vitality Canada is regarded as a prin they have not as yet exhausted the| Are asssumed if you cleanse your | list; there many the Committee are | siomach of undigested food and not in possession of and they are fou] gases; the excess bile from the Gi sto get ew and lb liver and the waste matter from the : a 0 ain V 11 i x 8 re es wove futestines 'and bowels by the use of pMontelale, NT. March 80.0.1 ROR Swann, W.C Ll ICG PIILI.B IT tha Canadian en stre. tay foram, Wm. Cook, S Grabam, W.!ihe great fruit, kidney, liver, $tom- |gied to-dap at the home of bis 'C. Wilson, L. G. Hall, H W.| ach and bowel remedy. Hugh Dewart, joke, Dr. |. A. Murray, J E-Mor-| at all dealers 2 a en Montolar L boxes or mailed by The Fig PillCo., | complication of d St. Thomas, Ont. i wai bo ul 0 a8 ein ee hr "someihing jut the same: Hf you rt 1 Jan. 14, g 8 can't get the genuine Pills from 5 x 7. UPTERGROVE -- Clerk, all form a part of the record of your dealer they will be sent you by Montreal Gazette * Some Con- UF bith oy 5 Too nrofment. Fee 85.00. mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or Servapven it is stated, Wess among March 11, May 16, July 17, 6.--(2) Every stallion shall be | six boxes for gs by writing The those charged with making impro-1 . Nov. 17, Jan. 18, 1915. eurolied in the name of the owner | Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brodl {Per profits aut of 'the Trent Canal By order, SF | x i g 7 , | at the time of the enrolment, and |ville, Ont. Sonsguction mts es Pate J. Baan %1:, case of a change of ownership | Start Construction on Big Ice us created is easy of solution. | x 10 St g Let wrongdoers he treated as Dated at Whitby, No - - =. h 1 1 facie right and in that view tl "ihe enrolment shall be deemed to Breaker. wrongdoers and sort them: - T - people of Canada are one with th Je : people of Ontario." e cancelled unless within thirty : ee - i ys hershey Svidence ot the Montreal, March 31.-- Active politically afterwards. 5 wnership satisfactory to the Board | preparations are going on at the Se a heen tnrnistied to the Board, EA hn ie Canadian] 02. 1b stock, at McCaw' which case a transfer certificate| Vickers. Limited, lor the construc~ Watson-Foster's lines Wi | be issued by the Board. Fee tion nf the four or five thousand-ton Paper, which for richnessof di +00. oo icecbreaker which the Dominion | Supe for quality and low pri (4) When a stallion has reached | Government has ordered from that | "Ot be surpassed fn this district je age-of eight years the first in: fey which pa fRivesred five million ction: thereafter shall be thejdollars for the purpose o promoting ' i aot 'and the enrolment|a 'steel shipbuilding industry in Farm For Sale de on the report of such final| Montreal. ay Spe ection shall continue to form The mammoth steamer, which is art of the enrolment and a certifi. | to be commenced early in June, h hall be granted in accordance {and is to have B.ooa horse-power, fs Jak ors : Lon with on each subsequent en-|expecied to be completed and rma ent<Inspection 1s good fo ready for the Winter service of i ars for all horses less thap 191530 2 will cost nearly a mil- fogel. gir dafiay Spe (1) The certificate of enrol<f It is understood that the new Fopat. e said far Fr Seis Ce i form a| ship will be used be used between | i aa art of any newspaper | Th 'Rivers aud Quebec, thus, term of years, : ed advertisement iss preventing the annual jam of ice at! A 7 I Cape Rouge and vicinity. iv hitby, Ang. 19th, 1g) March 31.--The Ameri- ssy issued warning to : : me ns to-day not to waste their] When amusements take a pre- rying to establish claims 2 in fi Chan ys HE UNDERSIGNED will Tenders for the Purchase = | more significance ean ] 0 advestise such stallion. tance given to spor by 7 = ew York, also coon "| Thomas, 19: | with tie Munsey publications.

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