Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 5 Feb 1914, p. 3

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uired and Sultivate who has exhausted bis right, cannot ibtain a may enter for a Price reside certain districts, tes. each three years, cuitiv. d and erect a house worth + CORY the Mi in of the Interior. blica t "alo be paid ay (Svccassons To Jamieson & DEr8NISON.) rried on by Jamieson nison, and the premises con- ected therewith we intend to ~ RR-HORSE THE STABLES fy with first-class animals, and install New and Up-to.Date Volicles with modern Trappings which for comfort and convenience cannot be sorpassed. _ =u Special attention paid to the tH _ quirements of Commercial Travel: 'Our charges are moderate and guarantee to please our patrons. Atonage solicited, tion of |° : a end of Perry Street. ted. and gives a thorough training : fn all Commercial Subjects Enter any time, Better now. i' Home-Study Courses. Writs for particulars. E. E LOGAN, Principal, LAUNDERING AVING had an extensive experi: ence at Laundering in one offthe Iargest cities iu England, | #m prepar: ed to do Laundering it & milituer that eAnnoL fail 10 please thy patrons, both regards style and pres, Residence Putronage MRS, TRASK, Port Perry, Nov. 25, il, Farm tor Sale. HE undersigned offers: for sale that excellent fart being lot 15, on 4, in the township of Reach, containing woo actes thote or less, of choice laid a large por- tion of whicll is tleared, the halance being splendidly wooded. © The land 1s in a @apital state of cultivation Thett is Oli the premises an gtchard and a a a Sarr of water. T ith cement soliel ame dwelling honse on. the south and The ean of the (atits is a capital ohe, being about 1] miles from Port Perry on a leading road. "This farm is, in every respect, a first class dairy farm and is only half a wile from Manchester rail way station. ~ For particulars and terms, apply o the proprietress on the premises S. A. PHERRILIL.: Prince Albert, June 28, 19110 Stewart M. Graham, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, PORT PERRY, Graduate of Jones' National School : *| Patronage solicited. Terms" reasonable | : Lo Shuges x HAVE A sTocK oF New Beeavicn © CepAr SHINGLES which are manu: factured largely on the old time 2} ness. They contain ne sap, are not kiln dried, mate from green ds .. system, five bnfts, timber. the wood being dts natural state, ' they Seat-clase roof lasting Noo thirty. y gi exfoct Dugssep Lunces . RouGu Lumbge Lat "ah thick: BuNGLIs Rootve | MeTAL SHINGLES S1pixe Axp CRiLiNG Ckbar Poste OAL gE LE left in md o = a wg cation ; Plant Ruins 1 Soil Mi and ? 'sending application, or for further R.M. TIPPER, District fepresentative, Whitby, Ont. ry THE GOSPEL OF FUEL ECONOMY A I I aL ELS THERE IS A REASON why the Best Coal is, and must be, the Cheapest Coal Three tons of poor coul contains one ton of tlilk¥rs and extra waste matter that does not go into heat, This etre ton costs as much frei as one ton of good coal. It 'costs as much for the Coal Qua to handle as one ton df good coal. It costs as muth to deliver. The customer must pay for this wasted expenst und waste effort. The fixed policy of the Dr L.& W. SCRANTON COAL The Standard Anthracite Company has" been adopted by Oxcnarp Tur Coal MAN, namely : 1 To handle only the best grade of coal. 2 - To eliminate all inferior coal at the mine by grading, cleaning and thorough inspection. - to the customer, Orchard--The Coal Man. It adds much more dis. comfort to the customer on acccunt of the extra dist and' choked fires and extra labor as several tons of good coal, © 54 The saving effected in not handling waste matter is given | Oranges | y: Oranges Oranges | Let Us Show You the Land ¢ Sunshine and Flowers WHEN THE NORTH IS UNDER A BLANKET O 'SNOW AND ICE. Clioice New Raisins 3 Ihe for ® Extra Quil iy Currants' 7° © 10 1b i CL el "New ess Raisins, 2 for 'New Seudless Raisins ies 10¢ 1b Orange, Lemon and Citron Peels 20 Ib Choice New Dates Oc 1b Shelled: Almonds Pastry Flour d, Peas, 8 tins for Purity Flout Sugar, 3 Ibs for Jie ROW on i in my Sen ; EST, Newest i Fine ity, Gold uh don ik fs Sloes of Holiday Goods. and includes ATTENTION, FARMERS | LOUR, BRAN AND SHORTS ! FLO e have a full Stock of Flour of the following Celebrated and opular Brands--PURITY, REINDEER, THREE STAR, well as MONARCH ano DELIGHT PASTRY FLOUR. BRAN &ISHORTS lo Bran and Shorts we have Best Brands--PURITY anp ¥ LINDSAY BRANDS; lour will do well to obtain our % tations, for which we make Special Prices. Ingtams' . ~ TAXIDERMY SR REAT. Send us your Game Heads to Mount Animals, Fish, Deer Heads, etc. Bird Mount- ing skilfully and promptly executed. Also Fine Rug Work done in the latest styles. We are also prepared to buy Hides, and pay the Highest Prices for theth, Charges 'moderate. Call and get quotatiofis. BALIN 4. SRL. + Port Pern. 3 Farmers and others before contracting lor their Summer supply otations for soo Ib. and } ton COMPLIMENTS of Th B Sli . W. H. McCAW: lh ars INCRAMS' rs re Headquarter Santa Claus: DAINTIBS IN CONFECTIONERY & PASTRY! FANCY CHINA, POY 8; &Ci La HOLIDAY STOCK i is the most extensive, , com rehengive and exquisite ever shown in. this commun. iy ih refutes only to be seep, to meet approbation dnd a ready response to pdrchase. . BOUNTIFUL SUPELY of things are id sford in Confectonery diid Pastry Ee Bh act is BEAuTIL CABINETS OF BON-BONS--Boxes are priced from 25 cents to $6.00. UR CHINA AND TOY DISPLAYS cannot fail 8 tet yottr aduifratibh. ON'T FAIL TO FREQUENTY VISIT our Estab- lishment during the Joyous Season. COMPLIMEN¥S OF THE SR : WwW. it. DOUBT Has just received 4 Full Range of Overcoatings (Ohimeilies and Rough Goods) rom B15 to B26 Samples of Suitable Goods for Ladies' Coats which will be made up and a Parfast Fit Guaranteed. I am prepared to pay Cash and the highest price at all tiiéf for any quantity @ of Wool! dog.an i, - Pa em T keep at all times a good assortment of all kinds of 4 FRESH & TENDER CAWRER BROS. oo a In returning thanks to the public for the extensive pat- li ronage 'bestowed: upon them | wot intithéte, that as in the past only choice fat animals will be slaughtered, so as to | choicest and ten- and we Hi ER [5 : J lease an Rox Ere, OKED AND SALT MEATS A SPECIA FULL "stock "} OF EVEYTHNG IN THE farness Line BEATS | the Best Meats--Fresh and Salt---obiaiuabile and at reass ouable rates as possible. I am also in the market, at all, tithes, for Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and she the Hi Highest Market Prices, g# Fresh Fish every Tuesday. - Courteous treatment and prompt deli ivery May 21, 1913. Ww. i A - BOYOR repokitia Buy 7 tho Sept

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