of o man it takes to do enst. We had an argument subject. '11's intellect does Sliver Tompkins, 'Oh, that's ys Wind River Smith. 'Well, a not troubled that way. have & forty-four chest than . 8 head any day: yoo can find in And I'm with Smithy. fg so much it makes you p't any better than belog you don't know square miles less fun, An- 'about the eastern folks is in thelr views, and It so | nothing, Le-| Happy and ashamed of ht day; says be. 'And I Wish 'em all the luck in the world.' "Bo do I says 1, 'and I really think 'the best we could do for 'em Would be "tg, shoot Jones.' an! Won't he sizz? says Bob. Ang nd you can't blame us old codgers if ® had a laugh at that, although it was Such a powerful serious matter to ihe youngsters, "iLet's go out and meet 'em,' says 1. And away we went. They weren't a particle 'surprised. - 'I suppose they thought. the whole universe had stop- ped to look on. - We pump handled away and .laughed, and Logs she laughed kind of teary, and Kyle Le looked red in the face and prod and and we all felt loosened up considerable, but 1 told him on the quiet, 'Take that fool grin off your face unless yom want Uncle Jones to drop the mo BC. "Next day they weld a' council be: Com boy nd Gece I am cured. You can publish my letter as a testimonial' SUYRINE Belleville; Nova 8 Scotia, Canada. Another Woman Recovers A Auburn, N. Y.-- "I suffered from nervousness for ten years, and had such {| organic pains that sometimes T would lie in bed four days at a time, could not eat | or sleep and did not want anyone to talk | to me of bother me at all. Sometimes 1 would suffer for seven hours at a time. Different doctors did the best they could for me until four months ago I began ving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable SVBDould § tial hd now I am in good Mrs. WinLiaM H. GILL, No. 16 Ex Anburn, New York. The above are only two of the thou: sands 0 Eratoful Jetters hich are con: womah's ills. it you aut ahi hind the big bars, 'and they called fo | cial advice write Uncle Red--otherwise known as Big | Lydia E. Pinkham or some of his works. m | Red Saunders or Chanta Seechee Red, | Medicine Co. (confls' over six foot three in my ont 1 means 'Bad Heart Red' in Sioux | dential)Lynr, Mass. | langunge and doesn't explain me by & | Your letter will be durn sight--to get the benefit of hi# | opened, read and valuable advice. answered by a wo- "kip, says I. 'Fly for town and | man and held in get married and come back and tell | gtriet confidence. y about it It's a p sight stronger argument to tell him what )uve done than what you're going y and roaring abofit his Bhver, or When it domes to on To deariing te real merit of & medicine, no welg' 52 evidence 1s more convincing. than the straightforward statement 0f some re Hable and well-known person that has been cured, For this reason. we print the verbatim statement of Juan E. Powell, written from- his". home Carleton: "I am 'a. Strong. be man, six feet tall, and weigh ned gaged down at that little man. ways I, 'I was raised on 'When 1 was two years old | used to have a pull at the bottle then my cigarette to ald digestion. conceft on my part? I siiys, 'd. rather be a wreck ilke me or (ne mi . content to walt. Not so Loys. She a prize fighter like you' They're "gueer. You'd think that that little fat | "man would have noticed the difference without my pointing it out to him. Stirred things up considerable the Chanta Seechee and viciu- . 'Gee! What a diving into wanne- and a fetching out of good there was! And trading of | dian t hit em just quite agree with that, art of ing how to make & If you don't want 0 ke my advice you can walt' That t either. it will we wait for? says Kyles reis nd the kind you won't 1 you get as old and as sem ne. wanted her Kyle, her poor Kyle, and she wanted him quick. That's the kind of people for me! Your cautious folk are all the time falling down wells because their eyes are up in the alr, keeping tabs so that they can dodge shooting stars, "Now, 1 bad a minister friend 5 in town, Father Stade by name. Ne, oe was not a Catholic, I think. called him 'father' because It a INVESTOR OPP RTUNITIES | two hundred, 1 have been accustomed all my life to lift great 'welght, out one day 1 aver. aid if srenched hy back badly, Bury 'tendon and 'mus? cle was gore, To stoop or bend was agony. I had a whole bottle of Nervi- line rubbed om In one day, and by night T was well again, I know of no : No bred sheep for su purposes dimer give: too hh liniment possessing one-half the pene- HARD 10. D PLICATE. he om tration and pain-subduing properties of Nerviline, cure for all 'minor ailments: such as strains, sprains, swellings, neural® gla. sclatiea, lumbago. rheumatism,' and You're taking 1088 Fin His church had a steeple ou it, both of you; but it's just like anyhow, so it was no maverick. Just | Paying cards, you wight as well PBA Sat particular kind of religion the r trimming! all your money on the first turn, WISH ga man had I don't know, bat I should "Bot Kyle was the man from the go °F lose, as to try and play syste. | gay he was a homeopath on a guess. And it was right it should be so. | ns don't work in faro nor love 88%} yre 1ooked it. *Twas a comfort to see qt ever two young people were born ito make trouble for each other it was yle-aud Loys. *A nice, decent fellow was Kyla Nothing remarkable, you could say, | md that was one of his best lowsomever, he had a rood at that | do plain thinking, a pair of | ders that discouraged frivoling, id hie wns as square a piece of fur fure' as ever came out of a factory. | More'n that, he had quite a little edu- | tion," saved his money, never got | e than good natured loaded, and | conld ride anything that had four , from a sawhorse to old tiger | who would kick your both fest | f the sturrups and reach around re you In He small of the back thay uld be pulling 'Trams Pe 0'd realize that the canter had Nice horse, Buck. He like to Jopesy up one morning before and me could get to the corral. 'the sounds made my blood run Old Buck squealing like a boar a wolf trap, and Jonesy yell 'Help! Murder! Police! Even dia not cure Jones from sticking pose where It wasn't wanted. once-- But, thunder, it would 'me a'long while to tell you all happened to Jones. #One "thing that didn't hurt Kyle in the campaign was that he was as good. looking for a man as ag for a woman. They made a | to draw to, 1 tell you, loping over | Arie full of health and young- 81 You wouldn't want to see fa | sight than they made, and you see it at any time, for they together whenever it was possi- Loys was # happy it made you | a boy again to see her. She private that it was wonder- fhe alr eut here agreed with I sald it was considered bracing and never let on that | aimed their state of mind me they looked at each other. pkon old Smart Aleck Jonesy was 'only party in the township who understand. Kyle used to put in. 'his coffee and things like you'd mek him, 'W hat's mame that runs the cloth- tn ny 'he'd come out of and say 'Yes' and smile ble to' show that he thor- ited you were right things went as smooth and | until ff came time ol 'be 'moseying back to cols & we toto bis conf less astonished fn Fetell him to do fa De gone. | grand rafle. In other words, take the' first horse to town and get married. 'Ten chances to one Jonesy will have the | iaugh on you befere the year is out" says I. shoulders and a little of the glow oft my hair I'd give you a run for your color, Red,' says Loys. man would like to have it.' spot. | the right thing to say, by nature. | "Well, what sre you young folks going | to do? 1 asked them, 3 nor any otber gamne of chance. Put your marker on the "I dou't think you are a bit nice to' Jay, Red,' says Loys. J He's jealous,' says Kyle. -- & "That's what I am, young man, 'If 1 had ten years off my alley that would leave you breathless at the wind up.' "7 think your hair fs a beautiful 'Many a wo "+f course they would,' I answered, 'Bot they don't get it. I'm foxy, X mm Still; Iwas tooched in a tender. That young woman knew § "They decided that they'd think it | over until next day, but that turped You're the best ays Kyle ont to be too late, for what must Kyle do Lut get chucked from his lors and have hig Jog broke near the big... You don't want to take any love affairs on to the back of a bad horse, BOW: you mark mel There was no su as dowafiig that boy when his right mind "Xow, lore was & hurrah! dasn'tcry, forifear of uncle, be used the ein! langnage to the tongue of mingn. "Twas "Red, pore a brick. | time T'd ever 1 - him coming down the street, his old face shining in his white hair like a ! shriveled pink apple in i snowdrift, God blessing everything in sight--good, bad or indifferent. He had something pleasant to say to ull. We was quite friends, and every once in awhile we'd have n chip about things, nt "iAre you keeping straight, Red? he'd ask when we parted. "Um, I'd say, T'm afraid you'd no- tice a bend here and there if you slid your eyes along the edge." "Well, keep as straight as you can; don't give up trying, my boy, da tell me, mighty earnest, and T'd feel ashamed of myself clear around the corner. "] knew the old man would do me a favor if it could be done, so 1 pulled ott easy in my mind. =~ surroundi grove ot place, 1 stopped at the don {thousand elles to the. ae or's, because e hey m up the marrying business some other and bear i in mind that this | time, but if a leg that's broke in the CIOPS per annum. upper joint ain't set right you can see a large dark complected hunk of trou- ble over the party's left shoulder. for the rest of his days. The doctor was out, 80 1 left word for him what was wanted and to be ready when 1 got back and pulled for Father Slade's. The old gentiéman had the rheoma- | tism, and he groaned when I come in. Rheumatism's no pte. for people who can't £yvear. ORANGE * AND GRAPEFRUIT G bearing, some twenty odd years i failure. In addition: to this acquiring. 2 large acrea This about it. Ito Bx coxtxvER] | FASH ION HINT The Company was form other and independent interes pany's project. They Im corporation management. Here is a blouse in the newest style, | with fronts lapped. surplice fashion, and there is a pretty rolling collar fin- ishing the néck. The sleéves are loose under the arms and give a raglan ef- fect at the back, so that all the essen- tial fashionable features are included in the model. When made of thid waterial this | blouse would be' fetching Hned with The Company will be on No waiting for long drawn | present' crop on the trpes will : By JUDIC CHOLLET Only sufficient stochto ments of the Company This Company is taking ove section of Florida--a Grove whi nd operating the finest in the very best nce it first came into has not known a crop the Company is also Ri netion ona single' crop, iy of soil produces three There is no guesswork y Ontario men, who have} n the vicinity of the Com: its possibilitios under idend basis from thie evelopment work. B care of dividends. i start. T ire my te t py edicine. urin i 0 better ne. for. Su n was ever or . a bottle ry on" every year--better try. it bodes Tie or five for.3 five for 31: At all dealers; all dealers, s New Telephone Directory The Bell 'Telephone Company of Cana- da is soon to print a. new issue of its Official Telephone Directory for the District of CENTRAL ONTARIO including PORT PERRY Parties who contemplate becoming subscribers, or those who wish changes in their pregent entrp should place their ith the Local Mas t- once "Shonld "also Tepost additions and changes in th if list of subscribers, either to the Local Manager, or direct to the Special Agent's Department, Montreal. The Bell Telephone Company of Canada. LIVERY. BARN, "The undersigned offer for Sale at a Bargainthat well established Livery Business on Water Street, together uh dhe Livery Barn and. Sheds and the' so 'the dwell hy The situation suc! an extensive patronage, and the Tra sidering Iolgteink the best hi duiry" cattle:" First, the lol halt 'all records for piuduetion of milk and butter: seco y stand © the cold weather bette! n most. 'of 'the breevs; third, they gre large and strong And seem to throw Off disease and keep healthier ° than moEt breeds." Some pedple will claim. that the milk 1s too poor in butter fat, and It Is a fact that the average uf the breed Is only 340 per cent. _Howeyer, they are being bred up tu a.greater per cent of fat. The Tioistein, hull pictured wos grand champlon Jat' the lowa' state fair last year bitceo of WINSky advert their own rofets are' unadvertive! dnd go begging for a niarket. Wake op! Study your bustier and push it) The man. with nearly walimifed cap ital can buy 2 n good herd. but alt others herd from a fe | 'pure bred stock, and by the time yon 'have learned the losiness of breeding 'enftle yon will have some pure bred Btock ready to work with. To eare for a pure Lrud herd requires only a little wore muscular labor than_ for sorubs, 'but 1f you wold: get the best out of a pire bred herd you can bring into play all the intellect sou Lappen 10 be possessed of. 4 oon ov 2080DG entire outfit of Vehicles, premises ideal -in every respect for | they are -calculated. This property would also: make a fi slasswting for Sales Stabe Cae land. They Were first brought this country In B38, but not mip: were brought until mich [WIGF, an tidy Hot many MERC Th bred on ho | wk continuously. for a period - of ten years, who hay cured for his flock he tolligenifly, Why has" 'maintained his ewe lock: uf to fair stuff of Li own gs cho has fedrned to know his sheep ding season After sdason, "nud who od closely, who big sed wood: the sheep' Dunes?" sill say thie sheep are the : mos do pendalile and best profi nikers. farm. The Kiek ker is the is