township hall; Manchester, © day the 12th inst., at Sep pursuant to statute, and tr sul " |8cribing to the required declar; rations of qualification afd of o commenced Lhe transa s business with the Reeve chair. ) COMMUNICATIONS, ing donation for Sick Childre Hospital. | "From the Secretary of the Publ Roads and Highway Conimissi of Ontario announcing the Postponi » | ment of their meeting at Toro from January 13 to January 220d. From A. J. Doucette stating that he had built 60 rods wire fence on the north side of the Whitby to line and asking for the bonus. From the Municipal World liciting subscriptions for 1914. | From S. S. Sharpe with refereng to a two dollar account for advil given the Reeve in 1904 re J Acton. with reference to a telephone pofe , |in front of Jas. E, Buck's front doe > | at Utica. g| From John Johnson and Pronk Lawton, applications for the posi~ tion 01 Assessor for 1914 Frotn Chester Asling, W.' Munro and Joo. W. Crozier, a cations for Augitors of the Tri urer's accounts with the corppfac/ gion for 1914. Mr. Mark, seconded by Mr. introduced and carried througl by-law to appoint 5 Assessor "| was widely known and no lessi. CRA i Bn bess | 6oidial welcome he I'this visit and his. delight at finding Also a letter from Sharp & Cook. and am "certainly cat remony to a deg tlection. Complimentary §i de by Past District Deputies F.|° ; Pethick and M.A. James and by Revi, H. B Kenny, Robt. Adair, obt. Deverill and Harry Basker- ville, \ Bro. Letcher also made a rattling, good si ech, telling of a fout year's residence in Bowman- ville" before moving to: Port Perry nd expressed his gratitude for the ad received on Florence Nightingale 1. ishing with 237 members. An oyster supper was served in the refreshment 'room at the close land a very pleasant two hours was spent. --Bowmanvile News, Ee ties MARRIED. | AyoERsoN-- Moute=--In Port Perry; at the Methodist patsonage by the Rev. R. Bamforth, B. &, on Monday, January 13th, 1914 e Hour- oseph S. Anderson to. Miss Ida | qule, both of Port Petry. DIED MarLow--In Blackstock, Wednes- day, January 14, 1914, Nelson Marlow, in his seventy: -fourth year. Deceased was a tative of the "ltownship of Cavan atid resided Here for a numibet of years, until be moved to Cartwright where he ivedthe major portion of Hus life. The tokens of well directed effogts; one of the solid men of the engin cipality of which be was in every way creditable ; he possessed in a high degree those admirable quali- ties which go far in securing the love and esteem of all with whom whom he came in contact, a desir- able citizen and obliging neighbor, { a loving husband, indulgent father and an upright, honorable man ; he iC.| widely esteemed. He was public spirited and identified himself with every movement likely to prove beneficial to Agricultural interests. 4 He was of Anglican faith and bis 7| staunch Conservative a 2 | been invalided ; "| He was purse was ever open to augment the influence of bis beloved Zion; a he bad the courage of His convictions *| Mr, Marlow thicteen years ago re. tired from active farming operati- -| ons and has since resided in Black stock, justly entitled to @ sest- fron his labors. He for <a some has to the end and A away peacefully. by the amiable partner of his Jife by three years. Y | Four sons and four daughters stir- vive alt of faz more than ordinary piley axe doing thule 'the ear of A To Supsriprions Per Messrs: McCaw atid Melntyre. Brock and Forman Net ds of Concert Gross receipts of Concert Paid for Talent, Piano, Hall Rent, apd together with. Mr. S. making Net proceeds Total Receipts Tar Paid Prizes. H. Parsons, printing, $17.50--badges, : : S$. Farner, printing Ly A. Sinclair, judge and expenses W. J: White, judge and expenses : Jom yers, work w. Ireland, trees for decoration. T. Davidson and G. Hodgon:-sontables W. H. McCaw, account. Jas. McKee, meals, postage, & D. Steele, work i712: E. H. Purdy, services as Gocrotary etc... Fetal expenses Teo The Managing Committee : ar ri $161°25 ------ $310 50 65 50 $415 00 L 00 me Les REND 00 NON 842588388288 »y wn wo £2 $155 34 $415 00 Port Perry Christmas Fair--1913: GENTLEMEN :Hitving ciltefully examined the books of your Treas- 2 hot bills, .} find the Same ne on J. WIDDEN, Imported Cedar Shingles Y nave A stock of New Brosswion CepAr SHINGLES which are manu- factured largely on the old time system, five butts, 2} hick ness. They: contain no sap, are not kiln dried, made from green timber, the wood being left in its natural state, they make a first-class roof lasting about, thirty- five years, they give perfect satis- faction. Trythem. Prices $4,00, $3.75 and $3.00. DO NOT FORGET 1 a S D. L&W, Sn Coal a deliver to all local points. Prices right, try them. Cc. L. VIOKERY, : Goal Dealer. il ul Ww in hs - Te AUDITOR. 2 tn Atha Ay Duessep Luméie on Levies 5 TH LS Rooriva METAL SHINGLES Siping Axp OriLinG Cepas Posts Ooav, Done avn Wixnow Prawes - Wispew SonkExs Ere, Evo Raita Agricultural Society will be held in' the Town H PORT PERRY On Wednesday, January 2fst, 10th ; at One o'clock in the afternoon to re ceive the Annual Report of the And itws for 1018, and the Election Directors for 1914, All interested in itaral Society' Work are invited to be present. ! WM. GRAHAM, President. 4. H. BROWN, Secretary. "ot ANNUAL MEETING ONTARIO PINE GROV CEMETERY COMPANY HE ANNUAL MEETING of the = Ontario Pine Geove Cemetery. Come. pany will be held in the ows PORT PERRY On Monday, Jan.19, 1914 at Two o'clock in the afternoon; for the Election of Officers and the trans saction of other business that may be brought before the meeting. W. H, McCAW, President. JOHN ROLPH, Seeretrry, EALED TENDERS, addressed the Postmaster General, will ba res. celved at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the 6th Fobrmary, 19:4, for the Lunves aro of His Majesty's Mail; on ed Goursacs for four years, Sis times ¥, over Claremen ural Mail Bouts, Irom thi Postinaster General's pleasure, Printed notices containitg farther information as to the conditions of pr -@ Covitract may Bs sect and blan orm en Teuder way be obtained at the Post Offices of Claremont, Atha, and at the office of the - Post Office - Inspector, Toronto, A.SUTBERLAND, Post Oftice Toxpector. Post Ufiica Inspeetor's Office, v Toronto, Dee. 27th, 1913. Nice 18 HEREBY GIVEN Bay suant to Statute in that behalf, th the Anal Meeting of the members ig