Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Jan 1914, p. 3

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arieti es, some do nn biliers in this Order early. ao KELLETT. "STRAY HEIFER my Rabch sonie time Jast| ng a- fed Heifer 'about one reat old. a dhe property, pay £x- ses and take lier 'away, other. she will be sold as the law di- |} fit, WM. POLLOCK, rave, Dec a5, 1913. WINTER TERM pensiansih Peterborough HIE Ak: LIMITED 'E Ei LOGAN, "Principal, Opened in k, opposite the new - Quick Lunch Res- iran heke a 'stall of cfficient { y skilled Waiters will Le served to their own taste, on pid Transit Princip! e. at "The owner is requested PEAR VT Te Let Us Show Tou the Land of 'Sunshine and Flowers h WHEN THE NORTH IS UNDER A BLANKET OF SHOW AND ICE. Where. Jrusk faems are producing : a during the Winte?. We have properties that will pay you 25 per cent. dividend thie first Jear--havelots on lake frontage that are most {sirable homes, We also have a two thousand acre Stofk Ranch for which we will accept northern property in exchange up to half its value, Make your arcdngements for September 16th, as we are going to personally conduct an. excursion on tht date to Kissimmee, Florida, Let us know iw advance so that we can make ar- rangements for your accommodation as we are expecting a large party ok i) [ lily Bel ele pay, Fissimmet Florida. | ang TRUNK R'E SrSTEN TIME TABLE ; Port P Perry. GOING BOUTH. GOING NORTH. a.m. x .07 am. 11,55 a.m. Lopm. | EH - iby aps ~ (SttcEssors To Jamiesolt & Dennison.) LIVERY Having purchased the Livery Dennison, and the premises con- nected therewith we intend to wit fhddbrn Trappings which Special attention" o requirements of Commercial Te, ers, Our charges are moderate we guarantee to please our patri Patronage solicited. E> Phone No. 2, CAWKER BRO) Why We Excel * We have the most moder: the most practical and the b etfilipped school in, Easté Ontario. The coutses: a thorough 'and facinating, entirely; Canadian Business Proced: for the training of the ambi ous young people of our cou try. Our Gradu are successful, ask ex.student, they are our advertisenient, | Home Study Courses Lindsay Business Colle C. R. Brower, A. H. Spottol "Principal. President Enter Any Day, | J business catiled bn by Jamieson & RE-HORSE THE STABLES I wilh first:class animals, and install New and Up-to-Date Vehicles" ad ii leaned inl 3 lbs for - ; Quality Currants ~~" 10c] Seeded Raisins, 1b Pkgs, 2 for 25¢ Now Seedless Raisins, Ib Pkgs, 2 for 25¢ * New Seedless Raisins - 10¢ 1b Orange, Lemon and Citron Peels 20c 18 hoice Now Dates - 10c 16 Shelled Almonds 40c 1b . Five Roses Pastry Flour Corn and Peas, 3'tins for Yive:Roses Purity Flour 3 Ieing Sugar, 3 Ibs for ATTENTION, FARMERS | LOUR; BRAN AND SHORTS | We have a [ull Stock of Flour of the following Celebrated and Populer Brands--PURITY, REINDEER, THREE STAR, s well as MONARCH axp DELIGHT PASTRY FLOUR! BRAN & SHORTS In Bran and Shorts wq have Best Brands--PURITY anp LINDSAY BRANDS. | &7 Farmers and others befCre sontracting for thoir Summer supply of Four will do well to obtain our uotations for 500 Ib. and § ton 5 | 8 quotations, for which we make Special Prices. CAWERES BROS' Ingrams'. TAXIDERMY & Send us your Game Heads to Mount Animals, Fish, Deer Heads, etc. Bird Mount- ing skilfully and promptly executed. Also Fine Rug Work done in the latest styles. We are also prepared to buy Hides, and pay the Highest Prices for them. Charges thoderate. Call and get quotalions. JW. us & 6 LL _ Has just received a Full Range of Overcoatings (Chincillas and Rough Goods) rom B15 to S25 Samples of Suitable Goods for Ladies' Coats whieh will be made up and d Partest Fit Guaranteed. » FRESH & TENDER 4 cawkir nReS. In returning {hanks to the | public for the extensive pat- | | tronage bestowed upon them | would intimate, that as in the | past only choice fat animals | will be slaughtered, so ag to ra the choicest and ten- | s Cuts possible, and we | |) at all times to have an ! ¥o it m pHy, and deliver i eds, MOKED AND i: MEATS A SPECIA FULL STOCK| oF EVEZTHNG IN THE . arness Line PRESS sre. nifoont and 'Supenious oods are now on extibiti : i - my Establishment. Fae Newest and Most Stylish in Fine Quid ind Silver Gold and "Silver Watches, Silvetyare, etc., ete, STOCK of Holiday G find, BAL and includes vot Seas in ont, and 'admirably suited Ty ® respect 1 h Pretents as cannot me INGRAM S' Headquarters w Santa Claus rE Sd Tae DAINTIES IN CONFECTIONERY & PASTRY! FANCY CHINA, TOYS; &C: 8" HOLIDAY STOCK | is she most eitensive; cotn rehensive and exquisite ever shown in this commun y and requires only to be seen to meet approbation hy a ready response to purchase. BOUNTIFUL SUPPLY of good things are in store in Confectonery and Pastry lines. EAUTIFUL CABINETS OF BON-BONS-- Boxes are priced from 25 cents to $6.00. ig! a GHINA ANP TOY DISPLAYS ¢ cannot fail 5 meet your admiration. B°. T FAIL TO FREQUENTY VISIT our Estab- lishment during the Joyous Seasen: COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEA i" A I am prepared to pay Cash and the highest price at all timed for any quantity of Wool. a --~ 1 TI keep at_ all sities a goed assortment of all kinds of the , Best. Pfoats-- Fresh and Salt--obtainable and at rease onable rates as possible. I am also in the market, at all times, for. Choice Cattle, Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hidés and Sheepskins af the Highest Market Prices. EZ Fresh Fish every Tuesday. h Courteous treatment and prompt delivery May 21, 1913. W. A. BOYCE Bia a EE Sa Seed Cleaned by power, ue 0, charge. for cleaning tho Seed.

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