Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 7 Nov 1912, p. 3

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ric 78 To ALL PARTS OF yusl Wor WH. McCaw, Bort] is now in a pgsition to issue 3 LAKE OF BAYS : ug PARR } NH RRNCH RIVE oe IY A MUSKOKA LAKES AWAN RIVER GEORGIAN BAY + LAKE COUCHICHING KAWARTHA LAKES, Erc: ROUND TRIP To the Weet At Lew Rates "ey Book. which is unequalled. It t Business from Start to Finish, and the student: keeps same books as: Chartered Banks afd Whole sale Houses, Enter any time. Individual instfiiction, Fall Term From Aagust 35th BR A A RECEIVED OTHER SHIPMENT OF FHOSE BEAUTIFUL BEEPS FOR $12.50 | o RED APPLE =~ EVAPORATOR Alar radon to jhe cheapest : Via SARNIA OR OHICAGO. ' "Literature, tickets and (dll informa: dditfon to his "tion from any Grand. Triuk Agent, or i | gddresd A, E. DUFF, District Passeuger i For which ihe Highest Prices will be paid « 8. FORMAN & SON. grew to be a '| he smiled #nid stretched out his legs no! J ""Let us tse words In thelr true sensé. Ibsen has never bebn an agrecable man, and be never will be. But he 18 a great genius and & very Honest pers son." BRIGHT'S DISEASE. ----ee z Faulty Living ls the Cause of "the Matady of Gieineatishn | Bright's dlsease has been called "the fnalady of civilization," and the name is pot unmerited. It is beyoné every. {hing elsé d disedso of civilized white 'men, and it is due almost entirely to those habits of life which distinguish the white man from the savage of thd Jungle. Nine times out of ten it 1s thé fesult, more dr less direct, of disorders of the digestive tract, and nine timed Gut of ten these disorders are due td vo much eating and drinking, tod wucll Bouts over desks and too little fresh r. The savage lives in the dpen, eats #mple foods, kudws nothing of whiskf and gets plenty of sleep and exercise 'As a restlt ho fins good digestion, d cleat eye and good red blood in his teins. But the civilized white maf tats rich food, made dppetizing. by stimulating condlinedts; bfaces bir _ elf with alcohol, lives in stuffy housed, :-§i flithy, smoky cities and never walks when 'he cafi ride. The result 1s that 1th stothach fails in its dities; bis kid- bbys, inundated by polrotis, go to pieced © wind He dies from Bright's disease. +! Sometimes the trouble starts in tl ' kidneys themselves--as, for instance, © 4yhen they ate crippled by aicohol-- " and sometlings It statts Id the stomach case the blamd 'methods of Uvipg,-and mage. And when they falter 7 tn their bikinéss, the body fills up with poisons and deatli is rot fdr away, Bright's discise, in fact, may be called Autopotsoning. Its victim dies of pole * . dons generated within his owtl body.~= 3 Leslie's. } ; . A Scientific Defense. d «You are ebarged with selling addl- teratéd milk," said the judge. "80 [ understand, your honor," sa the milkman. "I plead net guilty." «But the testimony shows that your foflk 18 25 per cent water," said thé Judge. a "Then if must be high grade milk, | half miles frditt Port Perr muerte Ticket Aen, Torouto, Quinrio, PETERBORO tha the business will afford. Bring them to the Evaporator been reappointed 3 ni "Tow Acud. S Bin ire, 8s early as possible : Grand Lriink Railway.' ' : r travel will consult thei RN saitng. MF EING the Easthdll I, \ 6, ' Reachs' oie. mile {rom sth¥ Pattbiingé solicited. Terms reasonable BUSINESS GOLLEGE _. (Foiided 1885.) : 'and. BBOTTON, Schoo! Village of Epsom, two- and :obe- z % Tbh: farm lias no waste atid; all {ays ip well and is suitable for all kinds © crops, is well fenced; has plenty, 0 water, Supplied by t¥%o springs one at eabh end of atm; also by a well at buildings. There is a tidy Orchard witli sottie stall fraltd In it. The biildings consist Bf ad eight roomed 'frame house, with good cellar; a bank barn 50760; drive hed 22x24; piggery 42324 3 hennery 12x30. The coil is an eXcellebt clay loam; Price $7,200; $3.000 down, balarck at 5 r tet. ? far full particulars Sofie PHiLp& Beaton, Whitegate, Out., or to the owner, Wu SerLers, Prince Albert, Ont, DO YOU REALIZE the money you. can make selling {Fran-Trees? The predent demand i for Nursery Stock is the greatest in the history of the busineds, Every body who his the land is planting 'or preparing to plant. WE WANT NOW !for Fall and Winter months a eli= lable man to sell in PORT PERRY and surrounding district. Good pay, exclusive territory, and all the ad- vantages in representing old etab- lished firm. i Goo acres under cultivation. Establislied 35 jars. Write } PeLnam NiUrsert Co., Toronto, Ont. Farm for Sale () ACRES (more or l8¢s) being 109 rquare dnd sodthibaif of ovis, i owdriip PEARY viland. all wodbie excaps iv: acrys of Hardwood bush: Gond "Built TiC cluding Stone. Hota, Bary [00x54 with stabling u-derndath," and grod our- buildin 2 good welld: | Poskession for plowing alter t. Karn is Are sitnated within a mie' ol. Biack water Station. For ftirifi-t fagtictlars appl to .. WAM. BAI RD. on the Premises or BLACKWATER P.O PERRET SN ER SERA Sr A OE 1 STI FIRST-GLASS FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT Sroetitoe Lf HE undersigned offers fer Sale | or to Rent His fine fathi; bang part of lot 10, col g. East Whitby, St. Charles Hotel Commercial thide Aolicikid PORT PERRY (Striotly ander New Managuhient) GG. A. COLE PROPRIETOR [Late of Hotel Falconet; Tetons) iret class Sample rooms [EURMEE NEUES «4 ©. nearly always cause d_. liy TIRED BYES Whicl: require spectacles Couslilt the are P 1 REPRACTING F E. LUKE, __OITICIAN, 159 Yonge St, Toronto Opposite Simpsons' Farm for Sale DNast-half of Lot 12, Concession 6, 1D Cartwiight, Duchari County, containing 100 acres. Erected on 'he preidises are a good frame dwelling, stope cellar 30 2 20, 18 x 24, woudshéd 18x24, good frame Lary, stone stahles Box4o, pig pens 4x18 and 18x 24, "5 acres of hiked timber, one acre of Orchard, 4 never faithng streami, hird and soft water. One mile froin Rail way, otie mile from the village of Blackstock, 3§ miles from Caesarea, the famons Siminer Regort op, Lak: Bcdgog. Situated. in the best farm- ing section in the County of Durham. for furthet paiticulars apply to the undefigoed: Davin J. & DouoLas Apaus; Putt Perry, Unt, Levi C. Tavror, Nestleton, Ont. CAWKER BROS (Successors To Jamieson & DgrnN1SoN.) Having purchased the Livery business carried on by Jamieson & Dennison, and thé pteimlses cont nectell therewith we intend to REHORSE THR STABLES with first-class animals, and install Néw and Up-to-Daté Vehicles witli thodern Trappings which for codifort and convenichce cannot be surpassed. Special atteniion patd to the regifiretnente of Chiritict cal Travel ers! Cir charges are moderate and we guarantee to please our patront Patronage sblicited: £3 Phone Ro. 1. OAWKER BROS. Why We Excel We Have the riost- W5idetp; the digs gracilcal and hc best equipped school in Liastern Ontario The Courses are FARIS RET w, Ix, DOUBT EIT anY; LAR [Ban raion Dow eS 1ave accepted the Agency foi The Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. {Millers to the Royal Family.] And dre ptepared to promptly fill all orders entrusted to their care. They haye.the one Flour that gives satisfaction to the} consumer-- THE ROYAL HOUSEHOLD--fills the bill, every pound is guaranteed, After givyng it a fair trial if not satisfied retnrn the balance {if over § Ibs.) and your maney will be cheerfully refiipded. The millionaire cannot buy a better'flour than THE ROYAL HOUSEHOLD, nor even the poorest fgtuily use a flour that is more economical. A CAR LOAD JUST RECEIVED INGRAMS® « oo Agents Fort Perry and vicinity. same as heretors, SVC COSINE I LA BRL | 4% 1 e = ~~ $ i RL LL 2 Port Petr; Alig. 20, 3912. i ped REG SH 2 gs : On ef aftér 1st September; Do riot allow 'any'apples go to waste. - Prices about the CARD OF THANKS In returning thanks for the liberal patronage joccived: go Hr 8iiicp commencing the Confectionery and Bakery, Business, we beg to aunotnce that in future we purpose carrying on § Silly Cash Businen 0 1odsare the BEST possible, and our Prices are Righ t INGRAMS' Port Perry, Jan. 24, 1912. D. G. ROSS & SONS MYRTLE LIVERY Myrtle Station, Ont. tlaving purchased the Livery Stables at Myrtle Station and good-will cf J. W. Disney, and stocked them with a large number of FIRST-CLASS HORSES AND UP-TO-DATE VEHICLES we are fully prepared to meet, in a satisfactory manner, the demand of the public for everything in the Livery line at moderate charges. All G. T. R. trains met except 2.20 and 7.07 p m. unless otherwise ordered PATRONAGE SoLichtED. 28 Bell and Independent Phones. MHEROHANT TAILOR, thorough and facidaitvg. An entirely. Students may entef any day: Open the ents year. Now isa good time to enter: Largest trainers in Canada. Graduates get best posi: tione. Thousandastudyingathome: SUMMER SCHOOL {| Can#diani Biidiness Procaditre for the training of tlie ambiti- ous young people of our coun- try. Our are sticcessful, ask a student or Graduates Keeps in Stock a full supply of up-to-date CLOTHS Buitable for all Seasons Nothing Lik HAVING purchased the i Butchering Busigess and good will of Mr. I. J. Wheelo 1 would like toinform allhis old customers and as many new ones as possible that I intend to keep at all times & good assortment of §ll kinds of hs Best Medts--Iresh and alt--obtainable and at reas- onable rates as possible. I am also in the market, at all times, for Choice Cattl feturned the mitkman. "If your honor will look up the word milk in your dic- "tlodary you till fimtl that it consists of Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Sheepskins, a the Highest Market Prices. consisting of g§ Acres more of less. There is on the property a Splendid ex.student, they ate our best advertisement. Schoolof [ease Pitmar: 'The largest and most popular school in Ea-tern ic : ; : Cs Td NS ; from 80 to 90 per cent water. I'd ought Brick House, PA x 35; 'Baro apd |} Ontario, Our matiggmbnt feained bon gt : Driving St y is | 2.000 sfudents Inst yedr. Thete Home Study Courses a : EC y to bave sold it for cream."--Jdlge. | Doivion Shean te ph | winst bea reason. The onl rehool Ra i ? = Fresh Fish every I desday. - FI, TE Samo 5 Courteous tredtment and prompt delivery Jin Eastern Ontagio afflinted with | ' ' 2 A River of Death, I" Satine dod three les from the! § Shovnm aril Educators Associn --_-- E-- -- TRA Before the English occupation of If: G. 1.1% . tion of Canada. Write, phdie or I ; : 81a it wha estimated that the Ganges . Apply to the proprietor on the call to investigate: C.R. Brow 11.5 = 4 May26, 190. WwW. y: - BOYCE Sap qutied eth 80d every your 000A - precifiess. a SPOTTOR BUSINESS COLLEGE Be le WwW an t SS d 4 rt * @ead bodies. It wed then cdnsidered jas J: ORMISON. I 3. Principal. President by the Hindus that the happlest deathi Raglan, June 24, igi. * "7 PETERBOROVGH; nhiane Da i i .-. Yas oue found in its waves, and all . GEO. SPOTTON, President y y. i "so. plous, Hindus who could do so wert | - J i ..S carried to its banks and placed fo itd ComdnGRairnkiuhiag ey oa. "Tu evayog cvevaet | ALUABLE PROPERTY -- --|2000 BUS, ALSIKE CLOVER A Dr. de Yan's Female Pills : ae In Prince Albert for Sale. ali CT BRR Sittings of the Division Courts} 30 00 BU S RED CLOVER ; AR « Susiiayn. " : res iindersigried aets for salg her Shee Mri COUNTY oF ONTARIO. : i Harness Line Be Mexlés Mgrignlhs i grows he fesidenta] Slory is ee ar at Flint'd Diug Store. io12. } 1 000 BU §, PIMOTYHY ; CHEAPNESS STYLE stone foundation ; good cellars ; furnace, hard and soft water. Good barns and stable. 'Ter cies ; beating orchard and plcks; another, ribbed and thick: 15 set with toothpick spines, witch fut. i WHITBY--Clerk, Miss E. L. Mac- donell, Whitby --Jan.' 15, 0. ?. BR. Time Table eg the natives, with combs. Therd ry) another cattus the long ctirtedsplhed | [rnediate possession, Fof fefiher|, ; hich feseinble Athtiooks. 'Ther 1 | particulars apply to... "| Gow Eder Gola WsF July 5: Seyk, 5) Ote. 2; Nove?; Des, Ee abchine i amothet i A BON 2am | OSHAWA-Clerk, Hiss. 1:0 MR EN A hin. ano une ra2, 1914; ¥ . 6.27 pwd. 130 mum. HAWA--Clerk, Miss E. 1.: Made FOR le a E*Ther Ia ) = £5 % 11.60 on. -6 80 p.m: Zonal, Wildy Td ¥ i ST RENGT H iy J pm. ; arch 5, 14, May 8, 7 dd C oli ¢d hdfh which Intel SapRL Und June Seed Cleaned by Gasoline Power, No Marge fur clearing an abundaticé of ¢ioice sinall fruit. © MYRTLE STATIOR: sel .* "A.J. DAVIS, Town Agent March 4, April8 May-2, J 3 Jan, 14, 1913. 2, BROUGHAM Clerk, M. GI i G jobd--Jan. h in T PERRY Clerk; _ ham, Port Perry--Jan.18, | GTON~Cler! 0, Sm Jau 9, 1918, Fub. dig. 8: ANN Jan. } Gho. Se pa May ay 2, Sept. 12, Now. 31. E 2M (GHEST MAREET PRICE han the seéd is sold to tts: Bc. per bushel it charged ii We do not buy. Give mea call before selling. Durability and Cannot bd drpasged 4 tHe County, Robes, Blankets; BeffS, Trunks 6. 11 dbdndance. BE hay © we A -- 4 = HE hs IY me > Gowgarison of Etiges Courted La Jain, Rept. 16, Nov oor doy 'y 10, 19! Sept, 19, Nov. 22; Jax, W. A. BEATTY CX PS i; First-GlassFarm for Sai3 : Or 10 RENT : IF YOU WANT ning thanks to the tle extensive pat- towed upon them { te, that asin the "choice fat animals fiteted, so as to ioicest and ten- uts possible, and we all times to have an wi cut to Pedse and deliver promptly, AND TENDER CHOICE MEATS THE BEST Scranton Coal! {STEAM OR SOFT Free Bnurning Coal WOOD | rPUE uudersigned sffops. Sle I Rea his fiih » ing com rut of lote-65 and 84 in the 7th con of Whitby, containing 155 acres more' or lvss, The soil is No. 1, and buildings--both the dw 4 are Sra uns a 8 a magnificent ne n th h the farm in a abundance of Spoekled - farm in every 1eépect ia f will ba ED AND SAET MEATS # SPECIALTY! A

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