Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 7 Nov 1912, p. 2

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epart inted entirely in the TERMS--§1 per annum in Th paid 'in advance, 4 P: ra de Jou pel 'Most MopHrN Stviss AND AT Low PRICES. 7 Several sums from ~. $300 to $10,000, have * "heen placed with me for immediate ii vestment at lowest rate. HUBERT L. EBBELS, Perry. | broken North Ontario Observe NDED IN 1857. rer Only Paper Printed Port Pi PORT PERRY, NOV..2, 1912. Aiding Fruit Industry. Marlin - Burrell, of Agriculture, as a fruit grower on a large scale first in the Niagara district and later in British Colum- bia has naturally taken a keen interest in the fruit industry. a namber of years there has been agitation for better inspection of Fruit for the domestic trade left to the tender mercy of the After careful considation a thorough reorganization of the in spectorial system has taken place. As far as possible inspection at points of shipment is being carried out and thorough attention is being given to a systematic inspection of all the fruit coming into Canadian markets from the United States. great many additional inspectors have been appointed and a chief | 22, con. 14, Reach, which for the inspector placed in charge of the | scientific and practical manner in By this means | which it is done would do credit "to a tot of good educational work will | professional drainers. Mr. O'Neill's system of lying out drains and put- is one that cannot fail to commend itself to all requiring draining done, We various provinces. be done and there will be a more (l;'orough and systematic oversight not (*0ly of fruit entering Canadian markets): but also of that packed and mark. d by Canadian growers. The result w *U undoubtedly prove of great value L 2b to growers and consumers alike. Five new chief ins "eCtors wete appointed and | fifteen &I spectors were added to the Staff for the fall rush 'of fruit, NEW. DAIRY STATIONS The minister also has been taking a keen interes in dairying. Daring the past few months a dairy station has beey erected at Finch, Ontario It is mow being operated as a model | be has cheese factory and creamery. equipped with all the latest appara- tus and with facilities for investiga- tion and experimental work. the first establishment of its kind in | this long seige of It is hoped by the erec-- tion of this station to effect improvement in the character of the cheese factory and creamery build- ings in Eastern Ontario. The contract has just been let for the erection of a similar station at Brome, Quebec, which will relate more particularly to the butter- making industry. It is to acclaim that Called to Port Perry. Wingbam, Oct. 31,--Rev. W. J. West, of Bluevale, has received a call tothe pastorate of St. John's Presbyterian Church, Port Perry. Presidental Election. Woodrow Wilson, Democrat, as was anticipated, has carried the Presidental Lilection by a tremendots majority: He captured thirty-nine out of the forty. ight States. ; Roosevelt ran second; Wilson won out in the tes, giving him 878 out of Electoral College, making a . record majority ; the nearest to which 'was 1904 when Roosevelt obtained "886, Canada ¢hotld be satisfied with Wil- sou's olection, while the United States] Tarabageh., Yo 2 don its judict 5 pa, Arkansas, Califor- ]l reception to.moftow ou from four to seven o'clock at fer } e, 717 Spadina avenue. Her other, Mrs. Burnham, of Port Perry, and her sister Mrs Guy Ordeal Cgfgary, will receive with her.-- Toronto News of Thursday, October goth. Lord Strathcona has not smoked for sevehty years and eats but two meals a day breakfast and dinner. A pure black fox was put under chloroforat at Charlottetown, P E.I and hada leg, which had been ap, amputated. Not anding the report that .{ women nd, longer wear petticoats, *{ Port. Arth News says thete are a ny stogies as ever about | a hy 'government. 4 If the 'high' Bost of living trotibles you, learn, a lésson from' Lord Strathcona, fresh and active in his ninety-third year. For over scventy years he has lived on two meals a day, and think of the more than princely fortune he has saved ! The Liskeard Speaker says: «v"ngland is to manufacture shells for the United States navy. This brings about reciprocity in shells, "Fifth of November Enter- : tainment. posted on "the day we brat his remarks were in kegping * with all pertaining to it and Were much appreciated by the large assemblage. He next when the following talented enter-- tainers, if possible, far excelled all former efforts; and to say that the appreciation was unbounded would be a mild statement. Solo the United States having supplied A Reading" us with peanut shellsfor some years." | Solo Mrs. Bamforth > Solo Miss Marion McCaw Hard on the, breakfast foods. ess My. Win, Kennedy Judge Monck of Hamilton says: oe Ca ie Cont . . . adr oe . Va . "jt is becoming difficult for a Divi igolo '.. & Mrs. D. Archer i > i t i i Regding Miss N. McLean sion Court judge to give judgment, RA i . 5 ses an there is such an enormous amount | aqdress Rev. R. Bamforth, B.A. this | Selo . of perjury." Let us hope stigma attaches only to Hamilton, the city which never brings even a murderer to justice. et Draining Done as it Should Be Mr. M. O'Neill, of Greenbank, has just completed a job of field drainiog {>t Mr. Wm. Clarkson, lot ting in tile of proper sizes have been privileged to see a dia- gram of a field laid out ordraining drawn by Mr. O'Neill. and should judge from the manner and direc- tion the everal drains are located rations made isch of the water, sthat it "wbuld be hard to improve upon. To give some idea of the popularity of his system of draiing, during the past season andithé Special 'pr for the fig}. discha froff t ied his services have been in cotisiant demand and id one hundred days dugone thousand six htn- It is] dred rods of ditches of an average depth of two-and one-half feet and put in the tile in same, and is proud exercise ie never felt better, and physically helquestions if heever was betters. Parties requiring draining done inngi3 are soliciting his ser- vices.. ; Mr. O'Neill is an exception- ally well preserved man for his age and he attributes it, in a measure, to having always having and tile "manufacturer. to the kno down to fhe best advantage. a; ------ Chronicles of the War. against f key. z against Tur Oct, -- Bulgar ! Mustapha ; 8, | on' way to US 2 y i. following' address, Drs'G. A. Coates ao better has an enviable record of worthy notwithstanding this, aud we are about to enroll you rather laborlous| among the number. You may not large been engaged at his calling as brick | Of course he has_an advantage as to his moulae of proper draining owing fact that he has loog 'manu- factured the genuine article that conveysthe water, and knowing its utility, he also possesses practical iJedige of the beneficial effect it will have on the land when it is put Oct: 5#-Isregular fighting begun between Turks aod Montenegrians. Qatibpdlontenegro declares war Oct.. 12 -- Montenegrins invest Oct. 13--Montenegrins take Tusi. Oct. 17=-Setvia and Greece de- roy Wi ey'; Tutkey {ads _captore| y, near Adrianople. Qct. 22--Bervians take Prishitina' ub Turks retire. 16 | The Lady True, Blue Lodgé of | parm Stock will fi Port Perry has! fi to be proud | Sebert House Ya ofthe result ofits Fifthi of Novem: gaiyrday, Nove ber Entertainment held in its Lodge z Rooms on the evening of that day. The lady committee Had every confidence public of this district woiild apprec: jate and suppott an entertainfilent and celebration of so impottant ao event ; notwithstanding the attempt: ed event commemorated Was a diabolical one, and they did not count without their host, rooms were literally packed with a highly intelligent and appreciative audience. mitte had announced the prepara- tion of an excellent program and a feast of delicacies, and they filled the bill io perfection, They - were also fortunafe in the selection of 2 chairman, for Mr. Smallman proved that the Of course the com-} introduced the program PROGRAM. a Miss Ford Miss N. McLean . we Mrs, I. Archet, Accompanists--Miss Cook, Miss willard] and Miss Florence McCaw. Address and Presentation Mr. W.C. Vincent, one of Port Perry's most popular and estimable citizens, being about to leave this locality, a few of his most iatimate friends right royally enteflained him, on Monday evening, in the patlors of the Sebert House. On the company assembling Mr. Meharry was called to the chair and ina few judicious remarks made known the object of the assemblage at the same time eulogizing theguest of the evening for his excellent traits of character and his popularity while -prosecuting his calling and the success that had attended it. Many others present endorsed the septiments so fluently youchsafed man, 'at the proper time read the making the presentation. ADDRESS. Dear FRIEND, It is with pleasure we see our boys go away from Port Perry to clswhere. Port Perry ons and daughters who have done become a millionaire, but we are satisfied that you will be a worthy citizen of wherever you may elect to abide. Our loss willbe a gain to some place else. Wherever you go that you will secure warm friends is our sincere desire. You are leav-- ing true and faithful friends behind who will re gret your departure. As a small token of our regard we beg to present this little remembrance. May you lon g live to make use of it. It is ~ with hoartfelt regret that we shake bands .with you to-night. There will always be a warm spot in our hearts Jor your seturn ? A. J. CARNEGIE, W. S. SHorT, Port Perry, Novi 4th, 1912 Mother's Viicant Chair JFor Tue UBSEYVER] The vacant chair, how ead the sight, It stands before us day and night, t Reminds us of the days gone That brings to us a* painful Sah he once or) fered on our Salish ot or children | y And Sten faked of thoks hat thers He When s tng the vacan 5 flowin the flowing ein, the Gospel Bight cqme In. Her I Os un the other sors hers wvwnn fl Ie to seek at Jesus. P tess to behold His fa grace, number of Cl Grade Short Horn perty of Jas. Jacks ealightened | ol 1 in Io tion for keeping onl animals needs no ¢ part i wevety anithal prise one iti the that term. THis >! opportunity tb secu for their | jon prices. and Two:year'old and Heifers -- i the same time an are the property of gart and all will be sg a splendid lot of you terms in both insti Thesale will start shag o'clock--rain or "| Jacks t 5 C {and further he pas farming and in order to his stock of clydesdale horses, gka cattle, pure bred swine, intplements et¢., he has authoriged Mri tkeon to sell all regatdless of price phi the premises on Friday,, Novembet 22. The list is a Jdarge one and Mr. Costello is legving the locality so all will consequently le sold at Auction . Prices. good opporttutiity to secure desirable animals and farm mactlinety and implements, many of the latter: are| 4. new while a big percentage of, them | are as good as new. M of time and place and don't fail to Xa this sale. oe 8, Uxbridge, 1s giving up farming and leaving that part of the cous. | quet try so that the disposal of his Farm Stock, Implements, ctcij: becomes almost a necessity, aid to do sO. in the quickest manner.and give other farmers an opportunity of securing | bearer, in a dainty frock, carrying a some of the choice animals and |bouquet of carnations, implements he possesses he has by the model Chairman, Afteral; «Smoker Session," etc., thé chair. |' Geo. A. CoaTEs. Mr. Vincent made a suitable re- ply, after which "Auld-Lang Syne" brought the pro:ceedings to a close. garth is haghl no more A prayer and praise {0 heaven, Sroely given, . - "| The buildings are 608, J our eyes, sustain, An Important Reach's, host. id ab of ther Forty obtain éverythi This will be a The alte & note Aileen Williamson, instructed Mt. Jackson ta sell all by | pin. Auction onthe premises slightest reserve gredt demand for just ghchBnimals | sang "Because," and implements as are listed for| Miss Joanna Walcon. in order to an appedrahce, te Bougog, auksgivid 'Centre Church was implements, etc. place on -Menday; 11, on the premises, lot '21; 3, Reach, (} mile west -of Seagrave Station) The listis a 'very large one and embraces many choige and valuable animals, while the i enients are all modern and in A choice lot of dairy will be one of the drawing featuge of this sale, while the younger stéeleas first-class In fact the animals and implements are such as should be @n every well regulated farm, and" jubtless there will be such a dem them at the sale as will cf 'fapid bid- ding. Don't fail fend sale, all will be sold Mr. W.J.G:b- son will be auctioneer. It will-be seen by the mammoth posters conspicuom posted were greatly enjoyed, Platten. Mrs. Garnet ing nicely. gis, etc., the § the late Farm Stock, Imple property of the estal Douglas Adams wili by S ; Reach, on" Novemise day. The list is ot than ordipary i includes twenty- Cows and a num the Horses are Clydesdale mares, Mr. Henders' stallions, while the splendid specim the Implements an First-class anid nang There will nce, ade Milch imported their class Parsonage. cles are 4 ties of apple = trees, se { Phaabe Canno vigorous 'and thriyi : mainder is excellent fd thére being also a por! property iswell fen session of this farm wi a FOE N enferpr T successful 5 fathers, just east 'of | '| Prince Albert; has. sold his fine fatm to Mt; Arthur Savage, and { to take 'up. bi > dence ih the Queen City, and hav {fig no further use for his large stock of horses; tattle; Swine; fm Out bf the haze of dieaihs, ott of tle realiti of visibhs, the Canadizh Highway emerges, proved fedsible on the first'attempt" at a trdnscon- tinenfal journey. = © * 'The tour 'officially ended 'at Vic- toria on_October 18, on the return | plemenits; dnd in order to dispose expedilioully and give efs an opportunity - to stich "dnithals and im: | plements as should be.on all well Pd fatms, he has authorized | [rom the west const + 1iMr. Jackson to 'make 'a complete 5 clearatice of everything on the farm (lot 18, con 4) on: Friday, Nov. .15. Mhe animals are all first.class and i ate entitled: to register, Thivwill be a grand opportinity to ng required in the d what is filth beatles Island, when a_banquet 'Was given to Mr. Wilby by the president of ing citizens were preserit; t [the attiyal at Vai HOLTBY-- WILLIA incidence, wad' made at the same fil A very pretty weddifig took place al phe residence of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ls Williamson, + Shady Nook," Sonya, when their elder" daughter, Mela Holly, was united in marriage with Mr. J. Ernest Holthy, of "Ver: nid Vista," son of Mr. and Mrs, J .Holtby, of Manchester. B. N. Konkle, of St. Auvdrew's Presbyterian Chittelh; Sonya, offici- house Was decorated, and guests were present from Toronto, Shelburne, Whitby and otheroutside places. The bride; J who was given away by her father; Mgr. A. E, \Vasuburx, lot 1, eon, looked charming in a cream poplin de chine gown, and carried a bou- of bridal roses and fern and wote the groom's gift, a pearl sun- burst. The ofily attendant was Miss 'cousin of the bride, who made a ptetty little ring wore the groom's gilt, a gold bat The wedding music was play- r Wed: ed by Miss Lillian Williamson, nesday, November 13, without the | sister of the bride, and during the As there is a |signing of the register, Mrs. Konkle accompanied by By Thorrs W. Wiish (Canada's first Ocean-to-Ocean . Motorist.) ; The Canadian Highway 4 fai] ver le Association, Mr. A. oe 'at which" Maygr WW: Foster, Deputy Minister of Works, and other lead- iby a co- hour and undet tHe Bathe weather conditions. ~ The actual runaoifig time was forty-one days and' mife- age was 3,900 miles, which gives an average of 95.13 miles per day. Road conditions were bad, owing to the imtfiehse rainfall in every part of the countty. Matiy patts of the country; 'especially Manitoba, were turned Into swamps and quag- mires thisjreducedthe daily average considerably. in addition to the 3900 miles, 700 miles were covered under other than (he car's owh power, owing ro tlie absence of trail or roads'§ this applies partictilarly to New Ontario; had tobe undertaken, although this was the first tat that ever game through all the way from Halifax to that point. At first it was not diffictilt to keep up an average of 120 miles a day, but from the prairie provinces on this was reduced to as low as sixty miles. The highest daily'run was made in Alberta--185 miles, between Maple Creek and Leth- bridge ; the lowest in Manitoba--14 this sale it will be important for|wedding luncheon Mr. and Mrs, intending purchasers to be on time | Holtby left for their home in Man- participate in the | chester, the bride wearing a tailor knock-downs. Don't fail to put .in | ed:suit- of brown and tan diagonal y = © |whipcord and Lat to match. gCongett at the! a decided suc- 8 less, "The Phonographic selections given by Mrs. McLaren were ex- cellent, The selections' of song given by Mr. Baxter of Toronto, musical help given by Mrs. Sweetman, and the readings. by Mr. Urquhart and and Mr. Clyde It was a cheerful and a happy evening, and the Pastot sought to keep prominently before all the Thanksgiving day. A very good collection was taken. McKinley visited friends in Port Perry this week. Mrs Geo: Schell has been quite his | sick for a few days bit is recover- Her Iriends are glad. We aré pleased 10 hear that Mr. H Davidson is tecoverfng nicely from his recent trouble. i str ceiving every care and kindness at throughout this diskriet that fhe the howe of Mr. Wn. Savage: Next Sunday being the World's fered for | Temperance Sunday Rev. }. W. 13 con, 7.| Totten autiotnced that at all the] il-- Tues- | appointments he would hold services far more lin harmony therewith; He invited and | all to join him in those services. Mrs. Wm. Redman still cottinues He is re- In a certain church in England, withio: the last few weeks Edward : Batlle 4f a crowd of farmers went to | Toronto and conducted themselves | 8! fin he public streets in the riotous land idiotic vay in which colle stndents think they should be ileged to act, what would J 'to them ? would miles, from Winnipeg to Headingly, owing to the wtetthed state of the ghimbe roads; The car was run. ning oh ah aversge of teh niles' 16 the gallon, somelitines as 'ich as fifteen m:les was made to the gal: loo, but in some parts of British toes; GRDWING GIRLS AND ALL WOMEN. wi ry hahtl yoit see women girls "in "the deadly. esi of anaemia: Slowly but sutely § palor as Of deatli; settles on:their| cheeks; thelr eyts grow dull; thbir steps langiiil. Daily they are being robbed of all vitaiit and, Brightness: The trouble i glected becorties more, acute until signs of eatly consumptioh be ne apparent, . What woe dnd d gra A cl ing this ] His alte girls © and wotheh well; d bring back the charm; and fightness of perfect; regular health 'Here isa bit of proaf. Miss Lillie [3 Cartoll, Norwood, Ont., says i-- L About two years ago my health began [to fail. 1 was weak, run down and had no affibition for apy- thing. I bad frequent: headaches, "would be cothpletely tired ort after tHe ledst exettion, and had lutle or o6 appelite. A doctor who was giving me roedicine finally told me he feared I was going into éop- sumption, which, of course mate tite vefy rmtuch down-hearted. As the niedicine 1 'Was taking #as not doing me any. good decided to try Dr. Williams'~ Pink Pills; and 1 shall ever feel gratettfl that I did so. My story may be summed up in the the wotds "nine boxes of the Puls As far as North Bay no shipping fully restored thy health, --perhaps saved my life, and { am now as strong ahd healthy as any gicl." Etety atidetmic sufferer can ob- tain.equally good results through a fair.use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at go cents a bok or six boxes fof $2.60 from The Dr. Williams' | Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. --l---- Toronto Telbgram i--"Flee as a bird" seems to be the national anthem of Turkey. . The capital of the Collifigtvood ------rty token links in the- road" th ning on the ties in some places, another place. a day per person, es of the car were about $5.00 pe day, exclusive of repairs. occasiofs been twisted. : The gumho roads of Maniteh were in such bad condition that th cansing three days delay. * Opin 16 the absente of 10ads tang de totirs had to be made, amounting t Columbia. The enthtisiasm for the Canadia best to welcome the pathfinder an town * atid entértaimng the motoris of the bad spots. British ' Columbia _necssitated run taking a steamer on Kootpney Lake}: 1 'gu on another, and ruhniig fora few] °° pi PILL miles through the United States if ail the pralse, for they are the best 1 At all deale 8 The cost of crossing from Halifax 25 and gycents, or The Fig Pu to Vancouvet averaged abotit $2.90, The expens-}: ¢| large quantities of grapes have been lokt is the Niagasa district, (le ttip was delayed [owing to lack ef help to gathet Oi two dtivers went on strike in Winnipeg, | 600 miles altogether, of which 300 were in Ontario {and 300 in Brilish Highway all along the road was marked. Towns andcities did their [havifig lived besidés presenting pennants of their passed resolutions pledging unquali- ther cattle, yery weak. She has many friends A os Shams or the who are deeply interested in hef| wong, n foal to}and think kindly of her. . The Quarterly Boatd meets this orses are| ook on Friday evening at the Chains were seldont tised. Block and tackle were often in requisition: On due occasion a bridge hed fo be buil( to get the éar over, and teams were necestary to pull the cat out - motorists; however, eg 'on the jotirney; thé as earth and the rest {11 give your... LE Lave ener tied," Co., St, Thomas, Ont; owing to injury to the cat on bad |t{hem. grades, the driving shaft having), Milk is How, recotmended as a : (fine hair tonfe. But dons let this get to the eats of the milkmen; or a e{up will go the price. DIED. R 1 "Deceased was born in and was emphatically aninhabitant of Reach | all 'her lifes 0 pl yi she discharged in the most satis- the important duties of a wife, a mother. nd # fieighbor. She Was a loving and 'beloved wife and affectionate and | indulgent mother. In the chérch 'her sweet influences bad a salutary efiéct and her generous hand was never withheld from its support; toved her Zion and matifested her thete tious and ez d | Frugal, ind t, | faction manoer, in a _tangiable manner. 9 die hy and he be Is wefe Be di point tod generally |€ 0. th disastrous séastn:' rea ree IY uld Keep. The 8 Sho Pow Tos Blood op Peas--Small Mbunt Albert, Wednesday, | 4. sb Reiite, Fhiardday, Hbv. 2c, 8am. Markham, Thuréday, Nov: 21, 2 p.m. Uxbridge, Friday, Nov: 22, 8 a.m. Mituitld; Bathrday, Sonya, Sattirday, : 34; 4: Port P , pertf: ; i . Hrooklin, Monday, i115 Pe . Columbus, Tuesday, y : Oshawa. Tuesday; Nov 26, 2.30 p.m. Pickering. Wednesday, Nov. 27, 9 a.m. 8carbord, Wednésday, Nov, 27, 3 p.m. Claremont, Thursday, Nov: 28, 10 p.m! STALLION INSPEGT [Under Ontario Staliiad Act] Tackwatet, Friday; Nov: 22, 3 pam. 2 : 30 p.m. , Motiday,; Nov. 23, 9 a.m. ofittdy; Nov, 25, 1.3d ttle Statiotr, of Cartwright intend to # 3 o'clock p.m. fof Selling to the Cart- wright Game Preserve Company Limited, Packing Company has be&r iti- "creased from $100,000 to $800,000. AWOMANOF FEW WORDS ocx Mrs. Henry E. Bye, Main street' 2 north," Mount. Forest, Ont., writes: | Columbia, five miles to'the gallon |v Your remedy for kidney, bladder, s good . 'The nunsbet of Hand stomach tr 5 has given mz --- Sg. 4 igh Bred' relief. Have token. three bodes dnt iow feel like living and altgr thay 1 have felt for years-and | ClaGauTEn--1n Reach (con. 6; lot 6), on Friday, November 1, 161%; id Elizabeth Amelia Lakey, belov= ed wife of Albert E. Claugghion; aged 43 years, g riontlis and 19 days.' School 'had her 'warmest| NOTICE OTIER is hereby Li that the rival Count of the Township Consider a By-Law Cn ee ars tite unopened road aflowatices passing through the lands of the said Company. Resefving however; fie tight in the 441 Council. to oper the gaid highways for phiblic traffic, whenevéf they deem it expedient, without paying any compeén- #afion to the said Cotrtpany: s 'I'he unopened Road Allowances which #aid Council intend to sell may be de- scribed as follows: --Those unopeéifed toads in the Township of Cartwright in the County of Durham described as 8: ; 18tly:--The ned allowance for out Bingo and West.at the Notth of corcession 5, lying between lots 1 atid # it concession 5, and be- tween lots 1 attd 2 in: concession in said Township of Cartwright. 2ndly.~The unopetief ellowanee for mad running East and West at the North of concession 6, lying between Jots 4,5 6 aud Westerly part of 7, in jot 6 and b the same bered lots in ion 7. srély.--The Quartet Line running North and South between lots numbered 6 and 7 in concessibn 7, and that part of same Quartef Line between the North parts of lots 6 and 7 in con- tession 6, being all that part of road- vay lying in the Marsh of Lake Scu- gog in said Township. : 4thily.--The tinopetied allowance for road tunniirg Fast atid West at the North of eoticession 7, lying between lots & and g in cofitession 7, and the same ntmbered lots in concession 8. ° Dated at Caesarea this 3oth day of Octos bet, 1912. WIt,LIAM BEACOCK, - Clerk of the Township of Cartwright. Ca New Telephone Directory fie Heil Feleptione Company of Canal is soon to prift a new issue of its _ fame? Telephone Directory for the istrict of CENTRAL ONTARIO including PORT PERRY Parties who contemplate becoming subscribers, or {fiose who wish changes Ihe rea gop shoni Place their' anager at once $0 {bute inseflion in this issne Oonnectittd Oompanies ~~ Should also report additions and chiatiges it] Che Hat of subscribers, either' to the Local Manager, or direct to the Special Agent's Department, Moutreal. - The Belf Telephons Company or

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