Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 Oct 1912, p. 3

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RECEIVED SHIPMENT OF THOSE BEAUTIFUL E CHINA DINNER Ww EN 8S FOR $12.50 AT TH ID . FORMAN & SON. BIC: RED APPLE : MIM a EVAPORATOR For which the Highest Prices will be paid tht the Lusiness will afford, Bring them to thie Evaporator #4 edrly as possible . On or after lst September: Do not allow any apples go to waste. Prices about the same as heretoro. : JOSEPH BIGELOW: fey r am s HOMESEEKERS! "SETTERS TOMTES : Farms for Progressive Men bocopiod the Agancy for Have you investigate the possibilities of the 135,000 Fs free homesteads of 160 acres, located along or near i our I q 0. the Canadian Northern Railway lines ou oson 1 wn povoran || LITE) YEATS © mpi y "wile Cl f Engineer "TOURIST. ROUTE : "Bow tn' Hid Superintendent Mc. TO i of the Trent Villey Canal MUSKOKA LAKE reaclied Lindsay to-day on a tour LAKE SESA BAYS "|'of inspection. * Mr. 'Burnham said {1 he intended to do all he could to A INR RIVER 'have this great artery of Jake traffic FRENCH RIVER gumerits by the Gov- completed Within [three years and| GEORGIAN BAY he. tents the case consequently will be urge members LAKE COUCHICHING pi Déliberating® little | representing the ridings. along the KAWARTHA LAKES, Etc: ) ed a a Jo the ord canal to force their claims before ROUND TRIP i tetgi rder io-the fief degree the Government. Contracts already ¥ : ' wi Encipital pubishment," entered into which have been DOMESEERERS BXCTRSIONS the student keeps same books as . Judge Sessions then prafounced | standing for some time should be y Chatered Banks and Wile o ge 3 © po the West sale Houses, Enter any time. J Sehtonce 49 (ody se The rt completed on pain of forfeiture ; x ae 2g : Individwal instruction, ia aah i por Tiye ir, Bumbam, le is under | ALESC ACS fr Tem ron set 2 stood that the canal will be deepen Via SARNIA OR OHIOAGO. unce. The sentence of he court Literature, tickets and full informa: Write, call or phone for cotfined in the feder- [ed toa # deptl of ning feet. wi arabire, tickets 870 Iu informas tie, i Fort Leavenworth, = address A, Eb DUFF, District Passenger PETERBORD 'A young housewife advertised for Kansas, "with hard laber for the How to PR a Gatdnet. Agent, Toronto, Quintlo. Boh a col golght gardever 16 work' by | 2 BUSINESS COLLEGE gest of your patur J life, ; 1 Mx in By a strange coincidence Stewart M. , Oratiam, (Founded 188 3 the ) B | Our Seven. Colleges have heen es- tablished durilig the past 30 years The largest trainers in Canada. Ow- ing to our connection all over Ontario, we do better for our gradu- ates than any other School, Joi may study all at home or or part home and finish td Affiliated with The a ge B 'ucators' Association of Canada. It would be well for you to investi- gate before choosing. Exclusive right for Ontario of the world: famous Bliss Book-keeping Systerit which is unequdlled. It is Actua] Business from Start to Finish, and School Patronage solicited. Terms reasonable Er a ee de eA i a 1 'away, directly behind the ag frantically gesticulating and point ' ing unmistakably towards the less pint 6 Jeers. prepossessitig of the two. The "Attorney James H. Pound painted | young woman, supposing lier moth- S Ch 1 H 1 a word are of the circamstauces | er had some prrsial knowledge ¢ ar es ote the 2eplizast, hired him to do hey © wor PORT PERRY which led up to and which caused Ferguson: to taks the life of Inspect- as that man ever 'done aby (Buriotly under New Maaagoment) work for you, mother 2" enquired | G. A. COLE or Herbert. * Here was a British the daughter when they were alone. Hav o ig The (08 subject longing to get back to his native lapd," he said. * But as he La touched foot upon Canadian Shores "No," replied the ol woman, "1 PROPRIETOR MAINTOBA, SASKATCHEWAN and ALBERTA he was mét by these petty officials | never saw the man before. : To 4 : Wha : : and turned back rejected and in-| «Then why did you choose the {Late 7 Hate) Falconer, Tdiobte] {ers to the Royal Family] Thotisaiids of acres of the last, belt, ftee land bn earth are ¥ sulted For thigy and for the affec- [tall man? The othdr had a much Gomaisreiel Ee nhs rooms And dte prepa tion he showed hiscountry, William | better face." > They have the § A, Fergason is being put belind| Face!" retorted the old wortian Eris CAWRER BROS" ROYAL HO walls of steel and stone for the re-|{ briskly. When you pick a man po After pivibg it to promptly fill all orders ebtrusted to their care. yet available for cultivatioh. lour that gives satisfaction to the} consumer-- THE - OLD--fills the bill, cvery pound is guaranteed, FINE CLIMATE - SPLENDID SOIL ~- INDEPEND:NCE a'fair trial if not satisfied retnrn the balance (if over 5 lbs.) mainderdf his life," The main ar-|out to work in ths garden you want HEADACHES and jotir mone Il be cheerfully refunded. The millionaire cannot The heritage of CANADA'S 8ONS is the WHEAT LAND gument ofthe counsel for defence to go by his overalls. 1f they're (Successors To Jamieson & | buy a Leiter flogfthan THE ROYAL HOUSEHOLD, nor even the OF THE WEST. 3a the tanks of INDEPENDENT was justification. patched ou the knees you want him are nearly always DENNISON.) poorest family a flour that is more economical. WEST BUN RMERS and i a factor in the real F If the patch is on the seat you anced by ; ; progress o anada. A post-cari to ho Alleged Robber of New| dowt" PIRED EYES LIVERY A 0 AR 0 AD JUST RECEIVED R. L. FAIRBAIRN, Gen. Pass. Agt,, C.R., 68 King SI. East, Toronto i Le , : . Agt., C.N.R., i: y Westminister Bank Ty Which fequire spectacles Having purchased the Livery E WILL BRING YOU BOOKLETS AND ALL INFORMATION Consult D dsith n: ; - Wes, accapding to Bertin ent Corted seer bu, Lact, Gro I INGRAMS® . . Agents -- 5 > Wal Ea ; : sais a oct. 3. 1gra |F Be LUKE, Gpmcian™ | po poner THE STABLES Port ort Perry and vicinity. CARD OF TEHANES | : . business carried on by Jamieson & | St. Louis, Mo, Sept. 27,-- Frank PORT PERRY MARKETS. is a prisoner at police headquarters, | Fall Wheat ........ $o 80 @ $o go 159 Yonge St, Toronto. i ES e of | Spring Wheat. o 8» 0gol0O ite Simpsons'. sith frst-cl animals, and install . TE . 5 ' } 3 Bas ohio) to BEND bee Goose Wheat. Leis Se 9 2 ppos with first-class anima : 45 \G) WA In returning thanks for the liberal patronage received, oe year for (Le robbery of the Bank of | Barley . Wigner OIE, 0:00 rete Now 2d Up-to-Date Vehicles 1 50 far since commencing the Confectionery and Bakery Ja Montreal'in' New Westminister, B. | Rye 0(8@ o 70 { S 1 : ; : Business, we beg to announce that in future we purpose le 0 4 arm or a e with modern Trappings which for os C. His photograph was identified ats 032@ o 34 g y Siting oh by Lieut, Burns ot Chicaga as one Butter 0 25@ o 28 comfort and convenience cannot ' ® y ) of the two men who beat him into Eggs.. cede 0.22 @ 025 {ast half of Lot 12, Concession 6, | be surpassed. = - a @ -_s \ i . ; e: fnsensibihty in a Chicago saloon | Cattle, per ib. vive 04} @ 0 03 24 Cartwright, Durham County, Special attention aid to: the B --E "yecently, 0 Burns tried singte-| Hogs, per 100 lbs.. 6 50 @ 7 so a 100 acres. rua) on | ce fd of Com a ME RCHANT TAILOR, I as nines ~ handed to capture them. Beans .\..... ve... 1 50@ 1 785|the premises are a good frame}, of X 3 Vest was arrested early Wednes- Gress Seed Sv 3 00@ 4 vo dusthnng ons cellar 30 "9 EL Keeps in Stock a full a ; ww - Yay and has been held by the police! Alsike Clover. .... 10 00 @ 11 0024, woodshed 18x24, good [rame| =". B50 ee git paltols 3 Our oods are t he BEST possible; ahd our Prices are Right at ye request of private detectives. | Red Clover... .. «+ 12 00 @ 13 00 barn, stone stables Boe pig pens we guarantee lo please ditt pattoh i supply of up- to-date p er B . lle so far has refused to talk, ex | Peas Black eye... I125@ oo00{4ox18 and 18x24, acres of Patronage solicited. ¢ INGER MS" § cept to insist that his pame is |. C.| Peas--Small. 1 o0@ I us| I'nuxed timber, one acre Orc A 7 Phone Ma. 3 & Port Perty, Jan. 24, 1914. A 7 Ada:as, Buckwheat.. ... wy 0 55@ © 58la never failing stream, hard and # = . Ed : i Turkeys 0 15@ o 19|soft water. One mile from Rail- OAWKER BRCS. A Clevelaiid; , Sept. 27. -~ \Vhile Geese .....-.. . oto@ o 12 way. one mile from the viliage of : yo " Postal Thspector lement is search. [Ducks ....... .. 0 10@ 0 t2|Blackstock, 2} miles ftotn Caesarea, | =~ I 3 2, west for James H, and R. Chickens... . 010@ Oo 14|the famous So Ross orl on Lake Ra RNR bh 8 ui ble for all Seasons homas SeNichols, to to serve them Scugog, Situated in the Inst farm Why We Feil : 1 ait 11% P . " 2 gsectior Conuty of Durham. with warrants charging misuse of mg section in the y 'of the mails tn' promoting Oregon For further particulars apply to the and Id«ho ides, details of their Farm for Sale undersigned. operations in Cleveland and North- Davin J. & Dotiitas Apams, We have the most modern, 5 Se 3% 39 SHRINKS HAVING purchased the d the most practical and the best so Butchering Business and ? 2 Hardwood bu-h. Good Buildings iu- : i de, distibuted; and on which hundreds eons Hares HATE tOOFRE With] eA ars has of buyers claim ta have lost heavily. | gtabliug underneath, and good out- tro Ohio ie hijog hibennt » light 100 }- ACRES gore or logy being LL Port Perry, Ont, |B aalnpd wg in Eastern |g good will of Mr. I. J. Wheelo - that shows that the rich and poor square and south haif of lot 16, | Levy C. Tavior, f Ontario The courses are Go ? g ; 4 bought « the, $1,000,000 ili stock|cou. 8, Brock ownsh'p. Firsteclass Nestl=ton, Ont. B thorough and facinating. An = all S 1 would like toinform allhisr which the brathers are said to have land, ail workable eXcopt five acres of a rae YH tively. < Th : old customers and as many new ones as possible that I Cpiiadiah Ritiness. Procalnre intend to keep at all times a % It was learned to-day that when, |bnildings. '2 good wells. Possession SUM Vl R 0 00 | 8 for the training of the ambiti ; 5 i r . id ; - Zi 5 a month ar so before 44 was to die, [for plowing after hacvest. Farm is ih E S H L | # ous young people of vur coun- B 2 n A 1 1 good assortment of all kinds of Jahano "Hoch, (he Chicago wife |Situated within a mile of Blackwater Q A vs, Op |B try. x the Best Meats--Iresh and ' ar Station. For further particulars apply |§ Studentsmay entor any day. Open § | @ J) Jal btai . wurderer, wade a public appeal for | tha entire soar. Now isn good §1 Gir. Graduates tf Salt--obtainable and at reas- . timu to enter, SATE est tradners in | x (J x ha yp nQ 1 Y $roco for a final fight io eevane 1:0 WM. BAIRD. onthe Provyise oF TT: Graduates got ne: posi- |g are successful, ask a student or g 3000 B S RED GQ 0 ER fagtle rates 28 possible. . Ee rs ae a Hang hnasandasiids ing ashame, § 18 ox student, they are our Lest | + : I am also in the market, at all times, for Choice Cattle went to Chicig> with his brideofa| Schoolof Isaac Pitman. Thelargest @ |W Jdvertisement. ! ' fine 1 Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Sheepskins; at a. Sp pipeninis beendloaet.0 ASS FARM FORI i mien Homo Study Gotvtes HOH00 BUS, TIMOTHY |r iyo es Me soa Shapers says that James H McNicholas was 2,000 students last year. Tuere must bo a reason. The only school in Portland a wesk or ten days ago, SALE OR T0 RENT in Eastern Ontario afliliated with EZ Fresh Fish every Tutsday. & but if Ingpecter Clements knows his the Commercial Educators Asxocin- i Lindsay Business College 3 2574 FT OM RET PRICE PAID Courteous treatment and prompt delivery whereabouts at present, he is keep: | sm undersigned offers for Sale | § tion of Canada. Write, phone or K HX X x8 A - ing hit own counsel. Relatives of ot to Ratt his fine farm, being tall to investigate: id C.R. Brower, A. Il. Spotton, eR eI em ene imi May2 6, 1909. WwW. A. BOYCE the me assert, that Jamies is in| ue Gl lot 10, con. g, Bast Whitby, |§ SPOTTON BUSINESS COLLEGE Principal. President, a = Muni) an Thomas in Albuqu- consisting of gg Acres more or less. PETERBOROUGH, Enter Any Day. or £.21que, Now Hom There is on the property a Splendid | § apo gpOPTON, President ed by Gasoline Power, No charge fof cledtiing Brick House, $ox 36 Bath and Fiabe lite RE ER a Toptaatane Suns Being Discussed Driving Shed, 26 x 50. lt is sitnat-| -- when n e seed is sold to us. 5c. per bushel it charged A FI J | L S Of K ed about lour miles from the C.P.R., Seda "i. BREA FRANCE AND || d tl les from tl F.C male Pills | ¢ -when we do not bity. Give me a call before selling. RU! hold SSINE DTT, and Sheee ues: om. tne De remain ai | tings o the Division Courls bi: 3 ® OF EVERYTHING IN THE # Apply toll jet the | Bioeth partion of the temale yin: Refuse ruin nao aes sgl pi, roves on ve BERETS | cour ov amano. B. &Z. PURDY. Fairness 1. ne "of Inst Week was ineonteatably the eud JAS. J. ORMISON. Sars inge lorie" Hsledlo boy a out. 1012 hit \Y | of tho great og obi to' he the Raglin, June 24, sgia #r at Flint's Drug Store. 2 * > pes : x Ir presencd; of the Grand Duke Nichbblns z he N vi T gave special significance, The Generale +» + 1. WHITBY --Clork; Miss £. f,. Mhe- TR GH EAP ESS STY LE Fan he Ser Cale rt AL UABLE PROPERTY| O: FR Time Table "ndlefiivo iy bibs | veeuring after M. Poincare's visit to St. |- | MYRTLE STATION. Joy 5. Sep 8, Oct. 2, Nov: 7; Deer E Durability and Petersburg, testified to the Czar that In Prince Albert for Sale. Gort East Gore Wit 1, Jan. 13,1913, : ; a voy Spaetidnte the bonds | arn lam ER an. OSHAWA Clerk, Miss E. i. Mag: 0 I'WRER BROS. = = ; ch unis us to a : 50 a.m. donell, \Whithy--Jan. 16, Feb. 6 2 19 ; Tho preas:of two Worlds Is unanimous THE Sula don 1 I ohm 5.50 p.m. March 5, Aprita, a 5 Jana, | i STRENGTH fn fel 11 1 80 p.m. | July 4, Sept. 4, Uct..8, Nov. 8, Dec J i ot Wt. of rs gh Se rt A. J. DAVIS, Town Agont.| 9.un! 11, itd of. barns an 3 2. BROUGHAM -- Clerk, M. Jloen, orchard ane x . Gresnwood--Jan. t7, March 6, fruit. ' . op i, rite ; bd 8; Sept. 5 Nov. 11, Jan. rning thanks to the the extensive pat- | wed upon them 28 in the PEE a : "animals | [AN 8 Y { Robes, Blaitkets, Bells, Trunks 0 as to : est and ten- ssible, aud we mes to have an Catfiot be urpassed n the County, oe a oR a uly 8 Nov. Jay 7 17, wi, id 4. UXBRIDGE--Clerk, M. Moore, Uxbridge--Jan, 12, or May 14, July 24, Sept. 18, Nov. 22, Jan. 10, 1913, 5. CANNINGTON--Clerk, ge Smith, Cannington= Jan. Te) March I &c., in abundance. Cemparison of Prices icin W. A. BEATTY Bd gr intend at ampe suf re Sr Ease | Mo duly ds, ope! 13, Rov. D PENDER CHOICE MEATS == i id oh of Share of he nds gi) ~-- | Enon seg | vi wi cut 0 pense end dive proms, | |F YOU WANT |First-ClassFarmfor Salg Spin it in Ting for Hos Hiri uly 4, Sept. 11, Nov.| go SENSED AND Sakt MEATS A SPECIALTY. OR TO RENT lang, In ene Sy ; = -- THE BEST : NET " any Yom rs to do all kin off - Nov. 19, Jan. 7, t 2 . ROSS Sa SONS { N 4 He Fae Containing (3 strc an Papering, ting) &e, y orde 1, cranton . al! bi ini i tm The i ad the rasta and Paint furnished i RTLE IVE RY oy Heecclans and u; -tn-dnte., The : 3 » F NOTT, Bucci to LL : 4 doors fiorth of Me, Widden's inte ¥ i a magnificent Spring reek ra le Station; Sak STEAM OR SOFT SER -- Frég Bnurning Godl vio ata Syasiy or A the Livery Stables at Myrtle Station and good-witl ¢f ae 9) Hod nis 7 ney, and stocked them with a large number of ; Woon the proprietor, S3 HORSES AND UP-TO-DATE VEHICLES Ang. £0, 1912; d to' meet, in a satisfactory manner, the demand of the thing in the Livery line at moderate charges, 3 Portland Cement except 2.20and 7.07 p m unless ee ordered : : Sd Bell and Independent Phones.

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