to Port Perry Fait on Friday of next week, Septem- ber 18th. 'To witness the At- tractions alone will be worth far more than the price of The Races for big purses also tahe place on that day for which there is no additional charge. dous array of foreign tal- red for the Concert, in the Evening for numbers and brilliancy far ecli tertainments, under Fair aus- pices, hitherto held in Port 0 sure for Can- kmen one day's rest in "Svho hae such a it against'! e White Slave fié will preach in Nestleton, En- iskillen and Blackstock next Sun- Rev. ]. C. Forster. tant To MANkiND.--Mr W. H. Doubt's tailoring establish- ment is the place to procure cloth- ing. congtructed as it should be, - Fall Stock is certainly large. judiciously assorted, up-to-the-min- ute for style, of beautiful designs and capivating patterns--the im- ported Suitings more particularly are splendid both in material and effect and [ar surpass anything in | that line ever shown in this com- munity, and what is till better, in led vidi your measure at Mr. Doubt's ablishment ensures you a perfect AC§or garments leaving it are guar- anteed as regards fit and quality of the price will be willingly an accurate ws an expert cutter he does not run much risk in that respect, and possessing a large staff which is skilled and competent, the work- manship on all garments eminating from his establishment are desirable in every respect. CircuLATION, ahd 1s ave original and best in mews depart- ted entirely in the blication--Port Perry. annum in advance, if 'nét paid in advance, $I. AND AT Low PRICES. Several sums from $300 to $10,000, have ' with me for immediate in- vestment at lowest rate. HUBERT IL. EBBELS, Barrister, Port Perry. TheTownship of Cartwright Beats World ! Winning First and Third Prizes in Oats in Field Competition! wondefstul, ship of Cartwright at the Canadian National Exhibition now being held in Toronto won, in Field Competi- tion, First and Third Prizes on Oats John Mountjoy, Station took the first prize and Mr. A. Beacock, of the same place, the third. Well done Cartwright | North Ontario Observer. | i : TT Tye PORT PERRY, SEPT. 3, 1912 EET Cobourg has a bondéd ingdebeted- ness of $245,000. Eight Toronto policemen have resigned to go West. Muskoka is emptying unusually earlyon account of the bad weather, Eleven men died at Montreal last week from tha eflects of drinking They were all Rus- A MaMMOTH SUNFLOWER.--John Nott, Esq. on Tuesday left at Tug Ossrver Office a Sunflower, raised in his garden, of mammoth propor- tions,-and should a prize ;be offered for Sunflowers it would sweep the It is forty inches in circum- fecence and contains no fewer than 4788 fully developed seeds. OSHAWA FAIR. Everything is now ready for the biggest Oshawa Fair yet held. The Manager and Directors have been busy for some days completing de- tails. The entries have come in in great pumbers and the show is an assured success. advertised announce that they will be on the job for the full time. Two bands have been practising two weeks and will both have good The trotters are al- ready coming and getting used to track. There is bound to be two good days of sport and enter tainment on Tuesday and Wednes- Either days will see the Fairin full swing and either night will see a big shcw in theOpera House. There will be education and instuc- these who want There will be music and attractions to cheer the crowd. There will be side shows and a real midway. There will be races for the sport. There will be fun for the children. 'There will be lots for all and it will all be run as a good clean exhibition for the education and entertainment of the people of Oshawa and country for miles around. the dates now and get youry work in shape tobe in Oshawa on Next Tuesday and Wednesday and see what growth the Fair has made in few years. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, Sept 8th, 10th and 11th. Single Fare on both railways for y the whole show and a good conven- fent train service on each. North passengers can go home each night as the Port Perry train will start A mountain trout weighingthirty- . five pounds was killed in Kushog Lake neat Haliburton, last week. The Lord Mayor of Bristol, who visiting Canada, says Toronto hotels are the worst in the having at the Port Perry Fair one of his growth of Sunflowers and intends presenting it to the one to the number of ds it contains. Major Sam Sharpe, M P., has de- See ot clined appointment to the judgship vacant in this County. Tt will cost $13,500,000 to police New York city next year. c poorer the service the higher the SHOOTING. -- Mr. Schell, of Port Perry, bagged four- teen fine wild ducks on Monday first: day of the open ecarcity of ducks on the Scugog. " Never." says the Lindsay Post, was there a better prospect for a bumper crop in the County of Vic- toria than this year," Mr. Walter Long, M. P. confi- dently predicts that the Unionist party will be in power again in Great Britain within a year. A recént comparison showed that out of forty-nine men operated on for appendicits, five were plumbers snd four lawyers. an editor in the lot. . In tite language of the Bowman- ville Statesman, Mr. Rowell is "ths Great Young Man of Ontario." was quite an ordinary citizen until he accepted the Opposition leader- The Whitby Granite Company completed a very fine Scotch Granite Monument Point: Cemetery to Lhe memory of the late lamented Arthur It is pfonounced-: the/best in the whole district as regards ctery and sorkmanship. Mr. Nott, Port Parry, negotiated the sale for the Company. Avcrion Savg--If will be seen by the posters that Mr. Porteous from. Mr. JJ. H. Cowal to sell by' Auction at Burke. #Fuesdsy next, September mBer of horses, vehicles, All must be sold, Mr. Cowan being about to move $0 Muth regret is expressed at Mg. Cowan's departure, he being highly popular as a grain buyer at Burketon for the past twelve years, and few men ia, that capacity have won the confidence and respect of A Berlin man, the Banner says, cheerfully concedes that the Mus- koka lakes surpass in beauty the famous Lakes of Killarney. an Irishman this must sound like Chemong, whe were called ow home of his di very poot any friends pthise with jed illness. state of health; who most sincerel; her in her loi She has been a kind neigh- bor, always fielp others when in in her 3 Mr. and Mrs. E fand child- ren who have bel iting Mrs. Rogers' parent f Mrs. Red- man, have retul Etheir home in the North. = ! Voted Liberal Ottawa, Aug. its meeting to-d erection of a publi ing a post-office $226,000. Back: lies a curious story peration § Cabinet at thorized the ding includ- thbridge for 5s decision ractical pol: en flexing for lack of it. Howe Lethbridge elected C. A. as its member, and" the Laurier. Government punished it for so do- ing by steadily refbsing to give it the building. 'Mr, Magrath broaght the matter up on the floor of the House on several occésions, but the Government was stubborn. When Sir Willrid Laurier went out West and spoke at Lethbridge, E. M. Macdonald told the audience that the only way toget the building was to vote Liberal. Resentment was expressed; and Sir Wilfrid Laurier hastily assured the gudience that they would get it all yight. 'Never- theless, the Laurier Government at the ensuing session made no appro priation. i un Lethbridge defeated Mr. Magrath and elected a Liberal ; but the Bor- den Government, Jtedlizing that the town needs and desefves.a building, whatever its politics, has gone ahead withit. | | Cartwright Oouneil Regular meeting of Council held Sept. 2nd. + All members present. Reeve Jas. Byers presiding. Mio- utes of last meeting. read and ap- proved. 5 er James Holndes, on behalf of the Presbyterians, applied for use of Basement of Town Halli Gtaoted: Motion of Councillors" Forder and VanCamp, that Clerk notifiy J. M Emmerson that th a 4 ing to statute sell impart of con. 9. eave to The Attrastlons in Front of the) Grand Stand and the Artists at the Concert In the Evening wlll put on the very Best Entertainment yet given by the Fair Assoclation twenty-eight years ago and tie leading business men the Uni it is affiliated with the Cowmereial Educators' Association and any ambitions young securing a first-class | a n should enroll now, The mun- agement of this College are the lar trainers of young peop! guarantee positions. 0 tic to.the Pacific many &re| training themselves entirely in their onn homes while they pursue their Others study partly at], hy college later thereby saving the time and board. The Expense is exceedingly high and we hope the people support the Concert as only a full house can pay the bare expense. The Fair Association has put on two shows and been very pleased to see the Hall full to. the doors; this has given them courage to go fur. ther and secure more and better Those who attend are sure of seeing and hearing an Entertain. ment Worth the money, Do not confuge the : ke ou! rocesaion which follow- of general to its last ace. 3 i} If interested write, cali hone te the Paterboro Business Col lege, Peterboro, Ont. = ° ; TALKIN CONGRESS ara Freedom of Spesh 18 8 Loo assembled in the Salvation Army riers tre of the city of London af an early hour yester- down day morning. The rain fro but when the prooces- 8| mances he will g Feir Night Concert Port Perry, Ont., Sept. 13--Friday. MIS8 LOUIE RODNEY-- Latest Songs-- Elaborate Cos- tumes-- Fancy Dances. Sh is bright and Winsome--You HR Zr ; im MIGHT OF THE LOWER HOUSE' nbers of those in the processi uniform but bore whi with 8 red cross and there was an absence of the usual trappings of mou As the processi the muddy tree spectators gathered along the walks and Sn thelr heads specttul salute-ss the hearse paseed : The EE Tot Presiden i 3 ni The Enormous Power It Wields by ' Shi Kai of the Chine Resson of ita Grip Upen the Purse of csiod 1h. 4 the Netion--Absoluts Democracy of She Committee of the Whole. The bouse of representatives of tha people of the United States, the great @emos, the source of all power, the basis upon which the great super structure of the government rests, dates back to tbe Magna Charta, and Its immediate ancestor was the Gret parliament of Henry IV, In the fif- teenth century. In Henry's parliament tbe representatives of the people es- }|- tabitsbed finally and forever that sll sevenue bills most originate in the lower house, which should hold the parse of the people and without which not a wheel in the legislative, the ex- ecutive or the judicial branch of the ; tional 'Assembly. ** on marched through te dense crowds of proceed The loan question is | Booth had been an hon- freeman of the ofty of London, rd Mayor appea: on th cony of the Mansion House and se- minary 'to the! sub- sequent entire financing of China for : five or ten years. . wore intended to be conducied ' bank worked on the same SALERADO--The Musical Wizard Original Magical Mysferies -- Artistical Stage setting in Plush and Gold render his The. procession-took three hours to traverse the five miles from the start- ing point to the cemetery algng the line on both sides of the stteets anormous crowds looked on. These became more dense as proach to the cemetery was re rave was erected a the members of Gen- and the leaders of eir places ae the coffin was borne in. The service was a very simple one, singing of Salvation' General Bramwell Booth and his sister, Miss Eva Booth, cemmander-in-chief of the Salvation Army in America, delivered speechea, he getaral's youngest deughter 0. Pl as the Ottoman Bank, This, it was osed, should receive nll revenue. e Cabinet rejected the have you guessing. ROBERT CLARK--Ventriloquist His Punch & Judy Show de light young and old than those of the six-power group. A modified scheme is probable. Tne Game of Life. ~~ The game we are all playing is & Josing game at best. Yet we must play. We cannot get np and leavé the table knowing the dice are eogged and the cards marked ngainst us. - We. mast play on, losing our principal: stnke little by liftle or in splendid: rouleaux, as chance or our disposition may urge, but knowing well that in the end, soop or late, whatever re- mains of it will be swept from the board. Lucky the man wha is ed to play but the offe stake. Happy the man who In death loses only his life--i*. I'. Dunne In 'American Muga It is because of this parliament that there is po ways and means committee in the senate and that when any treaty oe commercial arrangement or any- thing involving the payment of money 1s introduced, any appointment or legis. lation is proposed, the house of repres sentatives raises its mighty band and settles the matter mccording to the will of the people through their repre sentatives, for it can defeat any meas: ure or any person by merely declip- Ing to appropriate the money necessary to pay for that measure or person. When this great committee ou Ways and means presents its business to the, 3 house of representatives and the house goes Into committee of the whole house on the state of. the Union They sing, really sing, and are truly funny in their talk. Comedians envy JULIAN & BURKHARDT --- Refined Comedy Acrobats and Theiractis alone worth the price. fun and it will surprise you with its artistic cleverness. MASTER ERNEST MOBGAN-- The Boy Soprano. His pure young voice will thrill you. E, JULES BRAZILL-- The Best Entertainer Canada has produced in his line Sings, Plays, and Recites. A wonder at the Piano. ROBERT SUTHERLAND--Piper A summary of the will left by the late General Booth was made public By a oodicil his small private pro- a net value of £487 19s. oximately $2,440, he gives to the Salvation Army with the exception of rivate papers and memoran- = a given to Sh son. Anot! icil deals with propert assemblage at once resolves itself inte | oatimated to value $26,475, represent. | ing moneys settled on him many eam, Bluejacket's Black Neckerch It is not generally known thit the bluejacket's black neckerchief, & sur vival of the service mourning for Nel son, is the best British silk tat and that the admiralty ls & very fas- Two to. each man are ixsued annually, al sands of these discards been subsequently worn by Jack's fem- infuity. A pair of them m: a body as absolutely democtatic as (he Baxon \Witcnagemot or the New Eg | ysare ago by the late Henr land town meeting. Every symbol of | a popular assemblage is religiously ob served. The speaker leaves the chatx, |. and a chairman is elected who fs oot the speaker. Not even so much gs the private use, goes to his cl Starved for Three Days. Toronto, Aug. $0.--Charles QGallow, 100 East Front street, was picked ul at the corner of King and Churc strests yesterday evening by Constable cpn 6. i By-Law No. §§ appointing Chas, ollector of rates for 1912, at. of con 5, east ear. Orders were C Smith, 92 rods W Veoning, con §..... 335° a community to the same extent. Being an expert judge of grain he knew its value at a glance and al- ways paid the best figure possible. All unconscious, probably, of the trom Oshawa at six each day. pit they are digging for themselves, the directors of the Gravenhurst Agricultural Society are providing for a baby show at their fall exhibi- Ws congratulate Master Gordon J Parrett on the receipt of an honor certificate and a beautiful bronze medal from the authorities of the This; we learn, isin recognition of his having paid into the funds of the home, out of bis earnings, $50 to help to pay the ex penses of bringing out some other boy. That was a noble act on the Messts..W. R Irwin & Sons, lot 34, com 8, Whitby (near Balsam),!being about to leave the locality have authorised Mr.' Jackson to sell by Auction on the premises on Tues: day, October 1st, all their large stock of horses, cattle, swine, and fargy implements, machinery, etc. The list is extensive and embraces a nu er of choice heavy horses, twentyShree head of good grade cattle, , pure-bred swine, while the machjoery and implements are in : se and of the right stamp. Dob't fail to make a note of time and'phice "of this sale and. be op : 'secure some of the bargains all' will be sold without the OARTWRIGHT E The Township of Cartwright Agricultural Society will hold their grounds, Blackstock, on September 26 and 27. There are few town- ship shows that keep up a reputa- tion snperior to that of Cartwrightf the exhibits in the several depart- ments are always good and altrac- Rive and [the parties who attend these' shows from year to year "gaonot fail to mark the onward and steady progress the township is making ia every department. : irectors da every- ible for the success of shows and the people lend their in the same direction. The, always succeed in furnishing of the most attractive exhibi-|j $ one could wish to see. «The ce at these shows is always Rev. J. W. Totten this week at- tends a conference in Toronto, to be held at Victoria College, under the auspices of the Anti-Saloon League. A large number of workers are ex- pected from the United States. We are pleased to state that Mr. Chatles Webster, from England, to visit his brother, of this Island, has secured a posi- tion in Mr. Brock's store, Dr. E. A. Totten, of Lindsay, son of our pastor, is expected soon to feturn from his ocean trip; he has 1 Stieptific American :--A specially . 300 horse-power Benz racing soon make 'its appearance ith, 'Thecar is said to have been. purchased - by a_ well-known race promoter and will probablyit 'member for North ig this, . i Jo come a "Rev. | Nove Other Name." It took| ; , of a song service, theChioir 238 and congregation j / . 10 50 173 175 Municipal World, F. Johns, rep to t G. Marlow, repto J] Holmes, reps to J. G. Hooy, 136 igravel 13 60 H. Brown, reps boundary ..... H. Croker, piling if S. McQuad, { two-thirds valu MiLLmaN KERRY took place on : 21st at Fairview Edna, eldest dal Mrs. George Ker ay, August when Stella of Mr. and married to Frank M. Millmat psom. The bride was given aw by her father and looked. han : dressed in cream pailette, silk all-over, and of white roses and trimmed with A boquet hair fern: The ring was cs y little Miss Cora Kerry; sist $e bride, who wore a dainty broidery and the gt bracelet, and | white em- "--+~Bee ttm Front of Grand Stand . 'and hear the Skyree he will louse.--Pal debate. The speaker goes down to the f cellent blouse.~Pall Mell Third. ~ Gallow was looking very ill | when Third first saw him. the time the constable had hold of him, he was unconscious. He was taken to St. Michael's Hospital, where it was said that he was suffering from the most obscure member of the house. The mace, the emblem. of authority, under the speaker's table to w that the house deltbera 4 erference from anybody. Tbe "[arry propused last Scugog Council. "I knew he would 1 played about two hours after being taken in He seid that owing hard luck, be bad not eaten for three days. ' The regular meeting of theScugog Council was held on Saturday the Members all present except Mr. James Davey. The minutes of last meeting were read and con- "I told bim you would Ini fo tune when you cae of age --Houston middle ages. They were ecclesinstical Jaw to use' _ got around. the law by mace, a terrible weapon, armored men of the times In the choice of the mace as the type authority the idea of rigidly carried out. In ouly a few men out of the whole authorized to wear swords, but and all of the people could use a stout stick, and so the weapon estles the péople was chosen, When the speaker presides . " "WELL DESERVED SNUS. Three (lermuns were sitting at Junch- eon recently and were. overhen cussing the second marriage of tual friend when one of. thew remal ed: "I'll tell you what A man.what marries de second time don't deserve to hat lost his first vife."--Life. London Paper So Describes Borden's i Reply to Suffrage:tes. 30.--London news- pers are wholly congratulatory to r. Borden on the manner in which he handled the suffrage deputations. TLe Pall Mrll Gazette says: "Way- laying the Dominion Premier here 'and threatening him with the con- withholding women's suffrage in his own land, is a rather consummate piece of rudeness, probably the suffragett~: have dis- | covered that the laws of hospitality | are. man-made and accordi require breaking. Canada inoonsolable for 'the class of immi- On motion of Mr. George Sweet- man, the Treasurer was instructed to pay Mr. James Jackson $9.80 for Qn inotion of Mr, Geo. Hood, the Treasurer was instructed to pay Messrs. Carnegie Bros., for lumber, plagk and ties $25.53. On motion ot Mr. Geo. Hood, the Treasurer was instructed to pay Messrs. Geo. Davey, for broom, soc; Heary Demera, balance on culvert, 50 ; Oliver Williams, with team on Mr. Dubb--My brain is on fire} Mins Keen--1 hardly think we need calf out the (re departmeut--Bosion Trane spt i, A lazy man is as eles as 8 fead man and takes up more room.--tube That functionary seizes mace and marches op to thé offend- ing members, who are supposed to be awed into good behavior the Women's Political n to send elsewhere." The Liverpool Post declares suffragettés received s well deserved ub and adds '"A charitable view of childish suggestions is that the aggressive campaign has. entéred At Sixes and Sevens, "1 married my first husband for mon- "ey and my second for. love: "Then you are very happy .now, I On motion of Mr. William Jeffery the Treasurer was instructed to pay Mr, Thomas Redman $8.75, for 3514 rods wire fence bonus. ! On motion of Mc. Geo. Hood, the | gery Treasurer wag instructed to pay Mr John Platten for 65 loads gravel You see, my firsg husband married me for love and my second for movey." 3 ; estminster Gazette describes 'Mr. Borden's reply as spirited and + atic, and says: "The method in which he was opp courteous. rtainly foolish bur- men's methods will BL somewhat Doteworthy that The roached was scarce- Customer--I want a top "of . Dealor=Yes, sir: "What aise®; Ftomer-- Well, "if t's' -nob.: much. 1'd Hike to have 8. On motion of MrJGeo. Sweetman, the Treasurer was instructed Messrs. 'Geo. "Crozier, loads gravel; and W $11.50 for 315 loads: "A SPLENDID OPPORT