Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 29 Aug 1912, p. 2

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ts served first. Heknow therop alii 4 : ar Talim a Enon stimulate the school boards iif they g el- | are t-hearted. 2 | about how to go about securin, evator 'space and gars to: car wheat to market: has to take his chan s | old-timer. and is often whet elevator sp: ata premium; -- Oshawa Fair This Show lasts three days. Mon- day is preparation day, Tuesday and Wednesday are both show days. : ProriTaBLE Crops, -- Mr. H. Carmichael purchased the other ay, for Mr. Jas. Lucas, of two | fa "near Seagrave, their erops of. Alsike, which yielked nearly len 'bushe 1 A-r quality: thie Ee a viivemed %n the Frep RicHARDSON OF COLUMBUS con-| elevator on Tuesday, one of which Gives Exeression To His Sen- {oads neited five hundred and thirty | TmMENTs--HE TrLLS THE Scort- dollass; the other load five hundred| TSH BREEDRRS THE STAMP OF and ten dollars. The price paid CrLypeEspALE CANADA REQUIRES. ae - doflass2 Ba The Dumfries (Scotland) Courier « Wes. Crozer, qog, : : ed at the Port Perry elevator a load and Herald of July 27th says: Ona visit to Dumfries just now are a rep- of Alsike that netted him over six / bundred dollars. Well done, Scu-|resentative body of Canadian Clydes- dale horse buyers, and to many in gog ! Messrs. Smith & Richardson, Col-| the district tliey will be well known, umbus, returned the other day from | a5 most of them for years have come Scotland with the best aggregation | ooo to pick and choose amongst the best studs inthe district. Totell ee ) r 4 " Several sums from (of Clydesdales it has been their ONEY te $10,000, have | good ar wo possess. They are with fe for immediate in| {0 be congratulated on ha a[them off by name they are: Mr. 8 Bleeet be congrat 8 ; oe a +. mmpmys, |tuccessfulivoyage. They sichly | William Smith, Member of Parlia- * Basrister, Port Perry. ment for South Ontario ; Mr. Robert Graham (of Graham and Renfrew), ~ amply recompense Bedford Park, Ontario; Mr. John for ality and enterprise for doing their stmost to: supply Cana d - C 0 Boag (of Boag and Son) Queensville, Ontario; Mr. James Torrance, Mark- th the cream of Clydesdales rio ; Mr, ~ OANADIAN BUYERS | Of Scottish Ot le Horses in Dumfries Give a Hint to Scottish Breeders Graham is presid resident, and § Ello and Smith, dis Clydesdale Associ So far they are ve the result of thei and expect to taki back with them wi hi i x a necessary one, provoked a As it will| has been ve 7 Besanaand sities aud Best Ritablished--feunded in - s8sy--the original end Dest in its local and gencl: evs depart. ment and is : i entirely in the place of publication®--Port Perry. PRRMS--$1 per annum in advance, if not paid in advance, §1.50 will bé charged PRINTING -- i MODERN STVLES Tur Most : AND AT Low PRICES. i "| trom one part of the country to the OARTWRIGHT E - The Township Agricultural Societ, Exhibition for grounds, Blacksto 26 and 27. There ship shows that ke tion snperior to th the exhibits in the ments are always g tive and _the parties these shows from cannot fail to mark ti steady progress th making ia every d A Ofticers and Direchol thing possible for the : other, to compensate for the loss of the grants. Let all French-Can- adians unite, and thé bilingual |' schools will have nothing to fear All exhibits except sheep are on ex~| from the new legislation which hibit both days. comes into force next month." The Railway Service this year| La Justiée does not concede the opens a new territory. The C. N.|right of the Government to withold] R. time table is just right to get |{he grant as a matter 'of constitu- home each night. There is single | tional right. a fase on both roads and be sure you} get it. Insist on a single fare re- Progressive Stock Breeding turn ticket. Both companies have heres why Vihora © e ore if no reason why Nort n= made this arrangement. tario should not begnme inmons ag a live Each day sees something more Souk Satry. aud the ons of the Ou- ei : tario rtment of ulture ar un- getting ready, The Spring Meet | folded by Mr. Bailey are well calculated cn re Pook. Will, sa "ot pig, 01 by as With, seid ills, in ie sail on dept 1's decision: iande wa 1e by. Police Mgistrate nat end te ee iogiand. | Botbiite, of Detroit, entered the "baseball on the'ee- | home of Elhu Wigle in Ouellette y at _Quebeo, a ¥: Avenue one evening last week while ur Potter aged 17, '| the family was absent. He 8¢ the back by a ball 80d | (he best room in the - house a id. : al ie Toon © | went to bed, where he as liscav- An -order-in-cour 43 Dn. ered by Mr. Wigle upon his retutn. Jha Gloucester AN | Botblite told the police he must was = seized at Barrington, N.8., for |have been drunk, but the fact 'that violating fishery regulstions. the house had been partialy ram- George Kuempel and pa: Fearman, |sacked in a rystematic manner con- 2 ld lads, will the |v the officars that Bothiite st $1 days in, the coumis joi Fh ted "attend lo year fa d and ip is The Cevery- Dt the productef Bonnie Scotland. : \Aéfson, Esq., the. ki eae of - Bolton; Mr? Fred. Rich nT % om tly hs ardson (of Smith and Richardson), Foy the enterprising, worthy and | Columbus, Ontario; and Mr. Thos. popular M.P. for South Ontario. A. Graham (of Graham Bros), SREY , Claremont, Ontario. Me and Mrs: H. Cannichag], These gentlemen are all practic "Inverlynn," Port Perry, announce the Ei of their only |2!ly Clydesdale horse buyers, and " "he | horses and some fast reco de. jlways | There are good events both days. ways | A hew ring has been built in front. sncert | of the Grand Stand for showing of horses in harness. The competition for young single tions one could to attendance at these shows large and those who go ond like fo go again. A grand in the evening for which he Ontar the Malt rid ou FAY Mr. Bailey said : en The _Ontario. Department of Agri-| "veulture'will send to each' district thei: 'the type of cattle best adapted to con-! sditicns thera, To one district we. 'might send Ayreshires, to audthey PORT PERRY, AUG, 2; 1912 Beaverton wants sidewalks but is pot willing to pay for them, Under the auspices of the Port Perry, Reach and Scugog. : : i f talented entettai ' i : . L to Dr. F. in the district trying to smap|2T8Y © d : : «Holsteins. Esch district wotld thus Agricultural Soctety - There is no t in the report daughter, Daley sabel, to are on acd Ee Rg op been secured is also ul the [lady driver on Sept, 10th and 11th | «pecome noted for producing a cortain shat the Prince 6f Wales will visit| = ; up De 8 dg = | auspices of the Society. will be good. Three to compete or | * kind of cattle." aly Bl aman Fatarns Tone To To aiaemen | TE. Only style and etfciency | 1 3 BEC Fed ey pe The latest idiot to discover a sea | I". = y ite Canadisn: Naucal Kanes The desire of Americatt. Women |i, driving lo be considered. Entries | fev since It was suggested in {hase I HUR DAY AND FRIDAY t "Scoop, the Cub R Big Fair should apply to Mr. JH. |; 1,510 towards the end of Aug-| for luxurious homes and rai : : RZ serpent js Pr €~| Brown, the worthy and indefalig- i : i must be made in the usual way but | columne come vearsago. with particular porter. ocr, tive Saciat 5 lust. They have got along pretty ment is responsible for: low | bership foe reference to the horse-hreeding indue- | Gréat Britain spends more money etctary ohileoaiely. moral standards and shar ness | BO entry or membership lee 1S T€-- |g Ayr argument wasfonnd~d on the well up to the present, and it ap- SEPTEMBER 12 & 13, [8I2 q National Casket Com- |atance, and Belgium has a draught 1 Brass: h fl Tho British Tal : i " orse ol ar own, 0 rit fA ¥ pany, Toronto. Avy former winner | 4, te danghters, the aan $3800 N LJ by | /7ES Hl of same prize barred, or any com-|the Shira, although for all practical _ | peditor in a driving contest in the purposes they ar» ono. Foreicn huyers, Under the auspices of the Port Perry Trotting Association. For Purses see Prize List, which can be had on application 2 Mr. Geo. Vansickler yesterday Y practices of their husbands accor- | quired. First prize 4-piece Silver |experienae of the British Isles and in she upkeep of its roads than on | |eft for Calgary, Alta., where a good | pears as if the greatest part of the | §iio'to Professor Herbept"Willett | Tea Service, donated by A.J. H. Furapean conntries. France is the navy. " position awaits him. All wish him purchases will be from the firm of | of the University of Chi i handquarters for the Percheron, for in- tree ; A Torogto firm.of produce deal- ers has arranged to hold a weekly produce masket in Cannington. The Dominion 'Government has purchased a site at Midland for a continued prosperity in his new home. FAA LEEPER PrP PrP PrP a Port Perry's Big Fa Anybody who reads from day ta day what the Grits are going to do therefore, when thev want a Clvde lnrk with the lsle of Jergev. Ruyers from all over tha world visit the isle everv vear for this peculiar breed of cows. ag thay visit the Midlands and the North for Shorthorne, and Scotland for the Aberdeen-Angus Yorkghire has given her name to ona breed of pig, and Berkshire to another. Tha breaders in these saparate! localities hava learned the value of specialization and concen . A Rgas well of 40,000 feet a day i i i "oi I or Bay posters obtainable in Canada and |animal, the horse, will havea chance ford, in the heart of the residental A Berlin newspaper is authority | are having them extensively circu- of seeing feats in that line. worth district. for the story that an engineer has| lated by one of the leading officers coming a long way to see; in short, invented an aeroplane that will{of the society, no less a personage there will be a fine display of remain stationary in the air for an|than the worthy Vice-President, first-class horse racing divested of indefinite period, thus enabling its| Mr. A. W. Williams, may be our its objectionable points. Fair and list and takes place of prizes oftered there. The Shredded Wheat people ex- pect to give a banquet on Tuesday night, Sept. 10th. Exhibitors of live stock will bethe guests. Tickets to hats unto : 1 Dated city of Toronto. Any former winner | nowhera alsa but in Scotland or the foblic buding. The "cont wat) 0, "poder mus realize wht or same przs barred or any | BAL EULESS (U8 P| : 97,250 i 78 Mast 198 igh waa As the time for holding this fair | wishing the advance: and | comtetitor in a driving contest in | gies on producing eine and Perch- 3 During the year ended April 30th | L5FF21¢ €10WS they are. 50 Was| oo aches the interest increases | prosperity of the most important] the city of Toronto. Second prize, | #rons A% well. Thay hava concentrated . 1.202 Canadian-made automobiles | Sit Bowle Roache. - "Mr. Speaker : 3 ! on one tvpe, and have developed it to 129 > n ile: : a 1 al ui and prospects of something grand {interest of our country. Silver Dessert Service, donated by | a tate of perfection that it would he Wete slipped to New Zealand and be said, * st 258 a see oe becomes more certain. The man-| Parties taking pleasure in wit | Society. Same terms and condi- fsa had mol all Tho hrsedels Hoon ¥ : floating In their, ab nip DIM cement have secured the best |nessing the s ing of that noble | tions. This was too late for prize | with: the A oranda wi RC in the bud 1" 8 B Es P 2 Oshawa business men and other citizens have contributed upwards of $1,200 to the coming fall show of that town, occupants to drop bombs and other | daily on all roads leading to Port honest horse racing has ap attrac | 25c. There will be music and 1racich and iF the farmers of Rew Lig to the Secretary, Mr. J. H. Brown, Port Perry. In Montreal there is $194,000,000 | unwelcome things on the heads of | Perry for a very large radius busily |tion for all, the racers liké it, the dri. | speeches and a good feed. tari, encniraged by the Oniania le C bh * Hh ib partment of Agrienltnre, will learn it i * Worth Sb plopenty exempt from tax- |the people beneath. engaged posting up those magnifi-| vers like it, and the public at large The Citizens' Band and the|too, they will et a fhining axampla to Grand Attractions and Concert : at Night i Siok Souk the figures appear al- Since the Conservatives came cent Proclamations announcing the watch the contests with the greatest | Mazipah Band will both be on the the farmers of older Ontario cf Canada will be announced later on posters. The Directors are i : r i . generally.--Mail and Empire. into power at Ottawa the Grit newspapers have invented for them trouble enough to wreck ten ordin- ary governments and kill a score of interest. Fortunately forthe public the Port Perry Trotting Association Races take place on the second day of the Fair, (Friday, putting forth every eflort to make this Fair the Best Yet. Serd in your entries to the Secretary early. I .H BROWN, J.C. BROWNE, WM. GRAHAM. grounds each day with good music. Remember the dates--and don't leave any of your friends at home. Oshawa is ready to give you the days and dates of the coming Fair (Thursday and Friday, September 12 and 13); in fact the management isdoingevery thing possibleto secure The Newmarket Council has de- cided to meter all water in future and cbarge according to the guan- "tity used. Sensible Newmarket, rE The Christian Guardian well says: The terrible fear that some folks seem to have that the Home Gov- Sept. 13) . «Borden doesn't fight fair," ishe| P=" Just now they have '*ala still more attractive fair under |for which magnificent putses are time of your life. There willbethel oy area: to give) Sec'y. Treas. Pres. . "fatest plaint of the Grit press, The|double Nemesis" after him, as|the auspices of the Society than offered--81 50 go for Free biggest fair and the biggest crowd Canada some advice relative tg the | ©. "Austrian" Generals found the same] though ogg Nemesis were not|ever was held before, aod it is|$12500 for 2.35 class ojever yet. Sepl. g, 1oand 11 are}, oo nueqiion seems to us guite fault with Napoleon Bonaparte. enough! * . satisfactory ta know that (he |extra charge is mades the dates. ; Y 9 3 without foundation. For some years i The Canadian Car and Foundry now British statesmen at home have Company of Montreal, has just re- + ceived from the C.P.R. a six million -- The Lindsay Post says :--A fatal general public realize the fact that | Perry Grounds offer. facility PNP BUSINESS or SALE. accident occurred at Valentia on | their interest in the complete suc- for really first-class rag There] we clip tle following from the Ueosd 10 Smads cheep alk : { iri i AA 1 i the about what she is gaing to do 1g this dollar order for seven thousand! Wednesday, when Mr. Richard | ©esS oi the Fair is quite as great as fs 70 Detter nop safertilgk in Wel, (Alberta) Herald of August|matter, and Te nothing has steel box-cars, Lapp, a well known resident of the members of the association, | Province and the tra io oor Et ever ~come of it, they haye been "Liskeard Speaker: Aurora. cit. | Mariposa, was killed by kick from a inasmuch as the aim and purpose structed that all il ; silent, patient and unruffled. Past : : izens threw flowers at Mr. Rowell | horse. The unfortunate man was of such fairs are to encourage and |Witness the races hout the) Tue Late Mrs Frank L. Kic- | history does not justify the assump as he passed through their town. | hitching np a span of horses to reward improvement in the breed least annoyance. will also PATRICK. tion that they will prove meddleom. ZEB Bar ain * Politicians are mdre used to being g Bp= of the several classes of live stock, |be sensational vas on the|" Aftera long and painful illness the| thought might lead them to think : . : ' work on arm. e , - : death took place early Saturday morning | that we are fonder of talking of the hi the target for mad. ork the. Que of he || Platform in fromt he Grand P! J y g | th fonder of talk fil animals he intended purchasing, the raising of better agricultural WL of Mrs. Frank L. Kilpatrick, nee Miss | burdens of Empire than we are of " The Gazette tells of a man who and was in the act of trying it when products, in making horticulture Stand. In fact the nagement Olive Sip = the home of her par- | (aking them upon our shoulders. a = : has a renew se it kicked him. The injuries sus-|™T°"® profitable by directing the |S degving: nothing i Bpe which as Sr 2 ithe aa dhe came home BR "R 1 : =: shady side of fitfy ri RI tained were of such a nature that public to the proper selection of May contribute 10 asure and | from Calgary, suffering from a severe BIRTH, f ; ] ! UN . the wizard's acquaintance. death evsued in bout an hour. | fr4its which can be grown to the enjoyment of all who may attend |attack of a ppendicits. She fought | Amcuur--In Port Perry, on Thursday, |: fp ers nd i test ad and now it is the of all to : hy ery. Aug. 22nd, 1912 to Mr. and Mrs. ; ii 5 M : I k greatest advantage and most ) looked for. Complications set in, how- < £ Toronto Telegram: -- Premier | The late Mr. Lapp was well known 5 i ie io thei hich ened 'constitution| Frank Archer, of Donaldson, Sask., 8 § Borden has been presented with |throughout the district, and his profitable when grown. A Fair) 2% = e manag in 3 ot nes he a Sein a daughter. \ x efforts to make the grand success in © The Concert in th the Town Hall is al + the freedom of Glasgow. This for - 'ever disproves the statement that the Scotch never give anything 'The Beaverton Express offers to of the stamp of our coming Fair tends greatly to create an ambition amongst the Agriculturists (for it is strictly a farmers' fair) which proves untimely death is deeply deplored. Mrs. Kilpatrick, second daughter of +| Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stephens, was born in Essonville, Ont., on October 6th 1912, and came west with her parents. She was married to Mr. Kilpatrick in the Owing to being badly disabled with rheumatism I am compelled to sell my Pump business. Every A Good School NERVOUS BREAKDOWN The Poterboro " Business College, | highly advantageous to all concern. | Fair management very effort De pri e, 2 Usually Due to Overwork and . ; Jie for the head of the Lake a ed. The tendency of this Fair in| is being put forth to; Bi the public a the Suton ao young| Worry--A Tonic is Needed thing necessary to manufacture Simcoe sea serpent. The most | pgp and .2d and 8d. This College [several directions above referred | a rich and rare Talented | UPI up housekeeping in Calgary. | or iyork and worry give rise to and handle all kinds of umps, likely way to find the monster is to | was foundedtwenty-sight years ago and TH lai ; : : Deceased was of a bright and cheerful leepl head i 3 i ily > so om to give it a strong claim on the | artists have been for the | disposition, and a great favorite, her |Deruousness, sleeplessness, head- wind mills and all kinds oO water through a bottle. of Canada snd the United States were | favor and support of every one | occasion. early demise being sincerely regretted |aches, lack of ambition and lack of Ts ' Lani ¥ trained therein. It is affiliated with ; . by ali who knew her. _| interest in your work, weak back, | Sl lies Stock of wooden oods Collingwood Bulletin : --*A U ihe , J } indigesti : . x9. angwony sullen: small |.she Couumercial Educators' Association | Bi A : The funeral took place from the Pres- | indigestion and sometimes a com- |e . . x at . boy, a rifle and areless firing nearly | of Canada, xnd any ambitions young byterian church on Sunday, and was one | plete breakdown of the nervous just received sufficient to ast. 2 3 2 the life of atesident of Stayner." Dahie de SEOs of Sosuring a fre ass Messrs. Montgomery, Netherhall Bal ever witnessed in Ponoka. | gugtery. On every hand you find rers were young men while Four horses and the re- & % : 3 ; Tol ak ears ! 5. is altogether too much of [agement of this College are the largest and Banks, Kirkcudbright. In con Iti E a number of young ladies, all old school victims of this kind and ollen they y . % . z "5 te trainers of yo le in Canada and ; : ; tis a matter of B of the di Iked in |don't know" what to do for them-}gy «1 ie . ' Ss mn fin OE 5 not familiar with os At Frama "the iene to the selves. Il these are ypur symptoms i A : " ~ Sn. this kind of work, and offenders young peopl versation with a representative of ee y sympt quired rigs to do work at & dis | i. should be taught a lesson. the Atlantie to the Pacific many are| the Courier and Herald, the spokes- | Ly. ayers here ush their | burch, you need a tonic, and the only way | LAN CO . 2 0 : : training themselves entirely in their| men of the company--Mr. Smith To Mr Kilpatrick, the parents, broth-|{, tone up the nerves is oi » ¥ Port Arthur News:--With a|own homes ville they pursne theif) | j yr, Richardson, said they had {seme time. and i And the ers and sisters and ff relatives is sincere | pe biood, Ur. Williams' Pink Pills | J» rticula; ~~ weeord of fourteen earthquake] home and enter college later thereby {had a very pleasant ip across, and ible Hime i obe Bi pos* | syinpathy extended. : are a direct nerve tomc because{ or pa iculars apply to the pro- a the time and board. Two thou- z Brin A eat 4 hey enrich and build up the blood, shocks in one forenoon the city of ving 2 people wero and | had left Canada looking fairly well. | sufficient reasons : ae dalejara, Mexico, can rightly selaim 10 be the centre of the liveliest | weal 'estate movement on the sontinent and it is through the blood that the | nerves are fed. Under their tonic influence nervousness, with all its attendant nervousness,j disappear and the worried sufferer i enjoys health and strength. - Proof] of the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in nervous trouble is given byd Mrs. Lara Schevipg, Lundar, Man. Oalls Upon French Olergy to Hon oe Government. Ottawa, Aug. 25.--A vigorous appeal fo French:Canadians of Ontario to resist the new regula tions of the. Whitney Government * in remunerative positions last and they, are ready to train and place you. Ifinterested write, cali, or the Putorboro Basin: te esa Col- lege, Peterboro, Cnt. good or bad. In the average western credit from one hai Daring the interv. he has given his things, machinery, necessities, Hi: «and he. # : prietor on the premises. : They had had it pretty dry in On- ' 3 : tasio, but things all right, i wh A pn os JOHN IRVIN. all. Inreply to a question Mr, Richard- | son said :--If the Scotch Clydesdale WOMENS ANSTITUTE. The picnic at Mrs. T. Lamb's where the €olumbus branch was to to join forges with Shirley did not "| malerializg gwing to' sickness in | that ladys home, ~ The teeting at Mrs. Frice's instead, was especially interesting being crammed full of for them, We want size and quality, and are a little particular about the color, notsplatchedabout over much | Wt with white. Any manufacturer who! _ = _ Under the heading, "Or. ganization is urgent," an article <lalludes to the reopening of the Business a iss Hocken | manufactured goods will give their ) schools on September 3,. and says |afi. ' gave an iaspiring on the | customers the goods they wast ; on |i en |!Dat the French people view the was physical w : Influence of Cooking on Healih |the other hand the Clydesdale man >| situation with inquietude. been to several doctors and and Vigor, The picnic will occur | thinks he knows just what we want On one side withdrawal of the taken many different med grants is threatened ; on the other this complete abolition of French in in jig ; Of course the face or legs white is all right, but we don't wan't white| {about the belly." . 3 Mr. Smith here chimed in by say ing that there was a bill passed Jast | year in the Local House of Legis- lature in Ontario, whereby all horses traveling forservice must be inspect: ed, and would naturally cause buy | ers 10 be a little more careful. The and | object of the bill, of course, was | dici but without any benefit. Sele ie u r. Williams' Pink schools. The Government, |and I sent ot

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