Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Aug 1912, p. 3

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re 'histr field Cer 8HON BUGGY FOR r foes. Sree ° Wags 1.00 gi o 85 0 00 0Qo@ I 00 110@ 1 2% 052@ o.33 025@ o 2 Eggs... 020@ 0 23 Cattle, pet boasasn 8 4} @ o o} Hogs, iy! 100 lbs.. 650@ 7 50 150@ 175 . 7 00@ 8 oo Kia Sov. v.. 10 00 @ IT 00 Clover......:. 12 00@ 13 BO Peas--Black-eye ... 125@ 0 00 Peas--Small. .. 100@ I 05 uckwheat.. ...... 0 55@ 0 56 0o15@ 0 19 o10@ O12 o10@ 0.12 0 10@ © 14 geht int lebtated L notwithstanding stat ments that have been thade to the 'contrary, and no Lakefield cement has Qbeen shipped to Port Petry * addressed to any other person, C. L. VICKERY. SALE. OR SALF a Splendid New Show Buggy which has already captured & vnmbher of first prizes in class Gentle- mn #'s Turnout at our best (airs, which will ba dixpoxed of dt a great Bargain Th: owner buving sold his horse ha- uo further use for the vei.c 8. Cushion- tired and smoked-gearing, Address &1 195, Whithy. or phone 182 Bell or Independent" Call at lanson's Horse Barn [or ius ection, Voters' List < 1912 MUNICIPALITY "F THE TOWN- SHIP OF REACH, gouncy or ONTARIO + bTICR 18 HEREDY G7ex that I have transmitted or delivered to the pe dons mentioned iti Section 9 of The OUNtarto Voters' List Act tue copies re- faced hy said section to he fo traus- niitted or dativared of the said Liat, made pareaant to said Act of persons appearing by the Inrt revised Ansoss- Tt Roll of the said Muauicipality te o antithed to Fate in the said Mnoiei- mlity ar Eiections for Mombers of the 0 Assembly and at Municical Elections : and the said lift wan first posted up #t mv office at Manchester on tae 29th day ot July, 1912, and remains there for inepecnon, And [ hareby call upon all voters to take Immodisie Shree dings to have aov errors dr omissions corrected ac- cording to law. WwW. F, DOBSON, Clerk Township of Reach. Dit wi 29:h day,at July, 1912. Voters List --1912, BONICIPADIEY 01 OF TRE TOWN: SH§P UF SCUGOG, COUNTY OF ONTAR io. ToficR 18 HEREBY GIVEN that [ have tranfmittnd or delivered to shel parson mentioned in Section 9 of The Gutario Voteis' List Act the copies re duired bv kaid rection to bo 80 trans mitted or delivered of the said list, made bursuant to said Act of all parsens apg paring by the last revised Assessmen toll of tha «ard Municipatity to be en- tiled to vote 1n the vaid Municipality at Ejections for membars of the Legisla- tive Assoninly sud di it ricipal Etcetiony; aud the said list was hest 'posted up at my office ar Scugog, on the 30th day of July, 1912, aud rowiaivs there for in- spe ction. Kod | hereby call upon all Foiers to take immediate proceedings to have Any arrors Or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, . THOMAS GRAHAM, Clerk Township of Scugog. Dated this 30th day of July, 1912. IF. YOU WANT 'THE BEST Scranton Coal ! STEAM OR SOFT Free Bnurning Coal AW OOD CEMENT LAKRPIELD AND STERLING Buavns Tat t -Buil ba ~ office > 40 P.M, Aug 912, for ibs App! for br ho Babli Buildin, oot i Con the Dominion. : re Sbine oDeciteatin pi] lat of obtained on application at ae ace dering are notified that to will I not be considered unless Migs o on the printed forms supplied, signed with thelr actual signatures. r mist be accompanied b, ch gtie on a SH order of the of Public Wor! 10 ped of eh will be for- reson aero decline to act Nhen fatieds fucam te thecontrags. yessptod fhe atrant fod, x June 13, 1912, A = 8| Nawe | aloo \ ACRES were or You i Peal south bad of hy Owh=hip He i all woikann Hapiwooa Giuding faning u Aerial, hud d weils. WM. BAIRD Driving Shed, 26 x pH. to the prem > BLA 50. In Prine Abert for Sie ship of Reach. For particulars a Good poly to on the Premises or CK\WATER P.O. FIRST-CLASS FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT iE anderaigned o offers for Sale or to Rent his fine farm, being part of lot 10, con. 9, East Whitby, consisting of 95 Acres more or less. There is on the property a Splendid Brick House, 50x 36; Barn and It is situate ed about four miles from the C.P.R., Mystle, and three miles' from the G.T.R, HE undersigned offers for salg her fie residental property in. Frince Albert. Frame House, two stories stone foundation ; good cellars ; furnace, hard aud soft water, stable. Ten acres ; an abundance of choice small fruit. Immediate possession, particuiars apply to MRS. A. C. BONGARD. barns and bearing orchard and For further FARM FOR BALE $3000 Will Poy 112 acres be- 1g composed ot parts of lots 23 | and 24.n the roth con, Wirtiam WICKETT, or Epwin M ARK, L.ittle Britain, Little Britain, May 8, 1912. Farm for Sale" gra of Lot 12, Concession 6, '3 Duthhlam County, Erected on Cartwright, containing 100 acres. Se a with Town- THE POPULAR TOURISY ROUTE A --T Ve ' MUSKOKA LAKES "LAKE OF BAYS TEMAGAM! ALGONQUIN PARK MAGANLETAWAN RIVER FRENCH RIVER GEORGIAN BAY LAKE COUGCHICHING KAWARTHA LAKES, Etc. ROUND TRIP OMETIRIRY RCTACHRS To the West At Low Rates tion from ae tivand address A Agebr, Torpnio, 3 Ontarnp. © 1. MCCAW Town AGENT. 'Graduate of Sones ational School PORT PERRY (Strictly ander New Management) GCG. A. COLE PROPRIETOR [Late of Hotel Falconer, Totouto] Commercial trade solicited a HEABACHES ay are nearly always caused by TIRED BYES Which require spectacle Cousult me I. LE LUKE, OF vo 150 Yonge St, Toronto Opposite Sitnpsons', DO IT NOW the premises are a good frame dwelling, swine cellar 30 x 20, 18 x En vi 24, woodshed 18x24, good frame It fehl inown {ov ong barn, stone stables ¥oxgo, pig pens enced sae smen that the largest 40x18 and 18x 24, 15 acres of and best blsincss bn (onl recs mixed timber, one acre of Orchard, | is dave daria the J Summer a never failing stream. bard acd | months The man first oa the soft water. One mile from Rail- ground secures the cream of way, onc mile from the village of the trae, therefore Blackstock, 23 mies irom Caesarea, | § Secure Your Agency Now the famous Sninmer Resort on Lake We want a good reliable Scogou, Situdted jo the best farm man for this distict, because ingsection inthe County of Durham. the demand for fruit trees never For further particulars apply to the undersigned. Davip |. & Douctas Apans; Perry, Ont, Levi C. Tavror, ** Tender for Bri he Tecoived A at this t. made on the dence. sign wt 4 an accepted ed bank, payable "Honourable ve) equal t the tas of thot | anhority fromthe EaLED TENDERS, AN) the undersigned, water, ent' if they Er Port Restleton, Ont} be. seen tained At thls. De Bonaire: 48a tor Be 4 HS nb, Ed, District Engl inect, Windsor. Ont; aud on appli-| "{cation to the Postmaster, on Life printed d i ith hei far ui Stating vi is gu e of the { leited if the person a e addressed to i and endorsed Sheet Pilin and Desagiug nt Beitvertou, Ont." will co vail 4 po. on Beaverton, Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be 0 Sons dered unless supplied, atren. nthe case of Bo the otunl and place of Ardley of sacl liember of the fim. must be given. Each tenders must be accompmi ad by |, bank cheque y SEA was so good, Gopd.pav, Outfit free. Whole or parl tine agrees ment, and you Will represent a firm of thirty five years experi- ence with over six hundred , acres otdand under cultivation. Write : PELHAM NURSERY CO', i TORONTO, ONT. SUMMER SgHO0L | Stadentsmay enter any dav. Open the snore year. Now isa gond i Larges trainers in Graduntes got hut posi- ons. Thousnuda stud ir, gathame. 8 Schoolof Trake Pitman. 1 he inrgest and most popular selinol in Eastern B (tutario. Gurmeuagement trained 52,000 vtudents last vear. There p Must be a reason, The only school g- in Eastern Ongario alliljated with the C ommercial Ednearors Associn- Write, phono or cull to iuvestigate. SPOTTON BUSINESS COLLEGE PRTERBOROUGH, GEO. YPOTTON, President Dr. de Van's Female Pill generative portion of t he 4 female svstem. cheap finitations. he Baobell ar at Flint"s 's Drug Store. tion, 2 doors north of i Via SARNIA OR OHIOAGO. Literaturd, tickets and full informa- Trunk Agent, or DUFF, District Passenger Patronage solicited, Terms 'reasonable St. Charles Hotel First class Sample rooms ~CAWRER BROS" once A reliable French regulator; never fails, These TRL PTs pills are exceedingly owerful in regulating the eluse le Van's are sold at a box, or three for w "Malled to any address. Drug Oo. Catharines, Ont, FRG TE 1912. 0. P. R. Time Tables 3 earh 1. WHITBY --Clerk, Miss E. I.. Mae- MYRTLE STATION. donell, Whitby --Jan. 15, Fab. 3, March 4, April 3 May 2, June 8, Gog Je Gory eth July 8, Sept. 8, Oct. 2, Nov. 7, Dec. 6.27 pm. 8.50 a.m. 7, Jan 13,1913, : 11.03 p.m: 6.50 p.m. OSA WA--Clerk, Miss E. I.. Mac- i 11.50 p.m. [I donell, Whitby--Jan. 15, Feb &, J. DAVIS, Town Agent. March 8, April 4, May 8, Juno 7, rr - 4, Uct, 8, Nov. 8, Spring is the Time for House CU Gaming, idden's store A lerk of nT ! oh Seen Colleges have 'heen es: © blish Haring the t years t trainers 1 Camas Ow- g to our connection all over Ontario, we do better or gor El. ates thar sy other School, : may stud$ all at home or partl home and finish 'at the College. Afiliated with The Commercial Educators' Association of Canada il It would be well for you to investi i gate before choosing. Exclusive right for Ontario of the world- famous Bliss Book-] keeping System, |W which is unequalled. It is Actual Business from Start to Finish, and the student keeps same books as Chartered Ban and Whole sale, Houses. Enter any time. J © Individual instruction. Fall Term From August 28th @ Write, call of phone for partitulars.: PETERBORD ~ f§ BUSINESS. COLLEGE | (SuscESSORS TO JamiksoN & DenNNIsoN.) PIVERY «| Having purchased the Livery business carried on by Jamieson & Deuniso, and the premises con. vected therewith we mtend to RE-HORSE THE STABLES with first-class animals, and install New and Up-to-Date Vehicles 'Irappings which for conventence cannot with modern comfort and be surpassed. Special attention paid to the reqguirentents of Commerciai Travel ers, Our charges are moderafe and | we guaraatet lo please oar patrons. Patronage solicited, £5" Phone No. 2. CAWKER. BROS. a -- A Ee Why We Exce We have the most the modern, ig most practical and the best cquipped school in Eastern i Se | Ontacio The courses are # thorough and facinaiing. An entirely, Ps Canadian Business odure for the trang of the ambi { ous young people of vur coun- 1X ty. Our Graduates are snccessful, ask a student or d ex.siudent, they best ¥ advertisement. are our Fons Btuty Sonrsed es Ly Busi nts ol bgt C. R. Brower, A. H. Spotton Principal President Enter Any Day Sittings of the Division Cours OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. Deg n Wood -- 6 July b, Sept. 5, Nov. 11, Jan, 15, . PORT PERRY--Clerk, J. W. Barn. hsm, Port Perry--Jan. 18, March 7, May 17, July 8, Bept 6, Nov. 12, Jan. 17, 1013 + URS 1% shridge--Jas, | ar ay 1 , July 24, Sept." 18, Nov. 22, Jan 0, 3 5. CANNINGTON-"Clerk, Geo, Smith, Cannington-- Jan 11, March 27, May 15, July 25, Sept. 13 Nov. 21, Jan 9, 1918, 6. BEAVERTON -- Clerk, James M. | 8 May pid nm 24, Sept. 11, Nov. 1 am prepared to do all kinds of 'Papering, Paintipg, &c. 7. UPTERGROYVE a Cloak, a DR + Paper and Paint furnished i arch 29; ity 3, Spi 10, required : h Nov. 19, Jan. 1h -+ 'W. F.NOTT, 'F By order (Successor to . A. Rodman. org Hg 70am. | gn sam ih. bm Sorg0 gm | 7.33 BE « MI fo . Jun. 17, "March 6, a Soren, Beaverton--Jan, 10, March | ° The: ose ah io Latest Styles at $2.50, $3, $8.50 & $4. SIC SHOES for Shjgren in svory size and style. accepted the Agency for gilvie Flour Mills Co. 4 [Millers to the Royal Family.] And are pian fo promptly fill all orders ehirusted to their care. They have ane Flour that gives satisfaction to the} consumer-- THE ROYAL HOUSEHOLD fills the bill, every pound is guarauteed, Aer gi vinghit? a fair trial if not satisfied retnrn the balance (if over 5 Ibs.) and your momey will be cheerfully refunded, bu y a better flour than THE ROYAL The millionaire cannot HOUSEHOLD, nor even the pociest amily se a flour that 1s more economical, A CAR LOAD JUST RECEIVED CC: ENE: PARIS? AR Q) MER ® the Groat West, he g the essential commodity, highest figures for all Fiold § s raised in this entire district, . | down E. H PURDY. "50.000 FARA | LABGIERS WANTED! OIG TRIB wesTy RETURN TRIP EAST." $10.00 ET WIRINIPEQ | | $13.00 FROM WINNIPEG Plus yf cent per mile from wr itpey up | Plas bilf cont por ot Zrom Sil pulls dass of 10 ig den or Bdinc Macleod, rr oon Jo Wine 4 '@OCING DATES y AUGUST 20th--From all stations on ali lines on and South of in, Crand Trunk Main N ine, Turonto to Samii, including all stations on (hi "RR. Toronto to p Windsor (Inclusive) aud Booch Lines includiag A 3 b-division from §3 G Sa 5 aud from brampton South, x laa ts Conia Jrd-- rs jo oronto, all stations nor ut not including rand HM AUGUS? 2 k Main Line, Toroato to Sarnia, and from Toronto cast to, but Im a Kingstou, Sharbot Lake and Kenfrew; snd C.P.R. west of Renfrew, g AUGUST 88th--From all stations in Ontario, Toronto and East, Orillia and Scotia be unction aud east; Ba et of Nott Bay, and Eastern Ontario, AUGUST 30tk--From Toronto and all stations west, In Ontario; North Byy and wee, ding C.P.R. is Sudbury to = 'Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. RE WILL BE SOLD WINYPEQ ONLY ve clags tickets to nhipeg 5 opty will be Each ticket oil jucjude a ton feticate es u port. en extension coupon has been signed with an a farmer, showing he has en, «Boia? to work as a farm ae the . "oi honored up to bei for" ticket at rate of one-half cent per mile {cn fifty cents Jes any station id of Winnipeg on Han Pacific, Canadian fl Northern or and k Pecifs Railway | in iz Mesote, Saskatchewan or Alberta, but not A certificate will £ Chandi ser to a second-class ticket to return from Ay sain the ting pure Ee ra Nee, or Gras k Pacific Railwa, ena anfoy and Manitoba east of M; , Calgary and Edmonton, t Pe od nie ro Toute ¢ as rtravelod on § olng jo LHe on = before orn, T e (minimum fifty cents) up pe vided the holder deposits. the certicate. with t on arrival at Jootinnl on, Wisi Joh to $1800 Tam W Winnie. t Hs Spe if parler see nearest C. P.R. Agen A at least thirty days at harvesting. Agent, or write-- M. G. MURPHY, D.P.A., C.P.R., Rovoute Agents - Port Perry and vicinity. WCIIANT TAILOR, Keeps in Stock a full supply of up-to-date ] a BERRY { LOTHS Suitable for all Seasons RHE RR THERE HINS r mn, Warman, ian Northern Railway. nd stations on AVG. 30% g to Nparrow Lake on C.N.0. § y 3 a at thereof. J for Harvesters alo: the wages the tn guide, Canafian Northern Railway 50,000 HARVESTERS WANTED EXCURSIONS . To Winnipeg $10.00 ation left to the excursionist. Half-a-cent a mile from Winnipeg Swan River, Edmonton, and to all other all points on C.N.R. to Winnipeg. 0 original starting' point. DATES 'OF SALE a nx Rosedale, C, X. 0. and ince i Oniarl, eh ni YET stations east and south of Sparrow Lake ; alt a: 0. stations east and south of Sparrow Lake ; all Central Ontario of Quinte stations, und points east of, but net including North Bay. also poiuts on other lines Toronto to North inthe West is served by the Canadian Northern Ril its ines is very heavy and pation and tickets, apply to Yo of the Canadian Northern , Bay of Quinte. Brockville Westport and North West- ing 35,000 free iting of Quinte except Kingston, also points on Toronto-Sarnia line, and cast of, but not including Shacbot all stations on h a URAESRSY, W. #. DOUBT | lt [ | 4 Apa ROSS & sol 3 LIVERY o Station, Ont, SORS 10 4]. w, DisxEy] : > y Stables at M ed them ABD UP-TO-DATE VEHICLES cory manuer, the demand of the : Station and got of th alarge vumber of ine at. moderate charges. so far since Business, we beg to announce that in future we purpose carrying on '[derests Cuts possible, and we CARD OF TEANKES In returning thanks for the liberal patronage received, commencing the Confectionery and Bakery, A Strily Cash Dosim Our o bds are the BEST possible, and our Prices are Right INGRADNS' Port Perry, Jan. 24, 1912. Nothing Like Beef! AVING purchased the ! Butchering Business and good will of Mr. I. J. Wheeler 1 would like to inform allhi s old customers and as many uew ones as possible that I intend to keep at all times a good assortment of all kinds of the Best Meats--Iresh and Salt--obtainable and at reas- jonsbls rates as possible. for Choice Cattle and Sheepskins, at am also in the market, at all times, Togs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides the Higlkest Market Prices EZ I'resh Fish every Tuesday. Courteous treatment and prompt delivery Muy 2 6, 1909. WwW. A. BOYCE A FULL STOCK OF EVERYTHING IN THE Iarness Line CHEAPNESS STYLE | Durability and STREN GTH Cannot be urpasséd n the County. | | F | do. Tn abundance. Oemparison of Prices Courted Robes, Blankets, Bells Trunks | W. A. BEATTY | " In returning {hanks to the public for the extensive pat- 'ronage bestowed upon them would intimate, that as in the past only choice fat animals will be slaughtered, so 'as to ensnrve the choicest and ten- intend at all times to have a an Spe supply of

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