Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 Jul 1912, p. 3

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"to do all kinds of | ima ainting, &c. Paper and Paint [furnished if . F. NOTT, (Sutedssnt ik . A. Rodman, ns Jenér wise 3 2 doors north of Mr. iden' s store wdircete. | 160, the lines of the 85, of theso are within n radins of 20 miles of operatod Hines of the Company, whil be served by Branches now ander construct Eo projected. mpany, while the balance Alberta the Province already noteworthy for its fertilo lands and salubrious Climate--take first hut the wondorful Wheat Lands of Baskate reproeented in the free farms which have been thrown open for ¢hiry, Manitoba --the olde-t scttled place in the total of homesteads offering. of tha three-- holds out a large number. Manitoba, 21,800. total. There is open prairio, Lhe bluff sony whero loans and climate are adruirably adapted The best Homesteade are rapidly being taken w make their selection without delay Write for free booklet giving the location and a description of the land being offered, A copy will be mailed to anyone ing application to R. Canadian Nocthern Buliding, Toronto, Ont, 000 Free Homesteads ALONG THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY In Hanitoha, Saskatchewan and Alberta. The Gavernnient hag thrown open for entry 150,000 Free Homesteads--160 acres e Canadian Northern Rallway in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and iy Saskatchewan, 48,080. Western Canada is so biy that practically every farming condition Is met with in the combined which needs koe clearing, and also the rolling land to the needs of mixed farming. Clear, Dry and Iuvigorating-- makes 'this Ton the best ta live in. long At Teast chewan are well Elberta, 74,000. The atmosphere-- p, and lntending settlers will be well advised to L. Fairbain, Aset. General Passenger Afone TEPHEN MIDGLEY, | Bung a DO IT NOW It is well koown te 'experi cad hat the largest, Secure Your Agency Now We want a good reliable 'man for this district, becanse | the demand for fruit irees never was fo good. Good pay, Outfit free. Whole or part time agree- | ment, and you will represent a firm of thirty five years experi-_ ence with over six hundred acres of land under cultivation, Write : PELHAM NURSERY CO', TORONTO, ONT. ! ai SAN, oe EY Tn Falconer,' %F trade solicited First class Sample rooms *Foronto] we or 1% adds rm Teltphone Directory FAME BELL TELEPHONE HE OF CANADA of to print a new issue of its CNY Telephone © Directory for CENTRAL ONTARIO, including PORT PERRY HOME STUDY ir you desire. Pay whenever should place their order with the: ' | you wish. Thirty years' expei- t Local Maray er at once to insure! fence. Largest trainers in Can- ada Eiter anv day Positions guarauteed. If vou wish to sive board and learn while you earn, write for particulars, NO VACATION Petoerboro Business College GEO. 8P0TTON, President. CONNECTING COMPANIES Should also report additions and; changes in their list of subscribers, either to the Local Manager or] direct to the Special. Agent's De- partment, Montreal. The Ball Telephone Soy of Canada. insertion in this issue. | | I FORT PERRY MARKETS. [Corrected weekly by Jas. Lucas, Grain an! Sted Merchant | July i8, 1912 FalliWlieat | Ln Lol $0 00 @ $o 95 | Spring \Vheat 0 gs @ 1 id | Goose Wheat... oR @ ooo MAIL 0 HTAACT Barley ie, rie fron ge ogn@ 1 Hr | Ry 1:.10@ 1 23 * Eby 0 52@ 0 Ht EALED TENDERS addressed to the Hutter r 025@ ©O Postinaster General, will be received Toys O Tul add - Ottawa until Noou, on FRIDAY, 12th H @ UY. 1912, for the conveyance of His . 041 @ 005 ajesty's Mails.on a proposed Contragt i per 108 Jos... 6 50 @ 7 50 or four years six tines per week Beans ...... VY 50 1 78 On Rural Mail Route from | Grass Seed. 7 00@ 8 oc Whitby, Ontario, Alsike Clover. 10 CO @ 11 00 te tebinised i 1 f th | Red Clover........ 12 00 @ 13 00 sda el. ee €| Peas--Black: eye... 125@ 0 00 Pezs---Small. ....... 1 oo@ I os Printed notices containing further in. | Buckwheat. 0 55@ o 56 formation as to conditions of proposed Tack : : Qontruct may be seen and blank forms of | 1 UTREYS 0o15@ 019 "Fender may be obtained at the Post Office | Geese ........ .... o10@ o 12 of Whithy and route offices and at the | Ducks .. .......... o10@ 0 12 Office of the Post Office Inspector at To- Chickens o10@ ©O souto © Post Office Department, Mail Service Teaiichy Ottawa May 30, 1912. G. C. ANDERSON, | , SUPERINTENDENT. | FISTS GLASS FARM FOR Why We Excel We have the most modern, the mast practical and the best © SALE OR TH 0 RENT equipped school in Eastern Qutario = The courses are « 2h a g vo AD sHE andere gna offers fer Sale hg Ridley. An or to Rent his fine farm, being part of lot 10, con 9, East Whitby, consisting of 95 Acres more or less. "Phere ison the property a Splendid "Brick House, sox 36; Barn and riying Shed, 26 x 50. It is Sam . Bi ns tour miles Ba the C P.R Gur Graduaies «Myrtle, and three miles from the are successful, ask a student or G' t ex.siudent, they are our best adveriscment, Home Btudy Courses Ere Lindsay Business College C. R. Brower, A. H. Spotton, Principal. President, Enter Any Day. E pndersigned offers for sale her | oom SECTS fine residents] property in Prince Frame House, two stories with dation Roo un furnace, Good barns and Canadian Business Procedure for the training of the ambiti- ous young people of our coun- try. wR pply tothe proprietor on the premises. JAS. J. ORMISON. Raglan. J he 24. 1912, "VALUABLE PROPERTY In Prince Albert for Sale, Terie § & ates than any other School, I} Educators' Association of Canada i It would be well for you to investi- # famous Bliss Book-keeping System, 51 oected thaewith we intend to > HEADACHES Liners gl. Cs LS g to; oir contiection i over Ontario, we do better for our gradu: Yon may study all at home or partly at home and finish at the College. Affiliated with The Commercial § Exclusive gate befove choosin the world: right for Ontario of which is unequalled. It is Actual Business from Start to Finish. and the student keeps same books as Chartered Banks and Whole sale Houses, Hnter any time, Iniividaal instruction, fall Term Prom Augast 28(h Write, call or phoue for particulars, PETERBIRD y Thousands « f ambitious young i B33 ThE £0 n I E i Parties who contemplate becom- {qi I Tuer. a8 HCO J u Hel ol ing subscrilwers, or those who wish their homes by our [ome Study 3 (Founded 1885 ) y sen entr Dept. Yon may fivish at Codloge = > changes in their present entry, p tay finish a & PRESIDENT GEO SPOTTON, - E. E LOGAN, Principal (SUCCESSORS To JaMirsoN & Dennison.) PI¥ERY [Taving ~~ purchased the Livery business carried on by Jamieson & Dennison, and the preniises cot | on RE-HORSE THE STABLES | | | with first-class animals, and toatall) | | | New and Up-lo-Date Vehicles 'Jrappings which for couvenlence cannot with modern comfort and be surpassed. Special attention paid to the requirements ol Commercial Travel els. Our charges are moderate and we guarantee to please our patrons. Patronage solicited. EZ" Phone No. 2. OCAWKER BROS. Sittings of the Division Cour OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. i912. 1. WHITBY Clerk, Miss E. L. Mac- donell, Whithy --Jan. 15, IFch.d, March 4, April 3 May 2, June 6, July 8, Sept. 8, Oct. 2, Nov. 7, Dec. 7, Jan. 18, 1913, 03HA\WA--Clerk, Miss E. 1. Mac- donelt, \WWhithv--Jan. ts, Feb 6 March 8, April 4, Mav 8, June 7, July 4, Shpt. 4, Oct. 8, Nov. 8, Dec. 9, Jen, 14, 1918. 2. BROUGHAM -- Clerk, M. Gleeson, Urgenwood--Jan, 17, March 6, May 6, July 5, Seot, 6, Nov. 11, Jan, 15, lu "|s. FORT PERRY --Clétk, J. WW. Burn 31 © 150 Yonge St. Toronto' - Qopesii Simpsons'. ham, port, Perry--Jan. o March 7, N--Clerk, Geo. Smith, SEA da ih Hei A! ly ov. 21 bk 9, iy od 6. BEAVERTON -- Clerk, James M. Gordon, 28 May 16, 20, Jan. 9, 1 YPTERORAVE: -- Clerk, nard, Atherl Leona 29, agit gh , Sept. 10, Nov. 19, 7, 1618. By or J 8. FAREWELL, Foi 4 24, Sopt- Clerk | Dated at Whitby, Nov, 19th, 1813. EY 79 wx FARTS OF TH WorLp.--M «Hs Perry, is oo" o a position to issue {tickets to all parts of the world and to supply all necessary information | gr, | best routes, &e.. oumerous 'icke road and Satna! been re the Grand Ta d Ticket 2 intending to travel will consult own. interests - by consulting Sits MeCaw befes embarking op. Some of Them Are Bullets and Boats, I wheels, rafts, cannon, borsestioes, pol . 'ishers for gems, bicycles and aspbait- | ter. | | J gr for Bale 22, Jan. March 27, Beaverton--dJan, 10, March 11, Nov. David ly -- January. 79, of the Peace McCaw, Port to partics as to the cheapest andy ; ie Sddiion ie be : rw irre he bas Ticket A ut for | CURIOUS USES FOR PAPER. Houses and Even Stoves, _ Paper éaa be uiade from nearly any. ed tubes for gas or electric wires. With wood pulp and zinc suiphat PRESS SHOES 8 Latest Styles at $250, $3, $3.50 & $4. Fa SHOES for Chidren in size and ge. there has Leen an attempt in Berlin to make artificinl bricks for paving. After subjecting them to a pressure of 2.000 tons per cubic centhmeter they are baked for forty-eight bours. In similar fashion are made roofing tiles and water plpes. Telegraph poles made of rolled sheets of paper are tollow, lighter than woud nnd resist weather well, In Japan they make of paper cloth: ing, window frames, lanterns, umbrel- las, handkerchiefs, artificial leather, etc. In the Uulted States and even in Germany are made paper coffins io Germany they wake peler barrels, vases nnd milk bottles. Straw hats mny now be bought tuto which enters not an atuin of straw. They are made of narrow paper strips dyed yellow. Artificial sponges are made of cellulose or paper pulp. One wan has taken out a patent for paper thread to be used lu sewing shoes, and a brand of artificial silk Is made on | a busis of paper pulp. The use of paper in industry may be tndeflnltely extended. It is employed to make imitation porcelain, for bul- lets, shoes, billlard table cloth, sails for boats, boards for building, jmper- meable bugs for cement and powdered substances, boats and vessels for wa- There has even been made a pa- per stove which is raid to bave stood the fire well. Cellulore may be used to prepare a waterproof coatipg that may be applied Ilke paint. Whole 3 oh er Agi Fi paper. in ROY AIL HOUSEHOLD -fills the bill, every pound is guaranteed, Norway there is a church holding 1,000 [Alter giving it a faire trial if not satisfied retnrn the balance (if over 5 Ibs.) persons built entirely of It, even fo fund your money will be cheerfully refunded. The millionaire cannot the belfry.-- Loudon Tit Hits. | buy a betieg flour than THE, ROYAL HOUSEHOLD, nor even tlie LARGE AND VA UABLE TAN COLOR VALISZ LOST, y JILL the party who borrowed 4Loul two ye.rs age, a lars and valuable Tan Colored Valize of 'he underagoed, kindly return the same and much oblige And are They have the one Fiour that gives satisfaction to the! consumer-- THE 180 far since bopuimieiicing the Conran Tia Business, wé beg: to auounce that. iu future wo pli carrying on Port Perry, Jan. 34, 192. In ing Gerth for 'thie iter L Sir Cas bias : Our oods are the BEST possible, and our Prices are a INGRAMS® rm---- Farm For Sale ARM BEING COMPOSED OF 160 ACRES more or less uf Bot 21; Con. 8, CARTWRIGHT Onemile from Nestleton Post Oft fice and store and two miles froni Nestleton Station. Soil, clay and clay loam, A rr: -class Bank 2 ; Poke jigs on stone Hg a godd Bedring Orch- ard and Frame Howse. For termi and possession apply to E. H. PURDY, PORT PERRY: May 12, 1912. Ingrams' Hao accepted the Agency for le gilvie F [Millers to the Royal Family.) prepared to promptly fill a poe Yorest family usc a flour that is more economical. A GAR LOAD JUST RECEIVED Port Pe ® rry and vicinity. our Mills Co. Il orders entrusted to their care. Agents W. MEHARRY Port Perry, May 6, 1912. C. 2. R. Time Table. MYRTLE STATION. G os East Gone West VT nom 6.32 nan. ng B20 an 11.08 p.m. 5.60 pm, 11.50 b mn. | . DAVIS, Town Agent, {ast-half of Lot 12, Concession 6, Cartwright, Durham County, containing 100 acies. Erected on the premises are a good frame "| dwelling, stone cellar 30 x 20, 18 x 24, woodshed 18x24. good frame barn, stone stables Sox40, pig pgns 40x18 and 18 x 24, '5 acres of mixed timber, one acre of Orchard, a never failing stream, hard and soft water. One mile from Rail- way, one mile from the village of Blackstoak, 2} miles from Caesarea, the famous Summer Resort on Lake Scugog. Situated in the best farm- ing'section in the County of Durham. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. Davip J. & Doucras Apans, Port Perry, Ont, Livi C TavLOR, Nestleton, Ont. BUY FLORIDA LAND- Hy! Because: do. vot. cost June or 8. Your buildings orthern asd build: quarter of ings, DUNE) 1) Rhy ~ % 20% Beye) re\ oo {0 iE. IDDOUBT MERCHANT TAILOR, Keeps in Stock a full supply of up-to-date TOoOrHs Suitable for all Seasons JRE RTRSY GHEAPNESS STYLE HR HHT MYRTLE (GE SOLICITED, D. G. ROSS & SON Myrtle Station, Ont, [Succrssors To J. W. DISNEY] CHL i g purchased the Livery Stables at Myrtle Station and good-will of J. W. Disuey, and stocked them with a large number of FIRST-CLASS HORSES AND UP-TO-DATE YEHICLES prepared to meet, in a satisfactory manner, the demand of the ¢ everything in the Livery line at. i iiodetate § trains met except 2.20 and 7.07 p 23 Bell Ty es Phones. LIVERY ordered 4. Yon save your large winter tael bill. FS You do not work all summer to winter your live stock. 6. It rons crops the year round ; nrew Cros in the vear 7. Your sro are ready to market Rien the: svest of the continent is winter. a Soi do dead kets. 9. Regular and plentiful rainfall. 10. Pure water obtained. y 11. Healthful Shale cites rheumat- ism and tuberculosis. a have 12,400 Acres For Sale--All Witte 1 ro 8 Mion of Railway Station. | Write for Pull_Particulors and ust IE Address-- Florida Colonization Co. Limitea ead Offige---21 o mont beautiful Sum §-- SevEN-MILE Istanp y send in their applica: ply personally to the Farm for Sale. HE undersigned offers for sale that excellent farm being lot 15, concession 4, in the township of Reach, containing 200 acres more or less, of choice land a large por- tion of which is cleared, the balance being splendidly wooded. The land isin a capital state of cultivation. There is on the premises an orchard and a complete supply of water. There is a large barn with cement floor stabling, and a smaller barn on the north end of the lot ; also a fame dwelling house on the south and. from Port Perry on a leading road. This farm is, in every respect, The location of the farm is a capital one, being about 1} miles .H H L BLACKSMITHING == AVING LEASED MR. ALLIN'S BLACKSMITHSHOP, PERRY ST. PORT PERR YEE I will be prepared to do all kinds of Blacksttiithing. Cegetn aE Horse Shoeing # Specialty All tires will be Xot Sed gz Mr. Allin will conduct the Wood Shop EZ in connection with the Business. JOS. BRITTON: Port Perry, March 19, 1g12. Nothing Like Beef! AVING purchased the Butchering Business and er will of Mr. I. J. Wheeler 1 would like to inform all his old customers and as many new ones as possible that I intend to keep at all times a good assortment of all kinds of the Best Meats-- Fresh and Salt--obtainable and at reas: onable rates as possible. I am also in the market, at all times, for Choice Cattle Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Sheepskins, at the "High est Market Prices. EZ Fresh Fish every Tuesday. Courteous treatment and prompt delivery May2 6, 1009. WwW. A. BOYCE A FULL STOCK * EVERYTHING IN THE Harness Line Durability and STRENGTH Cannot be urpassed n the County, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks &c., in abundance. Qomparison of Prices Courted W. A. BEATTY \ In returning thanks to tho public for the extensive pat- ronage bestowed upon them would intimate, that as in the past only choice fat animals will be slaughtered, .s0 as to ensure the choicest and teu- devests Cuts possible, and we intend at all tithes to'bave an first class dairy farm and is only half a mile from Manchester rail way station. For particulars and Jess, apply to the proprietress on the premises. Pop . A. PHERRILL. ampe supply of FRESH AND $ENDER GHOT which we will cut to please and doiiy g Prince Albert, June 28,1911.

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