Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 Jul 1912, p. 1

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--d SRS WC ------\ 4 amos Suiasiox, 4 ii ho SA 40 Sil Reales; QueenSt., Port Pe.ty ¥ --_ Hours--8 to 10 $1103 pm, REV. GiSt. G. TYNER, 1. Th, Becta © Movplox. 1st. 3rd sel Sunday etch South o In office aud Hos over the lines mod , lst j Ryantong, $d nad 4th each Weekly Kyensoog, Wedoesdaye ot 8p. mo. n it ot G. . Port Perry, Noy. 15, 1804. "BR. C. CHURCE. REV -- RICHARDRON. Third Sunday at 10 30 h. m, 4, cand i ---- WLI HARRIS, BA LLB. BARRISTER, &c. maggor 12028, gogpy , Port Perry, - Ont [ES MONEY TO LO AN. Private Funds at 4 per cent, Th 10 i Jno. W. Crozier, ARRISTER, SoviciToR, CONVEVANCER, 3 &e... Offico at residence, 6th Con. Reach (one mile west of Port Perty,)-- Moxey Tv LOAN. E. FAREWELL, K.C, LL.B., County +] . Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- clbor, &e., Notar Public and Conveyaunocer. Sffico--South wing Court House, hitby, Ont mel WA SANCSTER DENTAL SURGEON. Office Hours --9 to 12a.m., 2 to 6 p.m. Also open Saturday evenings. Bridge and Crown tar Gold Fi'lings, s Vitalised Air. Work a Specialty. DR. R. L. GRAHAM £povessor 10 Dr. F. D. MCGRATTAN ity DENTIST PORE PERRY, -- -- ONT. Office over the Post Office. # PORT PERRY. All branches of Dentistry, ineluding Crown and Bridge Work successfully practiced. Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum or Rubber Plates, Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement Painless extraction when required: x Pricey to suit the times®? North Ontario Observer A Weekly Political, Agricultural ano ! Family Newspaper 18 PUBLISHED AT we PORT PEERY, ONT. EVERY TOURSDAY MORNING BY ' H. PARSONS {FERMS, -- $1 per anwum, if paid in advance | 1. PERM ™ No bawonPhion ekou. Tor lon than six discoutinued # "until Sx one 32 9, Popor emg xine, pr A ln sovmmE, pup on seE rE ? 7, ment will be taken out watil paid for. rT Seat or hal yo RE FF p THESE torms will {all cases be strictly adhered to JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlots Hand Bills, Posters £ Progeams, Podge Bill Heads, Checks Ledtor Heads, Wedding Invitations, the Opxrrv kr Office JOS. BAIRD ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the J Connty of Ontario, Sale Register at Putronags solicited: Muunchester, Jan, 10, 1899. tee eee 3 ¥ AL TIT rd 4 bs E Se Dillon Hinge-Stay Fence Manufactured by the Owen Sound Wire Fence Uo. Ltd., and am prepaied to supply this whole community with the very BEST WIRE FENCE produced on this Continent and at prices that can not fail to satisfy purchasers. The Ditton Fence is without 2 peer Itis the BEST because it is | flexible; it is a square mesh ; it is a perfect hinge-stay fence, therefore it is impossible to bend the stays, in fact it is the bet fence made in| this or any other country. Before purchasing a Wire Fence don't fail to inspect the DiLros Fence. J. H. Brown, DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS AND MACHINERY: += : SEAGRAVE April 6, 1905. N returning thanks to the public for t t patronage extended to me for over 3 years, I wouid Tecpectfnliy intimute that ani, as usual, now ready for businces, and bave a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am deteriined to rell very CHEAP As an inducement to Cann purchasers -3 Doon of I mr oid will be allowed on all Sales from now until Jan, lst next. All work being &F MADE BY HANDES and no factory wark kept in, stock, the super, nity of my gooda will at once become Apparent. . Tatending purchasers will find that by giving me a call before looking elsewhere they ean be safted in quality and price, my long experience in the trade being Any indi putaule guarantee that perfect satisfaction will be given by any urticle purchased. = Bverthing 'in my line of business kept constantly on han repairs neatly and promptly: to. ; * JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Dee. 1, * 3 EURPEA IONE, gi able RIGS AT MODERATE "| rooms ee TT, i = er 3 of "IT IS EASIER TO MISTAKE OUR AHAN RIGHT OUR MISTAKES." $1 Per ANNUM IN AvvanNcs : < . = ia = 5 . i . - ren DAY, JULY 18, 1912, WoL: N& tied EE : 2 "PORT PER H.G. RY BRANCH' | IN, Manager. Massger, Bowmanville, Prookiin, and Whit! ), Oshawa, Stouffville, Claremont DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS, Bankers and Brokers. (4 per ent upwards-- British Capital) INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Marriage Licenscs. §F Agents CP. R., &e. f I are such never acl | ever bigf | | laughed y. | round | At the of the laugh Loder shift- | "Right, str," be sald "You may on for the first time. Me leave It tou " L t f il IR voice which nn fmpulse or an emotion had al- most fou stinct, or ft might have been diplomacy, had conquered, and the moment bad | pussed. There was a riddle in the very | atmosphete of the place--and he abom- NERVOUS OVR NEW oD you. Under its influence the pimples, blotches and ulcers brain face full TREATMENT gare you active, tha blood purified become strony a pear; thao eycs an ol, bashfulness and a disa; Dervous ul land clear, he Body, i x nerves. . snd continue to do so. We treat and cure VARICOSE peculiar to Men. NOTICE Jian b y for G Write for our private address. Jost all faith zW CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD AND DER DISEASES and all Diseascs CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If unable to call write for a Question Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. YRS BIAS a ik igi call at our Medical Institute in in our Windsor | offices which are only. a failure. METH: 1 DEBILI and make that all tes 80 that d the mor], physical TY g AFTER TREATMENT Dp TrEaTMENT and it on Ti o--I could feel the vigor going through ul tee he or ey patients If you desire to Detroit as we see and treat for Correspondence and Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. | | | | PORT PERRY. E many years I have ment in Port Perry, Ihave much pleasure announcing that I have removea MY LIVERY! to my, former place of business 2 R. VANSICKLER. Pokt Perry, June 21; 1900. - Central Livery EARTILY thanking the public for the liberal patronage received during the kept a Livery Establish Water Street Iam about to largely xtond in-! CHARGES N Well Answered, On ome occasion a young tache was one of the guests at a state banquet in St. Petersburg. and during the banquet be had the misfortune to | upset his wine glass and make a buge red stain on the white tablecloth. The czar happened to be looking in his di rection when the disaster occurred and, noticing the youngster's painful em- barrassment, he asked ratber cruelly, "Do they often do that sort of thing in Englapd?™ The trodden worm turned. } "Yes, your majesty," came the swift reply, "but nobody takes any notice it!"--London Answers. British at- r Miss Harrison, Dress and Mantle Maker | ders for Dress.and Mantle M | in a manner unsurpassed for | Correctness of Style SS and. Charming the value'given. : ; % XTJISHES to inform the ladies that she has Te formerly occupied by her over Mr. Ponts Drug Store Where |she is prepared to execute all o prepa le Makin 3 Mails Close. The mails are despatcbed from the Pos Office Port Perry as follows :* Going North-- 9.00 a. m. Going Sonth--]1.20 8, m. Going North-- 5.15 p. m. Going Sonth--10 p.m. LE Lethe Effect} ; Our charges are consistent with mend Port Perry, April 1, 1900 Yor THE COUNTY Atty 18 oF turn thanks "past favors. past ation as to his: GEO. JAOKSON, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuatar, &c. OF ONTARIO AND' TOWNSHIY : CARTWRIGHT, © ©: Ny Sars thi the commeneemens cf Y "another Auction Sale: y to his numerons : In ould bes anifielent. recom ability AN Sale 'Season: fo re- PLL} heim gin dmesg in There wos silence. Loder glanced His was disconcerting. He | across the room. Eve had parted from | I heard heg §tir again. the girl In green and was moving to "You think it strange," she be- | ward them, exchanging siiles and | gan once ore. Then quite suddenly | grectings es ghe came, P) | she checked and controlled ber volce. | "My wife Is coming back," he said. "You must forgive me for what I am | "Will you do this for me, Blessington? going tou BAF," | pletely a er tone, "but crystal gaz- Ing 1s sueh, kn {llusive thing. Directly you put ed his pos! MONEY TO LOAN ) | spaces of ber flasquerader Tae | i "Lod | the other r rd | tinderstog® it with a mind that lédbed back over n spuce of y Ta "hon you're wrong. She Naw A Blessington's eyebrows went up. ¢ JTC I she added in a com- | [tit will smooth things" quickly, continuing to watch Eve. As be hid hoped, Blessington's eyes turn- in the direction. "Twill sooth matters." he repeated our hands upon the table I fc would be no result, but ' admit the defeat. Women a anglers that they can vledge that any fish, how- s slipped the hook." Sho | ed same elt that wo! In them 1n cau't exp The shot toid a domestic way that 1 10 Blessington looked y he had turned and the crowd. could speak ag ould r ve told why, but It struck disappeared intc iim with | slight sense of confusion. A precipitdte wish to rise end pass hrough thé doorway into the wiler cl 0 conservatory came to 18 r I Blessington t wore L with breathed business iim, thou he made no attempt to act over, Loder { Along the agreeably com rr T HE =r "sclous of the admiration sha aroused, cdmd, LHMNEE Astrupp, sur rounded by a Jttle § { face was nt ap; | the faint gleam of lof gold em fracefully. | utuphant, eltome moon. 'ness slowly, but with a slew complete; He spoke ness, and In its light the incidents of the past hour stood out in a new as- pect. by Lady Bramfell's voice, the re-echo | "smooth of it in blindness, his own egregious assurance --all struck across his mind. | drew nearer. certainty that the supper room was its (estingtion, And before Loder |. qc hold by n species of fataMsm. He | watched her draw \PTER XVI be 's head. . Her delicate wept round Ler adiant and tel §lao excited, fu het Inujgh, but sl 6.7 san's bead, saw it: Asti) A | hifting panorama he Ba' dlstutbunce and confusion in a faroff tallan valley--a confusion from which 8 | one free shone out with something of | the pale, alluring radiance that filtered over the hillside from the crescent | It passed across his consclous- The echo of recolléction stirred the sister's tones; his own Meanwhile the party about Lillian |F He felt with instinctive bit be remained motion- | near with ah un: but in the brief space that versed the corridor 11 the hold that the the new exlstence, iis mind. With an un- moved fac yasced wh gauged t ew attr id gained ov ooked for rush of feeling he remlized | ROYAL FREELAND [609°] (1369S) imp. pon ft. knew that, for some lnex- freoly. If Lady Astrupp bad | Jlicable nehson, this woman Lebind the recognized Chilcote by the bow dearly he would part with it. | cen had bed to him--ln the controll | 1105 and bad been roused to curfosity As Lillinn came closer the meaning | » of her speech, in her chang 'There had Leen one biom or or later -- settlement in what portion be could hazard no guess. § the other hand, her obvious | ¢ » of mapuer had arisen any other source--he had a hazy Idea ¢ that a woman's behavior could never Le ganged Ly accepted theories--then | ( inated riddles. be had sufeguarded Chilcote's But Lady Astrupp was absorbed in nd his own by his securing of wn concerns. Again she cl 1 ton's | Blessington he sitfon, and to Loder, liste would be rellable and discreet ively, it scemed that she leaned renewal of confidence--a pleas. torward gnd examined bis hands {bat his uneasiness had afresh. The sensation was so acute that he withdrew them fnvoluntarily. Agalu there was a confused rustle. I'he crystal ball rolled from the table, and the seer laughed quickly. Obeying a strenuoys Impulse, Loder rose. ile had:mo definite votion of what he expected @F what he must avold. He was ouly rohscious that the pavilion, | volee; then training, in- I romise With ant fee greet Eve Her fuce, with its rich, clear color ing, seemed to his gaze to stand out from the crowd of other faces as from n frau a senee of pride touched him. In every eye but his own her beauty belonged to bim, Ils face looked alive and masterful a3 she Teached his side. "May 1 to- ; was | fopolize you?' he said with the quick- He felt cramped | pegs of speech borrowed from Chil | Ie | cote. "We--we see so little of each | other." Almost as if compelled, her lashes lifted, and her eyes met his, Her | glance was puzzled, uncertain, slightly There was a deeper color PTY. Sniotor r endurable. gif used In mind and muscle. for a second to straighten his limps; then he turned and, moving di- rectly forward, passed through the After the dimness of the pavilion the confused. conseryptory scemed comparatively | than usual in her cheeks. Loder felt bright, "but without waiting to grow | something within his own conscious accustomed to the altered light he | ness stir in response. moved ®mward with deliberate haste. | "You know you are yielding," be 'The lopz green alley was speedily | sald. traversed. In his eyes It no longer Again she blushed. possessed greenncss, no longer suggest- | He saw the blush and knew that it | ed freshuess or repose. It was simply | was bells words, his personality a means to the end upon which his that had called it forth. In Chllcote's mind a | actual semblance Le bad proved his | As Be passed up the flight of steps he | superlority over Chilcote. For the first | drew 'is rings from his pocket and slipped them on again. Then he step- ped ob the glare of the thronged cor- ridor. time he hnd been given a tacit, per- | sonal acknowledgment of lLls power. | Involuntarily he drew nearer to her. | "Let's get out of this erush." | She made no answer except to bend | her hend, and it came to him that, for | all her pride, she liked--and uncon- | gclously ylelded to--domination. With a satisfied gesture he turned to make a passage toward the door. | Dut the passage was more easily de- | gired than made. In the few moments | gince he had entered the supper room the press of people had considerably thickened until a block had formed | about the doorway. Drawing Eve with | him be moved forward for a dozen paces, then paused, unable to mako further headway. As they stood there be looked back | at her. "What a study (n democracy a crowd always is!" he sald. She responded with a bright, appre clative glance, as If surprised into naturalness. Ie wondered sharply what she would be like If her enthu- | slusms were really aroused. Then a ctir In the corridor outside caused a movement Inside the room, and with a certain display of persistence he was enabled to make a passage to the door. There again they were compelled to halt. But though tightly wedged Into Ls new position and guarding Eve with one arm, Loder was free to Burvey pd In a moment Bless- the brilliantly thronged corridor over kis on the alert. | the head of a man a few toches shorter 1-1 want your help." That Chillcote front of him. 1 to him stirred him to an of pride and uncertain- one hailed him as he passed the crowd, but with Chtilecote's ed manner he hurried on. ough the door of the supper room ot sight of Blessington and jd then for the first time his on changed, and he turned di pward them, le said, "will you excuse we? word to say to Blessington." janced at lin in momentary ; theu she smiled In her qulet, ours," she sald. "I've been a chat with Millicen¥ Gower, bby bas required so much euter- tain »_ She smiled agaln, this time at: slngton, and moved away to . a pole girl in green who was By uloue. rhe had turned Loder took jow you're tremendously busy," an in an excellent hnitation of 's hasty manner--"I know tremendously busy, but I'm Ina "One glance at Blessington's [Bhy, !ngenuona face told him that Espeaking was the method to good humoredly, addressing the back | | of the stranger's head. his advantage and pressed ts come about through this | face, a red mustache and an eyeglass. fae Business. I'm afrald 1 | *"Hullg, Chilcote!" he enid. "Hope "my part--rather made an | i's not on your feet I'm standing." £. 1 wouldn't swallow the | Loder langhed. "No," he sald. "And and Lady Astrupp"™-- He | don't chunge the position. If you were ng Blessington with a | an Inch higher 1 should be blind as my dear boy, you--you |. well as crippled Aud : men are!" The other laughed. Tt was a pleasant was only twenty-three. | surprise to find Chilcote amiable under Ie © galn and assumed an discomfort. He looked round agai in alr of dity. "I know, sir," he | slight curiosity. sald, ke of the head. Loder felt the scrutiny. To create a of bumor was keen, | diversion ho looked out along the cor- 'grave fice. 'I knew |ridor. "I believe we are waiting for meaning. But I want something," he exclaimed. 'What's this?' Then quite abruptly be ceased to speak. g more. If Lady you who was in jt ten minutes, I want iin he stopped, looking at face. + bis arm to look round. his speech was suddenly suspénded. The man fn front of him let his eye- glass fall from bis eye, then serewed it Iu again. turned his glance; then © little wneomfortably. d me, you meal! as keen as &teel. or, sorepress!, It's like the progress of a fairy princess. T believe this is the . mepning of our getting peuned in rere." from | corridor inter- beside her as she came within hearing. flake wrapped up in sugar." said the Loder saw boy a yard or two in front of him, then Leen groundless--he moved forward to | move to the man over whose Lead be | gazed, then lift itseif Inevitably to his face. than himself, who stood directly in| "What are we waiting for?" he asked | The man turned, displaying a genial "Anything interestingi" Eve touched | He said nothing. Te nmde no effort | His thought as well as | "Jove," he exclaimed, "here comes He chuckle] delightedlv. .... incident would demand settlement of Ler manner became clearer to him. She talked incessantly, laughing now and tl juiet eyes were never These sk »d the length of the then glanced over the heads crowded {n the doorway. "I'll bave something quite sweet, Jeoffrey," she was saying to the man 'You know what I like--n sort of snow- As she glance wandered. | n a words ber t rest uninterestedly The glance was quick and direct. He saw the look of recognition spring across it; he saw ler move forward suddenly as the crowd in the corridor parted to let her pass. Then he saw what seemed to him a miracle. | Lier whole expression altered, her lips parted, auf she colored with - asuoys ance. She looked lke a spoiled child who, secing a bonbon box, opens it-- to find it empty. As the press about the doorway melted to give her passage the red haired man in front of Loder was the first to take advantage of the space. | "Jove, Lillian," he said, moving for- ward, "you look as if you expected Chilcote to be somebody else, and are disappointed to find he's only himself!" Ie laughed delightedly at his own | joke. The words were exactly the tonle Lilllan needed. She smiled her usual undisturbed smile as she turned ber eyes upon him, "My dear Leonard, you're using your eyeglass. When that happens you're never responsible for what you see." Her words came more slowly and with a touch of languid amusement Her composure was suddenly restored. | Then for the first tyne Lulcr chang. | ed his position. Moved by an impulse be made no effort to dissect, hia stepped back to Eve's side and slipped his arm through hers--successfully concealing his left hand. The warmth of ber skin through her long glove thrilled him unexpectedly. His Impulse had been one of self de- fense, but the result was of a differ ent character. At the quick contact the wish to fight for--to hold and de- fend--the position that bad grown #0 dear woke in remewed force. With a new determination be turned again t¢ ward Lillian. "I caught the same Impression-- without an eyeglass," he said. "Why | did you look like that?" Ile nsked tbe | question steadlly and with apparent | carelessness, though through it all hia | reason stood aghast -- hls common sense cried aloud that it was impossi- | ble for the eyes that had seen his face | in admiration, In love, in contempt, to | fail now in recognition. The air secm- ed breathless while he spoke and waited. His Impression of Lillian was a mere shimmering of gold dress and gold hair; all that Le was really conscious of was tbe pressure of his band on Eve's arm and the warmth | ' : ; . BARON; QF CHIRNES [1 Vy ord : {utp- rion the > IR of 5. M1; ROYAL RODERICK [10655] (13676) Imp SILVER STAR {11 WHINBLOOM [6007]) (12783) | KING Horse Register Macfarlane, Sonya; : His. route will im- clude Cresswell, Sunduland, and own sable. " > of J. M- Mass Clydesdale, the be at his one farlane, Sonya. able $hroughout the Pil EY pavors redule, the farlane, Senys.) ald, rave, Suifit "ictoria Corners, 4th oon: Brock, Sunderland, Wick, and hid own stable. ILVER SIMON [10652] (13762) Impl: Clydesdale, the property of J. M Mac farlune, He will have stands at Fingwr- board, \V. K- Mitchell's, Mariposa, Val eutia, Jas. Ruley's and John Cuddy's,, Ops, Clendine, Mariposa {Station, Wm. Sparks' #nd Donald McDouald's, Mari- posa JLACK IVORY (7761) (13367) Imp Clf dei: dale, the property of Smith & Richard- eon, Columbus will have a stand af Myrtle and another at Brooklin the remainder of the senvon he will be at his own etable ROYAL BARON 2nd 12184] CaraFlane Bred Clydesdale, the property of Jamua Tunes, Sonya, will make this scwson at bis own stable, lot 23, con. 2, Brock. YUNURE SOUTAR [9595] 6 Clydesdale, the p v of Wo J. Heue ders, Port Perry vtande will efn- brace Sebert Hon t Perry, Green bar ex- Brow Hope Brow', § own Clydexdule, the property of thre Fhirley J Syndicate Will be st R Scott's, Darlington, Jos Bt bo Fordor's, Cartwright, ¥ < Farm, and Geo Jackson's, Scugog, Port os Perry, aud his own stable. "ORNER STONE [3505] (11018) imp. Clydeadule, the property of J. Ernest Holthy, Manchester He will stand at Groenbunk, Saintfield, Wick, Seagrave, stable, and own imp Clydes- 3 & Richard, % « being Lou. 4 White's and H, 3 Tp. Jos Wide Ey Vickering, : Ding- M. Brawford and Richardson's, E, Blanchard's Whitby Puckering's, Kiugston road, man's and D Pellott's Rroken Front, oseman's wud F Whitby, Oshawa, and ( HELSINGTON GLORY [11463] (14699) imd Clydesdale, the property of W. Jy Henders, Port Perry. Will the season at Creenbank, Saintfield, Victoria Corners, Lonskdule, Town of Uxbridge, Wes, Pas's, Reach, Sobeeh, Hour, Pork Parry, and own stable. ~ ¥ * ws RE make 10232] Ciydsdale--from Import. the property of Wes. Frise, ed Stoc os. Seagrave, His stands will be at Jus. Boe's, Reach, Robt. Thomas', Layion, 2% H. Purvis', Manilla, T. Couttice's, Win, Stacey's, Norman Osoor o's, Jos Dow+ son's, and his own stable. PROCTOR 1758, Reg. French Coach (imp.) the Properly of H. Md Kenzio, Port Perry. Stauds at Seagrave,' Layton, Saintfield, Greenbank, Sebert House, Port Perry, Purple Hill, Black- Stock. BARON THOMAS (9005) Canadianbred Clydesdale, the property of Geo. Mackie,' Will have stands at Kaglas,: N- Scott's, Darlington: Jos: Strong's F. Stiosou's, Cartwright; John Pearce's Geo. Jackson's, Sougog, and Port Perry,' aud his own stable ACMI' PHILP [10314], Clydesdale; ahd; property of S- A Devitt, Cadmus. Wir have a stand at Lotus, Burketon asad Blackstock and at his own stablo. VIGOROUS MACQUEEN [4294] Imporé- ed-bred Clydesdale, the property of T. F Bruce, (Cadmus, will have stands a8 Lotus, Ballyduff, R Suggitt's und Blae k=' stock and own stabi. SIR HUBERT (7566) 9789 (10923) imp. Clydesdale, the property of J. Kroes$, Holthy, Manchester Hia stands wil include Albert Baverley's, Ashburn, B, \Washburn's, Thos Beverley's, Wm.' Symes', Uxbridge Town, Utica and own stable. of ber skin through the sbt glove Then abruptly the mist lifted. Hel saw Lilllan's eyes--indiffercnt, amuss! ed, slightly contemptuous, and a 00s! ond later be heard her volce. "My dear Jack," she sald sweetly, "how absurd of you! It was siuply; the contrast of your eyes peering over, Leonard's hair. It was lke & gor%| geous sunset with a black cloud over, head." be langhad. "Do you soa, what I mean, Eve?' She affected to' see Eve for the first time. ' Eve had been looking calmly shead.( She turned now and smiled serenely.' Loder felt no vibration of the' dria be, | held, yet by an instaut intuition he | Bnew that the two women were An, tagonistic. Iie experienced It with the' dlvination that follows upon a moment of acute suspense. He understood it as be had understood Lillian's look of, recognition when his forehead, eyes and nose had shown him to be him-' self; her blank surprise when his close him ChUcete. - i - 4 wo [vo us cowrmvoEn]l ( "Theater Audiences: The tricks of theater audiences been remarkably similar in Alciphron, who wrote of the | tie comedy, shows that the siaqiey {| during the dull parts of

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