Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Jul 1912, p. 3

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n tario and ei oppo:ed to the re- ppointments the Outario Gov- ernment has made pectaining to in-- 8 of schools, namely, the ap. of French isnpetors and ones, They o the oun at this, and oy viding province into, three districts, will ain constant, strife and differ: between the ins a emerday afternoon the executive of the association issued their long-look- report in reply to the cial of Dt, Merchant. It is in French' goes exbuustively into the report docto on atetaodin feature of the re- x of the executive is their conten ion that the bilingual school system, on the whole is just as good as the blie school one. Though they ac- nowledge many places need improve- ment, they also point to others where the bilingual schools are doing very. good work. The association describes Dr. Mer. chant's statement that English-French schools do not give pupils proper in- struction 'in English ss a "gross in- sult to instructors and teachers." Gh. A. COLE PROPRIETOR [Late of Hotel Falconer, Toronto] Commercial trade solicited, First class Sample rooms. Telephone Directory rfViiE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA i3 soon to print a new issue of its Otticial Telephone Directory for CENTRAL ONTARIO. including PORT PERRY Parties who contemplate hecom- ing subscribers, or those who" wish chacges in their present entry ' should place their order with the J.ocal Manager at once to insure insertion in this issue. COINICTING COMPANIES r Should also report additions and changes in their hist of subscribers cither to the Local Manager or direct to the Special Agent's De- Papering, Painting, &c. required 2doors north of Mr. Widden's store Spring iz the Tine for House Cleaning. I 4am prepared to do all kinds of Paper and Paint furnished if W. F. NOTT, * (Successor to J. A. Rodman. The the Wuiew of the Canadian Northérri Ral place in the total of homesteads total where loam and ol Clear, DY wd and neering makes this lai make Tree ses ht Write for tree booklet giving tte Tovation at description of the land being offered. A copy will be mailed to anyons to R. L. Fairbain, Asst. General Passenger Agent Canadian Northern Bul.ding, Toronto, Ont, ae ai 150,000 Government has thrown open Joes entry 150,000 ls offering. Saskatchewan, 4 that ® blu Westorn Canada is so bi, Healy every Er Thore ia open prairie, imal country, which need; ls are Tap being taken up, and ont delay making application to Free Homesteads ALONG THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY In Hanitohy, Saskaichewan and Alberta, in Mi To Sa lt n Man! atchewan and Alberta. At ,000 of these are within a radius of 20 esol onerated lines 5 at the iri while the balance be served by Branches now under construc lo or projected. Alberta the Province already noteworthy for its fertile Jands and ralubtious Climata--take first p phe Sota of Rex 4 ofeeiy bu Sh Souder] Wheat Lands of Saskatchewan are well. prese: n the farms w! ve rown r entry. Manitoba tl dest wet of the three--holds out a large number, Shem fof sulve- Manitoha mie of vetgied Manitoba, 21,800. are adutirably nape to 0 the keds of mixed farming. The stuiosphere-- live in. 0 acres Sach along 8,080. Aiberta, 74,000. ig condition 1x met with in the combined s sce clearing, and alse the rolling land intending pettlers will be well advised to DO IT NOW It is well known to experi _enced salesmen that Ahe Jatgset res. the trade, 'therefore Secure Your Agency Now We want a good reliable man for this district, because the demand for fruit trees never was so god. Goad pay, Outfit free, Whole ar part time agree- ment, and yon will represent a firm of thirty five years experi- ence' with over six hundred acres of land under cultivation. Write © PELHAM NURSERY CO', TORONTO, ONT, HOME STUDY Thousands of ambitions yenng people are being fu-tinett d in their homes by our Home Stady Dept. You way lirish at College it vou desire. Pay whenever vou wish. 'Thirty years' exper- fruce. Largest trainers in Can- ada Eater anv day. Positions guaranteed. If vou wish to save board sud learn while you varn, writy for particulars, NO VASATICN Peterboro Business Oollege GEO. 8POTTON, President. partment, Montreal. Ais 2 Torin? Jo 'y of Sos, time any colony has done so, . July tr, 1912 Col. Hughes hopes that other colo- [After giving it a fair tria il not satisfied return the balance (if over § Ibs.) FallWheat..... a $0 00 @ $0 95 nies will follow and muke the na- land your:money will be cheerfully refunded. The millionaire cannot . Spring Wheat... 0g5@ 1 00 nal rifle Sesontation traly national [Liny a better flour than THE ROYAL HOUSEHOLD, nor even el Goose Wheat...... o 8) (® 0 oo A Snperiel les jo family vse a flour that is more economical. g 2 a Barley ............ 0Qgo@ 1 00 MAIL CATIACT Rye ne im ER 3 aras VALUABLE TN, ; Oais LoL 0516 0 53) 3 4 LARGE. AND VALUABLE 7 iin purchased the '| Butter 025@ oO Se 10! [1S Q VTALTD TENDIRS addressed to the wa o = e o1a7 Yan To JamiEson & COLOR VALISE LOST. Butchering Business and Postmaster Gene:al, will b ived | I0~ : Sa io i pnt dora dr : {Offa nail) Sa FRIDAY, tath Cattle, pr Ib ae 4.@ aos Dennison.) TILL the party who tortawed good will of Mr. LJ. W heeler Jory. te or. the ccuveyance of lis) Hows, periroo ths... 6'59'@ '7 50 about two years age, a larg: RETA MS? * a Agents 1 would Jike to inform all his Pixjesty' 5 Mails Jon 2 Propiscd "antral Tan. Fathi oh 1 50 @ : 75 i I F 8 ¥ ind valuable Tan Colored Valse 0: K P= old customers and as many OO ur years six ms er £4 urass S Be Fw ai 00 % STRID y Y . On: RB | Mail a 1] li CE 7 11 oo| Iaving purchased the Livery he Hodssped Aindh return the Port Parry and vicinity. new ones as possible that I n Mc Sada rom Bo Clover: ! 5 : Sr 12 00 @ 13 00 pityee c iri o by Jamieson & | awe and much « i nn hpe intend to keep at all times a fr ol, ya Pods 4 7 ennison, and the premises con MLETTAK . oh he On Era re icon +3 to commence at the pleasure of the bp Does EYE. a 123 @ $ OO ecbid thaccwith we. fiend to Port Perry, May 6, 1912. = z re good assortment of all kinds of Postmaster General, a Ses ipd ig 5 1 i FSA RE the Best Meaty Yyesh and Cn Fo CREE) A WE SH SBE ERIE a orniation as to "conditions of proposed " AERA Sh 2 3 i = ; : Contract may 0 seen atl nlank (Arms OF GEESE vase risbivis Ob @ 0B ie | ee animals. wid Insta] C. 2. R. Time Table. 3 -5 AEB 2 ohitie rates as Posie Tender may i atined at the Post Ofce Ducks .... 0 10.@ 0.12 Bar iy SH MYRTLE STATION 3 I am also in the market, at all times, for Choice Cattle of Whithy and route offices and at the | Cljicke a 01 . L Li NL N. . _- = A -- Office of the ost Office Inspector at To- | -- ro" 10t © re New and Up-to-Date Vehicles Goa East Gorsa West y/ i" 7 11 Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Sheepskins; at Tote CTI ORE IEEE : : 1017 0m. 6.52 Am. i o Ca © 4 > the "HigLest Market Prices Post Office Department, Mail Service with modern 'I'rappings which for 6.27 pm. 8 0A. ¢ = Pe a - . Es Dranch, Ottawa May 30, 1912, comfort and convenience cannot 11.08 p.m. b 50 p.m, n a \g \ EZ Fresh Tish every Tuesday. : G. C. ANDERSON, Mn SUPERINTENDENT, SALE OR TO RENT HE pilergrned lTars fcr Sale or to Rent his fine farm, being * part of lot 10, cong, East Whitby, consisting of g5 Acres more or less. There is on the property a Splendid Brick House, sox 36; Barn and Driving Shed, 26 x 50. It is sitvat- ed about lour miles from the C P.R | Myrtle, and three miles fiom th- G T.R. Apply to the proprietor on the premises JAS. J. ORMISON. Raglan, nl fide, 1912. VALUABLE PROPER PROPERTY In Prince Albert for Sale, [Corrected weekly by Jas FIRST-GLASS FARM FOR: afoot ate paar ut ERRY MARKETS. PORT P Lucas, Grain anil Seed Merchant | Why We Excel We have the most modern, the nwost practical and the best . 0 . + e equipped school in Eastern Ontario The courses are thorough and facinating. An entirely, | Canadian Business Procedure for the training of the ambiti- ous young people of out coun- are successful, ask a student or ex.student, they are our best advertisement. Home Study Qourses C. R. Brower, 4A. H. Spotton, Principal. President, Enter Any Day. HE undersigned offers for sale her T fine residental property iti Prince sor founda a two oi with ges ation ; Silla] furnace, Will buy 112 acres be- ing' conipe and 24 in the 10th cou, Towa ip-of Reach. "or particulars apply. to Wicriam WICKETT, or Epwin Mark, 1s Little Britain, ttle Britain, May 8, 1912. of parts of lots 23 | Stewart M. Graham, E LUKE REFRACTING i ' OPTICIAN, 169 Yonge 8t, Toronto. Opposite Simpsons'. LIGENSED AUCTIONEER, Srduate of i Wationas | 8ahool Patronage solicited. = Term: reasonable rte ------ eT -------------------- RAND TRUNK RY SISTEM. ! TIM ET T a B EB 'The largest trainers ing to out connection Ontario, we do better for our grada- ates than any other School, may study ali at lionte or partt Affiliated with The Commercial gd Educators' Association of Canada It would be well for you to investi- i gate before choosing. right for Ontario o famous Bliss Book-keeping Sys'em, J which is unequalled. § Busidess from Start to Finish. the student keeps same books as Chartered Banks sale fall Term From August 38th § be surpassed. requirements of Commercial Travel we guarantee to please our patrons. 2. BROUGHAM -- Clerk, M. Gleeson, 3. PORT FERRY Clark a 5. CANNINGTON---Clerk, Geo. Smith. Germ all ov.r you ome and finish at the Col £39 | with Exclusive the world- It is Actual § and ¥ upon and Houses Triter anv Inlividual instruction. Whole: fi time. § Write, call or phone for da. particulars, PETERBOR BUSINESS GJILLEGE (Founded 1885.) GEO SPOTTON, - PRESIDENT E. E LOGAN, Principal. that tion way It that and the Special attention paid to the rs. Qur charges are moderate and Patronage solicited. 1 EZ Phone No. 2. con CAWKRER BROS. [the OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1912. a1 soft . WHITBY --Clerk, Miss E. I.. Mac- douoil, Whitby --Jau. 15, Feb. 5 March 4, April 8 May 2, June 6, July 8, Sept. 8, Oct. 2, Nov. 7, Dec. | Ing 7, Jan 13, 1913, 0SI1AWA--Clerk, Miss E. Mac- donell, Whithy--Jan. 18, Yon 6 Murch A, April 4, Mav 8, June 7, July 4, Shp. 4, Oct. 8, Nov. 8, Dec. 9 Jan. J4, 1013. the "1 Ser Gruenwood--Jan. 17, March 6, May 9 ou July 5, Sept. 5, Nov. 11, Jan. 15, 918. ] hm, rey. "Uxbridge--dut, 12, arch 2, it, ny 26, Sept. 13, Nov. 22, To 8. Cannington -- Jan. 1, Mareh 27,| 4. May 16, July 25, Sept. 12, Nov. 21. | 5. Jan 9, 1918, 8. BEAVERTON -- Clerk, James M.| 6 Gordon, Beavertan--Jan, 10, March 28 May 18, July 24, Sept. 1I, Nov.| 7 20, Jan. 9, 19:8. - UPTHROBOYE -- Clerk, David| 8. l.eonard, Atherlv -- January. 29,| 9, March 29 Mayr dus 23, Sept. 10, | 10. Dated at Whitby, Nov. 19th, 1911. TICKETS TO ALL FARTS OF THE Wortp.--Mr. W. H. McCaw, Port Perry, is now in a position lo issue tickets to all parts of the world and to supply all necessary information to parties as to the cheapest and best routes, &. In addition to his ous Ticket Agencies for Rail. | road and Steamshi lines, he has been re appointed Ticket Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway. Partics intending to travel will consult their own interests by consulting Mr. i McCaw before embarking on a trip.' Kalser and Czar Hold a Confab In Baltic Port, Biel July 5! - Emj y on bo nought cruiser Moltke, to meet the Emperor of Russia, who, members of his family, Premier Ko: koveoff and Foreign Minister Basen: off, was already in waiting here. A division of Russian torpedo boats, the Russian Admiralty yacht Nevs, . sia and the attaches of the German Embessy at St. Petersbutg, wert out to meet the German Emperor, whe the assembled Russian warships, and was greeted with cheers by their crews, Moltke replied. The Hohenzollern was then moor- ed between yachts Btandart and Polarnaia grotp of high officials, went on board the German imperial yacht, Emperor William. In the German, Russian and othet capitals great political significance is attached to the imperial meeting, a! though semi-official statements asser! Russie and Germany, to the war between Turkey nd Italy, the naval position in the Baltic re- sulting from the Russian naval act interest will be discussed. Ottawa, has cabled $1,000 to be added to the Queen Mary prize for the annual Bis- ley meet this year. Farm for Sale dwelling, stone cellar 30 x 20, 18 x try. | 24 our Graduates ings of {he Division Conris| 4x18 mixed timber, one acre of Orchard, way, Blackstock, 2} miles from Caesarea, 'section in the County of Durham. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. Levi C Tavror, BUY FLORIDA LAND-¥iy? Nov. 19, Jan. 7, 1918, 11. Healthful climal By ord ism and tuberculosis, jd %. FAREWELL, ve 12,400 Acres. F\ lo--, Clerk of the Peace Wha 1 ta 3 Miles of Ra Sale all Write for Full Particulars and Hiust- : rated Literature, ia Herida Colonization Co. Limitea . EMPERORS MEEY. the Baltic. d the imperial va chi ensoltern, escorted by the ok Fol with the the German atfibassador to Rus. his arrival received the saltites to which the sailors of the the Russian imperial Evies- The Emperor of Russia, with a immediately and cordially welcomed the its only object 18 the confirma- of the cordial relations between for which the was paved at Potsdam in 1910. is fully expected, nevertheless, the possibility of putting an end other matters of international More Bisley Money. July 5.--Canada through Minister of Militia and Defence This is the first 11.50 pan. A.J. DAVIS, Town Agent. ast-half of Lot 12, Concession 6, Cartwright, Durham County, taining 100 acres. Erected on premises are a good frame woodshed 18x24, good frame n, stone stables Box40, pig pens and 18 x 24, 15 acres of ver failing stream, hard and water. Ope nile [rom Rail- one mile from the village of famons Summer Resort on Lake 1gog. Situated in the bast farm- Davin J. & Doucras Apawms, Port Perry, Ont, Nestleton, Ont. 3 6] bt in summer and their winter is ; ne waather. Your buliaiuge do not cost one- tiasier of Northern farm build- NRE. "Every pair. backed 8p by the maker' i. IPRESS SHOES ithe Latest Styles at $2.50, $3, $3.50 & 81. ASS SIC SHOES STYLE SERVICE ee il r Ohidren in every Piyrindmyle) Ingrams' Iave accepted the Agency for The Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. [Mullers to the Royal Family.] And are: prepared to promptly fill all orders entrusted to their care, Thev have the one Flour that gives satislaction to the; consumer--THE and | ROYAL HOUSEHOLD--flls the bill, every pound is guaranteed, MERCHANT TAILOR, Keeps in Stock a full supply of up-to-date TOTHS Suitable for all Seasons RAR THRHRI LARRY g so far sitce commencing the Confectioiiery and B Business, we bey to anuounes that in future we pu carrying on Our oods are the BEST possible, and ofit Privés are. Right Port Perry, Jan. 24. 1912. In returning thanks for the ibera patroiiage L Shidly (ab Dulas INGRAMS® Farm For Sale ARM BEING COMPOSED OF 160 ACRES thre or less of Lot 21, Con. 8, CARTWRIGHT Drie mile fc Nestleton Post Ol ? ao and diore and Nr Son ies frotn : kick Said, aS Yok RP oe 40x86, all stables cement. floor, water works in stable ; Frame Hog and Hen House on stone foundation ; a good bearing Orch- ard and Frame House. For terms and possession apply to E. H. PURDY, Port PERavs May 12, 1912. Horse Shoeing a Specialty EZ Mr. Allin will conduct tbe \Vood Shep EZ in connection with the Business. JOS. BRITTON. Port Perry, March 19, 1912. May 26, 1009. ING y ST: I AVING LEASED MR. BLACKSMITHSHOP, PERR x PORT PERRY EES] I will be prepared to do all kinds of Blacksttithing. All tires will be Iot Set Courteous treatment and prompt delivery W. A. BOYCE MYRTLE LIVERY purchased the Livery a at , W. Disney, and sf CLASS HORSES fr "UP-TO-DATE VEHICLES or everything in the Livery line at moderate charges. trains Met except 2 20 and 7.07 p m unless otherwise ordered E SOLICITED, D. G. ROSS & SON Myrtle Station, Ont. [Successors TO J. W. DisNEY] rtle Statioa and will of Bt ER A to meet, in 4 satisfactory manner, the demand of the #4 Bell and Independent Phones. You save vour large winter (uel bill. You do hot work all summer to winter your live stock. $ 3 JIous crops' the year round ; ureR Crors in the year Yoor Spe are ready to market when the rest of the continent js in the dead of inter, Splendid market: Regular and pleniit rainfall, Pure water easily obtained. TERIA BASY, of negotiating for ot + Tpotitel Sum Yin their applica- "Farm for Sale. HE undersigned offers for sale that excellent' farm being lot 15. concession 4, in the township of Reach, containing 200 acres more or less, of choice land a large por- tion of which is cleared, the balance being splendidly wooded. The land is in a capital state of cultivation. There is on the premises an orchard and a complete supply of water. | There is a large barn with cement floor stabling, and a smaller barn on the north end of the lot; also a fame dwelling house on the south and. The location of the farm is a capital one, being about 1} miles from Port Perry on a leading road. This farm is, in every respect, a first class dairy farm and is only half a mile from Mauchester rail: way station. For particulars and terms, a to the proprieifess on the prem S. PHERRILL. Prince Albert, So 28,1911. 2 Lots Mire Isianp sgnally to the ZEL & SON, erry P.O. © ply A FULL STOCK Harness LIne CHEAPNESS STYLE Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks &c., in abundance. 1 EVERYTHING IN THE Durability and STRENGTH Cannot be urpassed n the County, ---- Oomparison of Bites Oourted W. A. BEATTY FRESH & TENDER CAWKRER BROS. In returning thanks to the public for the exteusive pat- ronage bestowed upon' them would intimate, that asin the past only choice fat animals will be slaughtered; so as to ensure the choicest and -ten- derests Cuts possible, and wo intend at all times to have an ampe supply of FRESH AND TE which we will cut

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