Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 13 Jun 1912, p. 3

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- Piva . Contragt Kod 1s therot--Philadel- | , Es Fle re # 3 Spring Is {he Tine for fuse : | * Cleaning, FAs north of Mr. al Vidden's store % town open for on EO ere Northern ty Ruitvay es hesgars withis « radi neal 30 wi - be ed b) now under on NORTHERN RAILWAY ; Seskalshomay ad. Alberts {fio fro oman 1 sof dpstated fas of Alberta, At idly whils the oine p Province already nobeWorthy tor ies te of homesteads offérimg, ! saab, 4,800, d Westaen Cunada fn sbi that practically every. fuming od am Sepased to, d hp 8 do all kinds. of ET iin pr by Sir tn we Da Pe ' Clear, and ive in. Hoard of Any Other. | 'Paper and Pa ot: turaished if] The best S=Dotie you. think a talkative required ; : Lite Lé tor tree rg a Iocaton and a description o the lam being ofced, nati ft miore popular with the med TW, 'F. NOTT} pT oy ing sppledtion (oR. L anyother kiud? Heapéckke-- (Successor to J. A. Rodman, | | Csnadisu Northern fi:ding, Toronto, Ont, But the rbd Iu the free fans which have been throw, holds out a number, Saskatchewan, 48,080. na Sally being taken up, and intending settlers ¥ill be well advised to fertile Taide and mate : Reh ian Siete tg n open lor entry. Be ail oldest sotsl Mberta, 74,000. condition js met ith} in D the combined land ere-- §° onl. , Asst. CGoneral Passenger Ontario County & | "UXBRIDGE, BEAVERTON, ZEPHYR, PORT PERRY, CANNINGTON, SUNDERLAND; . UPTERGROVBE. TIME TABLE Wepngspay, June 1g o. i op 15--t.30 -- Reading In- DO IT NOW. At is well known to exper salesmen that the largest Tryin the trade, therefore #3 Secare Your: Agéncy' Now We want a 'gobd "retiabiles man for this district, becawse the deniand for fruit treesnever was so good. Good pay, Outtit ment, and you will represent a firm of thirty five years experi- ence with over six hundred acres of land under cultivation, Write PELHAM NURSERY CO', TORONTO, ONT. tree. Whole or part time agree- Fest trail 1 Bing to pur connect] all over 8 Ontario, we do bétter for our gradu § ates than soy other Scligpl. You 'may $tudy alf at home or partl ¢ home and finish at the re § Affiliated with The: Commercial § Liducators' Association of Canada 1t would be well for you to investi- gate before choosing. Exclusive right for the world: nous Bliss Book-keeping System, which is unequalled. It is Actual 4 Business from Start to Finish, snd § the student keeps same books as § Chartered Banks and Whole § sale Houses Enter any time. Individual instruction. | structions. 1.30--3.30--Ccmposition Fall Term From Awgust 28th 3.40--4 25--Spelling. THURSDAY, JUNE 20 AM. g.00--]1.30--A7ithmetic PM. 1,30-- 3.30-- Reading (Exam. inatiou Paper) Fripay, June 2t AM. g.on--r11.90--EnglishGrammar 1t.t6--12.00--Writing. B.A [.30-- 3 30--Geography. Oral Reading may be taken at suitable times during the examina- tion, \'rice, call or phone for HOME STUDY Thousands of ambitious yonng paople are being iotincet doin their homes by our Home Study Dept. You may finish at Codege it you desire. ay whenever you wish. Thirty years' exper- fence. Largest trainers in Cap- ada. Buter anv day. Positions wuaranteed If vol wish to save board aud learn while you earn, write for particulars. NO VACATION Peterboro Business Uollege GEO. SPOTTON, President. MAIL CONTRACT EALED a addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received i Ottawa until Noon, on FRIDAY, 12th! pn for the corveyanceé of His | Tajesty's Mails ou a proposed Contract! Goose Wheat for four yeats six times per week i On Rural Mail Route from Whitby, Outario, to commence at the Hlaanure of the Postmaster. General, - fr hers dn formation dt a8 1D" Con phy of proposed nivdét nay. be seen and blank forms of Tender pes be obtainediat the Post Office of Whi and route offices and at the Office of the Post Officé Inspector at To- ronto. Post Office Departinent, Mail Service Brauch, Ottawa May 30, 1912, G. C. ANDERSON, SUPERINTENDENT, Delon {Cottage Seven-Mile-lsland SCUGOG. Parties: desirous of negotiating for |B Camping Lots on one of the most beautiful Sum | met Resorts--BeveEn-MiLe IsianD --will_kindly send in their applica: tions 'or apply personally 10 "the proprietors. : THOS. SINTZEL & SON, «© « Port Perry P.O. May 1s, i912. FARM: FOR SALE $3000 Will buy buy 112 acres be: 1g 'composed of parie-of lots 23 and 24 in; the 10th con. ., Town ship of 'Reach. For particulaes apply to particulars. PETERBORD BiJSINESS COLLEGE (Founded 1885) GEO SPOTTON, - PRESIDENT E. E LOGAN, Principal. June 21st, 1912 Why We Excel We have the most modern, the most practical and the best B equipped school in Eastern ® Ontario The courses are ¥ thorough and facinating. An entirely, Canadian Business Procedure B (or the training of the ambiti- ¥ ous young peo le of our coun- h ty. Our Graduates ® are sticcessful, ask a student or ex.student, they are our best @ adertisement, Home Study Courses |B Lindsay Business College with modern 'I'rappings which for comfort and convenience cannot be surpassed. RAYE IT Piesidont WD.FT Secy WD F 1 PE MARKETS. Sec) AS --_ Hi Grain | HUGH PUGH, =~ ROBT. HH CRUNK, "and Seed Merchant] | Presidout 8.0.8 1. Srev SOF June 13, 1912 Pull Whest roi $2 504 $0 03 LARGE AND YALU!BLE TAN sedan Ww 1 3 ity i Laid Dotan SHY La CO.0 VALISE LOST. | a TY Barley, ul ried hie 0 ge 1 oc AE soot ARS 1 ny 1 2s [1] \ TILL he party who borrnwed Outs ionneis ovioais +0 0 52@ © 3 CAW RER R05 about two (cars age, a larg: utter Te SR 025@ oO 28 fk and valuable Tan Colored Viiise of EROS An. ype ole 0 20@ 0 22 SuccESsORS To Jamimson & | 'he undersigned, kindy. reutn the Cattle, por Ib ..... 0 4} @ o os ( a ) same and mich oblige ; Hogs, per too Ibs... 6 50@ 7 50 J. Ww. MEHARRY Roane aa 150@ 175 5 3 ¥ E B ¥ Port Perry, May 6, 1912. Grass: Scudr, oxo 7 oo @ 8 oo : = Ck a Alsike Clover. 10 co@ 11 oof Having purchased the Livery Red Glovers. ois 12 00 @ 13 00 busincss ¢ re on by Jamieson & 3. rn Time Fable. Peas--Blackeye ... 1 25@ 0 oo Dennison, and the premises con Pease Small, vs. t oo@ I og|pectel therewith we intend to MYRTLE STATION. Buckwheat... ...... 0 55@ o 56 a n Gora East Gaoiva West Furkeys ......4,.. 015@ 019 RE-HORSE THA STABLES 1017 am, 6.32 an. Geesd hve. to l10@ 0 12 ; § 6.27 p m. 8 0am Ducks .....ve0uve. 0 10@ o r12|with first-class anintals, and install ne Devs ! 550 pan. Chickens, cies 010:@ 0 14 5 x x ET at ---- oo ------------ Nog and Up-lo-Date Vehicles 3.3 DAVIS Town Ape EERE SER TRE SNE a Special attention paid to the requirements of Commercial Travel crs. Our charges are moderate and we guaranliee to please our patrons. Patronage solicited. EZ Phone No. 2. CAWKER BROS. Sitings of {he Diviston Conrts COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1e12. 1. WHITBY Clerk, Miss E. I. Mac- donell, Whitby --=Jan. 15, Feb. 5, March 4, April 38 May 2, June 6. July 3, Sept. 8, Oct. 2, Nov, 7, Dec. Eitiars nslitutos 80 ca Bagh ass, we beg to annouuce (hat id futtic we . Our oods are the BEST possible, abd our Prices ar Port Perry, Jan. 24. 1914, In rettenli Bien for the jber patrons far silico. 'comniieticing the mldetioner) rrying on k Sh ly (ach Duis INGRAMS: . ailingrds RESS SHOES b Latest Styles at $2.50, $3, 3350 & 24. 12 3 Special G. T. BR. Trams. Good return- ing the foilowing day, TIME TAELE. Port Perv... Princes Athart Masthester | H gh Paint, Myttle |... Brooklin 0 Whi by T wn Whithy Juuetion. .... Pickoring Duubarton Rosebank Port tuism Children fiat Pre" FREE LUNCH will ha provided by the Outario Agricti! tw al 1Co logan and effort made to ree that all are instructed and entertained. The ladios will ba specially futerested in viewing the buildings Atul equipment of McDonald College, This is a chance for all. Kverybodv come and etjoy a holiday on tha beautiful campus and ficlds in coutiection with the two Col- Oger, Special Train Guelph at 6.10 pum M. Jl. WERRY, returning leaves WE. POLLARD Farm {ford Sale { ast-half of Lot 12, Concession 6, 4 Cartwright, Durham County, containing 100 acres. Erected on the premises are a good frame dwelling, stone cellar 30 x 20, 18 x 24, woodshed 18x24, good frame barn, stone stables 8ox4o0, pig pens 40x18 and 18 x 24, "5 acres of mixed timber, one acre of Orchard, a never failing stream, hard and soft water. One mile from Rail- § way, one mile [rom the village of Blackstock, 2} miles from Caesarea, the famons Summer Resort on Lake Scugog, Situated in the best farm: ing'section in the County of Durham. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. Davip J. & Doucras Apans, Port Perry, Ont, Levi C. Tavior, Farm For Bale M BEING COMPOSED Al Fa 160 ACRES more of lesé of Lo a1, Con. 8, CARTWRIGHT One mile from Nestleton Post Of. fice and store and two miles from i: Be 3 Jom arn floor, water works in stable ; Prams Hog and Hen House on stond foundation ; a good bearing Orch- ard and Frame House. For termd snd possession apply to E. H. PURDY, i PorT PERRY: May 12, 1912. accepted the Agency for The Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. & [Millers to the Royal Family.) And are prapated to promptly fill all orders entrusted to their care. ALLIN'S PERRY ST. AVING LEASED MR BLACKSMITII SHOP, I will be prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmithing. Horse Shoeing a Specialty All tires will be Hot Set £ Mr. Allin will conduct the Wood Shap £7 in connection with the Business. JOS. BRITTON. Port Perry, March tg, 1912. x They have the one Four that gives satisfaction to the consumer--THE ROYAL HOUSEHOLD fills the bill, every pound is guaranteed, After giviagiit a fair trial if not satisfied retnrn the balance (it over § Ibs.) od your haney will be cheerfully refunded. THe millionaire cannot uy a bettegflonr than THE ROYAL HOUSE HOLD, nor even the poorest fazatly use a flour that is more economical. % HAVING Nothing Like Beet! purchased the Butchering Business and @® @® Port ill and vicinity. Agents good will of Mr. IJ. Wheeler 1 would like fo inform nll his old customers and as many new ones as possible that [ intend to keep at all times a good assortment of all kinds of Keeps in Stock a full supply of up-to-date WOOT HS Suitable for all Seasons RABAT LHR the Best Meats--Fresh and Salt--obtainable and at reas- |onable rates as possible. I am also in the market, at all times, for Choice Cattlé; Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides aud Sheepskins, a$ the Highest Market Prices, EZ Fresh Fish every Tuesday. Courteous treatment and prompt delivery May 26, 1909. WwW. A. BOYCE A FULL STOCK OF EVERYTHING IN THE Harness Line CHBAPNESS STYLE Durability and 'C. R. Brower, Principal. Presiden Eater Any Day. A. H. Spotton, o > HEADACHES 7, Jan. 18, 1913. :, OSHAWA--Clerk, Miss E. T,. Mac- 18, Feb 6. March 6, April 4, May 8, June 7, July 4, Sipt. 4, et. 8, Nov. 8, Dec. donell, Whitby--Jan, 9. Jun, 14, 1913. * Greenwood _|s. Rid or rth Batu 10, 20, Jan, kd rd a Ae Adu 5 Haren 3 yy «Hy order Dated at Wiithy, ¥ Nov. ia, 1 2 BROUG HAM -- Clerk, M. Gleeson, --dJan. 17, March 8, May 8, tis? 5, Sept, 5 Nov. 11, Jau. 15, Nestleton, Ont. BUY FLORIDA LAND--¥hy? Because: 1. It i yy productive. '2. It is not 7. UPTEROROVE -- Clark, Davia |W ; Leona LB. LE nt in stinmer their winter is D. G. ROSS & SON MYRTLE LIVERY Myrtle Station, Ont. Isvecassons 10 J. W. DISNEY] ed the Livery Stables at Myrtle Station and good-will of bed than with a jarge ntnibe : RE every thin inthe Livery line at moderate Br I 'ordered SOLICITED, 20 Bell 'and De Photies. DW Directory TELEPHONE Farm for Sale. HE sndetsigned offers [or sale that excellent farm being lot 15, concession 4, in the township of Reach, containing 200 acres more or less, of choice land a large por- tion of whith is cléared, tlie balance being splencidly wooded: The 'land is in a capital state of cultivation. There'is on the premises an orchard and a complete supply of watet, There is a large barn with cement floor stabling, and-a smaller barn on the arth end of the lot; also a Tame dwelling louse on the south and. e location of the farm is Directory for 4RIO, including emplate becom- those who "wish _ present. entr order with the once to insure from Port Perry on a leading road. This farm is, in every 'respect, a [first class dairy fare and is only half a mile from Mauchester jail 'way station: ; to the Prapisitess oo HERG PH ERRILL: or . is} Qomperison of Prioga ousted | a capital rig being about 14 miles , Fot. particulars and. Joris, poly | STRENGTH Cannot be urpassed n the County, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks &o., in abundance. W. A. BEATTY FRESH & TEN pee CAWKER BROS, "In retarning thanks to the public for the extensive pat- rouage bestowed upon them ; would intimate, that asin the | | past only choice fat. will be sttughtered, 80° a8 cusurg the choicest and ten- | derests Cuts possible; nd we: a|intond it all times, ug ampe supply of FRESH AND 3 2 which we wil 3 Prince Albert; June 20 gr *

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