Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 23 May 1912, p. 1

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puvwonas, rock? want to put Tt quite ike iat." Why are you never honest--even with yourself?" "But that was what you thought a this. But you have nn erratic person to deal with. I've had a horrible again, and in the greem a ®t quickly. "I both his face | horrible day." [is face had pal io and Residence, Queen gs honrs--8 to 10 wl | Peay Sirah) iP 0 R T P E R R Y B R A N GC fn Chilcote drew his chalr closer fo the | possessed a grayish hue. Involuntarl- nd Evenings. i ek H. G. HUTCHESON, Manager. table. He did not attend {5 the other's | ly Loder turned away. § Lydia E. Pinkham's { Telophnue inoffis a ih EE Branches alo noo! Blackstock | HL Coulson, Menager savilla, Proald'ne Claremor remark, but his fingers strayed to his | Chilcote watched him as be past VegetableCompound ¢ snd day over the : n Ce Stoufiville, § t escaped me. walstcoat pocket and tilmbled there. to the desk and began mechanically and am now entirely: ts? with the residence Sam L. Robson, rT h.0.of B. aT aap ariant SRE : one fortune that you may.| Joder saw ile gesture. "Lock here | sorting papers. "A horrible day," he Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1804, ha ; ¥ r Place it bought for you? | he sald, "yot are overtaxing yourself. | repeated, "so ad thet t daren't faee back and bowels and + eer -- TEAR BAN. ee PT again, "How G0 you The affair of the pay isn't pressing. | the night You have read Dé Quirl, am stronger in every i 4 Sudndhy 36.20 30 nw; f | know {bt 1 am not a blackguard?' be ' (ven shelve it to another night. You | cey?' he asked, with a sudden thangé way. I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham x WM. H. HARRIS, BA. LLB. h m= Fe added; ¥How do you know that I ook tired out" of tone. | Compound highly to sll expectant moth: 3 . 3 ; DAV! fl J. S S, & Font clear out one day and leave you | (pjjcote lifted his eyes with a re- "Yes." | ers."'--Mrs. E. WANDBY, 92 Logan Ave- | BAFEISTER- &e., Sh At Ee al he and dry? What is to prevent John [iaved glance. "Thanks. I do feel a "Then reid him agatn and you'll uns | nue, Toronto, Ontario. Sadgessor 4 geogpant of he po ce y Duns then > bit fagged. If I may, I'll have that Sr i Jave all a isl Consider Well This Advice. : = : on ky » a 1 have no es of sor- Shoo of the date Sie} = S Bankers and Brokérs. "You whm't do that" Chilcote [alive ont 1 oioted oe A as had! fo mokuay sulerind from any form of - Ont. " 5 with ul 1 decision. "I told y of ih female troubles should lose hope un Port Perry, ris | nysua T tol and crossed to a cupboard In the wail. | lls 'crocodile' " Iie laughed Burp she has given Lydia E. Pinkham"s Veg- * et hs | your weakness last night, and it wasn "t [mn sllence he Lrouglit out whisky, | antly. etabie re a fair trial: hd Hav. yr 13 a Ea For TE STEN RE inoney, {iilaney isn't the rock you'll pingces und a siphon Of soda water. Loder turned. "Why, in the devirs This famous remedy, the medicinal in~ Private Pur Tan er 3 | split oven! | "Say when fie sald, lifting the whisky. | Bame"-- he began; then again bo halt | gredients of which are derived from ma bn M 0 N E Y T oO L 0 A N "Then gou think I'll spilt, #0 some | "Now, And I'lf havé plain Water iri. | ed. Something in Chilcote's drawn, tive roots and herbs, has for nearly forty Jno. W. Otosled Ba Soutien, Co Conve ad By Bi Sipe wile: Ne aoa ar i ee J, basinint iy ath bi bay Ditlon Hinge-Stay Fence Maoufactured by the Owen Sound Wire Fence Uo. Litd., and ath prepared to supply this whole community with the very BEST WIRE FENCE produtet bh this Mossy' fo LoAR. (4 Per cent. upwards =British Capital.) INSURANCE | counted ;a his fingerd. | the na | frienas | To get to business again. | my: studylug your signature?' But that's beyond the question. You'll risk' | tel two" Loder | "I must know and faces of your med far as 1 can. Your womard Chileoteinodded. "Right: Now | friends don't &8unt. While I'm you, 5 Continent and at prites Uni can ' | you will be " He laughed | EER Mer | Erin dp] REAL ESTATE ER oa Joe Sen The Ditton Fever is without ! : ey EOE DOUG; OF. thie, Wheld | peer. It is the BEST because it ic flexible ; it i®'d square mesh ; it is a perfect hitige-stay fence, therefore it is iipustible to bend the stays, in fatt It is tHe best fence made in WA SANGSTER, BENYAL SURGEON. £7 Agents C- P. R.. &c. Mavriage Licenses. | this ot dny other country: BEfote plirchasing a Wire Fence don't fail to itispect the 1LLOY Frret. Qlhos Houta--9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 8 pm. opkd Saturday & evenings. ou Fritings, Bri Bridge and Crowd Wolk # Specialty. Vitalised Air. DR: R. L. GRAHAM sticomiok 0 Da. FD. MoGrarTaf J. H. Brown, DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL IMpPLz MENTS AND MACHINERY. SEAGRAV E NEW METH gl YR NEW Alia pimples, blotaben: na nent PERRY, Ytice over the Pont Office. PORT PERRY. NERVOUS DEBILITY at a April 6, 1905. EE lear, eng oo. as erpene oo oe ard rod mory post. 24 be branches of Fohtintey, inciting rown and Bridgs 'Work successfully rie 5 phicticed. cold, red In the Attincal Teeth ht Gold, Silver, Alaminum {ingers wero bher Plates. Fit litig Wy Silver or Cement Painless extraction when required: &&F Prices to suit the times® North Ontario Observer 23 A Weekly Political, Agricultitral and Fdtiidly Newspaper 12 PoBuBuRD AT rélir remmy, ont! EVERY THURSDAY MURNING H. PARSONS = returning thanks to the phils for th patronage extended to me for over 3 years, | wonid respectfully intimate that am, as usual, now ready fof busincss, and have a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which 1 am determined to sell very CHEAP As an inducement to Caan purchasers <b Disoouad of 1 or seh the nerves. and URINARY peculiar to lab BY fingers set fn and 'cared paral ro So 1 hy to do CURES QUARANTEED OR NO. PAY We treat and cure YARICO 8, KIDNE od annum, if Haid in advance ; All letters from Canada must be addressed ] Hire Se AE i akon fi fans will bo allowed on all Sales from now until HNOTIC to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- until arrears are paid up. " Jan, lst next, All work being envmssstmmmun ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to ~ y : see us personally call at Gur Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat ii' erry 8 pine Pe i Mdifgedto this | BF MADE BY HAND®3 mo pal is i out Windsor offices 'whith are for Correspondence gnd NERVOUS DEBILITY, Y Vb ADDER DISEASES: mn SOISLTATION FRE BOOKS FREE: If unable to till write for a Question Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave, and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. SEE § more vial aste a cannot be & failure. Don't let quacks £2 Np NANES USE WIHOLT WRIFREN colle x die Numbiems a octor told me Ihave Y, BLOB. AND all letters as follows: nd no factory work kept in stock, th IE, Ss A saper ority of my gods will at oncé become Ab¥ a rent. Ba Ps di hefore looking elsewhere tending puithdsers will find that Ly advertise-| giving me a cull they cun be suitéd in quality and pficé; my long experience in the trade being an indis Sips. gunrstitee that perfoet suti faction will be rent ny article puréha Kverthing 1 23 line of busitcns kept constantly ofr hai pi repaifd nédily and promptly sttefided to. Goa ey 5 1} Boount eal ober 4 ores vr i yeas or beak as wt FHESE torme will in oll ostes bi fthictly adhered PR gh B. DEPARTMENT. fa --_ -- Checks Letier Wosds, Wetting Tavitations, Hank Foire Receipt Hooke. Business Cards PORT PERRY. Tor "all Kinds of British and ant Contd eh ie ing o Shem gud Lesiber, § Gro. Mgtors and 'and Glassware. pL Port Perry, Jie' ISHES to inform. the that she has nroved :| ders for Dress and Matitle in 4 mannér uns Comertntes Ze Central Livery EARTILY thanking the pubic for the ee of furnaces. Finely op received during the and made into a paste, it is & Livery Establish with a btush, like paint, | liberal OPRY many years ir ive Eopt NTHASELALE Tndents vouted «| ment in Port Perry, Thave much pleasure in ining, announcing that I have rémovea MY LIVERY! to my former place of business Water Street 3 RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGER Rpg ANSICRERR. We Harrison, Dress and Mantle Maker ladies 0 the Av formerly occupied by her ovet Mr. Flint's' Drug Store: where | ° |she i prepared to souls all or i king for ppb a & Cartsorandur® fn Furnacid | Citborundum, the artificial subsfl tute for emery, which is said to rival the diamond in harduess, is employed because of ita extraordinary resist- ce to heat as a coating for the in- the It is said that hs i bh of only two millimeters in thickness will protect the bricks from the effects of the highest temperature that is pro. duced ordinary furnace combusion. Carborundum is itselt a produet of by electric furnace, being composed and ¢arbiont fused in the p Mails Close. The mails are despatohed from the Pos Office Port Perry 2s) wa 3 Got South--1120 & a. Going North-- 5:18 p: m. Going Soutk--10 p.m. GEO. JACKSON, the idea him the "I la & heme 1 don't trust' i "Acquaintances, i Chilcotd. looked. wp ery: "4 ink he said. "4 have a "for tbsentmindedness that' i you anywhere. They tell me rough the most substan house as If he were gos! I may Have lunched with ne aay; »" Loder fiintlen "ufy Sovét" he ex-| claim Ftd must have been con- structing this before either of us was born. vetails ridiculousty. But [ most our colleagues, even If It's only to uf them. You'll have to fake me to the hot fell to Loder. "I can pull mf: my eyes and turn up my, lla: Nobody will notice me. clidose the fall of the after I promise you 'twill be alt y ! | cc the likeness should lemk 8 a risk." » laughed tonfidently. "Tush, | Risk is the salt of life. I must | at your post, and I must od n you work with." He rose,! across the room and took his| pm the rack. "When I go In! ing 1 like to go In over head ~ tie added as he opened jar. { pe filled, he resumed his Seat; his elbows on the table in uil- s Imitation of Chileote. a match?' be said laconicaily; out his hand. Le r hands touched an exclama- aped him. over he safd, with a frettyn of disappottitment and sur "1 Hadn't noticed that!" His e fixed In anpoyéd interest on § extended hani. , following his glancé; sired. t we should both have oveér- it! It ¢lean esgaped my mind. her an ugly s¢ar." He ltted d till the light fell more fully Above the seco, Joint of the ger. rin A jagged furrow, of a wound that bad once e the bone. ote leaned forward. "How ad. he by it?" he asked. other siirugged his, fiat's ancient history." esults are present day enough. by awkward, very annoying!" , still looking at his hand, didn't ip bear. oue, he sald. "Each weaf two Tv rings otight to cover tt" his eyes calmly. "Nei- said, "but there's no res- A was 2 dons pm d him anotly, "What you are!" be said. "You } a shy at wearing a plece 1 bave a fair share of in. stead Bf soda, if it's all the same.' room. "Oh, fuite" Loder recrossed the Instantly his back was turned, t t IN Chilcote drew a couple of tabloids from i sound of the toast. ponse Chilcote drew his fmatéh . feuiing off and held up his glass. | m his pocket and struck a light. | shotlidesd "There's only one thing | pn the third finger of the left' of a man signing' ... | fomdvapie. Then, . Then "To the ecarcer of John Chilcote!" his pocket nnd dropped them into his glass. As the other Same slowly back he laughed nervously. "Thanks. Sce to your own drink now. I can manage this." Ile took the jug uunceremonigusly, and, carefully guarding hig fins | Hott the Mght, ! poured In the water withi excited haste. "What shall we drink to?" he sald. Loder methodically, mixed bis own drink and lifted the glass. "Oh, to the career of John Chilcote!" he answered For an Instant the other hesitated. There was somcthing prophetic In the But le shook the "To the career of John Chilcote!" he said with another unsteady jnueh CHAPTER VIL T was a little less than three weeks since Chilcote and Loder had. ¢ thelr toast and again J Laer Was seated at his desk. His head was bent &nd his hand | moved carefully as he traced Noe after | ling. of meaningless words on. sheet | = Toston Having coveted the page ag 56 he ros, fioved to the . conte (bfé ahd compared his task | with an open letter that lay there. The | comparison seemed to please him. He | on his shoujders, and threw | back hig herd fr an 4 t1fadb of critical | satisfaction: So absorbed was he that | Whi ¢ step sounded on the stairs out- | | sfde be: did not. notice. it, and only i raised 'bis. head when, the door was thrown open unceremoniously, ..Even then, his Interest wad momentafy. 'Hello? he sald, his eyes returning to their scrutiny of his task. Chilcote shut the dogr and caifie has- tly across the Jom, HE looked ill and d Loder he put Gut hits Bl ay 'and touched his arm. Loder looked up. "Whit is #7 be asked. "Any new development?" Chilcote tried to smile. "Yes," he sald huskily. "It's come." Loder re. 2 arm. "What? The end of tthe w . Thé por Wy " .The words aie. Jerkily, the i dat had en- forced them showing in every syllable. Still Loder was uncomprebending. He could not or would not understand. Again Chilcote caught and jerked at his sleeve. "Don't you see? Can't you see?' "No." Chilcote dropped the sleeve and pass- ed his f across his fore- béad: "It's dome," he repeated. "Don't You understind? 'I want you." He | drew away, ther back again anxiously. "I know I'm taking you un- awares," he sald. "Bat it's not my fault On my soul, it's not! The thing seems to spring at me and grip me"-- He stobped, sinking weakly nto a Pod & to vod ct od yc the Suse tance, beside him. excited face checked him. The strange | sense of predestination that we adie times see in the eyes bf cold upon him, tempt at remonstrancé, "What do you watch, then Walked ie the window and | in gald. 'Then abruptly a new thought | ire tne, why shouldn't shouldn't I be John Loder Instead of | ers everything; It explains everything. colored. you aren't so far gone In philosophy as I thought. You have a niche In Yotir own vod opinion." perception at times," he said. 'You want me to take your place to: | iihother stroek | chilling his last at-{ want me to do?' he substituted In an | tfdinary voice. | Compound: The Wotds steadied Cbilcote. | xe u have the slightest doubt" laughed a little. The laugh was still aL E. Plakham's Vegeta- | shaky, but it was pitched In a lower will hel you, write key. i : to yeti Meal fae Ce "You--you're quite right to pull 1s corifiqential) Lynn, M ass., fer up; € have no thee to Wests. It. iyi Sour Botley yl gi be chores: fuust he { o'clock" He pulled out bie | TEGLGG FEIT Conadencn. Tookitig down {nto the shadowy | "How quiet you are here!" he truck him, and he wheeled back Into | he room. "Loder," he; sai quickiyi loder, I Have an ig Title ou ! oo you? Why tl he vagrant we contemplated? It cov- a It's magnificent! I'm amazed we nev- fl er thought of it before." Loder was still beside the desk. "I b {thought of It," he said without Jook- | ing back. is didn't suggest st7° "Fy Loder said nothing, and the GY "Jealons of your reputation?" sald satirically. "I have none to be jealous of." Chilcote laughed disagreeably. Agnin Loder was silent; {hed he smiled. "You have an oddly correct "I sup- pose 1 have had a lame sort of pride 0 keeping ty name clean, but pride like that is out of fashion, ana V've got to float with the tide" ile laughed a short laugh that Chilcote bad fieard | once or twice before, and, crossing | | | t | the (fod, ha stood beside Lis vie ftor. "After all" he sa!d, "what busi ness have I with pride, straight or lame? Have my identity, if you want (it. When all . defenses have been spoken down barrier won't save the towh." .- Eaughing again, he laid | his hand on the other's arm. "Come," he said, "give your orders. I capitu- late." An hour later the two men passed from Loder's bedroom, where the final arrapgemen i been completed, baci fhto sitting. toom. - Loder came first in faultless evening dress. His hair was carefully brushed, the | clothes he wore fitted him perfectly. To any glance, critical or casual, he | mi man who had mounted the | | stutf¢ anid. éiftered tie: moms- earlier | |i the evening. Chbileote's manner of. | walking and poise of the head seeriitd | to have descended upon him with Chil- cote's clothes. He came into the room hastily and passed to the desk. +1 have 29. rivate papers," he sasd, | "30 1 have Bi to Jock up. Every thing can stand as 1s. A woman amed Robins eomes in the mornings - cleaff ) and Mght the fire; other- wise you must shift for yourself. No- body will disturb you. Quiet, dead' quiet, is about the: ong thing you ein:| count on." . Shitegte Half: paling: in the door made an attenipt to laugh. Of the well brushed tweed suit He felt strand- ed on his gwn persoyality, bereft for {oe mosdiit of tue forplite accessories t helped to cloak deficiencies and eon due wheal of sonSltionale) sms fortably rofl Mp? tad unplessand :| ly dat Hiadit, -anable: to Shave a sottne eve In henght He ghanced at the fire, at the -tabl Bithy at tha, chair dn which' bo had thrown his ovéfcodt the bedroom. ar et his gaze brightened, the almlessness forsook him, ahd he gave an exclama-: tion of relief, "By JovéP He said. "¥ clean. tors got" Fils rut "What? Loder looked found. "The * He crossed to the coat and thrust his hand into the pocket. | "The duplicates arrived uly this after-- noon--the nick of ti fast, his reluc- | eupation fo years proved to be a most valuable tonic and invigorator of the female organism. Women residing il almost every city * and town In thie United 'States, bear willing testimony to the wondeffal Taar would De Wiue auu DOT ostentn' | tious. | play." good taste," they serve thelr purpose." reawakening agai at kis ood, then & glanced back A. unusual To of confidence. othet - berves to reniind me that 1 am hot ex- | ewpt--thut be Other men." wIhen | bear on his finger. "I seldom recall the! | thing, | rather like to remember it tather want you to know that I've, [a the fire. 0d 4 ideot we." giving me a risky post 1 want yew te see that women are out of my lne-- quite out of it." "This thing happened eight years ago * | at Santasalare," he sald, "a little place / between handful of houses wedged between two hills; a regular relic of old Italy crum- with nothing to suggest thle present ' rentury except the occasional passing ° | of a fraifi round the base of hills. I bad literally stumbled upon the ° place on a Switzerland and had been tempted into | a stay at the little Inn. The night after my arrival something unusual occur- - ted. !| where in the second clasS earriages, : ind § have nok to help me find my, virtue of Lidia E. Pokham' s Vegetable Yur know how 1 detest dis' Loder touched the rings. "You dave be sald. "Let's see it He picked iem up and carried them to the lamp. ¢ Chilcote followed him. "That was n ugly wound," he said, his curiosity as Loder extended bis nger. "How did you come by it?' , The other smiled. "It's a niemento," e sald. { "Of bravery?' : "No; quite the reverse" He looked 1" have been fooled like » "That implies a woman? "Yes." Again Loder looked at the: it's so absolutely past. But Chilcote made a hasty gestive. ut; he other interrupted it "Oh, 1 know you trust me. But povui- "But, my dear chap" -- Loder: went on without heeding. Luna and Pistoria--a mere ling away under flowers and sunshine, of the long tramp -sosth from * There was an accident to the lrain at the point where It skirted the village. "There was a small excitement. All | Ihe inhabitants were anxious to help, - and I took my share. As a matter of tact, the smash was not disastrous; be passéngers were 'hurt-and fright ened, but nobody was killed." % He paused and looked at his compan- lon; but, seeing hin Interested, went | on. » "Among these passengers was an English lady. Of all goncerned in thet business, she was the jaast upset. When's [ came upon ber she was sitting cu or shattered door. of.one of the carris calmly arranging fer hat. On me she looked up with the mest charm' : Ing smilé imaginable. " have just been waiting for somes body lke you,' she said. 'My stupid . maid bas got herself smashed up sowe': i dog." "Of course, that first speech ought to bave enlightened me, but It didn't. xr only saw tive smile and heard the voice. | knew, of whether they were { | deep 4, + 80 1 found the mat and found the dog. The first ex gratitude, the other di 5 ¥ reaily sorry thatthe: i8 not likely to be amieab for, of course, with out su we conld Just wipe you off-¢

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