Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 9 May 1912, p. 3

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al Alberts. 1 160 acres sachalong + 2 Saskatchewan and Alberta. At the Cowpany, while the balance 4 worthy tor its fortile Tands and salubdous Cliat--tako frst But the wonderful Wheat Lands of Saskatchewan are well "been thrown open for entry. Manitoba --the oldest settled Mantobe, 91,800; Suskdtchowad, 48,080, « Mberts, TH000 ; Western Canada fs #0 big that practically evory farming condition fs mot xh 1, (he combined . There is binft country, w! needs sone clearing, and alvo the rolling land . pea Tle of aeitably part. a 1 jo 8 vpn of wixed farming. The atmosphere The best Homésteads ai s rapidly beirif taken np, and intending settlers will be well advised to To NE ohike thelr selection withont ales, a rit to a lige Spvitt 0 ki Flrinin," Asst. Generad Passomger Agent, | | x 5 ' he Had Retired, , © R ESS SECES 5 that hair restor-¢ any goods" dressing table the other night 8 Township Cart s bot from. the ¢ db ; ' p: Tr wrt ht, ; 160 covered wilh | IQ SHOES Acres mors SE b0 Adres hice Akai : aig 8 i if ; J A . ; 'et Spe OL vit SOF fe0¢ DIBIGt efving the aoe and a description of the land boing offered, A copy . week: put a bottle-uf it on my 'M pry 4 Ly 4 CT ai atest Styles at $2.50, $3, 8350 & $1. Being composed of Lot 21, con, Seeded, 28 3 ed Quring the past 3o- years. \ 3 gr ni | Loans of $1,000,000 i! ¥ : Ontario, we do better for ou gradu. ; =i a : g. : b QJ A 00 SUDO o |§ cored mom bach it stay Sa ro pr vy wf ESA BHAER SA ERR further partilulars apply to Gove NT ( uel and 8 st business in huit irees home apd nish at thie College. g PRY aN Er aan is done during the sumnier Affiliated with The Commercial at re joan | 1 the trade, therefot fight for; Ontario of the world- § 7 2 : 7 s mont Stock." We want a good reliable Business from Start to Finish. and [§ gd : s i . . : 3 The bonds will ha dated-ist May. man for this district, betause the student keeps same books as § i in C over and. Timothy For Sale at 19:2, and payable on the 13st November, the demand for fruit trees never Chastered hanks Jud Sl 4 3 a Market Prices : fi donominatious of £1,000 eazh,| | was so good. Good pay. Outfit inal dan. ne L k 5 ans - ? Rtatutes of Outario, 1911, invites sub-| | ground secures the cream of gate before choosing. - Exclusive P = ort Perry. which is unequalled. It is Actnal > @ rate of 4 Par ¢ant, pur ANAM, DAS - free, Whole ar flan inte autue: able half-yonrly, on the 18t Mav and (st ment, and you will represent a Novewhae in ach voar, at the office of firm of thirty five years experi: Ho Provineirl Treasdras, Toroutn, or ence with over $ix hundred t tha offices of thd Bank of Montreal, | § acres of land under cultivation. #11 Montreal, Canad«, and in New Y ork, Write: Y., at the holder's option. Bondd | | x A ii bs mide pasabia to tha Sianrett PELHAM NiRg gy co', NaiNcAl no A on request will he registers n the TORGNTO; ONT. t ? ! nr : ¢ 2 | glee nl provincial Teeainr BUSINESS GILLEGE §i1o Fix Awards for Damage Done and andor AB PACA anly th tha tri Te 49< Pres of coriain By Corpora- epee (Pounded 1885) to Steep by Dogs * tious, and on request of holders will bo > GEO SPOTYOVN, - PRESIDENT 4 #xchang d for ** Ontario Government Mofha¥icel Stock" at any timo. H T Y E. E LOGAN, Principal ra aict Noties Also balance of Algonquin Park] ERE SETTER I Jame of Tit on fu rp ten iti Cz HUIAT ALL PEISONS in the Town- 5 I will be preparell to do all kinds of Blacksmithing. and. with Lora Se, ne V. thes A ee Bw a Rae i rhip. of Peach alleging to have IIa vO accepted the Agenceyfo 1 J 3 authority of Chapter 4, 1 Guorge V, ir homes bv our: Hume Study Sheep killed hy dogg in the foture, and The is:ne price during tha month of} D pt. You may finish as Codege ho bi prion aetiinee) ens 20 Han Ha, Will be 102 for aach $00, and it yon desire Pay wlictiever make cluin tor compeiisation from the I Gr v " § o ¢ i 'Hi Youncil of the Manicipailty, they must % SR he dist dav orf May 1912, the you wish. Thirty years' exper- Council ol pailty, °) ; 2. s fasun price will ba 102 and interest jenes. Largest trainers in rl i HIRD first notify one of tha _fullew ny Sheep { 1) All tires vill be lot Set accrued from the Ist May, 1912. | ada. Eater any day. Positions hy -- an Spee hls. ns ; 1 ALL. BONDS AND IN:CRIBED! eo E 3 kes wb, miter notica thereof is given to him, and = EZ Mr. Allin will conduct the Wood Shop £TOOK 1S-Ueh uxout THE write for partitwiats y ? 5 8 ih the said Valuator shall forthwith make 3 ££ in connectiob with the Business. AUTHORITY OF TIE SAID AGT] r } a 3 bis roport. in writing, to thie Clerk of [Millers to the Royal Family] #RE FREE FROM ALL ON TARO NO VACATION 3 o i the Council giving, in detail the extent Fs & PROVINCIAL: TAXES. CHARGES | ; of injuries and nmount of daage done 14 JOS. BRITTON. SUICUKSSION DUTY AND IMPOSE Peterboro Business Oollege R20 VALUA FORS. Port Perry, March 19, 1912. . 1ONS WHATSOEVER. : ' Bd eR Hh And are prepared to promptly fill all orders entrusted to their care. . GEO: SPOTTON, President. y ; Peter Daron ve the one Fionr that gives satisfaction to thej consumer-- THE the authority of Chapter 4. of tho months 'The man first on the fausators, Si 3M : i : a el me E. H. PURDY; nce of Outario, or + Outario Govera-| | Secure Yotir Agéncy Now taous Tiss Hook keeping System, ith conpons atrached fof interest at ; Pall - MeFi From August 250 ror tik : SY ARNO YS = -- Write, call or phone for ces Alay dled QTY (0. BLACKSMITHING, =~ jane LEASED 'MR ALLIN'S BLACKSMITH SHOP, PERRY ST. Horse Shoeing a Specialty Purchasers of Stock or Honde will be | pang Age Pn a . ; RQ: IT rey Tas tor E One bo rognived to send certified choque with | Fg. Am 4 Won. Darridh ROYAL HQUSEHOLD fills the bill, every pound is guaranteed, tha application, payabl to rhe order of | a Et he Consolidated Rewerus Fund of n Chav Roney pores fangy use a flour that is more econornical: tario, aud is chargenble thercupon. May g, 1912 Alex. McGregor Cg MATHEBAON, Fall Wheat xB $0 00 @ $0 9 jp Sueanstens 2 Jamieson & gg As y ] ; y HAVING ptirchased the Ae Er asnitiel" Se : §@ Ty 0b iigoN:) wi SR AT RIE f gr inl ny " Tiong ios Biisiness and "rearury | Tepirim nt, Pariiafion | 300° heat...... © if.9 00 wi 7 Thos Clarkson good will of Mr. I.J. Wheeler Buildings, Toroute, April 10:h, 1012. | : 013 ¥Y1T7h Fubu Rony 1 would like t4 inform all his ; res LYE . 25| Having hased the Liver re 3 EEG : Waws #3 {nsofting this adyertise- 3 avang purchase e Sinn I} yds ? r I y & 3° 3 7 3 mant Ta authority from this De- | EC 59 Lusiness carried on by Jamieson & Hib aie. A > ® ) Ag CnEs old customers nd as many partment will not ba paid for it. id aL 39 Dennison, and the premises con ALEX. LEASKT 3 S new ones as p ssible that I 4 \ mim 1 ot nected thetewilh we tend to Manchester, Feb, 12, 1012, Reeve 7 intend to keep & all times a J na shires 4 J Cm r---- ait' d assortment &f all kinds of : Hogs, per 100 Ibs... 50 R 4 ; 5 goo od . IF YOU v Beans :1 dsvasis 75 RE-HORSE THE STABLES 0. 2. BR. fiime Table. 0 the Best Meats+XYresh and THE 2 BEST Oris Reed. ' 00 | with first-class animdl3, and install en = + mr et 1 Sa] t--obtainable 4nd at reas- sike Clover. .... 2 : MYRTLE STATION. we onable rates a8 pobsible a Red Glov ) i Yat EAS sa Wis -- = = tr : 2 y rod \ i : a New and Up-fo-Date Vehicles | com Bur Gens Waser oy HRI hRMEIN HORROR I din alsa in the market, at all times, for Choice Cattle, A | with modern 'Frappings which for 6.27 pn. g0nm ON SCE Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Sheepskins, at 14 I nl on 0d : Buckwheat . 5 comfort and convenicnce caniot Ws yo goon, fo the Highest Market Prices, ; heys I : 3 by sfpiged) A. J. DAVIS, Town Agent. : ; \ : 4 AN OR SOFT i : Specidl afifntion paid to the vr Ei ! A | J {EZ Fresh Fishieyery Tuesday. Chickens... requireititnls of Commercial Travel = Courteous treatment and prompt delivery Burning Coal i : = ou charges are wodlarate and Farm for Sale . May26 , 1909... WwW. B.. BOYCE . | we guarantee to please our patronsif Why We Pattonage colicited. { ast-half of Lot 12, Concession 6, ! Keeps in Stock a full p x 3 Cartwright, Durham County, ' Jo # We have the most modern, § £7 Phone No. 2: i 100 acres. Toeated on x supply of up -t0- date ST ! M the most practical and the best 3 A CAWKER BROS. Ie a good frame . A ; ( ) dial! s Xx 20 i equipped school in Eastern 8 lar 30 x 20, 18 » 1 wk cr LH OI Sinclair Robertson Aer giving it a fair trial if not satistied retnrn the balance (it over 5 bs.) : the ** Provincia) Ureasacer of Ontario." | PORT PERRY MARKETS. gt Yoo Davis and yout apey will be cheerfully refunded. The millionaire donne 0 MN | 0 ee - : ckly rain | (4 RX : rt Oh icin Lay @ heii han THE ROYAL JSEHOL : \ This Joan dn rained upon: the credit of | [COTE tet wankly hy Jus, Jone, Grain CAWRER BROS rt fh " ny hetkgflour than THE ROYAL HOUSE HOLD, nor even the \ . = - 8 | 4 3 . : 'Omario. The coutses are Si § ( (he Division Co HN as \ pe OF EVERYTHINGIN THE thorough aud facinating. | ol ings 0 ¢ Division aris 1aF Ny. Sto} 8' S0%40, DIT Ens - : - ° 4 A Wlyox 18 and 18x 24,15 acres of | enkitaly, LAE mixed timber, one acre of Orchard, : JE aArness RA ne # Canadian Business Procedure fj OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. |. fated faflittg stream, hatd and aie! wor i J 3 il - < i : i Yo. eb 2 "i 8 for the training of the ambiti H 1912. 4% Bate Oe Suitable for all Seasons CH BA PXESS STYLE ous yottng peoyle of vur coun: ¥ : Te Blackstock, 2} miles from Caesarea, x oC ) C : t. WHITBY --Clark, Mids E. L. Mac-! the famons Summer Resort on Lake ; Oh NY SE HENRY 173 Cur Graduates donell, Whbithy --Jan. 16. Fob. 5, Scugog. Situated in the Best farm- ; ( Durability and 29) 3 4 . . Maréh 4, April3 May 2, June 6, he 3 y 3 ex. Jecessful, ask a student or July 3, Sept. 8; Oct. 2, Nov 7, Dec. ingseeficn jn the County of Durham. fH ont, they are our best ; TE 4 For further patficiiars apply to the ady y 7, Jan. 13,1013 ply gent. | OSMAWA--Clork, Migs E. T.. Mac- dodersigned. : eT : Fe STRENGTH : Lg f donell, \Whithy--Jan. 18, [eb 6 Davin J. & Pouca ADAMS, March b, April 4, May 8, June 7, + Port Perry, Ont, * July 4, Supt. 4, Oct. 8, Nov. 8, Dec. | Lrvi CTavLor, RA oo ; Cannot be urpassed m the Cousty. i T 9 Jan, 14, 1913. - 1 Nestleton, Ont. 1 AY A 4 BROUGHAM -- Clerk, M. Gleeson, | : : : C. R. Brower, b Greenwood --Jan. 17, Marc Roy ETT y fo Kl Spotion, @ Grionmont an 11 MAN K. & K. TAKE A Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks Principal. Pe 14 &, July 8; Sept: 5; Nov. 11, Jan. 15, : rs BUY FLORIDA LAND--¥iy? a] Ln Emme RAPE tans winvarior os : h § Lo NLR | uo natEa 418, Nov. 2: Lp 8 Yop Suing do not id 7 Neh AR | 5 =. |b CANNINGTON. Crk, Gs mi | 3 Be er ER IB RY | W. A, BEATTY ch 27, 3 7 ? pet iy eS 3 'annington-- Jan. 11, Mare 4. You gave your large wi May 15, July 25, Sept. 13; Nov. 21, > YOU do bot work Sor 5s] bap Jan 9, 1918, winter your live stock : . . iS OR PHOTOS U. 8. BEAVERTON -- Qlerfk, Jamies MN. 8. Xt fprows crops the year round ; SED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. 854 YBoav ! REE Crrors 2 : - -- } > SEN pS SEESEnE of HERYOUS DEBILITY 1FRE SH& TE 20, Jan. 0.1018, re ih Nev. Shi of the" ¢ontiaent is Hscrctiony, Exco Blood Dise ios remem R- 8 | 1 of choice land a larg 14 roREs BET Toe 7. UPTERGROVE -- Clerk, pid 8 Splendid ma iar, . nd gl , 8pecks Lufore the eyes, ith dark circles under Sack, eSioise : ; \ ; § f which is cleared, the balance | o, HTL ite > Leonard, "Atherly -- January. 29, | 5: KOEI aud plentiful rainfall sae ; dL 2 . - : splendidly wooded. 3 Opi Simps y March 29 May:17,July 28, Sept. 10, Jo 6 water iy obtained. i ! : : apital "state of cultivation, . 'Nov. 19, Jan. 7, 1918. HE + Hoslenlat ate-~eures rhoumats : oa af Sieware Cupane eS fw ae raw tees por a ym Pie 'Ch i +E VE | Within 1 t 3 Aer ER. at Whitby, Neve oer ha Peace W ° {Mion of Ra For 8» e--All § a fe, 4 Ey of-Railway Station. |. i full an In returning th allway St : ) : Call drains cones ng thauks to the « o u F quacks Tob you of your tard #8 [public for tlie, éxtensive pat- R ronage "bestowed upon: to far an Bonest, Free of ro d upon them NIST FOR HOME TREATMENT er § | would intimate, that asin the 3 E) ddres ; -- ; HR x Be 1 ickets to: 211 parts of the world F lof i on Po ii B Er Pe x BF | past only choice fat anit a mum nso | DRAlENNEDY &KENNEDY | 5 5 5 ched ' D Nortlv : 3 ] . I i ensue t 2 0.88 to ons Ticke i enc or Ren) oa Ave. and Griswold St Detroit, Mich. * Jf derests Cuts possi, abit a anihis Tees . TICE Alster from Canada ma beaddrcniaa Jf intend at all times to have an E AND CONFIDENTIAL to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ampl 2x ert in Windsor, Ont. If you deste so fl | PC SupPpy of t our Medical Institute in Detroit as byron vi :

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