Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 28 Mar 1912, p. 3

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ify Tacs ay w! 'you So "Thirty X owe. Largest tra re 0 ada. Euter Any ds 'day. Pouitions guarauteed. you wish to'save board ahd leain i) hil sou eh 7v, write for particulars. ©. NO VACATION ~Peterboro Business lies ' GEO. SPOTTON, Presiaéut. BTEAM OR SOFT Free Burning Coal . CHEA} 1 FORT PERRY MARKETS. [Corteeted ig by Jas. ved Merchant]. March 28, 1912 Fall Wheat , Spring Wheat | ER Wied. 'Barle: ys ces Rye'. Oats. . Butter . sea'aas Eggs Cattle;per 1b .. Hogs, per [oo Tbs. . ans ... ' oh Seed. . Alsike Clover. Red Clover Peas--Black-eye ... Peas--Small Buckwlieat, . Turkeys Geese ... Chickens... "A & oo Son ot, O=~ C000 ~=~O0 mg is {ho Sime for House Cleaning. Iam, proper to do all titids of Papering, Painting, &e: Paper and Paint furnisted i tequired 00000 ™~OW Ww. F. NOTT, (Successor. to k A. Rodman. 4 bors no sorth of MvitVids of Nr pidyeng store s store Why We Excel We have the most modttn, the most practical and the best equipped school in Eastern Ointario The courses are thorough and facinating. 4 SY ~ DOYOU USE FERTILIZERS? de IF NOT--USE - The Hational Fertilizer entirely, : { Canadian Bashers, , | cus Youug li of our co try. ofl Gradkiates are successful. ask a student ot ex.student, they are our Lest advertisement. "yea 3 for. Gen |! eral Field Cr rops. Fruit Land and arden. It is easily applied. You et no weeds from it. It helpsio lake rapid growth and can be ap lied very easily, at d ferent times, hi making your garden, This 0 ipany, has already sok Seventy ' oe in Vile focality. Sold in Two Hundred potind Bags, up to the Ton. Apply to J. M¢L CHLAN, DhstHét iperintendent oe MALCOLV BEARE, | Agent, Port Perry or Manchester. foms Bluiy Courses Lindsay Business College CR Brower, A. H. Spotton, Principal. President Enter Any Day. sade pl ge, The Canadian Y Norbern Reilway | His the Largest Milage in- Hanlon, Saskatchewan and Hberta are nearly always caused by FIRED EYES Which require Coheli't fifa P- BL LUKE, REFRAQIING "OPTICIAN, 159 Youis St, Toronto. Opposite Simpsons'. Stewart M. Graham, | - Settlers' Excursion he 'Canadian Northern : Lines are a jn the prairie provinces: they mileage in Manitoba, askatchwaif snd nd Alberts he every oe 'of importance and openitg up new i agieh Jertiiories where lie great opportuni: for the settler. | 35.000 Froe Homesteads Iz this year near. Canadian Northern SEETLERS EXCURSIONS at. low E way: fares every oy Al Joi ih, commencing Ma Ligh 1a See t| * Mkestin Northern iia apply rest Tic- Asst. "Geft. Pass. Agent, et East, Foronts, Ont * PORT PERRY, Bradgate of Jares' National. School Patronage solicited. Terms reasonable GRAND TRUNK RY SYSTEM. "TIMEB TABLE. Lucas, Grain 00 @ $0 05 1 ov Prince Albert, June 28,1911, 0 HEADAGHES Spectacles LICENSED AUCTIONEER, |" AT ALL PERSONS in the Town; led by dogs in the future, and i 3 where the person aggrieved intends to {ned Hers for sale iy » ihnek if densi farm being lot 15, in the township of | Reach, co ining 200 acres more or less, of choice land a large por- tion of which is cleared, the balance being splendidly wooded. The land is in a capital state of cultivation There 1s on he premises a1 ofchard and a complete supply of water. Thre is a large barn with cement floor stabling, and a, sthaller barn on the porth ghd, of ilie lot | als a fate detitig Louse on the south and, The location of the farm is a capital one, being about 1} wiles {from Port Perry on a leading road. that ex ' Council of the Muaicipaiity, thay must concession first notify one of the following Sheep 3 nui who 1will investigate the jury done within fortv-aight hours Sirs notices thereot {8 given to him, and the said Valuator shall forthwith make his yeport. in writing, to the Clerk of the Council giving, in detail, the extent of injuries and amount of damage done. YaLUatons. Peter Parrort tlenry Taylor Wm Parrish Sinclair. Robertsqy Henry Bovis Brant Chiistla Thos. Royton "has Honey lex. MeGireagor Weasley Akney 1 M. Real Jobin Wannamaker hos. Clarkson Michael Quigley Ktawart McKay Tin Ravoolds ohn Howeam. ALEX. LEASK, 12, 1912, Reeve. This farm is, in every respect, a {first class dairy farm and is only half a mile frei Manchester rail. way station. For particulars and terms, 5tply to the proprietress on the premises. S. A. PHERRILL. ho Manchester] Pe HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Aiterta Special Tralas leavs Toronto 2.00 5.9: on APRIL 2,168,380 MAY 14, 20 JUNE 1; 25 JULY 8, 28 AUG. 6, 20 8EPT, 3, 17 Second clas tickets from Oularia stations to principal Northwest points at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES | | Sipgipes = retura $34.00; Edmonton and guint cA A AW KER BRO g mun TOURIST nh CARS. So Enlai S alo to gives and Coalrary von Mom Line A He i a aT i . (SucckssoRs To" JamimsoN & Dénnison.) . LIVERY Having purchased the Livery business carried on by_famieson &| Dennisen, and; Ale premises con y nected therewith we intend lo RE-HORSE THE STABLES : : Sar with first-class animals, and instali New and Up-to-Date Vehicles with modern, T cappings which for comfort and convenience cannot "be surpassed. ezcuz:d at mo: Early applleAfion must be madd). ASK FOR HOMESEEKFRS' PamFHLEY containing rates aud full inform zt, Apply to nearest C.P.R. pp or M. G. FilURPHY, Dist. Pass. Agt., Toronto. ONLY DIRECT LINE RC CHANSE 37 CARS Record of Finger Prints" Ottawa, March 2:.--The first finger {prints of any criminal that have come down from Dawson yere reccived at the office of the Ctithindl ldentification Bureau to-| day, by Inspector Foster. THES were nine of these finger prints, photogrephse and records of crim- inals in all, and theée were, as stats ed, the first from Dawson, although ther Hage been received [rem different of tlie Mounted Police stations in the \Vest. There are gow over 6,100 finger prints at the "bureau, (he Jogrease for some time | having been at an adérage rate of 157 a week, Special "attention paid to the requirements of Commercial Travel ers, ; 1" Our charges di moderate and we gnaratitee tb please our patrons. Patronage solicited. [+4 Phone No. 2. OAWKES EROS. Sittings of {he Division Coar's COUNTY: OF ONTARIO. 1912. Mark Twain and tho Minbaton Orion 'Clemens thought of the minis try, an ambition which his brother Sam shared with him for a time. Ev- qry mischieveus boy' bas it, sooner or later--though not all for the same rea- sons, if "It was the most earnest ambitiotl 1. ever had" Mark Twain once re. marked thoughtfully. "Not thsit,T peer really wanted to be a preacker, but be cause it never occurred to me tbat a preacher could be damned. It looked tke a safs job.'--Albert Bigelow Paine in Harper's Kfagazine. . JV JI BY Clerk, Miss E. L. Mac- donell, 4 hy 2Jaqy, 15, Feb. 3, March 4 5 April § M May 2, June 6, July 8, Sept. 8, Oct, 2 Nov. 7, Dec, 7, Jan. 18, 1913. OSITAWA--Clerk, Miss E. 1. Mac- donell, .\Whithy--Jan: 16, Fen 6 March #, April 4, May 8, June 7, July 4, Sept. 4, et. 8, Nov. 8, Dec. 9. Jun. 14, 1913. 2. BROUGHAM -- Clerk, M. Gleason, Greenwood--Jan. 17, March 6, May 6, July 3, = 5 Nov: 11, Jan. 1, 1H 8 oid vei Street, i free of Reach alleging to have} ol make claim tor compenzation from the | and yong moucy will be A Beautiful Brass Lamp Valued at $10 fitted for either Coul Oil or Electric Light given to the person having the most Wrappers froth | RICHARDS PURE SOAP AND QUIGK NAPTHA SOAP At the 80th Day of April, > \ Marmalade Oranges 25¢ doz. yx 5 tne accepted tlic Agency for Tig Ogilvie Flour Hil Co [M:llers te the Royal Family.) And are prepared to promptly fill all orders entristed to their care. They haye the one Flour that gives satisfaction to the! consumer-- THE ROYALE HOUSEHOLD --fills the bill, cvery pound is guaranteed, Alter RIVIDE IL a fair tial if not satisfied retnrn the balance (if over § Ibs.) cheerfully refunded. The millionaire canpot buy a better flour than THE ROYAL, HOUSEHOLD, nor even the poorest pily use a flour that is more cconomical. R LOAD JUST RECEIVED ANGRAMS' Agents Pért Perry and vicinity. x EE. DOUBT MERCHANT TAILOR, Keeps in Stock a full supply of up-to-date T.OTHS Suitable for all Seasons SEE HEATER OR NO PAY freon a victim? Have ge lost. Sour dizeacad? JHE vou 0. matter W. Bmith, M P., Pres. | Robes, Blankets; Be Tuds Auction Baie IN. THE GRAND NEW PAVI 40 Shorthorn Cabdl Females and Males FROM EIGHT MONTHS TO TWO YEARS OLD Nubdber of Clydesdalé Fillies and Stallion Imported as well as Qanadian Bred. Also a number of Yorkshire Sows and Boars. The contributors to this sale include many of the most prominent im porters and breeders in Canada. The above Cattle belong to some of the best Scotch and English families. viz: The Duchess of Gloster, Missgs Ramsden, Wedding Gifts, Crimson Flowers, Stanfords, Symes, Lavinias} Princesses, Beauties; Meadow Flowers, Jilts, Rosemarys, etc. All animals are inspected befgre being accepted. haay of these Bulls are good enough to head any lerd in Canada, og This Sale will be conducted on the same lines as the Provincial Sales and will be held under cover. No Catalogue furnished. IZ" ONE FARE ON ALL RAILWAYS &€3 ) Purchasers at this Sale will be entitled to convey their cattle by train at Hallrates. SALE aT ONE O'cLock -- SHARP. : TERMS--Cash or six months credit on approved notes with interest at seven per cent, per annnm, SE P Var D. M. Johnson, Secretary W. M. Maw, Auctioneer. Nothing Like Beef! HAVING purchased (he Butchering Business and good will of Mr, I. J. Wheeler I would like tc inform all his old customers and as many new ones as possible that I intend to keep.at all times a good pssortment of all kinds of tlie Best Meats--1Jresh and ~ | Salt--obtainable and at reas- onable rates as possible. I am also in the market, at all times, Hogs, Slieep and Lambs Calves, Hides the Highest Market Prices EF Frosh Fish every odin, Courteous treatment and prompt delivery. $s 2 dos, W. A. BOYCE A FULL STOCK OF EVERYTHING -.IN THE Harness Line HHEAPAESS STYLE Durability and STRENGTH Cannot be utpassed n the County, for Choice Cattl and Sheepskins, a &e,, in abundance. Comparison of Prices Courted W. A BEATTY Pat a ae In returning (hanks: to tho public for the extensive pat- ronage bestowed upon them || would intimate, that asin the | past only choice fat "animals ; will be stanglitered, 8¢ as devests Cuts possible tend 'at all times to

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