AGA GON iN PARK AGANETAWAN RIVER RENCH RIVER EQRGIAN BAY KE COUCHICHING AWARTHA LAKES, ETc. ROUND TRIP oe he, Rates 'Via SARNIA OR OHIOAGO Literature, tickets ard full informa- tion from any Grand Trunk Agent, or address A. E-DUFF, Pasvies ur Agent, Toronto, Onan] io. His N AcaRY. "THE OBSERVER Has A Goon CIRETLAgo, Md is Constatitly in favor. It is the BEST pus erthiing Medium in the County ; is the chgmpion of the Agriculturists and of the more con- servative and practical class of peo- plo, is not a favorife of schemers, boomers and cligues ; it is the Oldest and Best Estatliched founded in] 1857--tlie most original and best in its local and general news depart. ment and is nted entirely in the place of publication--Port Perry. TERMS --§1 per annum in advance, if not paid in advance, $1.50 will be "charged Jon PRINTING -- THE Mosr MODERN STYLES AND AT Low PRICES. North Ontario Observer. "(The Oficial Paper of fhe People.) FOUNDED IN 1857. only Pupor Printed and Published tn Port Perry. PORT PERRY, MARCH 28, 1912 The Oounty of Ontario Parti- cipates in the Supplementary Estimates. Oshawa = Public building, to provide Government's share of cost of new pavements and sidewalks, $494 ; drill hall, $30,000. Beaverton -- Harbor ments, $15,000. Whitby --Harbot improvements, $20,000. improve- Supplementary Grants {or Agriculture. Chargeabla to the Department of Agriculture is a grant of $501,000 to be paid to the provinces for the encourage- ment of agriculture. 1t is apportioned on a basis of population as follows :--! Ontario Quebec.......... Nova Beotia New Bruuswick... Prince Edward Island British Columbia... Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta . There is a giant fot $200, 1000 for seed graio to settlers on unpatented lands in the Prairie Provinces. -- mn , Ohurch Union's Big Majority in Forty-Four Presbyteries Results of voting on church union have now been reported from 42 ont of the 69 presbytories in Caoada, and 36 have sent in their votes on the propos- #d basis of suion. The results to date show nrajorities in favor, in both eases exceeding two-thirds of the total poll In answer to the first question, "Are Foti in favor of organic nnion with the 'Methodist and Congregational Church- es?' 108,915 persons answered in the pffirmitive and 44,782 in the negative. To auvswer to the second questien, »Doyon approve of the proposed basis _ df union?' the total vote was as follows: Affirmitive--Elders, 4,371; members, 50,866; adherents, 17,957; total, 70,892. he » Whitby, and holding him up. 19 | "Het flecting adversely upon the C. A. Goodfellow, of Mr. of azette and Chronicle, ridicule. We have received notice from Mt. Goodfellow's solicitor of his inteh- tion to proceed against us for libel and defamation of charactet titiless ample apology be made for the insults end libel which Mr. Goodfellow alleges were made in the said article. 'We desire to' make amends for any injury we may have thus done | Mr. Goodfellow. We have no cause to imagine, and we should not have implied, any variance from business tectitude or honor on the part of Mr. Goodfellow, and we hereby . Goodfellow up to ridicule, and we withdraw any such statements, Our New Post Orrice BuiLp- ING,--Mr. Ww, J. Trick, contractor for the erection of our new Post Office building, is certainly taking time by the forelock ; already he has ah energetic staff sinking ex. tensive and deep drains te the south of the site of the new building to carry off surplus watér so that early building operations may be made. Mr. Trick, as a building contractor, has a splendid record, and many magnificent buildings of his erec- tion are standing monuments of his skill as a builder, and that our new Post Office, when completed, will be still further testimony of his ability in that direction goes with. out saying. && The Lady Lodge of Loyal True Blues of this place purpose holding an At Home at the resi- dence of Mrs. Jas. Rodman, Mc- Donald Street, on the evening of Thursday, 11th April, when they intend to supply their guests with rare delicacies, after which an highly interesting program will be rendered ; social games wjll be in order and an enjoyable time may be relied on. A cordial invitation is extended. Delmont QOottage--Seven-Mile Island. One day last week while Mr. Sintaal was edgaged in digging for the fotnda- tion of his Summer Resort Cottage to to be erated on Seven-Mile-1sland he {ound that there was not a particle of frost in the ground for a cansiderabls distance of the trench. He is rushing building operations with a vengeance by baving everything ready at the earliest opportunity and expects to be prepired for business by June 1st. Ho certainly has been fortunate in select- ing one of the most ruitable and con- venient sites in this Province for the purpose for which it isintended. When "Delmont Cottage' is completed it will be one of the most comwodiouns, con- venient and cosiest Summer Resorts anywhere to be found and it will be managed jn & manner that cannot fail to please and delight its patrons. A number of the rooms have already been engaged for long and short terms. The launch in connection with the Cottage ts built on the rapid transit principle, {n fact, it isa beauty and will be a grand acquisition to Scugog s fleet. rpm soem Rear E$TaTE TRANSACTIONS. -- Mr. W. F. Weir, of Port Perry, has purchased Mrs. R. Harper's splen did farm just west of the Corpota« tion, twenty acres of which he ha disposed of to Mr. S. Baird, pro- prietor of the adjoining farm to the east. Mr. E. A. Walker, Epsom, hag purchased Mr. W. F. Weir's tesidental property on Ella Street, Port Petry, on which he is coming to reside. All will welcome Mr. Walker and family to our midst. for Farmers at ig on oy Mohday By the mammoth posters and advertisement in other column a Gala Day at Myrtle Station fr on that day the Sixth Annual Auc- the auspices of Myrtle Sales Asso- ciation, will take place when the sale of Stiorthorn Caitle and Clydes- .|dalé Horses will be the important features of 'the occasion. Forty in a prominent place an| hohesty and personal char-| OPOIBLIGWE DEGREE TOURNAMENT. Port Perry | Honored. Port Perry on Monday last was literally swarmed with Oddfellows. The invasion was of immense pro. portions and included a cotisiderable number of bright lights of that fraternity. No fewer thigh four degree teams were in the cdhcourse Oshawa, ore from Whitby aid -one from Bowmanville, besides there was a large consignment of fhem- bers~ present from thie Brooklin |i l)dge, and as they marched from the Railway depot to the Hall they presented a grand spec- two of which were from the town of Town i auspices of the the Ontarit De culture, dnd' t armiers lost were of a high instructive chi standing that t out for the S the Town that so many | allowed i excelent tacle, the pr being ar y (or night) and was pitt on by the not fail to prove conclusively that they possessed the requisite degree koowledge, in fact 'they were experts. : During the proceedings a large accession to the membership of Warriner Lodge, Port Perry, was made, which was not the least pleas- ing feature of the important occa- sion. The ceremonies, we under- stand, occupied many hours the minutia of which, of course, we had no right to know, but were doubt- less highly appreciated by all present. After the close of the pro: ceedings a social timé was had, music and games being participated in in a manner Hat gave evidence that the large assethblage know how to hold the floor of our large town hall and it was daylight ere they desisted their enjoyments and on the arrival of the 7.20 train, they were escorted by a mumber of the members of Warriner Lodge to the railway depot when the visiting brethren embarked for their respective abodes highly elated that they had had an opportumty atid pleasure of participating in the well known generosity and enter- taining accomplishments of War- riner Lodge. From every point of view, more especially from a fratern al; the whole proceedings are pronounced a grand succes, The visiting brethren were right royally entertained, they being twice ban: duetied, during their sojourn, by Warriner Lodge and the ladies of the members of the Lodge did nobly in supplying many of the delicacies for the occasion. Much credit is die to the management committee--officials of the Lodge-- Messrs. W. H. Letcher, E. H. Purdy, J. H. Brown, Jas. Hortop, J. Ash, and W. B. Campbell, whose management of the entire affair was all that could be desired. --_------ Riig Edward L. O. L. Still Advancing. On Friday evening last, March 22, King Edward Loyal Orange Lodge held a very successful Degree Lodge, when a number of its mem: bers were advanced to the Royal Arch Purple Degree, A very large contingent of Brethren from Cart wright District and Utica filled the lodge room to its utmost capacity, patticipating in the motentolts, fascinating and interesting cere- monies. The Worshipful Master, Bro. B. Smallman, and his efficient staff of officers are to be congratu- lated on their efficiency at Degree work. King Edward Lodge, al though metaphorically speaking is still an iofant, is making rapid strides towards the proud position of - being the banner lodge of this County. At the close of the pro- _| etedings all adjourned to Brother Davey's Calé, where a sumptuous dejeuner was served in a manner Selebrated New York Cale. tion Sale of Pure'Bred Stock under | 3 to, preparing the Consumptives by the Rev. J. TF. Forsythe, Field, Secretary, The lecture will be given inthe Town (Ha Port Perry, Monday even: April 8th several teams in a manner that did || ure 1 { on the Muskoka Frees: Hospitals for talk in 'wert an uuqualifie three hunditd' fafmers given by W. J. Gar Highfield, on light and' heavy horses. A lively and ifit i discussion followed, in whigh | Mr. J]. H. Hare and maoy leading: farmers in the district took part. Mr. R. H. Cronk, 'the Secretary of the South Ontario Farmers "In- stitute, was present and active part in the proceedings. The thanks of all are due to Messrs. J. C. Browne and A. W. Williams for the valuable assistarce they rendered ih conpectio : the afrangements for the meetings. Egg Cirelea iii thé doutity of Ontario: an Warrny, ONT, 1nd Me Tue Epitor NorTH ONTARIO Onis Port Peri Xen. DEAR Sir :-- co operative work. We five Circles with a g total | filty farmers. These organ are scattered over the County, : have been arranged thus ir that they should serve as strations to surrounding di ricts. They have now successfully 'ps through a Summer and Tliey have been payi fectors and see and netting the tial premium, over current market price: ium amounted to aba per dozen during thi summer month, Lut it has been ranging fro to filteen cents abow which would have prg had been no Circles. of oné Circle (Can price has reached as cents per dozen know, is about twent; than the average "pri in average country result of the prog far, some fifty (afmei past six weeks have: ¢ office, voluntarily to request zd nitta other of the Circles, Believe il there be case the A as fifty | as you 8 higher prices As a thus ing the to the IMPORTANT AUCH C. Ferguson, Es Manvers, having deci from farming, has fa son with instrtret out reserve on: Saturday, April 6, | Horses, Cattle, S plements, &c. choice animals enpt list, in n fact, t 1 retire 1. Jack with: es on that would do credit to Belminico's| tm Im. |. His ity, | ess' al the grants ee Deparment is serving to chet te use of unsuilble sires and is tending 5 [to consetve a type of Thoroughbred, the uulity of whith is beyond ques- tion. While, as perbaps should bE stated it is not the intention of the Departfrient to encotiftige the breed: ing of Thoroughbred horses 6f {5 develop a type of light horses ap- proximating closely to that of the Thoroughbred, there is no question but that a strong 16fusion of Thor- oughbred blood in the light legged mares of the country will be of in- estimable value in improving the quality of (h& stock got from them by stallions of the various light harness breeds. Believing himself to be justified, therefore, in further prosecuting a policy begun last year, the Honour- able Martitt Burrell, Minister -of Agficllture, has authorized the continuance of the grant, to be available for all Thoreughbred stal- lions, stallions standing fer- public | service Curing the .season of 1912, which comply with the conditions imposed by the departrmiehit; The conditions undet which assistance will given are as follows : (1) All horses on account of which aid is given by the Department must be registered in the Thorough- bred Stud Book of the Canadian National Live Stock Records. 1 (2) Horses shall be of good size, quality and conformation and shall ed by submission Ahntially to 4 thotbugh; careful examination eilhet at the hands of the Vetctinary|| Director General or such other members of the veterinary staff of the Department, or other persotis as the Minister may from time to time appoint for this purpose. (3) Horses so approved shail be duly 'and properly advertised to stand for service of mares, under the ofdinary and general conditions usual in the distrcts in which they are to be kefit, at an annual service fee (except in the case of Thorough- bred mares) of not more than $10 to insure, such a service. fee to be- gome due and payable only when mares prove to be in foal. Any person, firm of Corporation owning or controlling any Thor- oughbred Stallivn in regard to which all of the conditions above set forth shall have been duly and properly fulfilled, shall, on production of sat- .| isfactory evidence thereof and of the fact that a feasotiable fitinbet of nares; other than Thofotighbred hare have been served ing the | - sedsoli, i entitled to receive at the | ARD OF THANKS, pun Friznps and Neidiodns ~ We dedire to express to you, each and'all, our Heartfelt appreciation of your kind sympathy &tid personal assistance rendered in the hour of deep sorrow. Sigaied on behalf of Mrs. Joun AtesworTi AND Famiry, SRE eal Prbabytery Appoltit Deldgates sos Te Abel ey 3 meeting of the 'Lindsay Pres bytery was held in St. Andrew's schoolroom Tuesday there being a 'good alteiiddtice , of ministers and laymen. Rev. W. | ars A Mackats of Wick, Moderator, occupied the chyir, while Secretary, Rev. D. Best, of Beaverton, was in charge of the clerical work. A call was made by the Coboconk and Kinmount churches to Rev. H. Walker, ot Toronto, and was con- sidered. It 'will be settled in the course of a few weeks. Permission was given to the congregation at Wooler le to sell the mause and glebe and also to the St. Andrew's congregation at Bals- over to sell 4 portion of land. The following afternoon, |! Junior first, and that srould be a blunder. To obvidte si the junior would hoist the nh al the personal satisfaction in it. 'But here a serious question up. Buppose in the meantime a f rear admiral appeared on the the situation for the respective flag There would be two rear admirals of the white, one senior to the other, yet, 80 far as naval etiquette goes, indis- tinguishable in a flag Sense even tb ai were appointed to attend the er al Assemdily, dt Edmonton on June 5: Rev. A J. Harn, of Woodville ; Rev H. N, Konkie, of Sonya ; Rev. W. A. MacKay, Wick; Messrs. H. Toclter, Sunderlahd ; J. Watson, Sonya; |. W. Gould, U'xbridge. A well. worded resolution was put on record expressing the ap- preciation of the Presbytery of the excellent character of thelate Rev. Archibald Currie, M:A., who had his ministry and had always been a its first Moderator by the Synod of "Totohto and Kiggston, which met in Moritteal -- Watchman- Warder. "Daudsron. The community #ds shocked bn Friday when the message was received {hat Mrs. Ingratn, of To< ronto, formerly of Carherbn, had passed to the great beyond. The deceased was a highly respected citizen. She always proved herself a good neighbor and a most affec- tionate mother. She is survived by two step-children, five daughters and one £64. The funeral took HIE 86 BMon- day, 18th. from her late home, Cameron, interment being at Fene- lop Falls cemetery. The service was conducted byRev. Mr. Kingston. The five sot-in laws aod grandson officiated as pallbearers: - The griel-stricken family Ba¥& the deep-felt sympathy of the neighbor- hood. Three months previaus the family were called u to pass t th SR Tl father. accomplished . much good during | very active worker. The fate Rev. Mr. 8. for. 23: years atfl | | Sonya a years. mere a member |: of the local caurt, being appointed : able Of course this is not very 7) happen except where the fleets tf sev: eral nations gattier. Then there would be a tremendous scramble to huat up dates of promotion, because the .Heutenant who carried his adiuiral | to call upon a junior would thereafter be an unhappy: ip Heutenantis Youth's Camneunion. Then, as a naval authority explains, | leutenants would become complicated. "| schools C. P. R. Time Table. MYRTLE STATION. So18G East Goma- Wrst 10.17 a.m. , pen ev. Me. dmison, Aw ry ¢ of commitiee, stutbl las t [the list was almost completed, and would- be ready for piibilication ta- morrow. great many of the thousand or more of the missioh. =~ aires employed ait Riteady pla teed and the new appaintmeots only will be made public; A large. Hilthber of special claims Wele "discussed, y but the major pottion of the busin=- ess transacted was of nature. It various sub their reports at to day's sessions, and the committee hopesta con its business f6t (he fea of Friday. London Bo#ifd Hens shite . London, Ont, March 21.--Thk = Board of Education this afiefiiool{ raised the salaries of ferife 164th. ers in the Public schoblé from a maximum of $750 per yeat {o $800, The Public schtlol€® Principles' sal- aries were als run up from $v. ¢ 10 $1,600 a year as a maximu 'Collegiate teaciiers asked to hav the "maximum stipend increased from $1,700 to $1,900 a y fg male assistint ptihcipdl§ i i Pile request a maXimum of - $1,300 instead ol $1,200, as at pre- seat, and both were laid op 2 was decided to ask the Chg. So 10 issite. $130,000 debeniiires school purposes. Sixty thoudn#t dollars 1s lo be spent on a few school in the northern section of South London, $s5i000 for an addi- a to Abitdecn Schdel on thes amilton Road, and is expected tae the will to! ating fs in tl {lic schools, H Port Perry, March 19. 1912. AVING LEASED. MR.' ALL ing BLACKSMITH SHOP, PERRY'S 1 will be prepared to do all kinds of Bleclamitbiog, Horse Shoehig a Specialty All tire wall be Hot met EF Mr Aid wilt eonitict the 'Wood Shep A EF iu connection with the Business. Yos: BRITTON. PEST I catiying on ! BA 2 CARD OF TRANES In vebioto) thanks for the liberal patro ope, so far siiice commencing the Confectionery and Pushers; we beg {0 duuounce that i Holds ES Fir "= a tiling