Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 28 Mar 1912, p. 1

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a Noi a # a Telaphnna in office an Fuse ds ay over. the Hn 3 wish tho residence of 6. Barker Nov: 15,1804. -- 5 MONEY ™w LOAN. Private 'Funds nt: 4 per cont, 'rob, 7.1000 Z ee : Jno.' 'W. Crozier, - SOLIoITOR, ConvrrARCER, Ro. S at residence," 61h Con. h -(one wile. west of Port Perry,)-- Moxey 10 LoaN, x BWELL, K. C, LLB, County SR 'Barrister, Couity Sol "&o., Notary Public: and Conveyauoer. South 'wing Court: House, Ww A. SANGSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. Office Hotra--9 to 12a.m:, 2 to 6 p,m. Also open Saturday evenings, AT 7 oo eff Gold Fillings, Bridge and: Crown Marks Spelt. Vitalised Afr. DR. R. L. GRAHAM Buckpssne To Di, F. D. MCGRATTAN DEN TIRE Whit, ¥ | péer" GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, General _ DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS, Bankers and Brokers. i ns ' a of Fone anean m. | = MQNEY TO LOAN . (4 per cent upwards--DBritish Qapital.) INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Marriage Licenses, Ez Agents CP. R., Ore. mm Dillon Hinge: "Stay Fence Manitactired by the Owen Sound 'Wire Fence Uo. Ltd., and am "prepared to supply, this whole community with he very BEST WIRE FENCE produced ob this Continent and at prices that can » not fail 10 satisfy purchasers. Tlie Dirvon Pence is without a tis the BEST because it is flexible ; it is a square mesh ; it is a portent hinge. -stay fence, (herefore X48, imposcible to bend the stays, in fat it is the best fence made in this or any other country. Before purchasing a Wire Fence don't. fail to inspect the Dirrox ENCE. C. 2. R. Time Table. MYRTLE STATION. Gotxa WrsT 6.82 A m. 8.0m 5.60 pan. GoiNo East 1017 pom 6,27 pm. 11.08 pan. : : 11.50 p.m. | | April 6, 1905. A. J. DAVIS, Town Ag en ! A 3 : ey Mails Oloso. Ju Ah TE Lr : mails are despatohed from 'the Office Port Perry as Tollos : : J. H. Brown, DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL ImpLe- MENTS AND MACHINERY, SEAGRAVE Aan ey 4 1 Boe over the Pont Oli, 2 20 - PERRY. Fhranghion Dentistry, including row dB ittge, Work. successfully 3 or acticed. © © I Teh on Gold, Silver, Alanitnom or Rubber Plates. pi. 'of Gold; Silver or Cement , Paiulatne traction when required: © 8 to suit the times® Th HARNESS : Fort Ontario Observer FEpsemuny ; would respectfully intimate that 4 Weekly Political, Agricultural ¢ and am, as waualy now dy for business, an: Family Newspaper &3 Have 8 rims 5 Large & Assorted Stock Sei FERRY. OF; DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS ol G Ppiad x ORNING which 1 Iu determined to sell very CHEAP As aw inducement to Cann purchasers LE PARSONS 5 Tiscomnd of 10 por conde will be allowed onal Sales from now until Jan. lst next, All work being - #F MADE BY HAND€3 no factor work kept in stock, the "arity of my goods will at once become ap) ent, nteuding will find that by a Joking elsewhere | quitlity and price, m trade being an. adi "that Devioctintisl ation article purch "in my line of yrohmsed kept on hand aud repairs greatly. and Going North-- 9.00 2%. Going South--11,20 a. m. Going North-- 5.15 p. m. Going South--10 p.m GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &c. ¥OKR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHIY OF CARTWRIUNT, V ISHES at this the commencement cf another Auction Sale Season to re- turo thanks to his numerous pa rons for ast favors. In requesting Thea esteemed and coutinued patronage he desires to state that no effort or pains will be spared 8 his part to make all sales entrusted to him successes. His very exteneive practice In she past should be " swilicient recom wiowdation as to his ability, All Sale given into his charge will be attended with promptness sud dispatch Sale list made ont and blank notes supplied free, on application. Partire wishing to 'engage his services may consult hie Sat® REGISTER either at the Olserver "or Standard Offices, Port Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, and make arrangements, ar write to his address | ar Phone at Residence, No. 81. v3 _ . CHARGES MODERATE. GRO, JACKSON, | Nov. 1, 1901. Port Perry P, O TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District. 273 ROOMS 100 with Private Baths 1 EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN PLAN A ia Carte Rostaurant SAM. H. THOMPSON, prem, LE St. 7 Ghe = OWg dw LOUIS TRACY thor of the "Pillar of Light" Y ing" and "The Captain of the 3 3 Kansas." Central Livery! PORT PERRY. San xn thanking 'the public for the wal gutionagé tronagé received during the in have dk a Livery Establish in Port Perry, Ihave much pleasure announcing that I have removea MY. LIVERY! |Water STeet which I'am about He was faf more perplexed by tntimely wrath of Philip Hozler. thought of It for at least five minutes text morning. Then he sought Dickey Bulmer, who had just quitted Coke's bedroom ang svas examining the rare shrubs that bordered the lawn, "What news of that brave man? asked Dom Corria, and his deep hh sb pig 5 sir," sald Dickey. the "The Wings of the Mom- | right, 1909. by Edward J Cede. he fconTinvmn] re 4 , MARCH 28, 1912. a | 'was one day '1 used Although so small, it seemed so I purchased we more and more my delight, betore I had Zam-Buk three weeks, I was going to heal the less than a month it was a lady in the east of the husband suffered for an open sore ob his leg. Zam-Buk in that case. The other I saw her, she told me that the sore complelsiy. , who lives in he has also used Zam-Buk satisfactory result. I beyond all doubt, the balm known." opinion of all persons really tried Zam-Buk. It cure for eczema, piles, ulcers, scalp sores, ring- burns, scalds, bruises, injuries and diseases. druggists and stores, or | Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, | In case of skin disease use - Boap, 26¢. tablet. for a man of your years girl of twenty?' 1 wouldn't do it." it not be selfish 7" Laccashire took argument. | Wot are you drivin' at? | Dickey, now In a white | He had yet to learn preferred a straight- of talking. you to forego this mar that charming girl loves but feels that she is | 1 understand the posi- Mr. Bulmer, you cannot | her heart and drive that | fellow, Philip Hozier, to , now! Let you and ; Posst you she what love was, She is an idenlist. the soul of hat other woman would have to be separated from ber on Fernando Noronba merely it iocreased thelr meager of safety? IHow few women, a nan like Philip Hozler, who of a splendid reward for 'his | to this xtate, would resolutely the clans of her own heart in ta keep ber word 7 eaine had never heard any one | _ with the crystal directness of | ~ Corrina. Each word chipped | 'same part of the fence which he | deliberaicly erected around bis | [ofellizence. Certain facts had | grevices fu the barrier already. | _ Corria broke down whole sec- | 7 But he was n hard man and | aod his heart was set ou | Are mighty sure she is wrap- ' fu this young spark?' he 1 not 1 would not have inter Take my advice. First ask an honest question, then ask She will answer, 1 promise » rich man," persisted Dickey. forced 'er one way or the . One wonders, though, she bid berself on the Androm- toe, | tell you. David said"-- David 2" 1 take it, if a man marry a girl he does not woo | Of course these customs | in Brazil"-- mer sald something about was not to be expected of his staid demeanor. In: Beagil as the cause trouble, and his opinion thiat marvelous land coin- He turned and, a trifle older, a than when he Corrin and Car They were ais! for a speedy when Iris ran into was flushed, and she, . Much to Carmela's] my dear, that be | to me." sbe whis-! ' § know you, David." | comfortable travel David Verity and one. thing neether of us can buy, an' '¢ sometlilog more than a sur when the sallow faced, willowy irl, black haired, black eyed and most emire of manner, whow he remem- | bere to have thet In the gateway of Las Flores: éarly on: the previous day, tent and asked for him. herself. and Phillp © % _Sbe skill will be moch appreciated in Brazil) at the present moment," said he, rather bewildered. "He mends broken beaits," she pet sisted. "Ab, a healer, indeed!" but he frown- ed a little. "He is in demand today. He asked | , want to call .! ja tbe Bua I 'by Philip, and dnd at a will be fav ed." oi. petng a £500 and. loving Wife, she was intevested . Ten thow | . sand potinds was Dom Corria's Goan. clal_estimare 8 'the services rendered, 'ifs absolutely In miireis. k. when Philip the dumfounded Bat ber voice ' mured, and ber eyes grow : I TUR EXD. il #A Bad Speculation." There are peniteuts and penitents Some are sorry that they did wroog; others regret the unpleasant conse quences of their evil deeds. Governof had ings. The doctor who a number of years did not help | 1 have been entirely relieved of fhe above symptoms by Lydia E. Pa Vegetahle Compound, Blood Purifier and Liver Pills, and give you permission to publish my testimonial."" -- Mrs. Lours me to tell you of one most successful | Barbour of Virginia once defended 4 Braveace Sr., Hammond, Ont.,Cansda?, operation. 'The--er--the engagement between Miss Iris Yorke--is that the name--and Mr.--Mr.--dear me"-- "Bulmer," scowled Philip, a block of ice in the warm air of Brazil. "Yes, that is it. Well, it is ended. | She is free--for a little while." 'There was a curions bleaching of Philip's weather tanned face. It touch- ed a cord in Carmela's impulsive na- ture. "It is rll right" she nodded. "You can go to her." She left him there, more shaken | thap he had ever been by thunderous sea or screaming bullet. Visiting the sick is one of the Chris- | tian virtues, so Phillp visited Coke. "lI HAVE GROWN A WEE BIT AFRAID OF YOU." Iris had just finished writing a letter, partly dictated and much altered in style, to Mrs. James Coke, Bea View, Ocean road, Birkenbead, when a gen- tle tap brought ber to the door. She opened it. Her wrist was seized, and she was drawn Into the corridor. 8he had no option In the matter. The tall young man who held her wrist pro- cecded to squeeze the breath out of her. but she was growing so accus- tomed to deeds of violence that sho | | did not even scream. "There is a British chaplain at Ter) nambuco," was Philip's incoherent re- | mark. "I must ask my uncle!" she gasped. | "No. leave that to me. No map living shall say 'Yes' or 'No' to me where you are concerned, Iris." "Do not be hard with him, Philip, dear. He was always good to me, and | --and--1 have grown a wee bit afratd of you." "Afraid! "Yes. You are so much older, so much sterner, than when you and 1 looked at the Southern Cross together from the bridge of the Andromeda." "] was a boy then, Iris. 1 am a man new. 1 have fought and loved and suffered. And what of you, dear heart? We went through the furnace hand in band. What of the girl who has come forth a woman?" . * . * . . . When Coke was pronounced fit for Dickey Bulmer conveyed him home They took with them drafts on a lon- don bank for amounts that satisfied every sort of claim for the sinking of the Andromeda. - Judged by the com-' pensation given to the vessel's sur- vivors, there could be no doubt that the dependents of the men who lost their lives would be well provided for.' At odd moments David and Dickey, Bulmer discussed the partnership. The young people would be bome in two months, and then Philip was to come into the business. "We're growing old, David," said Dickey. "I've got plenty of money, an' you'll "ave a tidy bit now, but there's that's youth." =] don't want to be young again," sald David, "but I'd Hke to go back Just a year or so--no more." "well, there's bin "times wen I'd 'ave dcted different. Wot do iin say, Jimmie?' Coke, thus appealed to, glowered at bis employer. "Say!" he growled. "1 say nothink. Pbilip 'and lris attended Carmeln's wedding during their honeymoon. Tha catbedral at Ric de Janeiro was pack' ed, and Iris was quite inconspicuous among the many richly: attired indies | "who, graced the ceremony by their presence. Nevertheless Colonel Suva | 'dor San Benavides favored ber with a smile as he led his bride down central aisle. © Jughud, busts: and 1o0ked £3 Sy man charged with stédling a pair of shoes. The man wad convicted. Oue day, years after, the governor was standing conversing with several law: "yers in front of the courthouse when a man approached and said he wished | to speak with him. They walked oft | together, and the man asked: | "Squire, do you remember 1 once bired you to defend me?' "Yen "Well, squire, the taking of thom. | shoes was the worst job | ever did. | didn't keep 'em a week. They put me in jail. 1 gave you the only borse [| | had to defend me. My crop was lost 'cause 1 couldn't see to it, and then, ! squire, they gave me thirty-nine lashes at last. | tell, you, squire, it was a | bad speculation." --Youth's Companion. | The Conductor's Revenge. A well dressed man entered an Or | ange street car the other day, accord: | Ing to a story that is going the rounds of the street car men, find banded the | conductor a ten dollar bill. The con-| | ductor was unable to change it, and he let the man ride free. The next day the man presented the same bill, | and again the conductor was unable to change it, for the man had evident- ly found a time when he would be sure to catch the conductor without much change. | "I'l} fx you," thought the conductor, | | and he obtained $10 worth of nickels and was ready for the man when next day he flashed the bill. The man took the matter good naturedly and Soon) left the car, his pockets fairly bulging with the nickels. | | The conductor was more than pleas- | | ed with his coup until next day, when | he learned that the.bill was worthless. | --Newark Star. | --_-- Scots In Ameri | It is a poteworthy fact in American | history that of the four members of 'Washington's cabinet Knox of Massa- | chusetts, the only New Englander. was | a Scotch-Irishman, Alexander [Hamil | ton of New York was a Scotch-KFrench- | man, Thomas Jefferson was of Welsh | descent, and the fourth, Edmund Rao- dolph, claimed among his ancestord | the Scotch Earls of Murray. New York | also furnished the first chief justice of | the United States, John Jay, who was | a descendant of French Huguenots, | n History. | while the second chief justice, John | Rutledge, was Scotch-Irish, as were | also Wilson and Iredell, two of the original associate justices; a third, Blair, was of Scottish origin. John | Marshall, the great chief justice, was, | like Jefferson, of Scotch and Welsh | descent.--Charles R. Hanna's "Celt In America." SUNDAY SCHOOL, Lesson Xlll.--First Quarter, Fr March 31, 1912 THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, a Comprehensive | Quarterly Review -- Golden Text, | Matt. iv, 16--Commentary Prepared | by Rev. D. M, Stearna. Lxsson 1.--The birth of John the Baptist foretold (Luke i, 5-23). Golden Text, Heb. xi, 6, "Without faith it is impossible to please Him." It has been | truly said that delay in answering prayer is not denial. The time had not | | 2ome until now to answer this prayer. "As for God, His way is perfect" (Ps. | xviil, 80). Note the affliction of Zach arias because he did not believe. Let | us live in the presence of God, like Ga- briel, and go forth from Him. 3 Lesson II.--The birth of John the Baptist (Luke 1, 57-80). Golden Text, Luke i, 68, "Blessed be the Lord God af Israel, for He hath visited and re- deemed His people" John the Baptist was to be filled with the Holy Spirit from his birth; Elisabeth was filled when Mary came to see her and spoke to her; Zacharias was filled after he bad written that the childs name should be John (verses 15, 41, 67). The Spirit always honors God and Christ. | Lzssox 1I1.--The birth of Jesus (Luke 1, 120). Golden Text, Luke ii, 11, "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord" A world moved by & royal decree brought Mary to Beth lehem that Scripture might be fulfilled. Earth cares not--I mean earth's great ones--but all heaven carés and a few lowly ones on the earth. The shep- herds believed and acted' fascurdiagly and found as told them... = Lgssox IV.--The temple (Luke ii, Luke ii, 80, 81, R. V., have, seen Thy yet New Brunswick: Canada, =~ "1 cand highly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCompound fl to any suffering wo- man. I have taken, it for female wegk4 ness and painful menstruatior' 4nd it cured me." -- Mrs. DEVERE BARBOUR, Harvey Bank, New Brunswick, Canada, a Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com= pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful dru and to-day holds the record of belitff Bs. most successful remedy for female ills: we know of, and thoueands of voluntary- testimonials on file in the Pinkham lab- oratory at Lynn, Mass., seem to prove this fact. Every suffering woman ow: it to herself to give Lydia E. Pinkham'd Vegetable Compound a trial If yon want speetdl adviee write td Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (eonfle dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will, be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidences Sted ail tle euds or 1e euiin, 10r & am God, and there i none else." They came to Jerusalem to find and to wors- ship the King of the Jews, and, have ing found Him, they opened their treass tires to Him even though He was only} a babe in Mary's arms. So all nations will come when He shall be King ge if, 17). Lesson VI.--The boy Jesus In the temple (Luke ii, 40-02). Golden Text, Luke fi, 40, R. V.: "How Is it that fe sought Me? Knew ye not that must be in My Father's house?" Wa see Christ, our passover, at His first passover, and vet It was Instituted byp Him 1,400 years before and is yé have {its complete fulfillment in come nection with Israel at His second coms fing. We must not suppose, as Mary] did, but know with certainty. [" Lesson VII.--The ministry of Johm the Baptist (Luke fli, 7-20). Goldens Text, Matt. ili, 2, "Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven Is at band." Johg was the herald of the Messiah foretold | 7 Isaiah and Malachi, a man great im the sight of the Lord, no greater eves. born of woman by ordinary generdatfony; yet, although so faithful, how short hig ministry, how strange his end! Let us) like him, point all to Jesus. Lesson VIII. --The baptism and 0-11; Matt. iv, 1-11). Golden "Text, Hap. 1) 18, "For in that He Himself hath suf' fered belng tempted He is able to suc- cor them that are tempted." Note th submission of Jesus for our sakes, th opened heaven, the Father's voice, the Spirit as a dove. Then see Him con-, Peng the devil by the sword of the, rit, leaving us an exampld. le IX.--The call of the first ais) ciples (Mark i, 14-28). Golden Text, Matt. ix, 87, 88, "The harvest truly i=, plenteous, but the laborers are few. LEray. ye therefore." * * * Remember | the six who were gathered unto Him im, Jobn 1, 85-51. This ts another call td" fear of the six and an instance of His power over evil spirits. He is ever calling us nearer to Him for service, and sssuring us of His all power orf our behalf. % LEssox X.--Jcsus the befiler (Mark i, 20-46). Golden Text, Matt. vil, 7.) "Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses." The healing of fever and leprosy with a touch or a word] | and all manner of disease just as ea Iy gives us an idea of the kingdom} where the inhabitant shall not say, k | am sick. This kingdom was at hand, | when Jesns Christ was here, but has! been postponed till His return. 5 Lessox XL--The paralytic torgHien and healed (Mark ii, 1-12). . 5 Text, Ps. clif, 2, 8, "Bless thé Lord. 0 my soul, and forget not gil His bene- fits who forgiveth, * * * who heal; eth" ¢ * & The fnith of the four friends amply rewarded, the faultfine Ing Pharisees rebuked and the sicki man healed in body and soul. Eee the; main thing is to come to Jesus; it does; not matter how--through the roof or any other way. Lesson XIL--Feasting and fustag (Mark 1, 13-22). Golden Text, Mark hi 17, "I came not to call the righteous, . but sinners." Let it stand out in letters that "this man receiveth ners." Publicans and harlots: come if penitent, while self ri people cannot be received. be a new birth before new life; no up a bit of the for ¢

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