Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 25 Jan 1912, p. 3

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© Wire Strewcher Se towing Sh ropa Are Tigloz b yrs, Fonts drivet oo. Diamony fm, Geng \ > hsrors 3 Se oa 1 Sloiiha Vurity Ag Piaw, nearly new Binder, Muwey-Harris Wagon 'and Box, nearly new 2 ux giss---one Faoning Mill 'Turnip Paint | Rot Hema Piatform 8p rifig Wagon Light Durocrat t with Pole and Top i Wa it Witt Prddiing Box ingle : t, Light Dogbla tions oe D. Dubie He Hier ir Sweat Collars, fo Dotite Bridles hiffistress and Neck Yokes "Pair ore Blankets 2 Rober Pair ny Nets © 2 Strings Bells Wheelb nw, Bag Troek 'Hand Car Wit dmill Gasoline gine, 13 horas "Turning Lathe (rind Stone Circular Saw Habe Oh Waits Ash ber Empty Boxes aud Tin Cans w unit Tongs apt. i if vom Sta * Quanity Bi ork Banch and Seraw 4 Window Bavh and Glass © Hoax, Bhovals, Forks, Picks 8 Ladders { Sacks and Bags 8et Seales, 240 Ibe cap. Bgg Cares Set Sedles, 10 1bs cap. Pepper Mili Quantity Onts About 4 tons Hay <. « FURNITURE, ETC. Sir Cobk Heater, coal or wood 2 Box Stoves, wood, i Stove Unal Oj] Stove -Btove gon Scatrle Nasbor Poe gi Saf; 4 Bedstaads Pal Lenf Table AR Grass Scythe Lawn Swing Stole Hammer nnrtar-ent Oak Centre Table "HE % [Rishon Tahle Zroom airs, mm rir, new on Ritehen hava Hmall Table se Ofeamn a 1} gal. cap. owing Machine--Singer Rot Quilting Frame Clothes Horse But, tug Frames 8 Flat Irons 8 Chamber Sete 12 Framed Pictures 45 Yds Rag Carpet Rags Straw. Matting Mirrors Number rates, unframed «Number Window Blinds, + Curtains ' House Piants and Flower Pots 8 doz. Seale Dath Churn ishos Wash Tub 6 Crocka "Wringer, new * Butter Print ' '2 Large Jugs, "Pots," Ketiles, Lamps Roots. Shovs and Rubbers : ~ Other articles too numerous te mention. _ #8 Mr. Jackson baving disposed of his 'husiness and is moving West all willbe gold without reserve. 8aLm AT ON® O'0LOUK--SHARP. n TERMS--CASH. G. S4CKI0N, Auctioneer. TH, Ge : | too of which.is. cleared, the balance || There is on the premises an orchard floor 'stabling, and a smaller barn lawn Mower | | Poles and" {Sittings of the Divisien Courts 'be held in the. R Rooms adjoining GRICOLTURAL OFFICE, BROCK. 87, th t of the A ae Pt HIG ne vidinity for this work. offers fo fale that excellent' i being lot 1s, concessiap 4, dn. the township of Reach, containing. 400. acres more or less, of choic land & large por- BOX PACKING FRUIT | beingisplendidly wooded. - 'The land is in a "capital state of enltivation. and a comple. stipply of 'water. 'There is a large barn with cement on the notth end of the'lot; also a fame dwelling house oit the south and. The location of the farm is a capital one, heing about 1} miles from Port Perfy on a leading road. This farm is, in evety respect, a first class dairy far and is only half a mile from 'Mdnchester rail- way station. For particulars and tetths, apply to the proprietfess 6n the preriises. Write for further information sto Phones :-- Bell, Whitby, 86. \ uly SOHOOL all slnsos of Ferm Stock is a promi) Boutes Trips are taken to the best stables * Under FIELD HUSBANDRY. a oly ia: made of the Rol. tion of Crops, Crop Quiivarions nBdging Seka Orde ete ng bod Hor Insects and Fungus Diseases; ete. STUDENTS WILL BE GIVEN INSTRUCTION IN at the Fruit Packing House of the Oshawa Fruit. Gyowers Association, Other subjects studied are: AGRICULTURAL BOTANY, = including a study of weeds and weed seeds and' methods of eradicating; SOIL CULTIVATION; FARM DRAIN- AGE; FERTILIZERS AND MANURE ; POULTRY CULTURE i in all its branches ; Co-operation ; ; the keeping of FARM RECORDS and FARM ACCOUNTS. No young farmer in the district can afford to miss this opportunity, it comes at a season when the work on the farm is not pressing: THRE COURSE IS FREER. J. J. Ber, Principal High School, WHiTsy, or to J. H. Hare, Agricultural Office, WHITBY, Independent, Whitby 53. 090049000090 00i06000600000000¢ S. A. PHERRILL. Prince Albert, June 28,1911. AW KER BROS © (Succassors' TO Jamison. & Dennison.) Having purchased the Livery business carried on by Jamieson Dennison, and the premises cobs nected therewith we intend to - RE-HORSE THE STABLES with first-class animals, and install New and Up-to-Date Vehicles with modern Trappings which for comfort' and convenience 'cannot be surpassed. INGRAMS® Special attention paid 5 the requirements of Commercial Travel- ers. Our charges are moderate and we guarantee to please our patrons. AN INVESTMENT in education always pays the best interest. For years we have given hundreds a foothold in the commercial world. \ An in- crease of 5 119 of in attendance over that of last year proves the growing popu- larity of our school What we have done for others we can do "for you. OME STUDY COURSES e.\Q Lindsay Business College (Affiliated with Dominion Correspondence School) LB. SPOTRON - President. SEPT. 4 Patronage solicited. £3 Plone No. 2. CAWEKER BROS. *OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1912. 1. . WHITBY Clarks Miss E. L. Mac-|! donall, Whitby ~Jan. 16, we 8 6, . 'March' 4, April 3 May 2, Jun 8, Sept. 8, Oct. 2, Noy. 1, Jan. 18, 1918, ; = erk, Miss E. L. Mac- | A 16, 1 | ERT NEI required Ingrams' Have accepted the Agency for The Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. [#Mil1ére to the Royal Family.] And are prepared to promptly fill all orders entrusted to their care, "| They have the one Flour that gives satisigttion to the consimer-- THE] ROYAL HOUSEHOLD-fills the bill; After giving it a fair trial if not satisfied retnrn the balance (il over § 18.) ie and your money will be cheerfully refunded. buy a better flour than THE ROYAL HOUSEHOLD, nor even thef poorest family use a flour that 1s more dconomical. A CAR LOAD JUST RECEIVED tvety pound is Pitaranteed, | The millionaire cannot Agents Port Perry and vicinity. Bm I am prepared to do all Kids f Papering, Painting, &c. Paper and Paint furdishe Having bought our Fruits 'before the: big advance in prices, we are able to id these 'gogds, at lower prices than thet, cart oe bought to-day. g Raisins, 3 Ibs, for 25¢ New Seeded. Raising, 16 oz. * Choice New Currants : 7 Extra Fancy, Crirrants ibs: br 26¢ Extra quality New Dates 10c 1b AE Soft Lemon, Orang & Citron: Peels 261 © New Shelled Walnuts 45¢ 1b New Shelled 'Almonds 40c¢ i _ Candied Ginger and Cherries _ Best Granulated Sugar 151bs for $1.00 : Aug Seger, Soft and free ps himps, a 1bg g bs fi Alymor Canned Corn 10¢ Alymer Peas and Tomates 2 for 25¢f] {atthews" Rose Brand Lard 17¢ 1b durity Flour 85¢ bag Bastry Flour 70c bag T. 5. FORMAN & SON. SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS ener E. H PURDY will con- tinue the Seed Business at old stand and will have a full supply of Clover and Timothy Seed on hand at moderate prices. LA Good Second-hand CUTTER and HARNESS for Sale, Cheap. ms, Aone To t Perry, Jan. 26.1912, 6S ; IX. DOUBT MERCHANT TAILOR, Keeps in Stock a full supply of up-to-date LOTHS Suitable for all Seasons sco uemionuRsEmy URING MY ABSENCE in the Great West { negotiat- ed to Sell over 50,000 Acres of Land, in from a a . up to any number of sections--improyed hd oken--convenient to Railways and Markets id ANIFOBA, SASKATCHEWAN, il I AND ALBERTA, i to $70 acre, according to location and |i Lior 3 Farther, 1 have ical examined 1 ed uarantee them as' represented. 1 will be i e intending. Piechasers all the deswed and. y:info ration: g extensive sipefiones in the Selling of Real Estate ion Jegardin my. ability to justly, [il ] ere situated, Bi purchased the ] Butchering Business and good will of Mr. I. J. Wheeler 1 would like to inform all his old customers and as many new ones as possible that I intend to keep at all times a good assortment of all kinds of the Best Meats--Fresh and Salt--obtainable and at reas- onable rates as possible.' I am also in the market, at all times; for Choice Cattle, Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Sheepskins, a the Highest Market Prices, EZ Fresh Fish every Tuesday. Courteous treatment and prompt delivery. May 26, 1008. W. A. BOYCE A FULL STOCK OF EVERYTHING IN THE Tarness Line CHEAPNESS STYLE Durability and STRENGTH, Cannot be urpassed in the County, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks &c., in abundance. Comparison of Prices Courted W. A. BEATTY FRESH & TENDER CAWRER BROS. In returning thanks to the public for the extensive pat- ronage bestowed upon them would intimate, that as in the past only choice fat animals | will be slaughtered, so as to ensure the choicest and ten- derests Cuts possible, and we intend at all times to have an ample supply of FRESH AND TENDER CHOICE MEATH which we will cut to please and deliver promptly TEIS YAY INTEREST We want a reliable:man to | well known Specialties in it Salt lr its, Seed Potatoes, v Shrubs, Roses, ete., in Port Periy County during fall and winter at free, exclusive territory, 'sokly. oa 800 Acres of Nar Clean, well grown trees and wilt a your customers. Rod Spietery ry Fustaitead. ne toms, en F. B. LUKE, - apneic 160 Yonge st. Toronto.

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