Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Jan 1912, p. 4

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THE ORES OF THC] - CURIOUS CRAMPED EXISTENCE 'OF THE AFRICAN-MAID. She Lives In a Country Whers Girls | \Are a Bit of a Nulsance and Little Thrill of Pleasuhs @reets Her Birth --8he Lives I'n 8e-! 1:lon and Four- teen Is Dangerously Near the Old Mall Limit--Betrothal Customs. the the first island globe. But {4 of yeats Is bi Rlanel wi) be ad itions that wil The red spot i§ interest. It hes. changed its lot the length of ifs ture of note is {i formation. which it is being swey which, of ¢nurde line mare regular , {be in time to cof + |. Many. have. the eatth Like most Mussulman peop) various tribes «[ Tripoli profess a pro- found contempt for women, although even the most conservative of them are slowly giving their women & wid- er education, a hithertn unknown de- ference and a stronger position in theit respective families, But old ous- toms dis hard and it is a curiously cram nd monotonous existence that the maid of this picturesque Af- rican region knows. No thrill of pleasure greets her birth. f.r the first questi a wealthy lather asks his wife's attendant is: "Is it ® bay?" CR DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT You 'ake no risk and you make no experiment when you use, Dr. Chase's Chr fo the in our Uonsumpti The trustess in 'caring for aly ook "Yargh 4804 Mu Ointment for piles. Maity { still -oling to the idea that nothing but of the | du operntion will effect a cure b ate that | operations are expensive and er- gal wave, ouf, and often fail in their a, Borfi» have bean cured Ly ase's Ointrient. after operations had failed. Dr. €hase's Ointment truly has sf jo E nob 's to pay. Mr. W. J. Gage, Chairman of the Executive Committee, 84 Spadina Ave., or the Sec.-Trena., 347 King W , Toronto, will iy receive acknowledge coiftions mother 'and do & rich feast of syrups, sweets' sud, unlimited quantities of the cosrse native wine, which, fermented in gost skins, is so very unpleasing to a forei palate Bu! sholild the doctor Sia ankwer y Allah pity you! It is only a fir things pass very differently. o cries of joy, no throb of drum or crack of rifle, no hurrying of women to the darkenel room where the moth- er lies alone, bitterly ashamed of the fruft of hér travail. For the silence of disappointment hangs over the house- hold and the few guests who call speak words of sympathy to the father und are offered the poor tefreshment of raising and water. But as the {rst years pass, the baby. 80 ctlu.y welcomed, usunliy grows into 8 wonderfully ptetty child with fine features and 8 wealth of black hair that would ma. > the aver: age whit. woman envious. Halt-clad and wholly happy. she sacimpers with other girls aud boys of her age in the wide plains where her father's goats pick u scanty pasture, Her sme *h skin glows like ccpper in the sunshine and sunshine glints in the beanty of her datk almond eyes. yet, ail too soon, her pleasure is curtail ed and she is taken from freedom into the seclusion of the woman's apartment of the house. Then her edueation begins. tremely advanced fomilies perhaps be given an F 'ish or a Fre -h governess. preferably the lat- ter, because of the close proximity of the French colonies of Tunis and Al- zeria, but in nine cases out of ten her days are spent in learning the myster- ins of intricate and strangely beautiful embroideries, the rather primitive cookery of her tribe and the art of conplicated aida for beauty. A tunic of white woollen goods, the hall merk of her parents' fortune, covers her from throat to ankles, while a wide sash of gorgeous-hued silk is wound many times around her slander waist and with scarlet slip- pros on her hitherto bare feet and a ieavy veil over her face, she re- nounjces the innocent fun that chil- dren' of her age should know. Never eyalh may ehe raise her unveiled face, for the sun's caress, never again, until she marries, may she go out an- attended and even the refuge of a private room js denied her. for her sleeping Jlace is but a curtained re- - cans Th foom whe serving' women lie on the floor. When sfie is ebnut twelve years old, her futhef begins to look out for & suitable hwehand for her, for the Tri- pol girl eotissders herself an old maid if <he is fot married before her four- teenth birthday. Marriage is the one e sta has a major 'pard of 1! is covered with green" cept during the winVel it might be rehsoms least a part of the pear white. The mista that fo clouds might chan tirely and cause M very different from wh viewed thraugh a cleake) Sone scientists adv w; . 3 ' troubled terribl- with itehing piles; | & bretation, eX- | ut times so bad that I was obliged to. ahs, when [lay up, unable to attend te business. OL think at| "1 tried many treatments » without ould ap- | honeft, uittil | necidentally read of Ni + Dr. Chasze's Ointment. and found ut Bithe fogs and 1a: a care "y rsing this ointment. | Aspect en- ial, usw one box avd prri of alsee- orld. to ook [ond one when | was completely cured, At would it {un have had no return of the piles. ahnosphere. | That was eighteen months ago, and, t ME thenty | newdless to any. I attribute this cure that the forty-five ie miles of 46 DD; Chase's Tuvaluahle Ointment." atmosphere, fliled with®vapors of dif-| "yj ng cufferers. from piles have ferent kinds, would prevent the earth | juj go many scores of trewtments from being seen at . that they cannot believe that cure is The fact is no one: knows exactly possible. lo order to convinee the how our globe would a human skeptical we are always willing to eye in space. i send a sample box Stee to anyone who rats ns hos Sint, The pola: encloses u two-cefit stamp to pay '¢dSts ms the | postage. Yer (WL y | "br. Chase's Ointment, 60c a box, at these increnses and ¢ season is supposed tq ehange on that | WI damier or Eben. Ber €Co., Limited, Toronto. Not only must the tfustees pre sum for maintenande of the sick ones, but pr still further accommodation must bé made. I Lesson [l.--First Quarter, For Jan. 14, 1912 nearer. Meantime while we whit for the literal fulfilment on Israel we may find in our lives, as His redeemed ones by His precious blood, many & fulfillment and manifestation of these precious words, If we are in Christ we are delivered from the wrath to come and are the seed of Abraham and joint heirs with Him of the 'whole world (I. Thess. i. 10; Rom. tv, 18; vill, 17; Gal ii, 20). Whether salva- tion be individual or national, it muss be through the housé of David and the Kifig of the Jews, for salvation is of the Jews, and there is none other (John iv, 22; Acts tv, 12). If we are His re deemed ones, waiting for the kingdom, we may by His grace serve Him with- out fear in h MORE MONEY SECURED Empress Dowager Squeezes Cash Qut of the Princes. ME. INTERNATIONAL SERIES. . +A brigh¥ young girl came to our Muskoka 'Horie ," and ' wher! advised by thd. Physician-in-Chief that there was no. . room, with tears streaming down her cheeks, sie said, in' thi presence of one of the trustees: ® Where am I to go, what am I to do, doetor ¥ My own friends do not vant me--my sisters will not kiss me.* : of the Lesson, Luke | &7.80 Will you help $0 answer this poor girl's question? plavet. The natural cuicldsion is that the vegetation or ®cil oft Mars is red. This may be'Senng, However, for there may exist 'tonditioaa that would change the realiappearsnce of thut distant world. SHEPHERDS OF THE HOLY LANE. caning Ons Striking Trait Possessed by These Nomadic "Men. A remarkable yrait ahout the slcpherds of the Holy Land, savs a writer in Country Life, is that they know their sheep and cdn instantly ick them out from strangers. At ethlehem once I witnesséd a very striking demonstration of $his. Three shepherds nret, and their flocks, total ing some 160 sheep, were s0on hope- lesesly mixed up together. When an American farmer touring in Palestine was told that the men cotld easily distinguish their redpéctive charges he laughed, so it wag put 16 the test. It required but a. few minutes to drive the sheep into & fold, and in a remarkably short space of time the shepherds pointed jout correctly the members of their rabpective flocks. In the same way, too, the sheep know their master, ot rather his voice. Over and seen two or more ah their flocks a a | Christmas .of 21) seasons is the timé to remember the poor and suffering. It was the Christ way. May it Story of a Portrait. become ours. Hay we have your help this Christmas season ¢ A story comes from Vienna of Frau felma * ue, the opera ginger, and Professor Leopold Hafvurtz, the court painter. The prima donna, 1t is said. had long been anxious to have hier portrait painted by the professor. A friend introdveed ber, und~the artist agreed to execute the tommis- sion. The portrait was finished in thirty sittings .and the singer, en- thueiastic in its praise, handed the Ei ater a small package and asked im to send the picture to her Home. The professor opened the packade on the spot and found that it contained $400. With a smile he told the lady che could keep thé $400 ard he would keep the portrait. Frau Kure there- upon remind>d him that she had given him thirty sittings, "and 1 am not an artist's model," she added. The painter smiled again and said, "lI pay my models a dollar for every sitting. You may. therefore, claim $30. I shall not fail to discharge my obligation." EOE TASES Coe Yours sincerecly; A 77. In ex- she will EEN a Healthful Ptomaines. According to a report read before the French Academy of Sciences re- cently tinned or canned fish and shell fish, preserved in oil or o! -rwise. al wavs Co; a small percentage of certain : flesh) --irom 02 to 06 per To into Rin i n no crease in any apprec. ible egres Aantil two days after the has been opered and while the a rar favors than prevents the Rievelopitent of the ptomaines the in- vestigetors have found sho they are not very sonous. 'In fact; minute doses of them seem to act as a #timn- lant on the appetite and the digestion generally just as the ptomaines found er nil rey Revolutionary Agents Say Chinese Premier Is Playing Double and Is Trying to Impoverish the Manchus Before Having Them Dethroned-- Bun Yat Ben Abolishes Office of Prime Minister--Note to Powers. FARMS FU 3 BALE. The Present Coifiore. All hairdressing, nowadays, tend¥ to make the head small and orna-: ments usually take the fori. of orna- meutal bands. Many of these are, worn very low on the forehead, hold+i ing the hair in place over the ayes, | which is a style which is much in' favor and quite becoming to many,' also crushing it' over tha ears, {s' another good féature since decidedly out of fashion. * Another excellent 'feature of the' present coiffure is that hair nets arel rapidly beecoming pasee. This i8 in- deed greatly to be- rejoiced at, fof many a sweet face has been changed. to one of sternness By aw} the hi plastered el ho b withou! even. one little lock peeping oul to relieve the harshness. ng Courtship In Holland, The etiquette of Hollend 5. exceed-| ingly atrict in all classes. The young! giri #5 most carefully chaperon an she never goes anywh even to ASK DAWBON--HE KNOW3. Ir I¥ You WANT TO BUY A PARM consult me. J HAVE S8)ME OF THE BRST FRUIT, 429k, tryin and Adre farms io Os tario on my list at right prices H. 5 N, NINETY OOL- DAWIO RH Ssreos, Toroate. w YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM fo my mind associated with this Isa. Supers tite; Jv, 11, "It shall pet return unto me wold, but it shall accomplish that which 1 pleise." When Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Epirit, sald, "Blessed is she Pekin, Jan. 6.--The court's prepar- sation for residence in Mongolia is be- lieved to be only against an emer- gency. There has been a report cur- fent that a residence for the Emperor and the members of the royal family ls being put in order at Pekhe, Mon- golia. Additional treasare to that oontribated to the Government by the Empreds Dowager, has been forthcom- ing fr the pal. Dowagj A Hen Per Acre. England has one hen to the aceé of terrilsry. Whos Your Eros sed Gary : Tor 1€ y . A ated Eyelids. Illus Ou fons weka, Muripe td urine #177 \vE 8TOCK FOR SALE. {dice the rab: | [REGISTERED HOLS TEINS FOR ssle--one record of merit cow, 30 5 abet, 2s nd o oun Wlurine Eyo Refedy Co., Chloggo 1bs. per day; two young bulls, two hetfers doth tnaguify the Lend, and my spirit MISCELLANEOUS. hath rejoiced in (dod my Bavionr," clos "KTERAN GRANTS WANTED--ONy TA RLO, untocated ar locate l--in ang townshipr oe Lisselos, Vacsasra Onsite Highest 3391 pci) pall Mulaolland %/ in Tv i No Misers In Burma. When a Burman has earned a little mdney he immediately proceeds to spend it all, for the Rupmese have po ambitiob- th be rich and never Hoard; consgqnenyly there are priarje La attempt, however, Each nian movéx wishes to take sheep: "Tabbo! sharp, never thi round until he is ag) One by one the perial sontributi of rin i ons 8 few thou- ward taels. 5 jo e foreign banks are experiencing difficulties in converting the bars o gold into silver. Foreign bank notes prayer, WH, 1-10, closing with, "He shall give strength unto His Hiog and exalt the horn of His anointed." ' This is the Mrst reference to Chiriet as the Messizh Jor anointed vue, Compare John 1, 41. short and of looking | listance away. | eat the voice Hou Par ena gy Dragnet a Murioe "Eye Ly on SL SNL £3 ere being no ar ed by he! Thé son of Elizabeth 'being born at the full time nnd tie vighth day, or time for circumcision, having come, there 'was a little perplexity about a name for the boy, as some would have him falled by his father's mame, but his nother aid "Be shall be.calied John." "They made signs to his father, who, to ¢he surprise of all, wrote. "fis name is "Pohn" (verses 57-03). See verse 13 and find the other six who were called by name before they were bora. two of ' them several hundred years before, or at least one. Notice the release of Zacharias from his affliction wlich came npea him be- | ¢ause of unbelief. Faith fo Jesus Christ, the reception of Him as one's personal Saviour, pot only delivers | from the wzath to come. but delivers ifrom sll bondape The truth shall i make you free !f the Son shall make Fou free ye shall Le iree indeed (Jobn vill, 82 86). Thre band of the Lord are no longer current, silver alone be- Ing Scoeplalis. emier Yuan Bhi Kai is being ac- cused of double dealing. It is alleg- ed that he is attempting the destruc- tion of the Manchus financially be- fore conniving in their dethronement, but it is thought that the revolution- aries, whose agents employ every yick, are mang, reports that uan is secre re icat, in ord to discredit Ia 2 > Dynamite discovered along the rail way line has been brought to Pekin by a woman. This is the first evi- dence that the long-standing revolu- tionary threats are serious. The revo- lutionaries monthe ago declared that they would employ dynamite to ac- complish their purpose of driving the Manchus out of the Government. Reports regarding disaffection among the Hankow troope are con- | flicting. It is believed that the dis- affected soldiers number not more than 800. Yuan Bhi Kai is making hope. the sule ambition of her life, and it brings to ner, as it dues to Freneh women of the upper clase, a certun amount of personal libertv [adeed, in seme of the more advanced tribes a matried woman may go out unveiled and freely meet men in so- crui and business life. Every sell respecting Musselman buoys his btide--{or even the daugh- fer of 8 véty rich man receives her furtnne at her fathers' death--but it in an enflattering fact that this bargain is soumetines made in camela! or gosta, When the suitor and the girl's tather ate agreed. the finncew 1 presented %o her future husbafid. und as this first meeting takes place to the sccompaniment of deafening shots, songs, cries, and the shrill mu- sic of the flute so dear to oriental ears, her first impression is apt to be a rather confused one. Yet love and romance gild as many of these cur- fous betrothals, as they do in every country where man wooes v nan, and the chesen lover ¥nows how to gal- and follow slowly THere is never & same tone. tbsen means certain of pry large exhi together of the' houses and coul of ancient and Italy are always Of Raphael he as never warmé the fall." --Londs He remained all' interested in arty As a young man, he was thirty-two' to be born fot Ibsen in the days and reatiered now Jeng to the gad e. though all ulity about | | use the same wording weics of each shepherd 18 unmi ily his own and it has a distinet it, caused by the cafist8pt use of he | heen was by no Cyoeation. Until "believed himself In fact, 5 n might be got a painted by | "early manhood ough the farm. | las of Norway. | e profoundly Ais judgments ance art in Raphael's art Mis beings be Eden before 6 Bost Washing Machine Made, Throe Grodd Features, 1. Easy to operals. 2. Not hard on the clothes. 3. Washes the clothes clean. Bold all over Cauada. Write to "ONE MINUTE" WASHER CO, snd three adylt sows; cholee stock; Que- Roos. A. Uillesple, Abbots- bec prices. land-owrers, and t totracy, the people sre as near being ford, Que, "MALE HELP WANTED, n equality as possible. Poor peo- ple are quite as rare as rich people, RAILWAYS CALLING FOR MEN go of telegraphy, freight, ticket snd baggmze work. Big demand owing to so mueh consiruction RU ks and wires from railways in- work and a position quaitied. Free Book 13 exnlaina, inion S¢hool Telegruphy, To- with a knowled, on.: Good anlaries vo begin. foi Tr fures you practicn. when Write rouso. and the only begzars to be met with are the Tepers, who sit on the steps :|of the pagodas. Should a Burman find himself in possession of a large sum of money he builds a pagoda and possibly & 7ayat, or rest house. IH any mofigy still remains be gives a theatriedd performance. Foaming Sauce. Molasses Doughnuts. One-half eupful of molasses, salt, one-half teaspoonful one- half cupful of sugar. one cupful of sour mitk, one large teaspoonful of each of ginger and nutmeg. one teaspoonful goda, one-fourth teaspoontul of crea milk, opé cup powdered sugar, juice' of one hoon Bent the whites of the eggs till foamy. but not dry; add the sugar grikdually and, when well mix- od, Joon Jiices then beat in thé boiling A%ik, ing it slowly. of tartar, two egys, one of sweet cream, flow? enough dle easily. to han- Bift al ingredients to- gether before adding the milk and eges. Have lard piping hot and turn Liquor and White of two eg, ong eup boiling church, unlesa accomnas parerts, some male relative or othef equally trusty attendant. At » danee'| the parents sit round the walls sip! ping their coffee or wine, and y young uien must make the best of their chances in the opportunities als forded by the dance, for when i¥! pleases the guardians to depart there: is no for it, but the girls must go'! too. unmarried girl always takes'| the righ arm of her escort, while the', because: matron fakes the left, perhaps # is nearer the heart. Relieved Monofony. "What magnificent scenery and cos' tumes you find at the operas pow." | "Yes," replied Mr. Cumrox. "Opern! is . getting to be something wort; while. They give you somethin; + look at while you're waiting for | #> get through with sll that musie." ! Standard Brown Bredd. Take two cuphils of sweet milk, one cuplul of molasses, one cupful of Tye doughnuts but onee in it. CANCER XK. . Evans. Distovetor of the sUi0u8 Briee Cancé? Cure, desires all who suffer with Canoes to write tohim. Two da; or internal exncer. preparations in anticipation of the arrival of the republican army by sea, and for this purpose is d teht troops to the north. Sent Note to Consuls. Shanghai, Jan. 5.--Referring to re- presentations contained in the identi- cal note from the foreign powers, comprising Great Britain, United Brandon, Mani Canads. States, Japar, Germany, France and - -e Russia, which was presented the consuls on Dec. 20, Wu Ti Fang tat she is quite pre yesterday addressed a note to the con- . homor the man that sary, This may als 3 wap be explains the present she counts an infallible judge) selects Weeks and is nica foier : tal REAL ESTATE The republic, 'confidivg in Tang 1 ber. BY pore Si as Rs Lek ny iN TORONTO - . - "POWER 16000 of the SAFEST favestments you ead "YOUR INCOME INCREASES Bf Ce Ehao Yi's or A Y/ONDERFUL BISCOVERY EVERY TIME YOU BUY A' whic ep A systematic jiap oF Safing bons Te murs and pio 120 Logan Ave; Toronto, Qanads. flour, one cuptul of graham, ofie cup- Toba E : . ful of cornmeal, one teas CO a I sods, a little gult- end stesn five + & MgTAGGART, M.D., CM, |c. PA fiz + Refesences ds £0 Dr. MicTaggart's professional standing aud personal lcps proudly past his lady's window, to gend her ardépy notes, bon-bons and bouquets in much the same wa 'as men do in othar. lands. It is wefl 'to remember, however, even if the girl's birth was greeted with the sil- ence required by etiquette, it is more than probable that with the passing ears she has become ve: ar to r father's heart, that he 1s anxious ' beyond all else for her happiness and red to love and father (whom | upon the chill reminds us that he was to be qliad wih 'pudt from his birth (VE sex the two say- Vor me ga "i. 14; Nora + vine, rc d chop two and | . ont ane |RAKE YOUR OWN TILE Ra ane | { cost 8 nger and BE doe for several | Wipe, pare, core one-half pounds of in a stewpan an halt cuptuls light, uice end rind gl emons, one-hgll ust enough wate rons burning. Oo! for four hours, a J rel treatment cures ¢3 0 K. D. Bvaxs 5 Ag eminent scientist, the other day, income gave ie dpinion that the most woo: ing an The rate of interest ie-searly double that obts it in safety. - ? 4 5 'The Bonds handled iri : 3

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