Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 14 Dec 1911, p. 1

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5s at resi eon Bh Gaon. orig, )-- rik on Dillon Hinge-Sta Fefcs Manufactured by the Owen Sound | Wire Fence Uo: Ltd; aud. aft . prepaied to sdpply this Wwhole|- 'community with the very BES! WIRE FENCE Produced au - Coutinent and at prices thar § ; not fail to satisfy purchasers; The DirtoN Fence is: withotit 5 peer. Iris the BEST because it is fexibles it is a squate njesh i itis a perfect hinges -stay fence, thete ore Jat is impossible fo bend the stays, "Bridge and Crown' Vitalised Air. GRAHAM D, MoGRATTAN d; Silver, Alowinim in fact it is the best fence made in this or any other country: ; "Before purchasing a Wire Fence don't fail to inspect the Dir.ook 'FENCE. J. H. Brown, DEALER IM AGRICULPURAL Turik MENTS AND MACHINERY, , | April 6 1905. Suiamace Vv Bankets and Brokers: MONEY TO LOAN. " per cent upwatds-- British Oapital) INSURANGE REAL ESTA T E Marriage Licenses. Er gents C+ P. R., &r. . sa 'MEANING OF THE CROSS This ctoss (in red) has been adopted in Caada 'ind Bll oboe America as the sublo wa habit ot street -- & Yr -- and in- alienable habit of blazoning abroad iisstatements and woefully garbled versions of "the truth concernin the matter," wha ever the thiatter might be. How: ever, they spoke truly enough who sald of Sue and me, "She'll re i fobtd him évery TEATS 3 mer for te WE REabm THB lst ten yedrs. END OF. ry Perhaps, because STREET." ot the precision of the gue#s in this instance, my re- marks were more than usually scathing concerning "gossip" in smaller towns geverally And the tittle tattle of Main xtreét, Hilton, particularly. "I'll. wager," sald I to Bue as we. passed the postoffice oh our way to' Mrs, Jack's tea, "that they Tl have us' engaged before we reach the end of the. street." Sue's hatred of gossip Is as prondunced as her love tbr her native town, and what the board walk is to Atlantic City even so i8 Main street to Hilton. "I'll wager," Bue challenged, faring my remark, "that I can have and bold agathst Maiti street for three months, it necessary, afty rhatter which you may care to, intrust to me, proyided you swear to keep faith also "You for jiccamplishing 4 that," sid: 4 reviewing th Jreak. potpts a of jold, matters of ult or less: moment ind less strentotikly guarded this will 'be, which have a reached thé 'sare of Main street." Biv 5 a : Christ nonths from to! will be nas ebb. 'Merry OHitstmas,' 1 mur nured anticipatively, Won't I look weet all done up In tissue paper and Santd Clans seals' and holly ribbon? But Jovpoatng 1 siotildn't. Suppose I ose "That 1s the end." said Bue tersdly. 1 tried to read inh her tyes over so small a hint of in n Malit street gossip. She smiled ilightly and repeated ber creed. "Be- ene | fold my hands snd wait, noe mre"-- A gonnd as of mufied scrip-! ng dnd a sharp'élick caused us to turn' towdfd the por terfed alcove Then some one joined us. 1 have but a pipe dream of the whirl fiito the Réef that night; a memory of a delicious sense of having to sit gloriously close to Sue in the well spent hazy October woods and at midnight a gol emn teremony in a dim Mt chur $25,000.00 mav be realised to ausist in 1 great life-saving work which is ever bet corning more urpelit. The cut in 3 shown the i of the gfanip for ol, thouyh the original isin thee evlors, This ns to not carry suy mail. fo! wants t comember this, though, as jt" beeu epigmmmatically expressed, any msi} willoarryis. Tho idea is for everyone to use' vhig stamp in their earrespondence Josnit now and the ofid of the year, This pla will sorve the twofold Hi of pi to reulizé the ig ) for the ai 1 needy corisaty piiv and will beside possess Au ednciifiana] velvo that ea hardly be overcstiflinte The stem e Gh sale to-day in book' stores, drug sl and elsewhere in almost every tows and. city in Cunvla. CI mon, Public School _ feschbts, Sunday' Sohnol tearhdrs, Bible Cluss workers, Daughters of the Emyife, dil organizatiovs, »f many differant kinds are assisting in the' work df spronding the sale of this Tittle sump. Ench stamp costs only one cent, 40 thut it becomes Josie for everyone to." have somo part in this great battle a nel cousumption. We have every plensure in urging our' readers to make much use of this Netto man senger of healing for the next. Spin sCrupiIng 'as sya wajusea. eye Sue shot at me one look of Stiitied a- wo prehénsion ue from the btazen mouth of the horn came an in- distinct murmur of voices and clatter, then my _ voice, 10w, bat utimigtdkable: This oder Crusade; {ike the oe of old; is. a winning. fight. The death rgté from Consumption: in this provinéé shows a deereass of over 25% In the' past few years. "Neatly 6000 of these poor sufferers have been cared «for in our. Consumptive Homes in Muskecka and néar Weston. To-day we Have 300 patients under treat- = * ment--patients who, if they had the money, could not through fear é6f contagion gain 'admittance into other years, I wouid respectfully intimate that! hospitals. am, as neual, now realy or businhcss, and 3 In the Muskoka Free Haéspital alone we 3ré; now - caring for 156 patients. 128 of these cannot pay a is i & Assorted Stock single cent for the cost of their maintenance, 15 pay JOF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS per day, 1 pays 57c, per day, 12 pay S0c. or less 250 | which I amatermined to sell very CHEAP per day. Asan rl fo CoH purchasers * madly 83 3 4 Ta Er will be ot our rok, Sl Disenunt { red Nopparial sad will be allowed on all Safes from now until SI hey Jan: 1st next, All'work being HIS sogaivai_Lof pu i dist Sali ZF MADE BY HANDEJ- "Ea § noordingly; No, an and no factory work kept in stock, the & dt ty ne a and other saper_arity of my goods will at once become | BEATE Ponti nasers will find shag b ntendin, archasers ind | wal acess Saneted to giving wip ah hefore fy sod pi, har 3 they can'be suited in quality a Tong experience in the tradt being on t' Rubber Plates, fold, Stiver or. Cement N. retuvning thanks to the public for th patronage extended to me for over 8 "Out ees, having' faith-in the generous-hearted i Jr oobi people of Canada; have tontinued to carry on this work during the past year. Monéy to pay doctors, food, nursing and cating of these Sick ones, is urgently needed. Will your readers = help dnd have the joy of sharing in a work that has' the Promise of the Master's reward ? W. J. GAGE Sanitarium Association ven by any article purch Evetthing in lite of business' kept constantly on hand and Sphinn veatly and v promptly attended | tal" " JOHN ROLPH. Perry, Dec. 1. 0. BR. Time Table. MYRTLE STATION.

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