Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 16 Nov 1911, p. 4

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von Bsthmann-Hollweg's position .is badly shaken is the only possible ver- dict on yesterday's debate in the Rei on treaties, four leading parties, Conservatives, Clericals, Liberals and Socialists, suc- | cessively attacked his arguments and vied with each other in criticizing the he dubate called harp ebate ca out many sl attacks upon Which were greeted with applause by the House and galleries. The chief attack was made by Herr Von Heydebrand and wag astonishingly bellicose. .. Referring to Chancellor Lloyd: Denrat's well-temembered epeech, he said that Germany now knows where to find the enemy. "Germans," he continued, "ard not accustomed to' submit to such thipgs. The German people will give a han answer to this English question he Government will know what an wer to give them when the hour comes. en it comes it is for the Government to say, bu its duty is to decide for the honor of the German nation. We Germans will be ready to make whatever sacrifices are ne- lcessary." (Long and continued ap- |plauge.) | The president of the chamber had to beg the members to restrain their 'demonstrations. The speaker went on: "I can declare in~behalf of all my ipolitical friends that we are ready {When honor requires to make sacrifices t only of blood, but of treasure. We are ready to make such sacrifices Whenever demanded." Road 8lid Into Lake. Chatham, Ont, Nov. 10.--Alex. Chaplin, who secyred leases from the Government to drill for oil and gas under the waters of Lake Erie, no sooner commenced the sinking of his first well than an injunction was is- Gas from Carr. The Volcanic Company ls an oil trust that practically now con- trols the Tilbury field. The plaintiffs claim that Chaplin is trespassing on Carr's property and make a novel plea to prove their iclaim. They assert that the southern {boundary of Carr's lot is eeveral rods 1out in the lake and the crown patent 130 Carr's predecessor in the title | granted land to the northwest limit of ! the old Talbot road, laid out about a century ago. | { The original Talbot road has long ! since washed into the lake, along with {several rods of the original township Tot, but Carr claims that this does not affect his boundary lines. As all the other farmers along the « lake shore are in a similar position Chaplin finds himself in a peculiar osition, and until the courts settle ie farmer's rights in the matter his scheme fo drill under the waters of Lake Erie will have to be abandoned. . . Pugsley Is Cheerful. . Montreal, Nov. 10.--Hon. William Pugsley, ex-Minister of Pyblic Works, reached the city yesterday from Ot. tawa, where he made a short stay en route home from Atlantic City. He expresses his intention of entering heartily into his Parliamentary duties with the Beginning of the session. "There is lots of good work for the Oppasition to do." said Mr. Pugsley. peaking of the Transcontinental and the improvements at Bt. John, which are necessary to enable the road to use Courtney Bera its At lantic shipping terminus. Mr, se De he Te all to fo d th i TWAT e Steps taken by the old. Delay was ornods, as the Transcontinental would be read yto use the port within a Morocco-Congo | After his speech had fallen completely flat, the speakers of the | | - man, if he : CPHONE MAR: T SUQCELS, ; 'akes Down His. Re- ives the News of Mis On Home--Erigs 'Has Developed a less Telephony by acries Apparatus. p @ntorprize, but it has apest to inaugurate ea fyetem. of hews distribation in a) which there séems fo be great i pally. in Gravel Beds. Platinum is foand nswocioted with n gravel beds. The + accumulations of y Shoded from ive aren and gradually con- centri in one Joeality by theicon- tinned 'action of water. It is a rare metal and the accumulation must be from a great extent of country if a paving deposit is to be developed. | Platinum is of a Silver ray 0! which is yarely tarnished. Its develop- mila re gold .i¢ usually associated with quartz aud light-colored. rocks plati- num will ba found more commonly with dark-colored rocks and especially thosn of a greenish shading. It is arly Jn view of the; found only in small quantities. except entio n in ing how easy it is to t the use of 'wires. with the aid of his aratus, which consists solely of a su. 1 box, taining = the battery, motor, and transformer, which can be carried about # nd thus enable every to have his own him, has managed : and digtinetly by his system of wimgless 'telephony over' a distance of ik miles. to speak over fift; h and he telephone Mr. Matthew telephone. with 0 speak clea miles, and mproves his why. the » Bi i ] Among the people mast Interested in this invention are the newspaper pro- prietors of Budapest. who some: time ago adopted a unique device which spreads the latest local and foreign news throughout the city in less than ten minutes after the central news office has received the information. The instrumnet of dispatch is call- ed the "talking newspaper," and it is neither a public Fogus h nor a news sheet hurriedly distributed. It is a sort of telephonic news service, and is the only thing of its kind in the world. orking in commection with the associated newspapers of the city, a central office has heen estab- lished, which is the core of the cur- fous system. At the first hint of news Semin In over the telephone instru- ment any or all of the newspaper offices, this central telephone office is called, and whatever the news is, from for 3 feat, the bureau is advised of it The bureau agent then rings his signal and this signal calls to his special news telephone at the same in- stant every subscriber in Budapest. After a reasonably long interval, long enough to allow subscribers to get to their receivers, the despatch is slowl: and distinctly read at the central of- fice and subscribers all over the city stand listening to the same voice. After the news is read it is once re- peated for the benefit of those who may not have clearly understood the first time or who may have been de- layed in answering the signal. In order to have this service install- ed in the house one has to be in the first place a subscriber to a news- paper. Upon showing his subseri tion-receipt he may, at a small addi- tional cost, have the news-telephone put in. This instrument is composed merely of a pair of receivers and a call-bell. Tt is hung on the wall and has sufficiently long wires to allow the listener to sit comfortably in his chair with one of the small receivers 84 such Sar ais is i iw © up or of * Pack? It is for Hstening only. .. Nor do thesp features include all the curious ad 8 of thi system. Every evening the Central switch is, by special arrangement with the Royal 'Opera management, connected with $he big transmitter in the auditorium of the Opera House, 80 that the complete music of the 'opera, voices and orchestra, is heard not only by the great crowds that fill » and galleries there, but by all those others who sit in armchairs and He on couches at home in dimly. lighted parlors and boudoirs. Didn't Want Their Benevolence. How difficult it is to make laws to suit everybody is illustrated again in the tal whidh lecimes from England about the lassies of Lancashire. The r slaves! They spend their young ives pushing heavy coal tubs to the pit brows of the mines. No decent civilisation would permit its women to be 80 injured! Bo the philanthrol ists ar , and straightway a bill was passed idding the employ- ment of women 'at the pit brows. But ery ut rneleiaries grateful? Not at ey tested. A deputation of them traveled to London upder the aegis of the mayor and mayor's wife of Wigan to Bite the repeal of the aw | all looked healthy," says 'the report, "and well dressed for their station." They are quite able to do the work, they protested, and do not iwant any benevolent Parliamentary interv Dn. To Remove Ink Stains. Apply salt and lemon juice to the stain and it to the rays of the sun. Repeat prlisstion several times it necessary, When ink has been spilt on 8 carpet dump a whole lot of 'salt oh fhe place immediatley and "Wi salt around. It will absorb the ink. 'rubbing thé place with 4 stein Js regioved. England at two or three localities. Grindell Matthews, who has|C time have been of regular s unique |, Western olombia and eastern Russia have gravel beds which afford the principal supply of this metal. Elsewhere it 13 found over considerable areas. but not Saiolaly concentrated to be of im- portanoe. Platinum may be looked for and is found among the formations adjacent to regions of old volcanic activity, The distribution is principally in al tered rocks und segregation :eems to have bcen the principal cause contri- Shortly he buting to its collection® in' are bodies, The deposits found up to the present minerail- 4 und h Y with platinum and will k y their greater hardness. brighter surface and great specific gravity. Still Unmarried. "Our likes and dislikes are guided by the personal equation--whatever that is," commented the bachelor. "Indeed?" queried the suffragette. "Yes; the property we buy at a real estate forced sale is always the high- est and driest, while fhe other fellow's property, we are willing to swear, is under water." "Are you getting ready to argue?" "No, I'm still unmarried. But wanted to show how different we all feel about ourselves and our property from other people and their property. You know, I have a room in a flat with & young married couple. I have one there so that I can observe the martial--or is it marital?--existence. A couple of months ago the stork brought them a baby." "A boy or a girl?" asked the suffra- ette, revealing a spark of woman- ood; then she added, quickly, "but never mind; it will be a voter, any- way, some day." 'On the floor below us is another baby," went on the bachelor. 'The other day the quiet of the house was disturbed by lusty yelling. '" 'Is that our little cherub crying?' asked the mother. '" 'No,' the father answered; "it's the brat downstairs'." Clay Eaters In Africa. In the colony of Upper Senegal and Niger, near a place named Diekuny, exists an edible clay of which the natives are very fond. It is found in a layer between strata of limestone, and a gallery has been driven into the. earth for the extraction of the substance. It is not only eaten on the epot, but, broken into pieces a few inches across, is sold to the in- habitants of the surrounding country over a radius of some twenty miles. It is said by French explorers that ome natives consume several po of this strange food every da; similar custom is found in dan' in other parts 'of Africa. A Good Fellow. When a man is generous to a fault ii is usually his own fanlt. BANKS and INSURANCE COMPANIES BUY BONDS Its mags One very good reason why yon hs consider seriously a Bond investment is this; dian chartered Banks, Insurance€om- panies, and all financial institu- tions which continually have funds to invest and are in the best' position to know safe and profitable investments, are large purchasers of bonds. q Much of the money you deposit in Banks, Trust Companies and Insurance, is invested in bon at a considerably higher rate of interest you ve. 9 We wastto get in fouch with those 01 to at whoo Sovpe or soa cor Literature full description of 3 Sinners oh be seat on request. ROYAL SECURITIES - CORPORATION BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING YONGE AND QUEEN STS. TORONTO RM. WHITE =~ Manager x HONTAEAL-QUEBEC-HALIFAX-LONDSN(ENG.) r to gold, except that] Nervous prastra disease to or who symptoms. At -times th compnratively well, b exertion the dreadful 'he turns and sll strengt seems to Jeave the sy. This letter from Mra.) f well describes the tereil in which many a snffere sell. She rlso tells hows health and strength "hy: CHase's Nerve Fond. after 'treatments had tailed Mrs. Edwin. Ma sweep the "nerve, food hel doctors failed. Tt in building up my nerv can do my own housework. washing, 'and feel . that medicine has heen a Gods I think it is the best of ms Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 6 for $2.60, at all dealers son, Butes & Co., Limited, Toro: THE "FORTY THIEVES." Patriarchal Confidence Man 8 K.D. Evaas, Discoverer of the tamons Evans' | Cander Cure, desires sl) who sufler with Cances Jail. is The "King of the Forty Thi was sentenced to twelve month brisinpen at Pembrokeshire Q essions recently. ho His name is John Jones; a archal person of eightydour He was charged, with George aged 64, with obtaining £15 by dence tricks from Evén Dav farmer. A Bristol police inspector dei ed the venerable John Jones a head of a gang known as "The Thieves," and Geo. Jones as inent member. The gang, fi by John Jones, attended the fairs throughout the country Bristol to Liverpool, John Jones, it was stated, us Srese 1h Jerioal gaih and ste a ntance w prospective prin and a member of the would have a horse suiting ulsesis of, say, one ugh the benevolent interv of John Jones this horse w. sold as a bargain, but, either b; ting the buyer under the influe drink, or some similar metho would be deprived of the hors his money. Other members g gang would have other horses in the various guises the eco trick would be worked on tarmers. Previous convictions were against both prisoners Empress of Germany's The Empress of German: valued at more than $1,000 collection ie rare and supe of the jewels are heirlog Prussian crown and may only by the réigning 'que Kaiserin is said to have je: at $500,000 of her own. than 40 diamond rings, bracelets, brooches, watch trinkets. She has one bi with one large diamond- smaller diamonds. Before portant court affair the always examines the jews if the stones are set firm fact, however, the Kaiser wears any jewelry excep Bhe prefers to dress sim all display of jewelry. and have as much elasti worn down as when new. HAVE YOU = , particulars Home of he any the jewelry th 45 weler Mo see As a eldom Soourt, avoid write tohim. Two days' treatment cures es. ternal or faternal cancer. Write so K. D. Rvans Canada. Good Weekly incems Wonderful Opportunity Constant Employment Diplomas Granted ROYAL CQLLEQK OF EN When the Wedge Came Out. © A very small man--not only small as to stature, but lacking also in width of beam--sat.in a street &ar un- til he became tightly wedged in from both sides. Then there entered the ear a large, handsome woman uphol- stered to the minute. She took the strap in front of the small man and was hanging to it in discomfort when the small man arose, with a flourish of politeness, and touched her on the ake my seat, madam," he said, 0 bow on a smile. h sank: you very much," she ad turned toward. th / 1 Because Mrs. Stanton is the dsugh. |? ten of one doctor, the daughter-in- law of another and the wife of a third nearly everybody was much amused when she attended a course of "first aid* lectures. Dr. Stanton is still amused, al- though his wife cannot see why. Not long ago when recounting the facts to a visitor, Dr. Stanton added: ""Apd you can't tell the difference between drunkenness and apoplexy, ean you, Julia?" "Certainly I can," retorted Mra. Stanton. "How?" returned the visitor. "By the smell," Mrs. Stanton re- plied, with dignity. Headless Butterflies. To the butterfly, unlike most crea tures, the head seems to be not indis- nsable. Reporting some experiments re the French Senders of Beiences, Prof. Vianney of the Lyons Univer. sity states that a number of "jpsect larvae were carefully beheaded aud that in spite of this they went through the usual stages of metamorphosis. Caterpillars of the genus bombyx be- came mature butterflies, with fine col. ored, streaked wings. They were lit tle troubled by their headless condi- tion'and lived for a considerable time. ' "Obtaining Heirs In China. jiltad at least twice. "The money was feft by a big financier, wha, realizing 'that 'beauty is an attraction hard:to overcome, made a provision in hie will" that out of the income of thn fund not less than $80 shall go with the ugliest irl' in any year and the 'cripple shall receive '$60. The women over 40 who have been by a lover receive, when the permit, $50 each, but the trustee can vary this amount and at his own dis- cretion, offer a larger prize to some one who will marry an unusually ugly girl or one to whom nature has been | firf specially unkind. } A Real Gentleman. "John, a peddler came round to- day selling stove polish. He was a very agreeable gentleman. Why, he talked so pleasantly about the | weather." 'Really ?* Yes, and I bought a packet. Then he complimented the baby and I bought another packet." * "Hm "Presently he said our hall was kept in better order than any in the neighborhood and them I bought an- other' packet." "Great Scott!" "Before he left he said be thought I was your daughter instead of being old enough to be your wife. Then 1 bought three additional packets. Oh, it doesn'¥'do any harm to en- courage a real gentleman, when you | meet one." What's Coming Next? The tragedy of the horse-drawn 'bus * London's streets is almost com- plete; % : : t. 81 ndmark in etropolis, rumbled in 5 50 of 'the st. There may*Besm- few privately: owned 'buses in the suburbs, but the London General Ommibus Co. bave parted with horses. It has taken seven years for petrol to conquer horses. In 1904, the first service of motor-omnibuses ran from Peckham to Oxford Circus. Horse<drawn 'buses enjoyed an ex- istence of over eighty years. The first one ran from Paddington to the Bank, in 1829. At one time there were over 4.000 of these vehicles on the streets of the big city. Uruguay's Whitewash. Attention of travelers through Uru- guay is attracted to the fine white color of the farm buildings even dus- ing the wet season. The effect is ob- tained by a whitewash in which the juice of the common cactus plays the prominent part. The sliced leaves are macerated in water for yonte four hours, and. to {his creamy li- quid lime is added. Thé wash appli- ed to any substance produces a beau- tiful pearly white appearance which lasts for years, RIE E EYE RENED "For Red, Wesk, Weary, Wetery Eyes and N° GRANULATED EYELIDS Murine Doesn't! A Drop Bulletin. rnd enggaed garden work sll cally e garden worl the s; .. She way especially inter: I ee. seed' and ya Anything said 'the burglar. Your £ onagraph." = = ¥ ilo © exclaimed the housd. Here's' a five-dellar bill for ind. your son's Dunehing bes." * "My denr sir," Faciaimed the house. hold delightedly. "1 shi!" have peace in uy 'jouse at last! Will you share a bottle 2 champagne with mre Golden Bullets. ° Bullets of solid gold were used hy Yaqui Indians in fighting against Pore lo Diaz in the recent Mexican re- volution, acearding to passengers ar- riving-from Mexican ports. In Mazat. lan pitals, where many wounded were' operated upon, 'discovery of the golden pellets, it 'was said, was an ordinary ocenrrence, but few patients had received enough of them to pay the doctor bills. Pepper Relish. % "Remove the seeds, then chop fina twelve red ppers and twelve green ts and six large onions. Cover PAN boitin water, stand five min- utes, then drain Bring to the boiling int four cupfuls 'vinegar, two cup- 'uls brown sugar, three tablespoon. fuls salt, add the chopped pickle and boil five minutes. _ Perhaps. A college education may prevent man [rom dying rich. C. P. A 45, 191 .. A NcTAGS Referencesas to Dr. McTaggart's 'professional standing and persoual integrity permitted by: - Sir W. R. Meredith, Chief Jpstice, Sir G. W. Ross ex-Premier of On- tario. Rev. N. Burwash, D.D., President Vietoria College. § Right Rev. J. F. Sweeney, Bishop of 'Toronto. e Hon. Thomas Cofiey, Senator, "Ca- tholic Record, ** London. Dr. McTaggart's vegetable reme- dies for the lignor®and tobacco habits are healthful, safe, inexpen-' sive home treatments.r No hypo- derhic injections ; no publicity ; me loss of time from business, and a certain cure. Consultation or cof- respondence invited. To ensure attention address DR. MCTAGGART, "Care Central Press Agency, Terento. la had been enthus- anxiously for sprouts to appear above |' Large & Assol 0 3 1] ge satisfy purchasers The Dirton Fence is witho peer It is the BEST. because it flexible ; it is'a square mesh; perfect hinge-stay fence, 'therefo it is impossible to bend the "stay in fact it.is the best fence m: this or @ny other country," Before purchasing a re Fene don't fail to inspect the DyLL FENCE. ; J. H. Brown, DEALER IN. AGRICULTURAL InpLE- |b ret ning thinks tothe publiofor tt pitronuye extended to me for over 3 years, I wenid respectiully intimate that: am, as usval, mow ready for businces, ind have a . 5 N¢ -4 Sha, § + will be allowed on ull Sules from HOW. uy Jun. lst next. All work being ZF MADE BY HANDY} and mo factory work kept. in stock; thi: super ority of my goods will at once hegome apparent, » ntending purchasers will find shat hy giving me a call heforc looking elsewhers they can be suited in quality and price, u:y long ex) erience iu the: trade heing an .indis /putavle guarantee that perfect satisfaction will be given by any article pnrehased. BEverthing in my line oF Davie k constantly on hand and repairs neat], promptly attended to. ; JOEN ROLPH Port Perry, Dec AES PEL]

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