Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 16 Nov 1911, p. 3

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weatherproof roof on a fair sized et ht cao th Suton Bind Pulips, ne! Narcissus and Raster Lites. : @rolard's. FIRST - . BLASS FARM FOR SALE. rpEe undersigned offers for sale his fine 'farm being the North-half of lot 18, con. 4 REACH, containing 100 Acres more or less, on which is erected a splendig, * contmodious Brick Residence © containing all modern conveniences ; a new Barn 40x80, hip-roofed, stone found- ation; 'and. stables the whole size of the building, one large and one: small Driving Honss. . The soil is clay loam in a high state. of cultivation. An Orchard. Hard and Soft Water conyenient This fine pro- kd is situated 'at Prince Albert, close to e railway station and is within one mile of Port Perry. Possession to plow octhwith and full pessesion this fall. For fall Particulars apply to the proprie- tor on the premises = / JAS McCULLOCH, Ak 15, 1911, Prince Albert, Ont Farm for Sale Nast half of fo 12 Concession 6, Cargwright, Durham County, containing 190 acres, Erected on : hramises wre a good frame lla AVING purchased the ! Butchering Business and good will of Mr, I. J. Wheeler 1 would like to inform all his old customers and as many new ones as possible that I intend to keep at all times a good assortment of all kinds of the Best Meats--Fresh and Salt--obtainablé and dt reas: onable rates as possible. I am also ini the market, dt all times for Cho icc Cou Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Sheepskins; al the Highest Market Prices, EZ Fresh Fish every Tuesday. : Cotrteous treatment and prompt delivery. May 26, 1909. CW A. BOYCE A FULL STOCK OF EVERYTHING IN THE Harness Line CHE BAPNESS STYLE a AN INVESTMENT in' education always pays: the best interest For years we have given hundreds a foothold*in the commercial world, An in- crease of 110 of in attendance over that of Tast year proves the growing popu- larity of our school What we have done for others we can do for you, HOME STUDY COURSES Lindsay Business College (Affiliated with Dominion Correspondence School) A H. SPOTTON - President. FALL TERM SEPT. 4 'Have accepted the Agency for Th ii Fin Mills Co. [Millers to the Royal Family! And are prepared to promptly fill all orders entrusted to their care, They have the one Flour that gives satisfaction to the consumer--THE RovaL HousenoLp--fills the bill, every pound is guaranteed. After giving it a fait teial if not satisfied return the balance (if over 51bs.) aud your money will be cheerfully refanded. The millionaire cannot buy a better flour Tar RovaL Hotsewoup, nor even the|po poorest family use a flour that is more economical, AND GLENORA FLOUR Pott. Perry, Aug. 1, 1911. : Clark Would Annex Canada. { Freemont, Neb. Nov. 8.--Speskes Chemp Clark, who started all the an-' nexatiop talk by 8 jocular Islsrensd Durability and STRENGTH, Cannot be urpassed in the County, one acre oft arc never failing stream, hard and soft Water. One mile from Rail- way, one mile from village of Blackstock. 2} miles from Caesarea, he famous Summer Resort on Lake | ugog Situated in the best farm- 'ing section in'the county of Durham. or further particulars apply to the tindersigned. | Davo J. & DoucrLas Port | Lave Tan, : . /_ Nestleton, Ont, For Port Perry and vicinity WANTED A Live Representative for Port Perry 4 "e i n. euker Clark is, & Nebraska for 8 of speeches to further the cam- . Bievens for Cons late James Pi Bourassa Por Whittiey. dn one of the Canadian Fcipros 3: | | Syening has an article on the Ontario' fens ot the people of the nation tav- cases the confidence of the people tl the TE Sole | administration " any province since Herds seeks in earnest the re these of the ex-Minister of Montreal, Nov. 3.--Mr. Henri Bour- speeches, yesterday declared i tovincial elections, ne that S annexation of Canada. Ontario, as it has has given that pr 'm willing to m Sipe | £3 ep ridicules Hon. Bo lections we hor Vaughan de cause of their defeat, it will not he the Bt. Louis Club, asea, M.P.P., in Le Devoir yesterday litichl audience here that ee Whitney Govetnmeny certainly ok don't care who hears me {| Ye the most progressive and ot Lemieux's statement that the oy adds Le Dey {n making such ridiculous oa Le ab, PORT PERRY MARKETS. Quotations by A Ross & Son.) Nov. 16, 1911 | 75 @ $o 78 75@ xc 50 @ 70@ 3 @ 25 @ CAWKIR 3808 ' (Successors To JaMresoN & DEenNISON.) LIVERY Having purchased the Livery business carried on by Jamieson & Farm for Sale, Dennison, aud the premises con- | IPHE andersigged aed olers dor sale| nected therewith we intend to that excellent farm, 'being lot 15, 4 in the township of REHORSE. THE STABLES with first class animals, and install New 'wl Upo-Date Vehicles witht modern: -Trappings which for [cansfort and conveniétite cannot Bg surpassed. Special attention pid to the rete of Comrcial Travel| our oharges are hserstetand we guarabtegto flea atro ; Putsauge solicited: Fall Wheat Spring Wheat DAMS, Goose Wheat erry; Ont. | and Surrounding District to sell High ' Class Stock for THE FONTHILL NURSERIES -- More fruit trees will be planted in the Fall of 1911 and Spring of 1912 than ever before in the history of Ontario. The Orchard of the future will be the best paying part of the farm. We teach our men Salesmansbip, Tree Culiuce andhow hig profits in friut-growing ean be mada, Pay weekly, permanent employment, exclusive tevritory. Write for Particulars, STONE & WELLINGTON TORONTO. Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks &c., in abundance, Comparison of Prices Oourtéd Ww. A. BEATTY FRESH & TENDER CAWKER BROS. In returning thanks to the plblic for the extensive pat- rénage bestowed upon them ¥. DOUBT MERCHANT TA1LOR, Keeps in Stock a full supply of up- to-date LOTHS Suitable for all Seasons BR Cattle, per 1b Hogs, per 100 Ibs. Beans ... Grass Seed... ..... Alsike Clover. _. Red Clover Peas--Black-eye ... Peas--Small..... Buckwheat , Co} ing 200 acres mote or less, of ehoice land a large por- Aion of which is cleared, the balance being splendidly wooded. * The fand| is in-a capital' state of eultivation There is on the premises an orchard and a complete supply of water, There is alargé barn with cement] floor stabhag, and a smaller barn' on the north end of tHe lot; also a ellin se on the south arg of, the farn) is a capital one, being -about 1§ miles | from Pott Perry on a Jeading road: farm § is, In every respect, a. Geese... Ducks . Chickens... .. 10@ foie to Gris |EERY POUND oF JON J EDWARD BMWN, Gluazenbteed. Th first class half a'm ay station. iL Far particulars and terns, apply & proprietress on the premises. z RUERRILL. dairy farm and is onlyf: from. Manchester rail} "ar Prove Nol Siting of the Dirision Ga OAWKER BROS. plist sd . 88 of Chapter | We can supply you with Good Old SEE SCRANTON. arin, 1897, notice is hereby given that | all creditors and others bavi claim aghinst the estate of John Edward Whitby ru the. County of Gaara J SL oty of Oatario: 1 tarmer, who dled op 'abont tha Hoth' 3 AD. 1, are, on or| § URING MY ABSENCE in the Great West I iegotiat- ed to Shll over 50,000 Acres of Land, in from a quartet, n any nuthber of sections--im and nbrokert --~conveniefit to Railways and Markets in NITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN, AND ALBERTA, would intimate, that as in the past only choice fat animals will bg slaughtered, so as to ensure the ehoicest and ten- derests Cuts possible, and we intend at all tithes to have an sii *pply of SiO cyt Wo wast want a rine ma to sell ialties in Fruit Rases, ete., in Hor Pe Homa Sala, : REE RS

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