f | shels fre AR BH 'Jan. 1, 1918, the TE opea acyuigh on's uisition bl the ean 'Coal % Io and geal I the panic Cor08 a Socinced iets Agly criticized. 'The | ny, ©. misled 1 fat when they "ihab byt little benefit will come to the Steel Corpotatiea from the pur- chase. Interlocking directorates {hroheh which those in power in the 8 Corporation held positions of influ- ence on the directorates of other pow- erful corporations, are referrtéd to as "am more refined, more euphem- jous, but nevertheless more effective than pools." The bill goes on to allege the for mation of illegal pools known as the "Steel Plate Association, the Btructur al Steel Association, the Biel ail Combination, the bination, the Rub) Combination, the facturers' Associstion, the Under found Power Cable bination, the 'eatherproof and Magnsie Wire bination, the Land cased Rub! Cable Combination, and the Bare Oop- r Wire Combination." These ate al ged to have been ean! teiteints to suppress competition fix prices in the commodities indicated by their names. It was not gene stpposed that action against the giant corporation was 80 near at hand. Man lieved that the attitude taken by the corpor- ation's officials in recent Dubjje state- nts probably accelerated the oare- tite Jad plans, The former sebret of "ar's retention as al oolinse! ame known for the first time yes- « when the bill was filed. Will Fight For Its Life. New York, Oct. 27.--The U. B. Bteel Corporation is prepared to fight for its existence. The announcement took the steel men completely by sur- prise, and they declined to make any comment for the $ime being. The attitude of the corperation is set forth clearly, however, in a statement which it issued a month ago. In that state- ment it proclaimed its belief that it was within the law. 'Ii declared over the signature of J. P. Morgan that it would not dissolve voluntarily The stock of the Bteel Co tion is now selling sboui 25 points below the high price of the year. Word of the dissolution suit did not ch Wall Street until almost an hoar er the elose of the stock market for so that its effect upon secur- has mot been registered. The shares were heavy all thro tv session. The yess against the 1-ck was attributed to many rumors ending unfavorable developments «ing the directors' meeting. Brok- ade preparations to place orders « London market, which opens the beginning of trading on lew Fors Parnas this morning. . HAS RL Saw a Strange Man. : ar ut which the ETRE IMPTLY 5