's Kidne Pile arebighien any backache, regu- e and restore to normal onder: They Are guaranteed A 1 c. box, or post- 2 Al dsnler T. Booth Ca. Ltd. t Erie, Ont. i yon would like est:them free write for a trial "The steamer Marie Louise owned : by The Baker Lumber Co. her last trip of the season, andi is now 'at er moorings § for the inter The : the Kawartha Lakes. She also went through the entire season without an aceident and holds the tecord of towing up the Scugog 24 cribs of logs, which was the lon tow =ver brought to Lindsay. Thi feat was accomplished only a fo weeks ago. The captain, of the Marie Louise, Oliver Raymes, has a anique record as'a Gaba having - completed his thirty-fifth season on these waters, being twelve years with the present company. He commenced at Port Perry and is one of the best known and most efficient captains on the water.-- Lindsay Watchman-War- der. Hair Beautifier Refined Women the World Over Use It. Every woman knows that there is nothing so good for hair and scalp trouble as Parisian Sage. If Parisian Sage is used two or three times a week it will keep the scalp nice and clean and remove dandruff. It makes the hair lustrous and flufty, and keeps it from falling out. We urge every woman who love radiant and fascinating hair to go to Edw. B. Flint to-day and get a large soc bottle of Parisian Sage, he guarantees it to cure dandruft, falling hair and itching Sap) or money back. errr $2,000,000 Survey About Compl ete. : yor, BC, Octy19.--J. D i f the Canadian Boun- : Alaska: to y 325. S oe past few months have evoted to running a line ic the s41st imeridian from Mt. St. Elias, to the Arctic Ocean. This line is the boundary between the the northern parts of the United States and Canada. The survey started this year at the Arctic Circle and completed the line to within 30 miles of the Arctic Ocean. The work consists of cutting paths 20 feet wide through the dense timber putting up bronze monuments at average distances of three miles apart and mapping the country The expedition consisted of go men and 200 horses. Canadian survey- 'ors composed about half of the joint party. The survey of the boundary be- the northern possessions of the United States and Canada, is Costing the two Governments joint-- fy about $2,000,000. The work has been going on for the past fourteen years, but will be compléted prob. ably pext year. Work on the 141st meridian, has been under way for the past five years, With the ex- tension of the line from Davidson's ountains, where it 'was left this year, Io the the Art Qcean, the en- br hy; ~~ will - "have :beén mpleted. Y The. Davidson - Moun- 5 Bre about 8,000 feet high and e very rugged and inacgsisibie. Hein Wanted. vgs ; Send stamp, for "National Manufacturing with histotig hainiy" ot dening trom 3,300 BIO. to 1911 A.D. Br probably one of the eld- #eeing thot as soon as man 'was man, h he doubtless began to gestie- ulate 'With his face, body -and' limbs. as a geteral rule antique dancing wes . gohneoted with religious cer- 3 ni a connection which was main! ped Dp ote atrieenh con Ha 11 found in.some countries, ous to remember this fact fecalied how dancing bas been many diurthes ahd fo. a pun at different on sround with him a ption of Bs deeds. More than that, they actually boast of them in public ab times and are brought to arrest this wa " Thete {mprudence is a characteristic which, of course, helps the police ex- tremely. They have read again and again sbout Siger prints serving as marks of identification, yet the lower class cannot. refrain from "eating and drinking what they find in the house they may rob.' They know that their fingers will leave matks, but they do not care. They are gamblers who not think of tne future. They are imprudent in other ways, 100. ey send {dolish telegrams to each other, and one assassin dress out his wife ln the clothes and jewels of his victim. 14 is, indeed, a marked and very useful characteristic, Tt may be the lunge, the organs, but if 1 1s likely rdiestion, yu fh 4 og |OF tinged of sefut not a question of lorgeiting So 80 or. ping to. think ; much as ato] dos: DT aan Senied that ho had been In Taly, but [8nd red {have fegarded es a useful kind tof drill, and the Dorians considered jhete success in battle wes due to the delerity and training uired in the tpractice of this dance. is Pyrrhic ig atiod war introduced into Rome by ulius Caesar. Under the Ings ih owever, dancing degeneralad, an Hus bolished the Saturnalia and {exiled the teachers in dancing, but Without much improvement to the {manners and morals of the time. dancing was admitted {a connettion !%ith religious ceremonies in the Chris- figs church at an early date, and still kes place at certain fostivals in ! ville PCathedral, It was forbidden at. Parls by Archbishop Odo in the (18th century. Dancing as we understand it, se a {frm of social )--tercourse -nd amuse ment, is of much later origin than {the religious and ceremonial art; ft jgcems to have taken its place among ithe social amusements towards the lend of the thirteenth century. One of the most impoftant early works on 'dancing was written by a ryoverent {scclesiastic, the Canen of Langres, i who recommended the study of the ut |es a means of developing stiengin (hoe good manners and oourtesy {latter seems to have been in need of \ensouragsment, to judge from some of hy canon's recommendations. 'For instance, he writes: "Hold the head and body straight, have a count 'enance of assurance, spit and cough little, and, if necessity compels you, '$uzn your face the other side, and use @ beautiful white handkerchief. alk Siously in gentle and honest speech, : or Jorg; our hands hang as it jaeitn or too i of gestioulation. Be dressed cleanly, 'avec la chausses bien tiree et l'escarpin ptopre'." ! The modern Bait owes 1 3 n ie eo he was found to have a lot of pictures of that country, and was gravely com. promised thereby. In the same wal they leave blotting paper ghouls a words thereon are put togethe Praying Caps. "Priylng caps," a recent departure in women's headgear, are thie result of the recent hot season in Chicago. The new millinery is the oulgrowth of the custom of woméh to go about in hot weather Without a h covering. The women attending ch services, however, discovered that they were wolating" the rule which prohibits a woman frown entering without a head covering. B80 the women got ether and devised the "praying-caps." They are small, circular caps of black cloth that scarcely can be eeen when perched on the heads of dark-haired women. Lighter colored ones will be made lor blonde women who do not care to wear conspicuous black Jeaqgea. A supply of the caps has | posite. been placed inside the entrance of one of the churches and any woman who desires to attend the services hatless may do so in the future with- out fear of violating church rules. That Ended It Because he was too soft-hearted to ask his poverty-stricken landlad: bu new rugs for his room, the altru- istio young man bought several small rugs and spread them over the floor. Immediately after the next sweeping day she presented a bill for the week's expenditures. Item, room rent, break- fasts, laundry. and beating nigs, 25 iH lo," said the altruistic youn ello," si io man, "what does this mean?' 1 "Just what i4 says," "If folks must cover their floor with extra rugs they'll have to pay for Pot | = ing 'em, that's all. I can't afford to do it for nothing And from that 'moment altruism lost a disciple. Resignation. Tae ber last husband Sia? she returned. thelr functions, Hfpe digestion becomes ly new 'energy ai way to every 00) sand body. To keep' #8 ong spring use Dr. Thase's 50 cents 'a bo: 8 for dealers, or Edpiineon, B Limited, T: D ays Some of the mast "Ati shave their Meads with 8 riizor-like ¢ hair with cans keep inches in length and ak with vegétable oils. Girll stiffen their locks with" and soft, fluffy hair is o curse. mehow some' that the stiffestc h and stil He Lived a Long' William Billings died in} 1791 at the age of 111 y the lest of Queen Anne's "How would you » A 'from | @on7t" pion doing et : the most famous Sap a century were Mlle. Taglion anny Elssler; while 2 the EE i ; Fak Pavlova. One of the great- at has taken place in iE i FESHEF i Hi to so suddenly into he has not a remarks EEE A BOND IS A FIRST MORTGAGE g A bond is split up nie Seno one hundred Bonds are a AA fotin of a > ee to place it Eo ox scvaratinrge mortgages. § Nowadays an fssne of bonds de instead. SECURITIES CORPORATION » LITE BANK OF v3 uaranten § other races do jullt PRESET TATIVE D to work in Ey A .00 te $8.00 per, days o tunity so vanoe rapidly; ally for ® apes time; Work oy ny ile SRsciance required. nsinal' le Prom, Sadtan avenue, Toronto REAL ESTATE. . TICTON-SO HERN OKANA- | PEN P SGAN-Fruls orchard oF : i$ FREE VESTMENT 'S BUREAU ARTIFICIAL LINES En AT IT SATISFIES Telloves fhe fat to the & Sores oadd 4 joomtars Cl nd TRUSSES gt vary description s+ Moterate DOMINION ARTIFICIAL LIMB La. oft Ia the above for Th br ] "BRUCE ScoTY REAL ESTATE Cildy Has Grown in Population From 17,000 to 60,000'i1 Five Years. BUY NOW, : THE RECENT ANNOUN NT OFC. P. R.- SHOPS LOCATING IN CALGARY WILL, WITH THE NATURAL GROWTH, MAKE A CITY OF ONE 'HUNDRED THOU: SAND INSIDE OF THREE YEARS. Population Means Increased Real Estate Values. 1 LOTS FOR SALE--EASY TERMS--BUY NOW "The B. & R. Co., Limited 'ToroNTo ORFICE-24RoOM 166; 34 Kino St. Hdsr. Pp » "Continent and at pri not fail to satisfy Dn » 'The DirLon Fence is without & peer. It is the BEST 'becatit 4 flexible ;.it isa square mesh i {perfect hinge-stay fence, th it_is impossible to bend the 5 in fact it is the best fence thi this or any other country, 'Before purchasing # Wire; don't fail to inspect fhe Fane. . Brown, IH 3 ac ' iN AGRICULTURAL Yard: MENTS AND Macaingry. | April 6, 1905. 1. serif thanks to , public fof > ik patronage extended tome for years, I. 'wenid or Soy rg intimaté thi am, as wal; How nl jor: Ci INH (HOM IPILY SECUR i)