0000 Cero FRRARCAEPARARPIBE 000COO~®WANKNODO : nN £535E888688898 R803 000000 ONBH EAS ooo 23350 R Eng tah ax Qoowo a ny THE! MARKETS. Liverpool and. Chicago What Futures Close Lower--Live Stock. « Latest Quotations. CHICAGO, July 8.--A sudden. col lapse in prices 'to-day came as an me mediate result as -an-end of the hea and drought. Corn-led the downfall, closing with a net lo: of. 2 §-8¢ to 3c. finishing Wheat was +1 1-8¢ and 1 14c to 1 3-80 lower than last 2 ht, while nrovisions, too, scored line' of a nickel to 26c. a reversed the action of yester- psed at almost the bottom session, During the ses sion 'Sept. Bani from 63-3-4c to 634, closing fairly steady 'at 64 1-8c, a net. fos of 2 5-80. 'The Liverpool iparket clesed to-day 1a {i od lower than. yesterday on wheat, nd %d lower on corn. Antwerp wheat Sioned unchanged, Berlin Ye lower, Buta Pest %c lower, 'Winninée Options. Clove. Open. | igh, Low, Close. 'Mentrost Grain i> Produce. MONTREAL. 4 July 4.--A fair amount of busine: rked In low grade Mami. pine, wheat over The scabies but but for No, (pou > Daanid Brown, 'Teeve of the Touuship of Thorah, was. by, tning' and burned to the Jd. Mr. Brown's loss will be "as four horses, twenty-five one. cow and six calves were 2 his hens sod imple- ments were burned. x . rations 5 Struck. . Niagara Falls, Ont., July 7.--For half an hour at the moet fe raged along the trontier. On the Am- erican side great hail stones fell. Sev. eral trolley cars were struck by light ning. Firemen were called out to ex- tinguish a blaze resulting from 'two telegraph poles being struck. Boatman's Body Recovered: 5 Bault Ste. Marie, July 7.--A Sy taken from the Hver two miles below the Boo Wednesday evening has been identified as that of John Sherwood, a local boatman, who met his death in the river last November, while bringing a party of Canadians, three of whom were drowned, to the Cana- disn . 1% was rumored at the time of the accident that She es- caped and had left for parts unknown, faring the consequences of his act. The body hag been interred in the lo- cal cemetery at the expense of ithe city, as he had no relatives here. * Fisk Ds by Thousands, Chatham, Ont., July 7.--The fish in Lake Erie are ding by the thousands, and are daily being washed tip on the -shores. Along the lake fromt near Erie Beach and Erieau people are '| burying dead pickerel, bass, and her ring by the ton. No reason can assigned for this remarkable duet ter af. the finny «tribe * Montreal, July' 'he proscres of Sir Se, I Bir Don- ald Mann, together with Col. David: gon, ii city 'at the same time has given rise to much specu n, apd some of the forecasts were veri- rday when it was officially Bet [os the A the Canadian North ern has Aor the construciion of the entire Toute from the: Pacific ta $e, Agiacis; 1 was also wi ty months the ne would enter Montreal by. 'a- tunnel and erect a , magnificent. eentral station. mr rsienir " Kicked to Death. . Toronto, July '7. --Altheugh he had been warned against go doing, 14-year old -Eddie Harv rel 28 Dupont street, entered the Db: yurd ol the my Howland avenue fire hall at 11.80 \| terday morning and &pproacl horse tied there. He was so severely Kicked by the animal that he died 8 | skort time after, When the little fellow wag found by. the firemen, his lois side was terribly injured. The horse had broken locse aud either kicked or trammed him, An inquest will be held. ii Motor Car Jumped Road. Chatham, July Te Hilliard Braggs'- new Ford motor ear jumped the toads 1 way on] Wednesday Jt i, out near the pincteenth concessicn on the and 'a boy, were thrown ous; A oll escaped w any serots ing 'The achine wes badly ar ; es vere electric storm of the summer ° ho grav , cel road. The occupants, Air. and ithout | poorés family use afl A CAR LOAD JIS? RECEIVE INGRAMS® y ~ Agents For Port Perry and vicinity "NERVOUS, LIFELESS DESRITATED MEN gug--NOTICE UN AND JODD MIDDLE-A( 128 lone ear] A. comet, w Ho are Siores I | in in life-you are the Bo Hrs alse atte a and a oie Our New. Method a trent as snatched Hundreds from the brio! Sapa. ha had fe to jtored happiness ie hundreds of hom made & ties ark 0 3 ene: ph air, SE on A ren pres of Shue oo io **down and out." Wo edies for each Vida cose onl, Dee ri I va Save no. FA odie come, O Only « We juve Soos | Canada for over 20 CURABLE CASES ts GUARANTEED OR NO PAY ER ER Ar you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you lutendipg to marry? as your blocit been als Sod d? Lava you an wealmess? Qur New Moathod Treatment Wi cure you. What it has vons for others it do for you. Consultation Free. who has treats! yon, write for an jones opinion . Free o ool, Manhe os "NO SRN HER Cotten WITHOUT. ya CONSENT. No names of boxes or env. Cor. Michigan Ave. gnd List and Cost of Treatment FREE FOR HO Drs. KENNEDY 8 KENNEDY Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. A letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadien Correspondence Depart~ ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to CEI see plein' call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat in ory Windsor offic es which are for Correspondence and only, Address all letters as followa: 'ors. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Oat. for our privath sddrest. No matter B ; thirhood." Hiusteats i | Companies. le have now the Largest "stock of 8 ever shown in Port Perry i' Datent Colt Bol 2 Button or Late a Rat' 75, 3 $3.00 $5. 50 pol ewest Shape Chlf, Gun Metal a in Patent oo 'Box Calf, Valour and Tan, REAL ESTATE BROKER ll Experience is Invariably sepa ------ ---- [If AVING had considerable experienceé in negotiating | Essential tc Success. | jill Sales of some of the largest transactions in Real Estate infthls district, and in every instatce giving perfect satis: I> fagtion to all concerned, I have concluded to'devote my ' whole attention to disposing ot all Real Estate that may be placed in my hands for sale. FARMS FOR SAT ' Four fine properties now listed and for Sale * {Three Farms in Scugog. 'fine Farm in Reach. { @&F Parties desirous of disposing of landed properties vill consult their own interests by placing thent with me for f sale. LOANS rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. iT would call special attention of parties requiring Farms to | | witheut Commission on Real Estate security in sums to suit borrowers, at unusually low Quick action. EZ" 1 represent the most desirable Fire and Life Insurance Prompt attention given to applications. PortPerry, Sept. 3, 1go1. SEEDS | SEES SEEDS TY YELLOW DENT CORN 1. FLINT CORN - GARDEN CORN GARDEN SEEDS MANGEL SEED TURNIP SEED HUNGARIAN MILLEETT GROCERIES FRESH AND RELIABLE AS USUAL pnage solicited, dod time to enter. ewart M. Graham, PORT PERRY, BENSED AUCTIONEER, faduate of Jones' National School SESSION Students may enter any day. pen entire year. Now is a Largest ners in Canada. Graduates best positions, Thousands ying at bome. Exclusive to the "Famous Bliss Keeping System" for Ont- Actual: Business from Finishi" ferms reasonable. SUMMER » whe og mares | diver tor Sogn Tab! cae at points, DeeringBinder for Sale OR SALE AT A BARGAIN a Deering Binder as good as new: it haying only cut twenty acres of grain Apply Port Perry, May 17, 1910, 9 W. H. TUMMONDS, V. 8. PORT PERRY Has opened an office at the residence of Wm. Tummonds for the practice of tris profession, where calls b otherwise--night or dayowil lv responded to. All work guaranteed. Charges moderate. Patronage solicited. wa Entrance to Office, east side of store. Phone 45. be promrpt- For Over Bixty Years MRS. WINSLOWS' BOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. to WM. TUMMONDS phone or If disturbed at night and brokem of you rest by 8 siok child suffering snd crylog with pair of ish eve Tuesday. : od and prompt delivery Durability and STRENGTH, Cannot be rpassed in the County, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks &o., in abundance. Oomparigon of Prices Oourted CHEAPNESS STYLE W. A. BEATTY In returning thanks to the 'public for the extensive pat- | ronage bestowed upon them would intimate, that asin the will be slaughtered, so as to ensure the choicest and ten- derests Cuts possible, and we intend at all times to have an ample supply of INN ALL LTS (Successor to Winslow's Boothing Syrup" for Children Teething. I wil relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upou it, Mothers, there is no mistake about it. ft ctires roarkbt ne 9 fod aw tor HEADACHES R E LUKE, Aurmacrivo 160 Yonge St, Toronto. ; Opposite Simpsons' v Canada's in Sete Want = rej past only choice fat animals | FRESH & TENDER a CAWRER BROS. FRESH AND PENDER CHOICE MEATS which we will cut to please and deliver promptly. EZ SMOKED AND SALT MEATS A SPECIALTY. Blacksmithing! BRANCHHS Orders proniptly attended to Ja Ja HORSESHOEING A Specialty, dons on Sclentific Prinelples and Satisfaction Guaranteed; Ke G. Dowson A. W. Allin.) Removed to Shop ss Corsegle Milling Co's Office Sung Be Division oan 3 Apri 7, i013. OSHAWA--Clerk, Miss E. L. fo TA hy id July 4, Sept 18, to Nov. 8, 8, Jan, 16, 1912, 2. BROUGHAM = Cler SRO Ty