Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 6 Jul 1911, p. 2

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at ees A last x Go try. Hs iams' Pink and decided to ds so; After] taken Several boies there was a impeovetfient. iti ny, con- "and 1 continued using the & result in my opizion was Harv : My appettie rettitned, nly ; nerves 'were atrengthi€ned, my weight , headaches disappedted, ng Iam enjoying the best helfi of Ble. In gratitude for what Dr. Wali <* Pink Pills iate done for we 1 pb] this statement in the hope that it may bring new, health to 'some other poor sufferer." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cule all those trouble due to poor bl such as anaemia, indigestion, pa matism, neuralgia, o Wiss dane. tial s, an e troubles Bren ack youn girls budding into womanhood and women of dines yeirs. Sold by amedicige dealers everywhere, or by mail at cents a box oc six boxes for $2.50 m The Dr. Williams' Medicine cx Brockville, Oat. GRATDTRINE BALLTAT {Tm THE POPULAR TOURIST ROUTE RGIAN PAY . AKE COUCHICHING KAWARTHA LAKES, Erc. ROUND TRIP GRAND TRUNK R'Y SYSTEM. TIME TABLE. % Porr Perry. GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTIL * gab am. 9.11 a.m. | 5-55 p.m. 7:33 pm. '| of $70 is off I Y. Several sums from! to $10, Ve Sh Beis mci' 4; ip. Iture of his 'province, we are safe in ing that every farmer who nows him and hiswork will, wish him length of days and many years], in whicn to enjoy the distinguished |! honor conferred ypon him, he and ol hers who have devoted their 'best years to the cause of the farmer will receive still bighee honors, Agri- ciilture has not yet reached the *Sir" stage in the matter of Royal favors. Bt Back to the 'Land. _ The social ostracism that once characterized 'agricolture is fast passing away. While there are still people in cities and towns who look upon the farmer as a being beneath them in social status, and his call- ing is one in which no persen who aitied for distinction and prefer- mént, would engage 'in, many men of wealth and social position are turning to the Jand. A. noticeable movement in this direction is going on in Canada. During the past few months, several. men of wealth and high social posizion in Toronto have puttchased farms in the neigh: bartidod of that city. . Though they ay aot personally engage in farm- , the fact that they are acquiring farms and fittiog them up to be datmed in a business.like up.to-date {ashiti, shows that it is not a mere pastime. It is becoming fashion- able to own and operate a farm, and whether these citizen farmers thalee cioney on their venture or not, thiey will get the farmers view point and become, mate or 'less Station, Toronto. He should: take this loss philosophically, as his wife would have done the trick anyway. Farm For Sare.--Parties wishiog o purchase a pleasantly located 8 ii farm, whether on which to reside or a 'safe and profitable mvestment will find such informa. tion as they want in Miss S. A. Pherrill's advertisement in this issue, President Taft surely loves Can- ada. Instead of letting the mem- bers of Congress go to their sum- m er homes, to the seaside, to the Coronation and to Europe, he has kept them sweltering in Washing: ton to put through a scheme which is lauded by our Continentalists as the greatest boan ever offered to this country. Aud when the worn-out Senators have got the job done the cheerful Canadian peuple will send the gift horse back. Now that warm weather is here, why not save time (and even temper per- haps) by letting Ingrams" ovens help you in supplying your tables? Ing- rams' Brea: lograme' Pastry, Ingram' Buns, Tograms' Cakes are in demand in preference to all others throughout this district. Admittedly they are the best obtainable! If you prefer to do your own baking, use Ingrams' Flour, which produces all the goods turned out by their bakery. It will cast a cloud over the spirits of many to read of the death of Mr. Samuel J. Fox, M.P.P,, for he had a host of friends. He was highly regarded by his fellow mem: bers of the Legislative Assembly, and had the confidence and esteem of the people of West Victoria, whom he represented for thirteen d { years. He will be Tailys issed in the il hélped to Britain the best farmer the world over; has besn the interest taken in agricylturé by the oobility and gentry of thé United Kingdom. The farmerin the Gid Land experi- ences no @stracism because he is engaged i tilling the land. And the move: ia this' direction has set in in the new world. THE GLORIOUS TWELFTH! The Orangemen of the District of Cartwry intend Celebrating the coming Twelfth at Blackstock, on Wednesday, July 12, when the District and othes Lodges will be present. & Procession will be form- ed at 1.30 o'clock p.m., and proceed to the Drill Shed when short ad- dressss will 'bédelivered. by Rev. Bros, Gome, Ses, Robins, Kidd, and Rew. Me. 'Focster. A Baseball or Football Matélfor which a prize ei also liberal prizes for other S Admission: to grounds 10/cts. rand Co will be held in the' Fh ones Pa evening commencing at 8 o'clock sharp, whe the following Talented 3] Actists and Ettertainers will make is is their oposrsiels Blulkston ok fon su st awsthorne Wor Flo Baritone ; Frank Seg Character Dancer, Character Vodilist, Violinist, ; Xylophone Sob Sol oist 40d nare Drum Artist. . Din- be served by 0 pid fing © No. 223 will be held on Monday I. evening, July 1oth. Business of special importance. n Canada is prosperous because so far the Laurier Government bas been restrained from 'carrying out its pledges to sweep away the Natiopal Policy. The people will keep the country prosperous by preventing the Government from from carrying out its Teciprocity pledge. Huntsville Forester: -- Stale strawberries from 'the American side have strengthened the opposi- tion of the Orillia Packet to the tariff agreement. itors have no business indulging i in such luxuries anyway. The-Packet heartily agrees with the Renfrew .Mércury in saying that "everybody in Ontario will be 11 pleased to see Mr, C.C. James made C.M.G., for Mr. much for the i likely to do a great deal more before going inte retirement," -- Orillia chet. ° : 'The rush from the United States to Europe this year is declared to be greater thon ever. One statician has calculated that ore. the travellers home agaih they will spend ¢ on their mote or less pd by ya ai a Hundred A ctor' Sug tt Earl Williams Earl Whiteway (partial The prize for the highest to ed standing in English ind » matics of the Lower Sc! by Mr. Hutcheson of the Stan Bank is divided between Stone and Charles Samells.: competition for this prize wi keen. The 'marks obtained these two pupils were equal, first having Lhe higher standin English, and the second in" Math - matics. Other pupils who took: high standiug were Mary ark Elsie Leask and Edgar Moore. The winner of the ed by Mr. Murray of the ppex @b Middle Schools will be '§nfious after the publication of the res Departmental Examinations; F prizes will be presented next t - 7 $6000 Added Money. + INDUCEMENTS THAT SHOULD MAKE C.N.E. Horse Stow Greatase EvEr. With $5000.00 added to the phe money for horses, the, displayiol aristocratic horseflesh 'at thé adian National Extubition year promises to eclipse, auyt 10 its history, Every cfasse ny the pony to the draft animals, pes ises to fill exceptionally well; the result cen only be the gre display of horses ever seen 10 ada. i ---- West Victoria Loses M Samuer J. Fox Seccua Ireness oF Over AX Fox, odes. sirce 1897, sented West : Victoria'i vincial Legislature, died here to-day, after a ness. For more than Fox has been in very: and spent several mont fornia and the pe during tie Winter jin an effort $0 | lost health, He refumed say early in the Sp able to i it his pc islature for a few day very ill, however, and sank until he passed morning. He was week. and failed 10 shock, Mr. Fox was a great friend of Sir James to address:a meeting | Mr. Fox was very . whole district. New Zealand © to strengthen the B offer was accepted. was 'launched onSal after the close of the' ference when Sir objected to: the pro dominions be ain's internat opera fed an last corded ay 103 2 degrees in the shade |, 'Toronto.' The outlook for to-day i ry encouraging. The fore. cist is mostly fibe and very warm. it may be a little cooler than'yes- terday,' but not much, There wilt be a few scattered thunderstorms. London yesterday had 102 de- p {grees of heat; Ottawa, Montreal and Québec, g3, and between Wip- nipeg and' the west it was much] ler, 7odegrees being the average! here were . again many cases of # | prostration, and the police and | bospitdl staffs were kept busy throughont the day attending to people who were overcome with the exceptional weather. Sunday night id' thousands of people slept--or tried to' sleep -- out-of-doors. hut they found it' not much cooler than their superheated rooms. - Last night the parks literally swarmed with people who expressed their firm determina- tign, despite potice regulations, to slégp out. The authorities did not attempt to enforce the rules under the extraordinary. circumstances, and Toronto citizens were allowed to follow the example of heat-worri- fed New Yorkers, who make a ptac- tice of utilizing their public spaces as temporary sleeping grounds. St, Catharines, July 3 --The Gar- den City is"wearing its gayest plum. age, fruit prices rule high and the market is voracions, but hundreds _|are scanning the heavens for a me of the rain that means the difference . between succsss - and failure in staple cropsthat ar yet in the mjking. wail of alarm. Farmers brought . {to town to-day some raspberries that had literally been cooked on the vines. That will be the fate of many others as ft was of 'the end of the strawberry crop. It cut the hay crop down to half or less, it has shortened the wheat in straw, al- . | though the heads may yet be well filled. One farmer: was seen to cover his curfant bushes with « bay to stop the roasting process, while others who had neglected brought to town white currants that had once been red, their color bleached aut by the sun. City pedple have frizzled under the recent © endest- ments of Old Sol, but the tender | fruits have had their shate of the ill consequences. ; St. Catharines, Ont., July 4 ~A 13-year-old boy 'named "Aaron Thomas died this morning from jockjaw, About a week ago he ran a sliver into his foot, but felt wo ill-effects until Sunday mornin 'when he was taken seriously il ockjaw. developed, and 'he died ; 'down in tha "fall of{' "To journey. through "the! . | peninsula is not to hear, however, a tariff, and-those 'corpulent monapal- ists who were represented ms profit: i {ng by its existence, would take their sessed. | 0 annual debits and: credits; Farmer Jones put down - his la He leaned anxiously forward a scanned the fields already atsappear ing in the twilight as though capital: ists, with giant hands, were snatch: ing them bodily away. He' co oud easily imagine that he saw stout little men; with seal' rings and hedvy watch, chains, scurrying over the fences, carrying bushels of wheat, sheayes of. corn and baskets of fruit. Depressed by his vision, Farmer Jones put away his now tusteléss pipe.' In a Pessimistic Mood oN "Blast them he Temurked, refer: ring to the 'absent tariff makers, "I wish 1 had them out In the hay tield Thi remark showed that the genial Jones was in an extremely pessimistic mood, which compelled him to turn his back on his tields, enter his hous: and sit down before his grest old: fashioned dask with its quaint plgeon holes full of musty books aud papers. Mr. Jones' intention was to reduce himself to a state of absolute depres sion by reading anti-tariff literature, but his attention was arrested by & adn dur Ing 1910 amounted to $5.905,645.40, which went into the Dominion teas ury and helped to maké up Be 1 A p touches Ne Ve Juve bad Tock x option for three cardi and .c has not been sold Iy In the bir for that time. "Clearly the farmers about here do not pay amy of that: six. millions. Who does then? Temperance statis tics show that most liquor is con- sumed a Large cities; where there are or two distinct classes of peo- yory Tick pif A oad oe 9. pro » Bit 45 another way. Ti 170 inileg. ot the 1 od | revenite ri the me. on anfmal, esteem. oe m United States; M Belleville Mr. Ors faninee ; Mrs, ohn, Wig Perry, and I= CS, Gardenhill, Sasknichewan y. | Haves--In Prince day, th, 1911, Al Hayes, Lh jin ibs, baer, cum And, might aod ia Bali 31 miles The, of Li consumers of ys and his. riv- als who bad farm produce to sell, were' | ly paying for the Jailroad whieh would transport his market than H ad wate t of thi "oh ihrough he an L, Hy ated to | Canadian Progress, Canadian 3909, wis not a cent's tity. So remarkable had worth. 'of electriont apparatus . used within a_radius of ten miles of where ) hat job tie town round develo, vgs de Jib ming it, and rigoacyetior boi citica used Advisi apparatus, bin ind on the "rironiney x and consequently paid all or part of ment that everything had The amount collected *hrough this duty went into 'the n® tional treasury and eased the financial burden of Farmor Jones. Mt strikes me," sald Farmer Jones "that .a poderately, RGtscurs ci fs ot LA Slack as, prospetons that "we beg of you het Jet se may be force Y gleamed Bir Richard, "in wh least. 'Tt would seem' ilfrid Laurier and_Me. B. den are the tight men in

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