Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 Jun 1911, p. 1

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HARRIS, B.A. LL. ARBISTER, &o. sor 48, S38, SR Yarnad 'Port Porry; " Ont. LL oMey vo thax, + priviid Funds at 4 por conti . Po, 7, 1001. Hon ttl * Jno. W. Orozier, fy innisrEr, Soutorton, CONYEYANUER, &o. fide ab residengo, th Cod. doh (obe mile west of Port ¥rey;l-- Monky To LoAR. FAREWELL, .C., LL.B,, Chit own Attorney, Barrister, Conuty Sol. Public and Conveyunoer. or, &0., Nofar, sider 0g House, 'Whitby, s--Siuth wing Court t W: A. SANGSTER, DENTAL SURGEON : ot Office Hours--f to 12 &.m., 2 to 8 pom. Also open Nattirday eveiiingts or Gold Fillings, Bri ork Specialty DR, HF. L. GRAHAM pssoi ro Dn. F. Di MOGRATRAN | HN TEST 2 i ONT, } LL ot the Post Office. PORT PERRY. 'branshes of - Dentistry, ifitluding roWn dnd Bridge Work wnccédufully, practiced. eal Teeth on Gold, Bilvef, Alumionm : or Rubber Plates. fillings of Gold, Silver or Céthent ~ Painless oxtractioff when required: «gar Prices to suit the times® orth Ontario Observer 'eekly Political, Agricultural and kamily Newspaper = 15 PUSLISHED AT 5 rorT PERRY, ONT. EvERY THURSDAY MORNING BY H. PARSONS | if paid § ance ; 1.90 No Dvaonpon akon, Ti "than months ; sul no paper until afrears are paid up. LETTERS & ney, when addresped to, ifs HETTER fon iaTos wil beat bur ADV. MENTS measured. Nog , and AD ETE athe pul hed Goaupy. overs ui EME Sil aug otureen toutes ne +H 4 LIBERAL discount Aged to Meriita nod other wha advertise by thie year or yoor. FHESE terme will 16 wl) cases be striotly adhered fo JOB DEPARTMENT. I Pamphlets | Hand Bil& Posters Dodgers + 7 nany years 1 have k y i } { f DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS, 'Bankefts and Brokers. Dd x corms = : = MONEY TO LOAN (3 per cent Upwards--Britisit Oapital.) INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Marriage 3 Agents C' P. R., &*. © GBO. JACKSON, Licensed Auctioneer; Valuator, &c. FOK THE OOUSTY oF ORFAN{0 AND TOWSSHY or cAKTwRIUHT, ISHES at this the sotiiivencement of |- another Angtion Mile Sexson to.re- hunky pe Do: patkona. Ki very extensive practicd 1d be a sufficient recom tendution as his ability. All Sale givon into life charge will he attended ¢ with promptriges wud dispatch Sale lint ad blank notes supplied frgé; ih rvices either at es, Port hing to engage his hie SaLx REaIsT frer or Standard Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, and rrudgentonts, or writs to his address a Phone at Residence, No. 81. = CHARGES MODERATE. GEO. JACKSON, Nhv. 1, 1901, Port Parry I. O ee a. J. MORRISH ISSUER .OF MARRIAGE * LICENSES Port PERRY, ONY. May 10, 1907. JOS. BAIRD ICENSED. AUCTIONBER for the Sale Roister 'at a . 18, Fdeenses, a 2 C. 2. R. Tite Table. MYRTLE STATION. Going East Goike Wrst 7 v 6,82 a.m. 8.50 a.m. 5.60 p.m. is, Tow EY aah Ho AEE { > Mails Close. The mails are despatched from the Poe {fice Port Perry as follows : Going North-- 9.00 a. m, Going South-- Going North-- 5.15 p. m. Goipgfguth--10 p.m eer dA CHAFED PLACE BLISTERS.& _4 Conndy of Ontario. the Ossyryk Offic Patsoliage solicited. HB an. 19, 1808. « 3 Magcbésidy, Central Livery PORT PERRY. RARILY (anti pe Sah MY LIVERY ! of busiriées - te \ | mdieines. on pronto. --1 festimonial in 1 ast O I wiote to advice Sp { ges. A After receivin, our ditéetions; § ollowed them and am way, ee, > Col oa bet bab: le Com; ore fy baby Was bom, and roma it highly' to all pregnant women.--MRS. WANDBY, 92 i Ave., Toronto, Ont! Andther Woman Cared Maplp, Creek; Sask, --I have usd Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound Blood Purifier, and I i now in perfect health, 1 was troubled with pains every month. 1 know other women who suffer as 1did and I will Tail Semen Jou medicine to em. You may publis! 8 i think it will Ren ES FE Coot, Maple Cri Sask. A If you belong to that countless arthy of women who suffer from some form of female ills, don't hesitate to try Lydia E. Pinkham, Vegetable Come pound; made fom roots and hertis. i EE I I i Tug SECRET oF Brooks The invention is that of M.. Soyer who has been for many years the chet at Brooks' Club. M. Soyer's grandfather wag equally lammous in his dag as a chef, and the present expert has had a thorough trating iLdull throbbing backache, can't rest and long experience. | For yeats Brooks' bas had an enviable tepu tation on account of its cookery 'and ihan a " bgracelully bow in response | pliments, but (was uncofinunica. {ve whei Tt came to 1evealing his secret, Now, however, he has seized the opportunity of exploiting it, and by patenting a bag in which the cooking is done has expecta- tiong ol making a fortuné in short order. The Soyer bag may be better than other bags, bat the method does not depend of the par ticular bag in use, and it is proba- ble that there are many other 'chefs who have been using home-made bags for many years, and have been obtaining almost as good re- sults as Soyer. SIMPLICITY of PROCESS. If it had been possible to patent the method of cooking there would be no question that the chef would make a huge fortune. But the process is siniplicity itself, and is within everyone's feach ounce a suit- 'A bad bacle turns every twenty four hours intorone dull round of pain and misery--you are lame in the morving, pagged all day by a in the eveningor sleep well at night. It hurts to bend £2. A over, straighten up, get up fro a chairor lift: even a light weight. Any sudden twist, turn or, awk= ward moves ment sends" & tearing twinge : of pain through the weak spot, Booth's Kidoey Pills reach the weak spot, the kidneys and quickly restore kidney:health and comfort. They are guaranteed. Ail dealers and druggists and dealers, soc. of post paid from The R. T. Booth Co,, Ltd., Fort Erie; Ont. Send for Free Bog which will be gladly sent on application. Diamonds Found in Black Lake District Ottawa, Jube 8 --A new discov- ery of diamoags in Quebec has been made, and My R. A, A. Johnston, mirieraloyist ofithe Geological Sur- r Germany iti @ {ew on with the effort (a satisldes duh a ptocess be discov. d the laboratory staf &f the s now working upon it, it e saved myself ormous smount of pain, and many .agonizing nights of ible Fed Thus P, ng farmer near kville.. "I thmbled froin 4 hay : SF loft to the barn 4 n : ene cannot be relied 'be offinestimable benefit to Carita, not only ' as regards the creation of a didshond industry; but in Gaptigctioh also with the profit: able 'mining of chromite. A satis factory labotatory method of separ- ating the Lai has already been found, 4nd Mr Johnston's visit to Germany with a number of samp- les of the Canadian diamond, itis hoped. may lead to an equally good commercial mothod. How To Tell Cafarrh An Expertancsd Physiclan Says thé Following Symptoms Are x Sure Signs: Pou cun abvays tell Catarrh by the able bag has been ge¢tired." It con- sists of enclosing the food to be cooked in a paper bag that hss been made grease-proof and water-proof. By this method there Is no escape | of th juice or flavor of the meat, no shrinkage fn weight, no smell to pesmeate the rest of the house Ee cooking is done in consider- ably shorter time than under the Qld method, for all the 1.éat is kept ipsidé she bag. Morebver, no bast- ing is.required. There is no clean- ing of pots and pans, save of the bottoms that come in contact with the fire, and if the préper bag "is used there can be no contamina- tion of the food. Some epicureans claim, d1so, that the mt thod will do away to a great extent with k | sauces which are now used to give he toud a flavor to take the place ] : ) A ue It 8 under: cannol be exposed to flames. The desired to codk potatoes; and the water and vegetables are placed in the bags aré used in ovens. They bag is placed raside the pot, if it is] £o well-known sigfis: i ana water: y jn breath pies obriie stuffy? Do you Snéeze frequently? Ig your throat hoarse? Do: "spit phlegm? Renton ATi in the ears? 3 If you! any of these indications of Catareh; cure the trouble now--stop 'gets into the lungs or bron- then it may be too late. 4s "Catarrhozone," & direct ure, that places antiseptic' 4 healing mpedication on s tainted by Catagrhal be no failure with C or years ft hag succe nat redisted other Q. "I had for years & of Dr sare, a sore. eyes, 8to) Band throat. Is affected and * my breath , Ontario's deputy floor a) TESTIMONIAL | 72.7%: | left wrist. They NO. swelled, rapidly and caused ex: 4268 cruciating pains; & It was, not con ~ verilent to go ta the city and the liniment in the house was useless. When I got Nerviy line relief dame quickly. It took do the swelling. relieved the pain, and gave me wonderful comfort. "] can recommend Nerviline for strains, bruises, swellings, muscular pains, and sore bagk. I have proved it a sure cure in such cases." . Think what it might some day mean to you to have right In your homes ready for an accident or emergent sickness, a bottle or twd, of Norsliing | Get it to-day, 25¢, or five for $1.00, uf dealers; or Thé Cafarrhozone CO: Kinghtor, Ont, Punishment tor Falsifying Pedigrees. The day has gone by when any- one can establish a record for pure bred stock and hope to gain the confidence of the public or of breeders generally in the genuine: neas of the pedigree he gives out. While there have been records of this kind irl the past that Have been looked upon as genuine, people to- day expect something more than the guarantee of a single individual The records récognized to-day as being pulled tighter, the standard is being gradually raised, and the op- portunity to falsify records or pedi- grees is hind n this issue, "Anglo-Scot" gives the substance of a resolution that is to come before the member§ of the British Short horn-Saciety which should have the ging | delinquents ; book at a person upon to do the square thing in recording the pedi- gree of an animal, would soon put that person out of business. 'Lhe recording of pedigrees depends so much upon the Honesty of the indi: vidual breeder that stringent rules are necessary in order to maintain the standard. The method being discussed by the British Short-horn breeders might be a better plan facilitating things so that offenders can be effectually prosecuted in the courts which the Canadian Breed Associations are asking for. A man may fight a case in Court, and thoagh proven guilty might con tinue to do business, as there is always some sympathy for the underdog. Publishing his name in the herd book would add greatly to his punishment, and should prove a greater deterant.--Canadian Farm. ITCHING SCALP Got Rid of, in a Few Hours There is nothing that will so quickly rid the scalp of distressing itchiness as PARISIAN SAGE, the hair dresser and beautifier. Edw. B. Flint guarantees Paris jan Sage to cure dandruff, stop itching scalp and falling hair or money back, and sell it for only 50 akes comp years, which show that the supply at these six centres Wwasin® 1911 89,360 head short of the 'average supply for the first four months of each year since 1goo and 63,765 short of the averige stipply for the corresponding periods of ten years previous to that, The supply of beef cattle, therefore, fot the first four months of 1911 is smaller than the average supply for the same period for twenty years back. Then during the past ten years the population of tiie United States hag increased by 18,000,000, or 23 per cent. Couple these lwo facts to gether and we have a situation that should give encouragement to every producer of beef cattle. The thing, liowever, that bothers some in sizing up the situation is why cattle are 50 much cheaper this year than last. The expldnation seems to be that prices got too high last season for average consumer, who cut down his meat supply and ate more of other foods. There isa limit to the price to which meat may go and ex- pect a strong consumptive demand to continud It works out in the same way in the export cheese trade of Canada, Let the price get too high and consumption in Great Britain falls away, bringing the price back to a point were the English consumer considers it pro- fitable to eat cheese in preference to some other food staple.--Canadian Farm. A few years ago doctors considered that only back pains and bladder, dis- orders were traceable to the kidnéys-- but. to-day, science proves that many. of the most fatal ang dreaded diseases have theif sources in frregular kidney action. Such was the case with Mrs, Anna A. Rodriques, a well-known resident of Valencla--read her experience: "For a long time I suffered with falling strength and nagging headaches. My condition grew steadily worse. my limbs became bloated and shaky, I was sallow gnd thin, felf rheumatic pains; dizziness, and chills, I unfortunately. didn't suspect my kidneys, and was nearly dead when I discovered the true czuse of my sufferings. 1 read so much about the wonderful health. and str that come to all who use Dn Hamilton's Pills that 1 felt sure they would help me. Such blessings of health, and eomfort I got from Dr. Hamilton's Pills I can't describe. They speedily put mé right and their steady use keeps me active, energetic, strong, and happy. I strongly urge others to regulate and tone their system with Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut." Refuse substitutes fof Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 26c per box, or fixe boxes for $1. At all dealers, or the, CstarTIomRd Compuny, Kingery Nelson, B.C., June 1.-- Word bas just been received [rom Arrow Head, B.C., one hundred and fifty miles north of this city, ef a bad bush fire, 'one mile in width, that started early to-day and is at present raging cents a large bottle. It puts vitality into the hair and gives it a radiant luster. It is the favorite hair dressing of refined women because it so quickly refreshes the scalp and not being sticky or greasy is delightful to use. ons | Tenriegsee; an old regress came to him and said * « Massa Gov'da, we's mighty po' this Winter, an Ah wish you would ahdon mah' old man; He's a fid er same as you fs, £nd he's in the pententry." Fine timbered, and throughott that section. Fifty fire fighters from Arrowhead have been fighting the flames the greater por- tion of the day, but are unable to cope with the situation, and assist ance has been asked for from Revel- stock and surrounding towns. Un 'less the wind changes the city is safe. No lives have been lost, as Ffar. as can Pe ascertained. The district in which the fire is f i t ze threatens to spread od ibs Lassistance can be had at once. et | FOR TEETHING BABIES. WOMAN'S NEEDLESS SUFFERING ist 0 fiereely. But Cherry cal aside and in a rather tremulous. begged him again to consider well enterprise before finally commit to ft, "If this were any othe: country, if there were any law UD or any certainty of getting a deal I'd pever say a d; rd to o the fimit. But' to. laugh him. Without thought of quences and prompted largely hy bie, leaping spirits, be stooped and, she could divine his purpose, ber. "Goodby," he lrughed, with da eyes. "That's my answer" And next second he was at the shed, dogs leaped at his shout, and the New Invention for Preparing oie, Food. % '* Fthe bag, ~ More, water is put in the pot, aud then the enclosed potatoes are set id the water. In twenty five niinutes they will be tooked. fi desired to roast a joint of beel, the meat is Jk inthe bag, which is | is culture, says the jon to-day is not ving the soil as of I as of conserving is to bé aimed at laboux = éxpended ers is sense in antreal Gazette. not new. The ent, the [There i§ only one medicine for teething babies--that is One that will make teething easy and. at the same time can be given with abso- ule safety. That niedicine is Baby's Own Tablets--every box of 'which ig sold under the guarantee St d'government analyst fo be free from those injurious opiatés and and horse ; ai oties whieh fakes soctidng! ; We congratulate our former jstufls so armful. oncernitig the plough, the |p bie school Inspectér, Dr. John Tablets, Mr. eorge Leblangh, St. some of the fxg, on who has béen connected Pamphile, Que. says: 1 used B| with: the Ottawa Normal School [Baby's Own Tablets for iy baby incé last fall, on his promotion to [when he was teething and Consti- | 'the. position of Chief Inspector of \pated and found them an excellent Continuation Schools theguahiont fremedy. The Tablets are sold by d KlieProvince. | He succeeds R. H.{medicine dealers or by mail at 25 'Cowle i bas. been. appointed [icents a box from The Dr. Williams' oe Tope t of Publi and Sep- {Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Hobos ate. S 1 R TITER «What was he put iif for ?" asked the Governor, ; "'Stead" of working fo'it, that good-fo'"mothin' nigger done stole some bacéd." : "Jt if he's good-for-nothing, what go you want lum Back for 2" «Well, you see, we's all out of bacon again," said the negress. | if Engla iets pot so thorough: ly engrossed. in the prepatations. for 8 snatioh she would be strug- x The idea; r o |B > and a Schopls and Inspector off od Model Schools, as su: br ¥ i Mecha, ho, ect \ \ Teasing. At Liiileay the 'moving' picturs *t : 5 irom 82 3 license

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