Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 12 Jan 1911, p. 2

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ay death offfiotegrity, 2 Mr. Robt. ight. Deceasedfftionate father 2 i was clearing the snow from the[bor. He has nD, my arsonage an walk in: front of the town hall andj ver thittyyea! fot some] lo, who caro east fromfl "ie i ov sfeps he was, seer fire residence neglect: ;Sushatchewan, with his } % e w. Mr. Geo. Frankiinfito fall, . Willing hands soon came and faithful Sf everything te 2.7 leaves tawdry on his return journey. ie dient). a} * mister. Was] 1. vo wid, medical aid was secured : ath, 1837, in Cra. pA 54 frotied aul edrcd wh and "the unfortunate victim wa: [ous and moral up ist Cliireh, Northiumber- Dues of speakers in the Methodist@cohveyed to his residence, and al and the best in done that ihe best medical skitfinen' Modesty 'ative and quie! 'Ont. 1 want 10 tell you ureh text Sabbath at their Anniver: Fo ie Toa ould. devise, but all was of nc Be Dtcsville, Que tL Ti Dons McIntyre Co'sRous or,of the Dalesville, Que. {ine Crganacr Janvary Sats it Shatgh in Hot add ---- 'now on and they are issuing a very John Kin v | large editioh of four page colored 73, way stricken with Jillustr #d 'circtilar, descriptive .of so that he could not help] their i se stock of magnificent ) "did. taken li SANDS nd a] McKniftht was #&:Scoichman by Goods. Millinery. anabirth and by warmest "sympathies "Tiils syterprising Com. §While true o Canada, the | odo avail, heart (yilure is - thought tcf McMillan m have been the cause of death, Tish, ll heer ability. fearfully sudden death of one of oGt falling. oii of active, energetic citifets has tast fsopceivable in eivable, Tn J gloom 'of Sorrow ove the ow Mi atelligently ang fined to make the is adoption; the' very" in: their. otland, his "fathetland, a | imself with seeking to promote if} every legitimate means: © His val: vable services were recognized i everal ways. He enjoyed, the honorable distinction of being | for years an Elder of St. John's Presby- teri an Church a position he occa- pied until the time of his untinicl; "Twent from Dalesville, Que.. to roton, Vermont, as pastor of the ptist Church of that plage. Thee] their zcoith and have commanded ed a man about twg and:hall| immense patronage of the fair ones iles From Groton by whe nate of | for a radius of many miles of Port Neil McCrea, a Canadian. I heard | Perry and are justly entitled to the he was ill, and being'a Canadian 1] celebrity they have attained. went tosee him. I jound him lying 5 §n bed. He said he had no pain, Disperston Sauk --Fen. toth, 1911 5 188,, 08... secure them, if of Br, M points of an sale and it. passed hig was no doybt of that hots § and as to 'price ie had 4 partments, thi #38 pital Hut was too weak #o sit up. Hislhips i Shoe andRjeath He filled with credit to all of adjusting Ais pt bolding 0 to 800 4 ian i rade Cattle, - Yorkshire Swine, § : soi 'was' fair @nd just iff if argo daius, or at ¢ 3 i VET ATE Ya kD vee bi fac he wart Grech Cae orks Sul oncaracd he porns municips BO fr 0 0, SC Bl si ale eel al ohne CLARK DAVIDSON. ee ormiyions 2 hat no one could take wore charming a while pEAcLiEing | second Monday of each month FTE) very preity Clirlsimas wedding MWilliams' Pidk Pills and gave him | per'y of Jas Graham, lot 10] x con. 14, Reach, one mile west offg Saintheld. The offering includes] the entire herd of 32 head of 11igh Class Cattle, both in breed log, size apd_quality, the cowsf are grand milkers. Bulls bredg in the well kfown herds of Jas. Leack, Greenbank; J. & W. Rus fome. H#& began taking them and jin a short time could see blood in fhe veins of his bands and io the #eourse of a few wecks Be was out $ratéhing men buifding a new barn Hor him, and shortly alter that he came to Groton to church. Now, 1 _bught to tell you that the doctor of Chi yi edl mth no ; a Sabbath school and : ; LY Chief Constable in fact he provedl§ ¢ him 3 he simply place ich Tak heels 2 Hee be Ata piace Ble eg $14 eT home of He : n an animal'he desired tq propés had closed. We: were ntrodne ating of Abe - hk Gil' a My tie i i, | Dori femmes, A ind left to the seller the ©] fod tothe Overscer, 'and the Museum, } cutteh! year, To _ =| 6th, 1910, when Miss: vid + ind tude Art Gallery, sud medathe| By-1a%,_ was int a 1 : be the. brid accepting or refusing 1equaintance of an_eéminont. professor, Jay-lal, piroduc oh jam fons came "the bride was not only just in" bi 'Whe, with saw io baud, was fini-hing carried through Appointing J. f.4éha'K. Clark, of Detroit, ith " Qup pives of. austje_ balustrade work on | Real, Esq., Greenbank as _Assessor| Mich. The ride entered the par- but hie was popular wit mine: he edge of hia verandah. oke : Mae Teaning on te Art} of her slowing, terms of the meeting and the 'brother, Mr. fri avideon, of a Clilef in every Fespect in the best acceptation of the term. Clothed Sith authority he was courteous and unostentatious in the discharge o'S his duties and had the happy fac- uty of so constraining would-be o spoke in | for the year 1911. had gi hi Th scll, Richmond Hill ; John Bright, : community and all liked ; § ne he hi rr an on Myrtle, hp been Saad of bate Fone, oo 3 1B. Som with him and thapy 4 ! aot Watgeal biz nariy fag, sens: carrot Po oh Sporting; Jpnee Torgnnd;; ig s of the wed joining vill ge) could not help him | Years. As ME yafiam fia 8 30 ii Belling to him for yedrs. e pr We could not but contrast thf enmp. | Bentley, Utica a~"member 'of the ding masehyplage iMiss Kate | 'gud saidso. The best doctor in the| his fais and 5 going Well En. and he rarely inflicted as dbject when hi round with Old Orchard oy ts Alina Local B ard of Health for the yest Thompson, of Kinsale. The bride hospital at Burlington, Vt., came everythmmg iwill e soldffpunishihent. He was generous to h f ial tiki pd Lic, ar agother Minin cawp-gromnd-on| gir, 1g14 'and 1gig; Di. F. Fi }looked very pe ty gowned in eream Yand saw Mr. MeCrea, but said he] Without Lhe slightest rteserve.Ba fault, his plirse was always ajar. Press fr spon? i R cine Wish You Villind & Mellow, Saintfield; Medical Health [silk eolioene and was attended by oh could not help bim. He did not| Catelogues on applitatioh to (he; he needy, and none appealed to be other day. Mr. Farg Le Bie Mr. Hermon sppeatod ito us as the | Officer ; Dr. G. Ly Robso i ther sister, Miss; Mae Davidson, ol place a pro-po, bein between earth and | lary Inspector for grt. ¥ 3* #377 | Toronto: wearitig green tamolinesilk.t Friese heaven. #s we were descending by the 3 ists The goom was assisted by Mr. 2 A committee, consisting of the Re ] eC ; Boadway, could we belivve our eyes, in Reeve, Deplity R Clerk, | Lewis, of Brookiin The tatemoony dato gentloman .in an. Auto car, alone, | Reeve, Deputy Reeve Fo d Gletk, } - perigrmed By, the Rev. W.|°° [aveed ms, and when wo reacted the | were appointed 10 nidét a committee H. Avdrews: M: A, of Queen St |' ot. Office below he wae about to re- | froth the Scugog Township councit, | oy ews; M- Em : "F n torn up to his Sottagr, but Sonidg webs by rcjnest of the laitar, 1a; discuss East Preps Chae by rome. aie ter and apologised in gerinllthe alatter of the boundary line of whith the, bride #4 a member. a Ty bn RE between the townships of Reach alter which slippef Was served in }- Mig ear to Cnliforuia Conference Camp | and Sctigog. running throdgh the We Sirlog sont, Wo yh nse 8 Meeting for soverai years, that be was | marsh land off the easterft' sich any Oras: Wis e 92 year oldy- hath not heard a sound | jie Township: ride Was the recipient of many ince he was a hoy when thiough fever beautiful and useful presents Amang those {rom a distance were Eachern ol Lorneville, "bl two for bim, a three.year-pig fourlyear old for which he the bandsome'sum of eig dollars, Mr. McMillan ince acquired a compel patent to all, but he so de his 6ncupation that he re y hitrness tothe last: Hig ho will long be dear to all who 'kine v 'gét ahy help till Dr. Walliams' Pink Auctioneers, Geo. psn and 1 Rills put hym on his fect agai, Stewart Graham, Port Perry, or i Later 1 returned to Dalesville James Graham, Saintfield. Tras © Que, ad pastor. A young lady who wi be met morning of sale at jived about six miles west of Dales ackwaiet Junction, A x Auction Sarg--Mr. J. F. Bedford, ville, at a place called Edina, sent \ ih! : for me to come ard see her, as she 0} 7, con. 33 Cartwright, Lavin fod bein ember of ny congre. rented his fine farm, Farm, is§ gationin my former pastorate. 1 selling > EN on the pe a 1ses on uesday, jan. 31. al 1SH ao bm so Fund ® Shaller wtock of horaes, cattle, implements) CASCAO Of Ate, of ea, "| &c. The sale will be 2 impot-§ him in vain. Mr. McKnight was a model man io all that pertains, to uprightoess, generosity and unselfish ness and had the esteem ard espect of all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. To succeed him in the capacities that he has filled so) long and well will prove a task not easily accomplished. His manly » tam, Vt. This girl was so weak ; p and commanding fi ill bi i in t A cotnii istii f th ha : tant one and contains mabyg g > figure: iw ef a + fk 'Whe became dat, be liad been interested cotnmittee, consisting, © e that she could not sit up. She ap- choice ahimals besides the Wi missed from our streets and his Hm, Besidesa discaps WOW Rar three-quiirter's of 4 gentary i the | Reeve and Deputy Reeve, Were Lay and Mrs: Jobn J. Davidson and ated 'to be bloodless. [I said to fine leaves tlhiree sons, Mess reat Alierigan Ro publie--a Federal | apnainted to investigate: the, com-] Mico Mao Davidson A fer ails coo | RCS ic wen © see you, 'whereas you can. get six te aif, 11. A. 'W. Tole will; bel i boxes of Dr. Willams! Pink Sills AycrioN Sain --It will be seen by thef for $1.50 di . pdviee Posters that Mr. Alton Tripp, lot 19, the time later 1 sav pleasirg address and accomplished salutation long will be remembered, while his words of warning and admonition to intending evil.doers Bdoubtless had a controlling influ oldier, AJover of the Stites and Stripes plait of one James Rennie re ac fiGeorge and David, of t Cefland th Kingdom of Heaven. We part | © \ 4 the bride's mother, Mrs. Jus, Dav- Hand two daggbters, ITA gaucll'd after but a "few mivutes tilk, he cident on the centre roa Cr idson, of Brock Road; Miss May Watson, of Toronto and G [watching my lips, and in one lisazy at | andy zepory ab, the ; next reglr | og of 'Clarcionti Mp > Frank least tt ere «as a hymn, 3 f Dewson of this place. he for Difiey (of B TT URC bo tho tis that binds ea. + Me Xs th eh : ote A Up = moto y ) Cin 5 y offerings of relatives and 2 tled to wm on A > e fricuds. of Car.bopets in Christian Jove Clerk wad instr 1 have given you the facts of © these'three gases which came to my ¢ [ . personal notice and I think it only Chie 8 i : Rhos ale : a or dave just to other sufferer that these cures | pong ay tne sale. Sued, ye given the widest publi- nan Lao 3 "pit X ou wish me to go befote a Sha Pitas and take oath to the PORT PERRY ICE RACES "iruthfulnes of the things mentioned _ "J above, 1 am prepared to do so. iam at present engaged in evangel: + fstic work and hive therefore not at the present tiie a permanent ad- dress. I can, however, refer you to the editor of The Canadian Bap- promises pn Wedoesday, Feb. 1st, cottimencing at one g'clock, the list 7 a con: 1, Brock, has decided to move Lol, fe od that will redound t 1 saw her in Bachu-{: the- Gi and.in re foaie gc ov for gaod that wil tecound lO. eo : : (Contimmed Yi ~~ 5 of ; ? als was #5 well #s ever, snd:Dr,} poe : d af Gaile, a is glory Mr. McKaight's publicl™ cheantife] \ ek bon € fides) » Si & Se ot she On tio Mun timate fri ods.ol, she the bride Midme" Pink Pills did it alt™ 1 ete, ho bine suthorixedf ; cor hus been such as to im §°°° pletely covered Ee ay eid Aiton) a , grat 2ppY. id Mr, d nl to sell the same on the : 4 ; - Biokees of fidelity The] AAT TIN : avail iiceif of the opportunity of {left amid showers of rice and" best mortalize the name McKnight i 11 COLUMBUS. ; becoming 8 member of the said wishes of their man friends "for the - fineral took esterday@- - 74 3 Bes 0 hha! 3 HC RE" i dssoc > | Wiieir futiivé home in Dettdit. The (Wednesday): to ne Grove sLEGTURE. . * Mr. Peter Christie appeated re. [bride ttavailed in d grey stiit_ trim | emetery and was gaticnded J Riv. Bvaok H Sraurref, cf iotting thal! aid Be. given. obe [hed ilk darker, Shadéj and "BBona St. Cobgrédatibnal Chlisth, | Theodore Filchett ard wife, "#n 'white beavet hat with' plunies. | Totbuto, will deliver one of his|aged and needy comple, living at. ov} Borg X¥illladiny Ont; Jas 3 --The famous Lectures in the Presbyteri- | near the village of Prince Albert. a og is in the grip 8.n Church, Columbus, on the The following accounts were |of the coldest snap of the winter. ' passed . ih + Amos continuously since os last : 2 Theo. Fitchett, tempotaryaid $2.00 | night the temperature has hovered subject--The Latest Fad" Music| yy, 'aioe, pi $2.00{hround the thirty mark and to- Bhy the Port Perry Presbyterian | one. Bridge Co. fut btécting night promises to be still colds BChoir and Quartet. Tea from 5to| bridge at Sagrave...... $5.60] #0 00 digdtion of an immediate PS o'élock. © Rev. Jas: Hodges; | Municipal World, 6 copies to reak. ~All passenger trains are the hearts of the people of this dis-§ trict. He was a distinguished, ex Bcmplary and consistent member of the Masonic and Oddfellows fra fjrev: RH. Leit Bternities, and their beautiful floral§ offerings at the obsequies were] Bdoubtless emblamatie of the esteem in which be was held by his breth-® It will be seen ren. Besides his disconsolate wid-fiment elsewhere in. tl ow three sons, Messrs. John, James Pott Perry is fo Bhativg held within and Andrew; and two daughters, BStock Judging Co on for the yeat igi: The fortieth annual meeting of Stock Judgn the Port Perry Trotting Associa: tion was this year, owing to un- propitious weather, emphatically] confined to one day's sports. There was not to say a large crowd but} much interest was manifested, the Te i . Bevening of Monday, January 16, is the summary of I'riday's racing :§ WARNING. tainitg all infor -- Rlive stock, which, We notice in The Family Hetaldftecoming the bo! and Weekly Star of Montreal theffarming. The Blackstock, has n postponed Ly - bia al Boi Money, January son ier) BEARING DOWN PAINS jtevst as st prgsent The CER inguin, Sus othe: shad ; has three tra Hall. woman at somet! A : : Koi 3 ak. Sighted T: C. Sowter.| 1% events being keenly contested. Aliss Janet McKnight and Mrs. JBianuary 16 and & a, ' rly r be sens Clerk:and, Council: §5 oe delayed. (Sie iJ ibe 8 gement Cid their part to@A Cowie, of Gravenhurst, Sareive Boer rns the a Chairman, Admissic ta ture 'My. Redman. gfavel' and 3 tel de JX RR perfection and (he large number o HA It he nd Tea gg cents...» tight of way to pit 1310. .. $45.50 Ottawa, Jan. 3.--~There was a 3 AX" Several sums from| uners of the valuable and fastl The Reeve requests that all places griculiure, whey ¢ ay A Bt y PIL 1910... 45-50 | iiniulatis jodguent handed out k Q EY $300 to $10,000, have |, ° : : : ed and thoroughly -- Catnegie Milling. Co: lumt er ! IE. Ane z pled with eR ate in. | horses were loud in the praise at theo! business be closed from one to] subjects assigned 40. Bi.aGKSTO0K aA I0EARE cases ens rsenn S13 85 (DF the Railway. Commission this £ gril t at lowest rate. manner gp Netiny they 'had been@two o'clook during the obsequies. By, othe mohtitude BF intelligent } Te re Municipal World, supplies.. $3.75 |WOrning. Ditas pri po HUBERT 1 EBEELS, | Coleraine by ov ig SSS S--) C1) | es "be tue | Botersimment under the] Sick Chinen Hospral, da. 7776 oF 20, Beet SUR ad , . { Bpresent, eager and: uspices. oft St. John's Church | nation for 1911.<........ $500 the. Wethnaton Street iE . | duet ini Ottawa instead oon the E tidsne Butfed 2.48 pace 3 Jennie Hal; Collins, Sunderland 1 1 18 'Anda Lee, Dr. Merschom, Ma- £5 i e or|and the Grand Trunk claims tha ort PETTY. publishers are warning their readers8eminently quahfi tha Satie ) L ne Jos, ssbsciipions ia this! wi the On fut ata ii pind Jor: tobi e3veriaion Nhoce (helt ne room for " 'to pat. in guile] by Set, Jes lps Mh pr Te EA gg 0 ; T AE \ E. Griffith, af Han Sire, "Hep-| There is a diflerence of "opinion eam: pouring into that Office every dayfand desirous -of giv itipottant A LIBERAL OFFER. 5: boi Mg he A heavy hesie an tnspoint. The Railway Com. 'fire Js a mystery. Pate a sight to behold. In theirflinformation the EBT which is When the hair thins out on the] 0 SA id 1 oA mission hold that there is room, and | guyed: ~~ Suet Sided 2 1 1 1¥prospectus for 1911 She pillighers fof so much impor he farm-Btop of the head and the bald spor a op enainip EN | Commissioner Scott, = Nettie d , promise some wonderful improve-fling communit - Ris gelti ady \ , DY Grand ROI va vr x vrs. XB WE me ill roan the paper og ny. peas Jn Bois self'up. Mary tintés each "i i! Te -or - irritable 1 1d h to lea bed LR even of greater valve than everRACHES. PAINS Biust goto your Druggist and ask would have lo leave my; . Wiy r. before, although it has always been' ? ATISM 78 ot Parisian Sage Hair Foic. He ie sto if nce dere \ S108 8 day of A recognized as the greatest "dollat'sR, 5 vou 5 ora Will chargé you §o¢ for a 1a#4e bot [snake 16) et on ck remains therealt worth tobe bad. Evety home inf<801 Bu Ease aces batt joi Fille matning as on retin his discriminal 5 anada will be the befter of thelj Have youa hair'is thifining Sut} 1. PE out a vel raslway cros- | 3 athily Herald and Weekly Star asfieral ach ? it i } Why should a. regular weekly visitor. during ng gleges: not | 1911. :

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