Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 7 Jul 1910, p. 4

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PAR, (ip). 9908). (14059). ported Homie Sta ion, perty of W- Tory y -_ stand So hi ul bon § SR, [TTT 1011 K be ny y wert ihf p 5 25 rn JIE {0740} | 0401s To err pepdule § Selon roperty % WW 3 t Perry, 6 the pi ivy: setaol as fol- day He his own stable , i Railroad Hotel stables), ort ccouiltry al large; x roseed to E- Be endal's, Jose: > vy Sop n to his own stable, ioned clivice stallions will 3 re! as follows © i J ie Te oor, then fo Sones VER SIMON (10652 (19752) This tock for night. Thars MLYER Si MOK, (iow) (37 the pro- , ¥eturi to his own stablo and re- perty of J. M. Macfarlane, Sonya, will |. sn Monday, B- Crandell, ; fhe the t season ws follows ov YEARS ago. when : Ske. Win. Downer's, OY AL FREELAND (6098) (13695) This wr Tuesday noon, John | IE Timported Clyiestiale Stallion ; better we took: on 18', rig ig ty Britain, Tuesda # 'property of The Shirley Syndicate ' > . Rhty George Mark's Little Britain, id > g the pvsnut ss ah dainfiowe : - * village mill and our good fr ller von, El: Rich's, Mariposa pave his own stable, Sucgog Station. ES "ednesday night, Can hE to Hope Bros., noon, then to ' ground it for us the best: he: . ance Ho rules 1 rgey noon | iy dncka aight, Tuenduy, pro It wasn't his fault if our : ostly n. ri ert use, Port Perry, for x Savee, more w son. Sarspeas, fi Siok i a hor tits or if it was frosted or smutt t did the Manilla, Friday noon, James Murray Johnston's, Quake seh Beagh HE t he could with the materi ve him Creswell. Friday night------ noon, then to ------, Shirley for night : ! Re dy oi. Be cas whale tL Mon: Thursday, to James Strong's, Cart. and the facilities he had for grind day noon- Neil McPhail, Manager, wight for wight" Keidny, tn Jun Put: The making of flour rede 'a mere FIENDOKCE. FAVOURITE Jo Sagan for igh Satnetay, to ow ging yoeeis. | The) e fom 8 0) yd jesdal N EE prommty of a HMA] on ema till Monday: George Ritts of to-day are-a vast comm fariane, Spuya, Unt., will make the : SRtepging from ocean to ocean senaon as follows, Monday CAPT. TOM- Fashionably Bred Trotting - fa st con, Tues- Stallign--the property of S. Mosure, 's 20d con. Part bhi, making Liv route of EB § lows :--Monduy leave his oid Rafiroad Hotel stabl Bedford's, Purple iil for Sou, then : 4 Frid to Swaiu's Hotel, Blackstock for night.| © S 's, th con. as ik Thursday return to his own stalile and appreciated in the poorest moon Rowald McDonalds" 5th coin remade il Monday, BT Crandell,| = household at home as it is in that suffound } it at eve Mariposa: Saturday night, his own woager I Er ho: SaNEOIOT Va ACER. Vi the Royal Household abroad. from wheat field to Ronald Macdonald, Manager. XI PI Gladeadals "Svatiion he | To make Royal Household Canadians may well be CLAN FAVOURITE [10653] (14629)--This ro D E Tunson, Grmubenk, Flour theproductitis,involves Roydl Homebald Flows. dig lydeed i th _will mike the seaeon ol t hi in, ave it to say that t po Aeterlant Sama Ont, | own stable lot 10, oon 11, Reach, | . VASE capital and resources. y will make the present season as follows, | GORDON ERSKINE [5830] Val. 15, Every advanced process, every from Canadian: wheat and h Gi tg bg i ait Lg 4 5 fog J iad Monday night, Ocean House, Seagrave C- 3 B. C.--That Grand, Lins cly-| modern device that can in any a worldswile fagtor throu; h 1 | : "12 4 1 FOR 8 S. LE Tuesday, noon Isaac Beattel's 11th con. lal Stallion, the property ot Wes. : - Kill andicep & 1 5 = i A Reach. Tuesday night, Jas McKit- engrave Ow rake. the{ Way improve the quality of skill andiespiral. = ? rick's, Greenbank: Wednesday noon, present scason as follows-- Tuesday, Royal Household Flour is ceRoyal Houschold' , AA Alex: Leask's 11th con- Reach. Wed- leuve his own stable, lot 9, con, 11, Tate] d shoulders above ordinary four y rae a r E UNDERSIGNED i for Sule nesday night, Saintfield. Thursday Roach, proceed £0 Rubs. Thomas", Lay immediate y adoptel regard- The Fast fons for. Br ced » : . 3 Wr ox ronn, Robert Acton's Victoria Corners, ton, for night. Wednesday, Sainttield less of expense. ey. 3 of > ph Thursday night -- Robert Acton's Vie. is "ROYAL HOUSEHOL! 9 i / for night: "Fhursdayy \WWm- Lensk's for if the production of rye \ is to prove. it. toria Cwrners, Friday noon, James night. Friday, his'own stable 'and re- 3 ) n . or's ein La Hadden's, Wick: Friday night, John , your nari ji a Mk - J 8 i Te Dictate. Satomlayqtoon pill Fuendey mbit ' ROYAL HOUSEHOLD Jiggeiirmoese gi. : | SEs forement a his own stable and remain till Monday | EARLMONT 1569--Beantifa! YoungRoad- FLOUR was purely 2 milling Bool for 8 Cosk™, contalnin 5 et Roa free ca obi DE afternoon. Alex: Martin, Managor ster Stallion --the property of J. process it would not be better 125 pages of Fd 4 < ; % E z ROYAL RODERICK [1055] (13770) The Darcy, Part Perry. "Full partion'ans | hon any pood flour, But it ee, bo sect fee ; 5 And Is Constantly g owing In Pu mported Clydesdale Stalli the ated . i : Sli property of J M- Ma farlane, Sonya, | VIGOROUS MACQUEEN [4204] This| 13 DOt the milling alone that Oyiigic Flows Misco. 3 : will stand at his own stable, Soya, fur Imported Brel Clydesdale Ntaliion the season of 1910- property of I ¥. "Brace, Cadmus, will "x LOCHLOMOND (Imp) --537-- (11274)-- Zaks he Jenson of 401 as follows : -- | clean the bottle by DUONG IN COATS® ouuuis WoL DE nui. I0U E- an The Hackney Stallion, the property of A lis own stable | gangd or fine gravel ln water and shak- should not be brought in coli ita ERE a ad) proceed to Wu Finnie; Itus for | yg' well, , those affected nor watered @ ght. Tuesda roceed to Coulte.'s | the pre-ent season as follows, Monday hight Yo P As soon as the calf begins to é#t same bucket nor come in co night, Ocean House, Seagrave, remain- Hotel, ;Poutygool, for noon, then: to 8! i) bi y W. W. Cornish's, Leskard for night. give him twice a day a pint of crushed any other property until 1€} Son of week at his own stable near Wednesday, to Wm: Hockey's, Tyrone | Corn~and cob and a pint of ground thoroughly disinfected. griya: for noon, then to H. Ferguson's, Man. | oats, increasing this slowly until by should not be castrated wh PRINCE OF KINEL LAR II, [3233] Vol, vers for night. Thursday, to his own | the time he iS'three and a half months' with strangled, XIL C 8. B- C--Tals Grand Clydes stable for vight- Friday, to 8. Grey's, | old he 1s eating a half gallon at a feed. : dale Stallion, the property of James Tor noon, then to Jas Mileolm's, Nee! | [n summer allow him the pasture and Tones, Soaya, Out, will ws he fh Sy Sy in winter feed clover hay and corn i Lm ig and renaln till Monday afternoon. -- | fodder with oat straw f it is clean and : \ ) : * Cochrane St. or Port Perr y for . ' s ceodito Tiros. Moase's Fingorbourd, for | W- Finnie, Manager, bright. 1 have always raised a better Astor lamin, re Gti y 3 t, - ; Norns Dover ms, rhe, Tuts NS calf in winter, as dry feed agrees with . ih T : { . Ho se HIGH-CLASS = ; Hicks, Valeutia, ss wt yt {hem better than green. Change the In iow oe be, igh . | prin 1S the Time Ir i |i os ? 2 methods of obtalnin, " " ? Ms. : ; : a Rolley i Ores, night w Sal ary feed until be bas bad some of each eA OF 0 OR . ; : lea 0 ' ; ; Barred Plymouth Rocks, ohnuday s, Upps, Door a a -- Sys1y. dug. rested in a method successfully: I ? = sous, Mariposa, night. Thursday, Give him plenty of fresh water to . Temperance Hotel, O.kwood, noon ; ployed by the. writer in A . 5a = 4 i Ged Mark's, Little Britain, night. bri RAISING THE ilu nat 2 ina yy tage cheese from buttermilk} r 1 am prepardd to doll kinds Buff Orpingtons; ~ Papering, Painting, &c. dey, Jos Spmk's, Alariposa, moon # hi bi method, which is the em } ) i; ¥ * Samuel Tremeer's, night. Saturdny, often as you can give him a rubblog [Le Foe ; " i Paper and Paint. furaished ij Wir. Gordon's, noon, then to bis 2 BOTTLE FED CALF with a brush. When you begin wean- I te gy a ay : required stable.--G. Medd Manager. . ing him at about four or five months h P - ~ Ww. E. NOLT, 1) skimmilk to about s§ CORNER STONE [3305] (11016) --Import old, or whatever age you may see fit, # ed Premium ale Stallion "the| My experience in raising. the 80 | y,; pot too soon, taper off by feeding ferinilk: Robs property of J. Finest Holtby, Mau. | called skimmilk calf may be of benefit | yin nic twice 4 day, then once and 104 to 110 egrees if. wb chester, will make the present seison | tO Ane Bays og grid ay Sa +t last not at all, and he will scarcely will almost instantly ns follows: Monday, leave his own | ters. ow the calf to suckle its | prow what has ppened. = Never ; gtabluy fiagien, proceed to Ernest Holt~{ mother uatil the milk is good, or at i, him, Las how and gentle ores 'cheese from buite Manchester, and remain till Taes- | jegst a week. This gives the calf a a milk. There is no nl oon, Tuesday afternoon proceed | good gtart. er ane sara an pound of buttermil e lo: ¥ ro . 5 nod rem: 1atit edu. Don't make the mistake of taking > Ar dt eanugt, be ee B.~ fr ao : Er . . b wa wo. pmers Aoi} id Thee pi the calf ont of the cow's sight, but al- cheese, ou A L t : is 3 id 8 3 er se Jow it to be near her, so she can see it | Feeding For Best Results. 13 casein. the same As * COE hy , 00° i 15 i oF moon, then to Moses oo. | and lick it. This not only satisfies the Phen Taoame for veel Swi rn great deal of skimm : ) ithy, for wight. Friday | cow, so that she will give you her full | especially 'or 8 cow welg| ge Hepbura's, con 6. for ui ht. Eb uot ofmUE but assists the calf tn ff S0ud pounds and ylelding twenty-five | Festi Fh rday, to his own stabic, Ra his growth. 'If not convenient to put it { pounds of per cent milk there arere- | p(y g oF pemaingill Monda C- Blane fond y quired approximately two pounds of ey 2 so close let It at least be where she digestible protein, thirteen pounds of of the bulky fe Re can see it. real young pig. 7506) 9789 (10929) --| Now obtain a common guart beer carbohydrates and a little over a half the digestive evstens 3 Imported Clydesdale Stallion | a pound of fat. A ration composed of bottle. Don't put on a nipple, but the pig to use ¢ property of J. Ernest Holthy, | 1) 0 (he neck of the bottle in the | twenty pounds clover hay, ten pounds | fo 5.) potter advan Manchestér, and his route the present pate holding the bottle about | corn. stover, four pounds ground corn ised neentra on will be as follows: Mud | calf's mouth, holding oitle Hi | and one pound ofimeal would furnish | "5° on 'cont by Aon [eave his owa stable. Juhu | 83 high as the cows paler these varfous nutrients. It isnot prob- ne *8, Manchest and pro wed to! throws his head and neck more in the able that the ordinary cow would con- Dafoe's, Utiea foi night Tuesd:y to | patural position and enables blm to | ooo "0 nn mount of roughage, and Alex Lee's, Burnett farm, lot 10, con | obtain bis rations very much as he | u HH | 9, Reach noon, then to R. Craig's i one may substitute one pound of bran v ) r 5's, | was intended to do, thercby assisting b Greenbank, for night: Wednesday, to Tip the bottle little at a for each two pounds of clover hay the*Ghrivtie's Howse, Saintfivid noon, | GhEestion. Tip the bo re In a (that the cow does not eat. More than gs then to Seagrave for night. Thursday | {HDe, 50 as pot to strangle Lim. Tn & Ft e bran should be added to To Get Better te, C- gdloney's, Rose's Cornors, noon, | little w he will learn to regulate | allate the corn and ollmeals, as they 1f it were not 20' pal to this own stable, John I'ark's, | this it f. He usually learns to suck 'are too concentrated when fed alone. | od pemaiutill Monday af-| very wellithe second time. S13 : ~~" | honest aaliwihen 0 Pack, Manager. ©" | "Foun blah gently dows the back wid DISTEMPER IN HORSES. | orices formilk. | KINELLAR STAMP (3044) CSC B.-- Reg. | he is sucking. This keeps bis blood EI 1 g Dehornied istered Clydesdale Stailion--the prop- | circulating and makes him grow. Use | Great Care Should Be Taken With Dairymen gene! erty ie Towa arse, ei his own mother's milk until he is past Ailing Young Animals. out horns. They ravel the following route during this| tree months old, as it is his own age Disteniper, or strangles, is a disease | handle, there indess : i. aod ir Ope. oola Comr. ers Jove i) whiny and grows older as he does, while older privetpeily affecting young horses. It injured, and they op 1¢ Lf he, onan s li uss = wine foros of Hy might make bin sigk. due to a germ belonging to ie ' i "net mer, sa oq a, 0 er -- to 8 a dny--three { streptococcic group. The oduesdny t noon and ccompanied by high fever, Nobel to Ballyduf noon, then to Coulter | night. Allow one of these bottles in inflammation of the mucous memes House, Eoutypod for wight. Thars-| the morning and ooe at night to be branes of the nasal passages and as a nk Bren png whole milli tintil be is eix weeks old!" equi of fils condition a discharge , Sone ight say: "That 1s too expen- ceord) Colorad night. Fiiday, H from the nose, a ug to a rado RE on hah Co ta Toney sive. Give him all skimwilk." This 18 bulletin. There is a swelling of the Black ackatock for might. Naturiuy to bis | DOF true. Jf your cow does oot 870 | jiuph glands under tie Jaw, which oT eS ora stable and remain till Monday | enough to allow the calf two qUACts a | yer results in abscess formation. . ws SIo morning. Robt McDonald, Manager. | day of whole milk and still prec 8 | 4 horse with distemper can commu To Se thor ter turn Cow i w . By oane 157 A Grand | § et them ga, :¥ ote fai nicate it to a heaithy one. The germs To the cow. i Salis the pr no beplng, ss Ha 5% -- a far than a ire wi Run the milk through (he separator His a av hin own stable | AS soon after milking as is possible, 50. La Hints For 5 ) isruare ie £40. Thomp- | as to allow him to have as much of the - Du't break. the b's, hairy Jase X ulthy, night. aubmal heat as can be obtained § 4 gin as moon As erguson's, | through Ik. If you to ie 1 aD Ringlon g lead, feed and noon : A, ac theilc at all do 80. by, 18.8: double. eller, ie, He TDCI SAAN BC thoroughly, Cows sary noise or di ing at exactly the morning and e

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