put to improve as well as the the country at large. stallions will : a { This prt Sony hy season as fo Wm, Downe 'as 8rd Tuesday noon, John Little: Britain , Thos 3 iy Sigh Rial '8y Waipu tation. adn night, Temper ance Hou, e, be, Onkwordt" Froradey woo James Foster's, 9th con. Mari Thursday, night, Temperan: Mauilla, Friday poou, James array 's pear Cregwell. Friday night------- Saturday noon, his own stable till Mon: day novu- Neil MuPhail, Manager, GLENDOICK ~~ FAVOURITE [10852) {ato his Imported Clydesdale gio prepatty of J. M, Mac- Sonya, ot , will make the as follows, Mowduy 1st con, Tues owe 2nd con oon, Mr. Webster's, Glen- dine. y tight, Chas, Jeokens®, Mariposa Station. Friday night, Mr. Spark's, Yth con. Mariposa, Saturday noon, Rouald McDonald's 5th con! Mariposs Saturday night, his own stable und remain till Monday fioon. -- d Macdonald, Manager CLAN FAVOURITE [10654] (14629)--This Imported Clydesdale Stallion, the property of J-M- Macfarlane, Sonya, Ont will make the present season as follows, Monday night, Ocean House, Seagrove Tuesday, noon Isaac Beattel's 11th con. Reach. Tuesday night, Jas. McKit rick's, Greenbank- Wedacsiday noon, Alex: Leask's 11th eon. Reach. Wed- nosduy bight, Saintfeld. Thursday room, Robert Acton's Victoria Corners, Thdrsddy night --Robert Acton's Vic toria Corners Friday noon, James Rudden, Wick. Friday night, John Waddell, Pinedale. Saturday noon his own stable and remain till Monday afternoon: Alex: Martin, Manager. ROYAL RODERICK [10655] (13576)--The Imported Clydesdale Stallion, the P ty of J. M. Macfarlane, Sonya, will stand at his own stable, Souya, for season of 1910 LOCHLOMON® (Imp) --387-- (11274)-- The Hackney Stallion, the property of 4: M. Magfarlane, Son , will make the present season as follows, Monday bight, Ocean House, Seagrave, remain- der of week at his own stable near Sonya: PRINCE OF KINELLAR 11, [3236] Vol. XII, C-8. B- C---This Grand Clydes- dale Stallion, the property of Jumes noes, Sonya, Out, will make the 1910, as follows--Xonday leavg Lis owa stable, Sonya, and pro- ceed to Thos. Moase's Fingerboard, for noon ; Norman Osborne's, night. Tues: day, ( :. Hick's, Valentia, noon ; James Roj Opes, Tong A FN ues! Jolip Cwldy's, son's, oe i oe They. Temperanee. Ho nkwood, noon ; Geo Mark's, Little Britain, night kri- day, Jos, Spark's, Mariposa, noon, Samuel Tremeer' 's, night Saturday, Wm. Gordon's, Jal thon to his own stable.--G. Medd, Manager. CORNER STONE [oa] (Hol) lwpm- ed Premidm Clydesdale Stallion--the Beoperty, of J. Ernest H 'ihy, Alu wie present aclrecnt we » Thur rh y Loui's, i 0, Jor ota, t Moses Doo- i i Enet Wi gofor igh ht Friday hos Hej a, con 8: for vight. Sante Kent own stabie, aki h Sadrcunin if Monday: C. BL Manager, SIR £500}. 9:89 am Famous Impnrted Clydesdale Stallion --the property of J. Ernest Holthy, Manghestor, and bie ronte the present season will Le es follows: --Mouday afternoon lemve his own stable. John Park's, Manchester, and prozeed to Dafoe's, Utica for night: Tuesday to Alex Lee's, Burnett farm, lot 10, con 9, Reach noon, then to RR. Cruise Greenbank, for nlght- Wednesday, to the Christie's House, Raintficld noon, Sgagrave Thurslidy a : fernoon- John Park, Mauager- Km STAMP (3044) CS-C-B---Reg: | an ered Clydesdale Stailion=-the ia of James A. Rowan, Cmsarea, will travel the followin ute this Th |. to Thos 'So Janetville for night: Tuenlay, tor Finnie's, Lotus for pight- Wednesday ly@all noon, then to Coulter Pontypool for night Thurs- to Wallace Millers Long Sanit, Byron McLaughlin's, Friday, Tom House, woop, then go Temperance sp Night Baturday to bis 1 Monday | © Manager, the follows : Thomp- , night. : A, PRR FRA of W. J. Henders, stand" for the nt sea- House Port ; : Tm- and J. Darcy, Port % 'make the present soason as fo}. eave his own stable Railroad" Hotel stables), Port , proceed to KE Kendal's, Utica. rettizd $0 His own? dtdble, proceed to Jas Bedford's, ot noon, then. to Swain » Blackstock for night. Thurs- 'day, weturn to his own stable and re- iy till, Monday. B- F- Crandell, 0 ROYAL. FREELAND [6098] (13698)--This oung Iniported Clydeadale Stallion © Pro) y of The Shirley Syndicate a ma ein present season as follows ; + ~Monda, vo his own stable, Sucgog, proceed to Hope Bros., noon, then to rge Jucksor, night. ceed. to Sebert House, Port Perry, for night. Wednesday, proceed to Irwin Johnston's, Quaker street, Reach, for noon, then to » Shirley for night. Thursday, to James Strong's, Cart- wright for night. Fridays to Jas Pat- tons, moon, then to Ambleside Farm, Ber for night. Saturday, to.own stable and remaiu till Monday: George Mackie, Manager. CAPT. TOM- Fashionably Bied Tuesday, pro- BoD, return to his own stable, Wednesda roceed to Jas Bedford's, Parple al for noon, then to Swain's Hotel, Blackstock for night. Thursday return to his own stable and remain till Monday, B- F- Crandell, Manager * ROY al BENEDICT 11422 A.CS-B, Vol. XII. This Clydesdale Stallion the property of D EK. Innson, Greenbank, will make the season of 1910, at his own stable lot 10, con 11, Reach GOR DON ERSKINE {5880} Vol. 15, C 8 B C.--That Grand, Young Cly- PRR § n, the property of Wes. Frise, Seagrave, Ont, will make the Jest season as follows-- Tuesday, cuve his own stable, lot 9, con 11, Reach, proceed to Rebt. Thomas, Lay- ton, for vight. Wednesday, Saintfield for night Thureday, Wm- Leask's for night. Friday, bisewa stable and re- till Tuesday noon- EARLMONT 1369--RBeautifu! YoungRoad- ster Stallion--the property of J. Darcy, Port Perry: Full particulars later VIGOROUS MACQUEEN [4294] --This Iinported Bred Clydeedale Staliion the property of 1- ¥. Bruce, Cadmus, will make the season of 1910 as follows :-- Monday afternoon leave his own stable proceed to Wm: Finnie's, Lotus for night, Tuesday, proceed to Covlter's Hotel, Poutypool, for moon, then to W. W. Coruish's, Leskard for night. Wednesday, to Wim. Hockey's, Tyrone for noon, then to H Ferguson's, Man- vers for night: Thureday, to his own stable for rt Friday, to S- Grey's, for noon, then to Jus. M alcolm's, Nes tleton for night. Saturday, return to his own stable by way of Jas Nesbitt's and remain till Monday afternoon. -- W. Fiuuie, Manager. ------ BEYOND MODERN SKILL MANY OLD FEATS CHALLENGES PRESENT DAY WORKMEN. = | { Sword Lindes It is said that the art of luminons | painting was known to the Japan:se so long ago as 976 A.D., in the | ty of the Emperor Tai Tsung of the Sung dynasty. He had in his posses- #ion a picture painted by one Su | Ngoh that was a spirited affair, being nothing more or less, however, than a picture of an ox that everyday left He picture frame to graze and theo turned to the frame to sleep sat night. This thing worried the emper- or, as it seemed to his mind to be more realistic than was necessary in just a common picture of a common ox, 80 he made numerous in ide among his subjects as to why t Sone only a picture, gly on ol ir" iv of the people, of course, could explain phenomenon and the em- peror fii aled to a certain wise B ist priest, who sald that the Japanese painter had known of ancient secret and applied it to = his art in painting the picture. It really was nothing, explained the learned more than that the. some nacreous subs oyster thet could be iio up among the rocks when the tide was low. This substance was dried and then ground into color material, and pictures painted with these colors were invisible by day and luminous by night, so the secret was that dus- ing day the figure of the ox was not visible, .and it was therefore said that it left the frame to go on graz- Ln Say v gy " "itch es that during the a Ti en thn during theas. been banished was allowed to re- turn to Rome, which he did, bringing with him a glass ocup--a really won- OF he dashed it the 'and by fhe fall, with a bammer One Barrel of Flour Instead. YX: in the old way there was one kind of flour for bread _and another for . * Now, OGIL op-overs, pancakes, dump- ings, anything that you want to make or bake from flour. "ROYAL HOUSE- HOLD" saves money and trouble. Instead of having twe barrels of flour in the house you can get along much better with oe. And vou can be certain that it is always uniform--will always come out right whether for Bread or Pastry. ROYAL HOUSE- HOLD is made from the finest grade of wheat in the world, wheat, and very finest mills that are a HOI actual Quantity of product. E venif oY HOUS OLD" great dealmorethan ordi flour it would be well w it for it is more mouris You can't afford 10 buy ished flor at any price. . You afford © skimp on health. And do skimp on health when you buy flouf just because it costs less than <"ROYAL HOUSEHOLD". 25 Known also tnat tney used the ey.- mond for cutting and engraving glass, and in the British Museum there is a beautiful piece of stained glass with dn engtaved emblazonment of the monarch Thothmes LII., who lived over 3,400 years ago. Procius, who had a fame greater than Archimedes as a mathematician, is credited with having made a burn: ing glass during the reign of Anasta- sius Dicorus which was of such re- markable efficiency that at a great distance he set fire to and destroyed the ships of the Mysian and Thracian fleets that had blockaded Byzantium. The Damascus blades, those mar- vels of perfect steel, have never been cqualled, and those in use during the crusades 800 years "ago are to-day "good as mew." In London there is one on exhibition that can be put in a scabbard almost as crooked as a corkserew and bent every wov with- out breakine T'y w nd sword pT Won e kif% 1 > » « Army she 1 i4n, a sit 2 «0 & Lz, wacing ay Ea ae] : ns, lemen's oto Yeah all be cleaned to look like new, our faultless French Process. he ¢ Goisere costume can safely ur skilland e: perience. oe Br re Cleaning is done Ee t rip- an 1 "My VALET" FOUNTAIN THE CLEANER 30 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, E.GS8. 10IS WTITing consists of the words of the Lord's Prayer and oc- cupies a rectangular space measuring 1-264 by 1-441 of an inch, or an area of 1-129654 of a square inch. These lines are about 1-50000 of an inch apart. Now, to get some idea of the minuteness of this writing: There are in the Lord's Prayer 227 letters apd if, as here, this number occupies Fhe 1-120654 of an ineh there would be room on an entire gquare inch tor 20,432,458 =uch letters gimilarly spaced. The entire Bible, Old and - New Testaments, contains but 3,566, 480 letters, and there would therefore be room enough to write the entire 3 le eight times over on one square ch of glass in the same manmer as the words of the Lord's Prayer have been written on this specimen, Buch a statement staggers the imagination, but the figures are easily verified and are certainly correct. Scottish Home Rule. £T=3 OT [Te. The last altarnotn nds morrow morning the doors office will be opened and will file in, first come, as a ; served. All down the ranks receive their fight to of prairie their own. It first inch of earth they ed. Night and day they hold of their little lieved in most cases ai friend. It is said one homesteader, who had no such friend, offered a a lar to keep his place; for hour. When he came back refused to either give u; or the place. But. suc dot. os tases are It is Sunday afternoon. The tind drags wearily this January close ranks-of men jammed with their backs Feighem's old picket fence closes Precighs roa fruit st of this Which 'have serve to the constant of long line immense glow fire-flies and up the faces of surrovnd a heavy evening The sound of the drum is heard, and and t=ke notice." attentive as they not up for earth, where moth rupt and where and steal, but lay op | treasures in Heaven. | treasure is, there will | also." To some the miliar sound, to some. known, and to ! out meaning, for | strange tongue. i plays a good many. old, familiar | some instances music are. of home a big volume of night wind. moves off disturb the down on the these comes* a little flag front of them. got here?" he "The Stars swer. "That is end with thi 1 A propusal for Home Rule for Scot- "rond land was defeated in the H Commons in 1800. [ROLDING DOWN WH A | HOMESTEAD. ouse of How the Land Secor tn the West Wait For the Office to Open. the all surely earth side to to the through your be a far are urn with- in 8 band the be in and but on the band One "and more SORA or posh not ¢ favorite of schemer, boomers 4nd geet is the yor TUMMONDS. t Perry, Atig 6, 1907. CochraneSt.. Port Port Perry, fot HIGH-CLASS |Barred Plymouth Rocks, ii Orpingtons, is the Time fr House "Tam prepared to do all kinds of | Papering, Painting, &c. "Paper and Paint turoished tequited EN , from the same breeding. "Is my desire to please all cos tomers and hold their patronage. ggs $100 per 15, "ALL GOOD THINGS '| ust win upon: The ctionary has won - distinction;