Pacifit: Hotel, he a credit to the railway. Bui are very active, } good rin Foi of 'erection and others projected. | False Economy In Economy In Feeding: There is such a thing as false ecomo- my in feeding. If a third more ex- pense In feeding gives you three times he profit you can easily figure out the m of generous rations. Feed 'wisely, but not niggardly. » | Test the Wool. In keeping ewe lambs for breeders | it 1s a good plan to test the strength | of their wool. Take samples of all the | ewe lambs and see which threads are | ng strongest. Tough fiber may transmitted from one gemeratiem 'the next ag rel! as other good charac by teristics. ~Jamieson's 2 Livery a | FPYHE undesigned tates th opportunity of thanking ihe inhabitants of Port Perry und surrounding crnmtey for the liberal and stil} increasing pat. rong bestowed upon him Kinca commencing Carting and = 4 Litery in Port Perry and now iutimates that he is better than ever prepared to supply all foquau cents in his line. Having oxtens'vely added to my stock of hurses ; ud well as conveyances of the latest "Ype of construction for comfort and pleasure, I am in a position to meet tho requircinents of the moet fastidious as to style and desiraisie (qnippage in every red St--in every way suit. sable for wo te driving, wed- ~ dings, funeru.. &c. Parties wishing av after soon drive can have hes choier wf suitable nd cave- wanppli ora will al ed when r. quired. I posses a number of good . Spring and Dray Wagons nud : will, at all times, attend to Carting with the ntmost cone rand promglosss. I wish farther to state that \in future suitable convevanecs will be atthe Railway Depot to convey passongers and Lag: gage to private residences, and will also convey passeny per and tinggage to the Depot in time for departing trains, on bv 'ng given natiea Wf. JAMIESON. a Port Perry, July 30, 19( F YOU WOULD HAVE GOOD LUCK IN HATCHING CHICKENS, DUCKS AnpTORKEYS, yov should without delaof rohase ** The Chatham" W Incubators. Tbe Chatham Incubator 5 She monk ofseive hatching apparatus ever doulje ¥ walls, whi¢h are thoron k reo nd 4 or LE a an mos 4 gail be oh * Zwt us lista few of the features thal Enclosed find a Certificate entithpg Dolls with every purchase of One Dol | that every family around will have a chance. fe phocrvs B Good Gotds and' 'above all RIGHT | taught us about what the Doopla.W. variety of merchandise 'is bigger 4 with your help. "Holiday Sugge: tablegi 'Here you are bound & wish to remember. TOYS, DOLLS, xr nd Susy whol and up 6 they do ar S We have set out'to beat last ea | 23 numbers are displayed everywhere upon our well re h will Re pleaseand give the greatest satisfaction to each. of t Yiot: Stoc 3 purchaser drei Degetihor to the ehioice Free of one of our Souvenir Read the conditions which will be strictly adiiersd to. This means Dal RL JC 4 A ond a vo TR re y i Toys for Bo. | Toys for Toys for 16¢..| "Toys for 26¢. | Toysfor5Qc. | sso Trumpets, Rattles, Horses, Bloeks, L'rains, Banks, Whi Guns,| Tea Sets, Mowth Organs, | MORE To CHOOSE AT THIS PRICE Tea Sets, Engines, Magic LOTS Balls, Sad Irons, Banks, Watches, { Pistols, Trumpéts, Fur "Dogs, Horses; Blocks THAN 7 .oTER Be Lanterns Yeon T : Block AT Whistles, Horns, Tops, Whips.J Tea Sets, Rattlers, Noah's Arks, Surbri Bo: "IDfums, Trumpets, Trombones, e op og > HIGHER Tin Cups and Saucers, Pistols,] Games, Stoves, 3 : 1%, Suprise. iotys, Cornets, Teddy Bears, Tamborine gf echanical Toys, Rabbits, - Pate) Gunes, Perc? Boxer.) Brooms: Shore, Mash : Tin Horses and Carts, Games, Iron Trains, Fire Engines, | Rabbits, Autos, Tumblers,] PRICES Mouth Organs, etc., etc. NG Roov: Ton Full he Banks, Games, Tea Sb . ; Acrobats, Dogs, $1 T0 FF E Huxoreps To Choose Fro. , Hee : a Eres Ec, Etc. 100 1res in 5 Tha gt» Ec... Etc, Eco, $5. EACH 25¢, 50C, up. Bread and Butter Plates--6oc, China Mugs~ sc, Toc, 15¢, 25¢€, China Salt Shakers--5c,.7c, 10C China Mustards~--7c, roc, 25c. Biscuit Jars--soc, $1.00, $1.50, Teapots--sc, 10c, 25¢, 50C, 85C. China Cups "and Saucers-- jc, Toc, 15¢, 20C, €1.25, 81 50 and up to §3 50 doz. Cake, Plates toc, 15¢, 25: up: fo Bay Salad Bowls--ioe, 156i 256, 50¢,4%5 $1.25 and up to $4.00 each. Cheese Dishes--35¢, 49¢, 65¢c and 75c. Jardineres--25c, soc and up to $5.00. Shaving Mugs--1oc to $1.00 cach, Chocolate Pots--soc, 75¢, $1.25, §2.25, Bread and Milk Sets--25c and 500. Sugar and Cream Sets--asc and sac up. 75¢, " 50C. . 25C. $2.50. sot 7%, $7400 Moor $1900 DOLLS, RUBBER DOLLS, vite bik [mas and New THE SALEM CARDS, E CHINA DOLLS, RAG DOLLS, OINTED D . DOLLS, WALKING DOLLS, H i DOLLS CABS, DOLLS CARRIAGES, . DOLLSHATS, DOLLS' SHOES: BO MH XR HX AN WR WE) £.DONT FORGET OUR 8 ov Tv ii Zia 1 A tas BACH RIGO: each . SETS--the newest _Out--g7-piece Less Hasging Lamps $2.50, 14.00, $5 oo, $6.00 and $7.50 eath. Hall Lampss gx Ps 1 504 $2 sa { Tabs La : ph ay $1.50, $2.00; 3.08 arly sold at 25¢ and; soc.' ; Ho g5.00, 1 Coléted Night Lamps--1ge and aig Chinaware, fi | Coder, Lamps. Our Biggest L Line. Beautifui line "of Fancy L amps. and Tolle, Sets 10-Piece Sets-- $1.25, 8210, $3, $3.50, $4.00, up to $7.75. Beavrivur GobDs. : 3 kN SR RNR x "2 Cat Prices. on i White" Iron Stone Ware | Japanese China 'Cups and Sancers 4 Biscuit met Chocolate: Pitchers--#1 25 up. 3 Pisce Tea Sets--7sc up. Sugars and: Creatis--asc up. Bon Bous--15c up. wh £f iE AY J We have ald s beautiful! line of : from sc to $r.30 tach. SPECIAL. Hand-Painted Japanese China (Samples) no two alike--at Sloss Prices, : Leni cWinksy+ Old © Maid, ied le, Jack aws, Lotfo, i bk x ? 'DomiNoks, # Cugtxirs. And a Digger line at 25¢c and 500, The yin] MPL Shoe Fly Rocking Horses Kriss Yet 3 da oofiiafl Mouth ang-- 56 he iT 09 folly B ie 8 = iy fo U1 Wochave feels | y ~ Prices os to 8250. to.81.00° . 10¢ to 75¢. Cuff] ink. vse, 25¢, 50¢, 75C pai. ws tons--from sc card of 4 buttons up: 10 25¢ such; hes ~roc, 15¢, 25¢ u : 100; aoe as tees rees--sc, Wal Soap. ors, Peter Coddles, |... - ripe rp cas ri wid'; lowers, etc., 5c each. » 90c and $1.95. "CHECKERS. : 'Snap, Authors, Nations, Tiddley a wo . & d Girls' Sleighs different lines. .