a A wot. It proved itselt _Streef, Hochols suffered thera is suffering from piles should be applied £ There reasons for this, i8 'that in practically all cases of where the use of Zam-Buk is per- with 'complete cure--not mere the result. z _ Mrs. Wm. Hughes, of 258, Hochelaga , Montreal, says:-- A ro' ind, itching an pres les for yerrs. metimes 1 Fah hardly bear to snove about. The inflammation, the smarting patu, tho throbbing, the aching, the overpowering fecling of dullness and dark dispair whi h this ailment brings, tbe shooting spasams of agony --all so terrible that only suffer- ers from this awful ailm.nt cau under- ao? "wy Bad ns this case was, Zam-Buk tri mmphed, and Mrs. Hughes suffers no Rouger. It needed a little porssverancs wa ith Zam-Buk certainly, but in the ond weared! +. Mrs. E. Boxall, of Scott Street, St "Thomas, -snys :-- For mouths without 'without © 8 ation [ cndured.great pain rom bleeding piles. . Kor as man 86, x brard. of Zam-Uuk, Alhou ch 1 [esred ba like cho ordiuary I am glad it was to he vory differ- a Sant. «de rapidly zavs we relief, and Salter a time cured ma completely. £2 Wwnid dike to lef a'l sufferers fiom piles * x ~ ® e 1 know .what a grand thing Zam-Bak 18" So ane esuld go on quoting cae after casp.-and it is by working such cures that Zam Buk has carued for itself its BTeat rep ation. "New: ik. ~eu suffsr from this terribly Painful aiiment just be guided by the foregoing-cases ! *. Fur-itsernal piles melt = litte Zam. Buk Ind akosamzhly soak a wad. made of clean: bal.otd linen. Then apply to the part. («the piles are external, ap piication wf Zun-Bak 3s still more * dithple. *Do & apon retiring. Next morning youll be well utisted! Zam-Buk.iwe cure also for cold sores, and chapped. cracked hands, ulcers, festering so vas, blood-poiso Ving cczyma, -Badleg,- worm, scalp ores, burns, scald and all skie diseases : nd injuries. All dreegiste saad stores sell Zam Buk at #0 centsse box, or mav be oh- tained post feee-tram Zam-Buk Co, To crouto, for ptiec witsoxes for £1.25. You Are warked, Dewever, agaist cheap and dangerews, imitations sometimes vcffored as beng jet as good. ? 7 'Feveral sums from MO N E S¥.00 to $10, 200, have n placed withsse for imi wdiate in- + westment at lowest gee - E AN ey A A -few natural advautages cf > HUBEREF" 1. (EBBELS, Banister, Port Perry. {ae a ---- weve Horth Ontarie@Yserver. (The OMeial- Perse atl gh People.) "FFEOUNDED IN 7357. Anted wt Em bined | Port Perry. PORT PERRY Some thik ago a Lk ed States erit chaiged against ths boasted Canadien cost, Bo Fea Ud os stirved 'the towis. I.is to be 'foared thatthere is some grousd for the criticism. What a bank can do foi a A town is shown Se ease 0f the Wests cro Bank, whit! «sw practically and controlird at Cshawa. Bi ch tu tion, at town bas bevome onc of £ag most thrividg and prosperous ma® _afacturing cenftes in the Province. rg success is ®:cribedin nosmall Mm: _enre to the sup- port given to local enterprice by the MVestorn Bank, which was always ready te give symp» netic consideration to auy under king which promised to be » . ! oh "or the ;rood of the community. Tue Bank chere performed a function which in other towns, not so blessed, private eapitalitts are forced to perforiu--it they "can, aud will. The Hun'ingdon Gleaner («loan Lib- eral) rays: For yesrs and cars siste- roatic robbery of the country has been "going on. Top etend that Mr. Brodeur did not know of what was going on is to say that he did not know the duties of the office he is paid to look after. He ought to have known, and Lis plea of ignoracs, if accepted stamps him as an incapable, To biust.r vow, after unde- niable exposures ahsut suspension of officials, abolition of patronage fist a system cf public tendering inaugnrated will not azigwor to ecreen those high in office. Mr. Brod. ur's defence, that he is being hounded by "fanatics," because of his religion aud race, will not do, There are honest French Canadians worthy of the highest trust. The pity i8 Mr, Bredeur's record shows that he is not included in that class. The timo when ths Intercolonial of the party in power * says Le Canada, 'since the people confided its admiuis- ration to the business men of the Government >' Sinca the peo. entrusted the administration of the onial 10 the Laurier Govern- he capital investment in the been increased from 855 - 000 to $8%5,000,00) aud the deficit of ear peamisvs to bo the 5 - q are but one of the. all {of all day of last week. ? = od 3 Parrish on taking the chaic-explained the reasons for call- the present meeting of the Council. " He stated that he did not Jiimself consider that a special session was necessary but he had called the meeting at the urgent re- uest of a majority of the members. Hie urged the members to expedite the business which was to be brought before the Council and emphasized the necessity of com- Pleting all questions that were to consider was transacted, the most important of which was the necessary legisla tion rovidi,ug for the voting throughout the county of the ques- tion, at the coming Municipal elec- tion of the 4th of Jannary, 190g, on HE GOOD ROADS SCHEME. sdunty Council of 1908 have selves in a manner dy.has been ably presid- y theggoungest and one of Wardens ever ex® RO! position. ; |a odist Church on Fair Night, Dec. 22nd, prom ses to be a greater suc- cess than last year. The chorus is almost twice as large as last year's chorus and the seats are selling very rapidly. Some very talented artists have-secured to assist : Miss EuspeTH McDonaLp, Elocutionist. Mrs. SaraH BRADLEY Young, Soprano. Mrs. Bruce Brabrey, Tenor. E. BarTON, Basso, Mrs. D. ARCHER, Contralto. Mrs. Fores, Orgauist. | Mr. GoLDRING also makes his final bow to the Port Perry public, | | his orchestra will render several selections. MR, - Something exceptionally unique, grand, artistic and appropriate for Holiday Gifts at W. Brock's. Hand Painted China in abundance, the product of Miss Brock whose hand- painting has carried off first prizes wherever ¢xhibited. ES. At this jeyens season of the County 3 15th Dec., members mg Considerable important business | $33:35 "The Choral Concert at the Meth. pursuani ™ A t to Statute. Minutes of November ng ad app: On motion of Mr. Lambe, $12.75 was Pilon. A. Goode for 51 rods of wire eos on north gide icon. 6. opposite lot 16. peid to Mr. Robt. Walker for .30 rods of wire fence on south side of con, 6, oppo- site lot 16, 3 to Mr, Bond being refund of Mrs. Saund- ers' statute labor, On motion of Mr. Leask, $2.55 was paid Mr. Geo. Longfield for work done in div. 57. x The committee appointed to settle th townllnes account reported as follows : Amount due Reach from East Whit: .35. That there is due Whitby town- ship $46.85. That the account of Ux- bridge and Reach is equal, * On motion of Mr. Mark, $5 was paid te Mr. Geo Hart, for erectingszo rods wire fence, con 8, lot 3. On. motion of Mr, ibe, 50 cts was "to Mr J. for" ing culvert, On motion of Mr. Keask, $46.85 was paid Fownship of Whitby re settlement townline account. On motion of Mr. Lambe, $19 35 was paid to Mr E. Fielding for erecting 189 rods wire fence. On motion of Mr. Mark, $5.15 was paid to Mr. J. Hemmingway for work on side road, between cons 1 and 2, lots 10 and IL. On motion of Mr Graham, $11 was paid to Mr. Richard Harper for work done, in excess of appropriation, between cons. 4 and § On motion of Mr, Lambe, 2 50 was paid 10 Rev. I. Snell for erecting 10 rods wire fence on north side con, 5. On motion of Mr. Mark, $2 32 was paid to Mr. Jas. Ross for 29 loads gravel. On motion of Mr, Lambe, 813.50 was paid to Mr. T Turner for erecting 54 rods wire fence on west side of Avenue, Prince Albert. + On motion of Lambe, $1318 was paid to Mr. E. Williams for erecting 52% rods of wire fence on north side of con. 5, op- posite lot 17. On -motion of Mr, Leask, $2.50 was | paid to Mr. John Bailey for repairs to hill, opposite lot 10, con. 9, div. 49. On motion of Mr. Mark, $12 was paid to Mr. E. Beare, putting in two culverts, grading, filling ditch and drawing tile. On motion of Mr. Leask £4.50 was paid to Mr. E. Vance for erecting 18 rods wire fence, north side con. 2, opposite iot 19. On motion of Mr. Leask, §9.10 was paid to the Carflegie Milling Co., balance due for lumber. year when the giving and receiving gilts are the order of the day, it is| of the greatest importance to know | where the greatest and finest gnal- | ity, newest styles, and most desir. | | able Holiday Presents are to he had at moderate prices. Mr. McCaw | has just such an_ extensive stock as | cannot fail to meet the requirements | (See his advertizement.) | Don't ForGeT the Big Concert | at "The _ Yellow 'School"--School | Section No. § --on the evening of Weilnesday, December 23, a rare treat, may. bg. antiéipated is The program, 40 vhe renddred | Pils of tae school is nnigue [ cannon fail to be entertaining and enjoyable. See the announcement In another column. The Board of Agriculture estim- tes the British yield of wheat at 6,565,000 quarters or 52 520,000 bushels. On the acreage under | crop this works out at 32.29 bushels | the yield in Scotland being put at 41.39 bushels per acre. The yields | of other grains are put : oats, 39 80 bushels an acre, and peas, 28.21 | ) bushels an acre. | | The figures of the revenue and expenditure and debt of Canada to Nov. 3oth show that, compared with the record of last year, the rev- enue has decreased by $11,547,200, while the expenditure has goasrap $11,364,408. As one result of this sort of thing the debt is $35,730,-- 300 graater than it was at this Aime last year, the increase of the month being $3,263 44. O.ly tender, budding leaves grown at arn clevation of 5,000 feet are uscd 1 "Salada" The rest of thie preparation is done by ingeni- ous, cleanly machides; hence the purity and strength of "Salada" Tea. Parliament, it is now stated, will rot re-assemble till late in january. There arenpw over 660 teachers, exclusive of Kindergartners, in the employ of. the. "Toronto Board of! Education, The war clon over Eu.op Bu: even in Austria and Bulgarid; it 1s probably too cold at this season [ort to burst," { conlinges to hang eer : Installation. or od On motion of Mr, Graham, $1.60 was paid to Mr, I. Vernon for fixing side walk at Manchester and repairing Bowles Hill. On motion of Mr. Leask, $1 was paid to Wm. Stone as caretaker for December. Onmotion of Mr. Yeask $191 was paid to Ma, Allan McLean, being amount paid as taxes 0. property assessed twice, On motion of Mr Mark, $2 was paid to Mr. Allan Wallace for drawing tile, put- ting in culvert and cleaning ditch oppos- ite lot 19, cons. 13 and 14. On motion of Mr. Mark, $2.50 was paid to Mr. E. A. Walker far repairing road, culvert and washouts, con. 6, div. 4o. On motio! On motion of Mr. Graham orders were issued in favor of the following members of the Board of Heulth : Dr. F. E. Mellow, Medical Health Officer... ... John Lambe, Sunil Inspector... W. W. Crozier 4 EY pet fee G. L. Robson 4 meetings... D. L. Williams, 3 meetings . W. J. Raines, 1 tmeeting .. . W. F.Dabson, Secretary . 16:08" On motion of Mr. Mark, $2 ro was paid to Mr. D. J. Adams balance due for gravel as per account rendered, On motion of Mr. Mark, $1 was paid to Mr. W. J. Houck for repairing culverts Nonquon road. On motion of Mr. Lambe, $650 was paid to Mr. 5G. Bond for erect- ing 20 rods wire fence on north side con. 5, opposite lot 10.} On motion of Mr. Lambe. $6 was paid to Mr. J. Brawn, for drawing tile and building culvert fownline East Whitby. A deputation consisting of Messrs J. Ward and G. McGregor came before the Council complaining that saowi drift ed badly on the road in the gth con. op- posite lots 5 and 6, owing in part, to a stump fence erected in front 'of McGreg or's and Palmer's properties, and request ed the Council to cause the stumps to he removed so that a wire fence might be erected. The deputation evidently failed to con- vince the Council that their proposition would be a feasible one for no action was taken: On motion of Mr. Lambe, orders were issued on the urer in favor of the officials of the corporation as follows :-- W. W. Crosier, Reeve, , Thos. Lambe, Deputy Reev: James Graham, i Alex. Leask, Councilor, J. N. Mark, Councilor '| dog tax to Mr oo | Frederick Haran On motion of "Mr. Lambe, $4 50 was Sea On motion of Mr. Lambe, $2 was paid | juz ing at his (Roach 'he Reeve rep Tug the Shulidin ng the Zbu 3 oar ae paired. Mr. McKnight keeper's Report receipts for Cov Mr. McRn tions to enforce th to en fox by Mr. Stonehons le the -Citiz 0 ming, Co . repairs to wha Bros:, $24.92; E. Graha ieron & Dennison. $8475 C ery. $420; J. H, Brown, G. N. Ingram, D. R Officars re each; Canada Rubber To., h brigade, $48.50, freight on sa fr. McKtight reported th poration now rossefised 1, servicable hose. * Bougog Oounci Scucoe, The Municipal 'Council n Members all present. The chair. « Minutes. of last mi confirmed. pr Mr Jackson moves that the be and is instructed to pay the! bills for gravel, 'namely : J W: 54 {loads, $5 40; W R Ham, $8.30: "W Grahdm, 84 loads, Carried. : Mt Gerow 'moves tliat the Tri and is hereby instructed to p Geo Colton as bonus for wire fence, ods, $28.25, the same being in compliafiee with the wire fence By-law --Carriedy Et Mr Jackson moves that Me Hi Demeraibe : refunded $1, being one dog, and that the Treasurers' instructed to pay the same --Cafyi d Mr Davey moves that the Treasurer be and is hereby instrucied to _payiMr A A Sweetman $2 for repairing culvert, 12, -- Carried. Mr Sweetman wftves that the Treasurer be and is hereby in'ructed to pay Mr W Sanguin the sum #3 84.50 fo * xepaitiiy ditch on sideroad tedween lots wand 7 the gth con.-- Carried Ey Mr Davey moves that the Treasurer be and is hereby instrireted to pag Mir Wm Brown: the sun? of. $6 for oi hardwood. --Carried and Clerk $1.50 --Carried 4 Mr' Sweetman be and is Coit 5 OtvalStone his of Town Hall, a fi for Hall.-- Carried, Mr Sweetman moves be and is hotehy 354 0 20 a rer pay M re{dkes upplies r T Tresurer fund $1 having destroyed the dog the da Revision. -- Carried. ; Mr Sweetman' raves thal the collection of taxes be January 11th, 1909 -- Cary Mr. Gerrew moves be and is hereby just Reeve and Councile for the year 1908. -- fded till ¥ a perusal of | ix had completely cured me. h 6 wa 11 'and stomach'. disord Arid i serions andl. thatisto a p or put energy into the stomach walls, go that thoy will be able to propefly mix or churn the (food. 3 : Mi-o na tablets quickly arouse the stomach from its inaction and in a short time it is able to do its work properly. 'Harry Dodd of Bridge Street, Hast- ings, Ont., says:--'* For seven years I | had suffered and spent much money doctoring, but all to no avail. I could eat but very little, and the food would ferment and sour, making gas, which caused seridus heart oppression. I'was 1in constant misery, sour gas would velch (from my stomach, I was languid and weak and bad no ambition.. Idid not feel like going anywhere or seging «| anyone. Phere was a constant dull pain in the pit of my sfomach. 'I wasun- able to sleep, was nervous, restless'and would awake more tired than on going to bed. I tiied Mi-o..nd and soon found relief, and in less than six weeks Mi-o- Edw. ®. Flint the druggist, SHEN - o-ua tablets®st §0 cents a large box, 'under a rigid guarantee to do all that is claimed 1 them or money back. ee Horipay CHEER --See Forman & Son's new advertisement, They by their enterprise and liberality ry (have just put it within the reach of all to have a Merry Christmas for they have opened out a vast assort ment of such cheer as tend to secure 'merry holiday times. They have an abundance of tropical fruits and the other necessary delicacies that g0 to produce delicious Christmas Cakes and Plum Puddings. Their prices are just right. Coughs that are tight or distressing tickling coughs, get quick and certain help from Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. On this account Drazgists everywhera are favoring De. Shoup's Cougly Renc- dy.' And iCis entirely free from'Opinm, Chloroform or, any other stupefying time for | . «The tender leaves of a harmless ig mountatuousshrubgive to he mos! 0 Moth- ers should for safety's sake alone, vl; ways degiand Dr, Shoop's. It ean with fect freedom ba given to 'even the youngest babes. Test it onca yourself, and see! Sold by all druggists. Whitby Tye principal, in fact the only case tried at this court on Monday, Dec. 7th, before Mr |Justice Britton, Non-dury Sitting. ¢ | was the case of H. H. Stoue, plain- Treasurer tiff, v8. H. Doubt & Sen, defendants, ; the ! i services | 1 The facts briefly are that in Feb, 904, H. Doubt sold to the plaintiff ar, Clerk | his tailoring business in Port Perry, Regular meeting ouncil members all presen Byers presiding, min meeting read and confi Communication fi master of C P. 1; st along side of: track been covered as regu Communication Railroad Municip: and'fyled. - g John Watson ap the council stating tention lo repair for the landing of 'road ] bf that ¥y mov- ing stones from otion of Councillors. Har- ones | ; iwhat E before | is in-| sarea | and good-will of the same, and gave the' covenant of himself and son Arthur Doubt, that the defendarits would not directly or irtirectly, for | ames themselves, or any other person or "1 last company, eugage in the cutting, ] | manufacture or repair of gentlemen's clothing, either tailor-made or ready- gulvert | made, or in the merchant tailoring has | business, in or within eighy miles of Port Perry. 5 The plaintiff claimed (1) that dé fendants had engaged in making fur-lined overcoats; (2) in "bushel- ling," that is in altering garments to suit customers, which he claimed |. was 'ordinary 1ailor's work, an (3) in taking special orders for men! suits Lobe made according to sam | and measurements, taken by the | s¢ for J fendamts th indi [ 4 FIRST DAY. ; ( ing 5 history of tens 5 housands simi cases an record, proving that Hyomel can ba depended upop to Siro Catarehy/ Pe t Broncbits, Cough, Coldd and Croup.' has no equal for any distress of the breathing organs. x Mr. Taylor saya: "Some yedrs ago while on a hunting trip in Northern Canada, I contracted a severe cold that settled in my head and final cted my throat.- It rapidly develo into catarrh and caused a aisergie throat weakness. My hedd would become clogged daring the night and there wag catarrhal dropping from the nose into the throat. Many dnys I had been un- able to breathe other tlian through my mouth, and the constant hawking and sptting was almost unbearable. I had been treated by the best throat special- ists here and in New York, but noth- fog benefitted my condition. I obtain. ed H omei at Edw. B. Flint's and soon found relief, the throat dropping ceased and my head began to clear. contin. ued with Hyomei for six weecks and after that time I was well in every detail. Thore has been no return of the trouble since, and I 'fecl grateful in}. speaking well of Hyomei, as it cured me when all else failed." - Horipay Goobs at E. H. Porby's +E. H. Purdy has made provision that no ole need be without just such good things for the holidays as tend to complete the enjoyments of Christmas and New Year's times. He has just got to hand such a stock as secure a supply for all and sells at such prices as all may sécure a supply. (Don't fail to ex- amine his goods.) To stop pain in 20 minutes take one of Di. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Seo formula on the box. Ask vour Doctor or Droggisi about this formula, It ih he. bettered: Womanly pains Telegraphy « will win for you a good salary. You can learn it quickly under superior conditions at our school. Catalogue free. Write CenTraL TELEGRAPH ScHooL, Toronto. : W. H Suaw, T.]. Jounsox, Pres. Prin, World's Twenty-Third Annual' XMAS FAIR! Will be held at Old Headquarters RAGLAN _ Monday; Dec. 21, 1908. LIST OF PRIZES Draught Colt of 1908,.$2 00 $1 50 Draught Cold, yearling 2 06 1 50 Draught Mare or Geld- ing, 2 years old. sis 2 fr x bw van = 88% 888 8 : cit low Sold vy al 'ated in his demise ina short time. He had been a highly respected re. sident of East Whitby for the past forty-five years, was 'a consistent member of the Methodist Churéh and a staunch Conservative. "Three hrothers;survive him. Mr. William Brent, East Whitby, and Messrs. Albert and Thos. Brefit, Port Perry. ~ WINTER ERM OPENS JAN. th Arrange now to attend the famous 'This School stands to-day without a superior in the Dominion. Nearly all -Coileger claim to be tha best, but claim. ing s0 does net make them so." Get our Catalognes. Read it tom cover to cover. See fur yourself what this Col- lege is doing and the adva:tsges it offers. Sai W. J. ELLIOTT, Prizipal, Yonge and Alexander Sts. Your Course In Shorthand or Business sill bring you best results if take d Aud th was of short duration, and _termin-| Notice to Credit In the matter of N. W. Stafford of the Village of Port Perry, Int the County of Ontarlo, Marble Dealdr. OTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN fhat, NOTE ynnepy © as made an Seigument to me in of the ntario ic , benefit of Hens for the a i AS meeting of Creditors for the appoin t of Indpectors and the ovis, bene for the disposal of the Estate will be " at my office, in the Court Houseyin: Town of, Whitby, on Saturday," the toth day.ef Pacember, \A.D- 1908, at the hour of wy in the afternoon." Creditors are requ to file their claims. a nature and value of if an; hod, on or before the day of a mn; J. F PAXTON, . Shean @ 8. ; L.T. BARCLAY, ESQ; . Assignee. Assignee's Solichy, ; Whitby. ~ Dated at Whithy* this 12th day of Deer an 1908. the : and 'wells: % We have an extensive stock of 'beautifil and practical Holiday Gifts, the greatest variety ever shown in Port Perry. = Something rich, rare and Attractive, and 'so vers cheap: that yione can afford' to give a liandsofde, vali "able Holiday Present to his or hey oy shoul see our. display and yo HEIN one gives a Holiday femem- Y _bramce, the quality, desirability and usefulness of the eftidle appeals or it doesn't. + $o the difficulty lies in knowing what to give. We ars anxious. {o' Assist you in chosing wisely EX ? maguificent, | § iends. You