d occupant of the : C2 the Jat FM. Yarnod. Port Perry, - Ont. ee 0 MONEY To LON. Private Funds at 4 per cent. Hob. 7, 1001 Jno. W. Orogier, ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, B &c. Office at residence, 6th Con. ach (one wile west of Port Perry,)-- Moxey 10 Loan. Attorudy Harvisthe, Cou: &e., Notary Public and Conveyunoer. o sath ng Court louse, Whithy, W. A SANGSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. Office Hours--9 to 12a.m., 2 to 6 pm. Also open Saturday, _eveninge, oF Gold Fillings, Bridg: and Crown Work a Specialty. Vitalised Air, Dr. F. D. McGrattan (DENTIST) £.D.S. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, also: D.S, of Toronto University. Office in tie All + De ison Block over Allison's Store. PORT PERRY. All branches of ptistry, including Crown and Bridge Work successfully Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum or Rubber Plates. Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement Painless extraction whe required: oF Prices to suit the times®? North Ontario Observe & Weekly Political, Agricultural and Family Sevupoge 1S PUBLISHED A' PORT PERRY, ONT. AVERY THURSDAY MORNING H. PARSONS paid zzz: Notice 0 Savings Depositors. E. FABEWELL, K.C, Ed mn AUCTION fur First-glassFarm for Sale MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Out, Stock. 'Ilie buildings ste commodious Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1853, { and in a good state of repair -- good stabl- FOR THE COUSATY OF ANTARIO AND TOW XSHI} | muses, or address turn thanks to his numerous patrons fo | past favors. In requesting their esteemed | ------ - i and coutinued patrevage ie desires to! state that no effort or pains will be spared | on his part to make all sales entrusted to | G. J. MORRISH him successes: His very extensive practior | in the past should be a sufficient recom ISSUER wedulfon as to his airy. all Sais given into his charge will be attended t SEN CEC with prowptuces and dispatch. Sale list | LICENSES [ne out aad blank notes supplied free, | oun may consult hie Saix Rxaisren either at May 10, 1907. the Olarrver or Standard Offices, Port! Perry, for dates claimed for Sales and ' _ =~ ----- make arrangements, or write to his address | S-- Nev. 1, 1901. Poit Perry ¥ for Port Perry and sdjoiring | iui Maing tn mores | a a 'Six months interest was credited to you op August Sst. In future, Interest will be Paid or Compounded: every three months--4 times a year, BLACKSTOCK A Branch of this Bank is being opened in Blackstock and until further notice will be under the direction of the Port Perry Agency. H. G. HUTCHESON, Manager DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS, MONEY TO LOAN (British Capital) at 4, 4] and 5 per cent. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT, SOLD OR EXCHANGED in any of the Pfdeinces, or principal Cities in the Dominion of Canada. Marriage Licenses Issued. AGENT --Alan Line and C.P.R. Steamship Comn- | panties. . mms ee | | -- ee SAAT nn ee of Outario, Sule Register wt Oparuver Office Patrovage solicited pu Manchester, Jan. 19, 1899, AT FIRST-CASS FARM contain iug 100 acres more or less, being | comp d of the south-half of 1 .t 23 con H. McCAW, |e, Township of Scugog, two miles from ! aUER br Port Perry, on the leading road tc Black- ee i cos nm {1g: Soil good clay oat well fenced ; {an a ce of good water ; 1 Orch. GEO. JACKSON, | an, Goof grain and stock Ron whi | never rem erms to suit th Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &c. chaser, Apply to the owner on CH OF CARTWRIGHT, | W. R. HAM, ISAES at this the commenorment of | o Port Perry W another Audtion Nale Season to re. | SCUEOE. July 1, 1908, OF MARRIAGE | application. | Port Pekry, On. hire wishing to engige his services cep of tf gleantiness, for purity and ter scientific flour-m og BANKERS AND BROKERS. || | el Myllady had wealth. When, at the ana o forty, she had married again, the ¢ only ® become a widow for the second uround ! ithin three years, her cash in- ayd run d been largely added to. tricuds a third ardent suitor ap- Ills reputation saon caught up with Lim, but "in Europe a tile excuses much. There was alinost af once an ber money. At sixty she had open irtation between my lady and she had Perkins. Five the connt. and for a time the eyed Perkins wateued it and said noth previously, when the woman had fo ber, she had said: Ing. ins, I am a frivolous thing of five." im frivolous, but not quite a fool." those who suffer from pains which this ai!meut causes MN, m'm." puld I really fall in love, Perkins id | be so giddy and frivolous Perkins came back at her enough statistics to swanfp the char- it wrecks the suflerer's life ! is blessed by thousands who used to suffer from piles, but whom olish as to think of marriage, h feet down and bring me to Acters of three or four adventurers, ere It is too late. That's al Lut my lady bad made np ber mind ning, Perkins." and nothing could move her. Perkins became lady's maid, knew when to argue and when to con- on aud adviser combined. She cea! herscl keeper of the keys and the imator of how far a flirtation whats sou = | Miss Harrison, | , o Dress and Mantle Maker | GRO. JACKSON | etn en te vermis. ISHES to inform the I dies | A Reliable Loca! Sulesmar | that she has moved to her feel WANTED! over Messrs Jones Dunk | & Co's Store where she i | - is prepared in a maaner un- of Style : and Charming Effect. Our charges are consist i are ent with n Perry, March 27, 3908. 0 and still come under the head hard work to keep the wrinkles away. My lady wai beginning her own stoop and limp, and almost ready to ackuowledge or falling off the (uay. feit all of forty-eight and a utes oyer. DuBois made his appearance opportune moment. IIe was a ah of that charming resort. uch count, If that was worth "8ut Perkins won't be advertised for "5° More Bfeéad in 4 Barrcl. "7 Thit extra cost per barrel which your grocer uils you fer eyal Household 14 docs' go into anybody's pocket. bt comes Lack to you. lt fs the difference in money between flanr you { are sure of and flour you are not. It covers the cost of in pecting the entire wheat 1 £3 1 i and selecting the choicest grain, It p= advanced mithng methods, for It cores back to you in tae shape of sleseme, nourishing bread and pastry LA barrel of Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour oes farther than a barrel sf any other flour. It "makes more bread and better bread You are not re ---you are investing it. Do not let it stand between vour family and £ i aking, Go to your grocer and say « Royal ! Household." Ogilvie Floor Mills Co., Limited Monfreal. two, shrugged ber 1 want you to help me from be- mitted to the inevit g ond." OCC on, to Perkins' great surprise, ginly, m'm." she proved obdurate You see me flirting or acting gid- "Perkins, I am surely in love," she most young women are apt to replied. ; times, put your foot down and "But you can't be. You are too--too young." He was also a spendthrife 1 was cu sound and ith ah Ty Sear." VRAIS TINY RS intending to + Fas id etinet Oh Kaw on you, However, when Mrs. Grundy had be gun to nod and wink aud whisper be 'm," replied Perkins as she men- hind ber fan, she took my I¥ ndded twenty years to the figures. hand. On all previous occasions the Qeir old thing had heaved a sigh or lady ble, but on this "But I know that I am in love, and I shall marry the count, poor boy." behind the portieres. Before the conntAaft the parlors next g of the treasury. She was a day she was in possession of all needed Judge of human' character and a Particulars. There wus to be a yacht ing party of a dozen friends, and dur- ing the (ip the engagement would be less. announce !'-two weeks later a veral occasions, when things riage and a honermoon trip. their limit, she had announc- fact, and my lady bad turned on the affair. The yacht would not make the har- bor until a Inte hour in the evening, and the count Would call for my lady one season at Nice when In a carriage. He further threw out a went wrong. Perkins was fingd- suggestion. It was that [Perkins be locked In her room at a certain hour to prevent her wandering about Nice dur ing the evening hours and getting lost Human' jewels such as she had been known to' disappear off the face of the earth while innocently taking the night | straints, AFTER TREATMENT ilar disease 8 0. Sah oommmenced to ben ui TREATMENT for fonT mun ihs: you been 7 HOD ba ES | REET youth, "am T right for "| house? + Rh fon" on "th bck and | compan > she should miss her when she died. © The day on which my lady was tc begin ber yachting trip dawoed auspl clously. Sbe had looked into ber heart She had felt the stir and flutter of love and romance. She had heard that one lady bad said that she was old enough to be the count's grandmother. She looked into her glass and Indig- nantly repudiated the slander. Not a gray hair in her bead; not a wrinkle on her face; not a wabble to her knees as she stood there and felt how good it was to be young again. Even her worst cnemy must have been forced to admit that day the complexion just finished by Perkins was a three-A brand, and that the movements of the old dame around the room had all the litheness of girlhood. After the midday lunch she became petulant and vervous and finally drove Perkins away to sit by herself. She thus secured an interval in which to pack a small trunk with the things she would need aboard the yacht. At the dinner hour sbe had the meal served in her rooms. She ate sparingly, but drank rather more than usual of her favorite brand of wine. It is needless to add that the bottle passed through the hands of Perkins before taking its place on the table. ITalf an hour after dinner my lady felt drowsy and retired for a nap. She could sleep for two or three hours and then bave plenty of time to turn the key on the unsuspecting Perkins. Her puffs were laid aside for the nonce, her complexion secured against accident, her head on the pillow and fe cep like a tired child --or a grand her. However, when the count drove up soon after 10 o'clock be found my lady ready and vaiting, and the drive to the quay was he wanted to inquire it > bad been inuch trouble in dis- g of the watchdog, bat as his union seemed disinclined for con- versation be decided to let the point stand over until later. They went on board' the yacht at once, and my lady was Landed over to the care of the stewardess. She might have inquired if the rest of the party bad come aboard yet, but she didn't. She didn't seem to care The count and the captain had had their morning cocktails and were hun- grily awaiting the appearance of my lady and breakfast, wlio into the cabin after a night of sleep broken at Intervais 1); kles that seemed to chuckle of their own ac cord. She had a smile of s ty on her face, and she sat down to the table with a good appetite The captain doffed his cap and made Lis bow. The count started to do the same thing, but she sailed " caught his breath and then yelled. It was Perkins--Perkins the jewel -- Perkins the watchdog--Perkins the all around best ever. She was calm. She was tranquil. She was very much at home. She excused the absence of my lady on the grounds of a very pressing ep- gagement and promised, as her sub- stitute, to enjoy every hour of the trip so kindly planned and so auspiciously begun. It was a breakfast with firecrackers and Roman candles tied to it. Every minute or two there was a snapping and crackling, and every minute or two something would go off. The count cursed and raved and tore his hair, the captain grinned and chuck- led and Perkins said she hadn't en joyed a breakfast so much in many moons, It was soon discovered that she and the count were not en rapport and | coundn't view matters In the same | light. In fact, they speedily decided | that they didn't want to be found | drowned in the same Mediterranean sea. If the disappointed and cursing | man had bad Perkins afar on the | desert or on some lonely mountain peak he would have gladly wrung her neck, but on the yacht there were re- | tbe' sane n ith | called; the captain of the "had | no news for reporters, and to this day. there are not half a dozen people who can' elevate their cyebrows: and look knowingly when a certain name. is mentioned. Perkins did not take advantage of tie circumstance as another might. Sue simply used the incident as a lever when she wanted to cut short another firfation, ~ After she had stated her case with the force and clearness of an attorney at law she would hold up a forefinger and conclude with: "Cut it short, my lady. I may not be there next time to doctor your wine and take your place, and then what would the world say?' vine " Why Hurry? . The scorching cyclist vas on the road to Stratford-on-Avon. He was bent over the handle bars, and the beads 'which | bespeak the strenuous tofler were tric: kling off his face. EN "HY, sonny," he called to uics. you Lave $ico. Ail it g clean and | hair - To Canonize Jogues. Cardinal Cretoni, the prefect of the ©ongregation of Rites at the Vatican, has instructed his dependents to hur- ry work regarding the process of can- qnization of Father Isanc J Jesuit missionary who, nea centuries ago fl the hands of t , tha ent from the § and Canada regarding the life and miracles of the missionar One of the most important of Father Jogues" writings is a description of the awfu! march he had to take among the In 15 before being put to death after the most horrible sufferings and for- tures The Pope has asked for the narra- tive, wishing to read it. A ceiving Cardinal Cretoni weekly audience, he sj about it, saying: "How the faith and devotion of such a man dwarfs all our little troubles and pats us; all to shame ok s: Hon, Wm, Pater John Haggnrt, 1872; son, 1872; Hon Make the Cow Comfortable. Whatever adds to the comfort of toe cow lucre: nilk yleld. Dis id. Strive to 1 f Give her, ghade dur the hottest d and the best protection you can frown flies, ¥ 3 FORCED AIR OVEN § A roast in an ordinary oven | sizzles and burns out most of its juice and nutriment. In § the SOUVENIR RANGE with its Aerated (Forced-air) Oven: it is done te a turn witl loss or waste--ib is roasted 1 0 That's exclusively the" +