PE -- A Bold Boston Sea Captain Mutilated the Constitution's Figureshead and "Then Went to Washington and Defied tha Authorities. The figurehead which was placed on | the frigate Constitution Is now at the | Naval academy In Annapolis. It is a we of Andrew Jucksoy, and con- mected with it Is a curlous'lpeldent. | 'The origthal figureticud of the Con- was a figure of Hercules 5G was destroyed by a cannon ball -at Tripoll, aud then a figure of Nep- | tune was erected. This also came to | grief, and at the time the vessel was "gebuilt there was uo figurehead ex- I" At the time the new ebip was Ohish- ed Cuptain Jesse Duncan Elliott of , Hagerstown. Md., who bad distingutsh- ed himself In the battle of Lake Erle, was In command at the Boston navy Captain Elliott was an enthu- yard 'silastic heey most tably re- ceived, and Captain Elliott conceived the idea of placing a figure of the president at the prow of the Constitu- tion, believing that It would give the people of Boston much pleasure. The navy department gave bim permission, and so a wooden figure of "Old Hick- ery" was put in position on the ship. This act raised a storm of dissent fm the IMub, and Captain Elliott was threatened with a coat of tar and feathers. The excitement was intense, and the language was virulent. Hand- bills denouncing the act, denouncing the president and Elliott were circulat- ed In the streets, and the newspapers 'took up the cry, and In this day and generation tle partisan violence and vituperation which raged in New Eng- Jand are Inconcelvable. On a dark night in July the deck of the ship was invaded, and, although a sentry was close at hand, the head of Jackson was sawed off and taken away. New England was delirious, and for a time the perpetrator of the act was unknown to the public. Six months later one Samuel W. Dewey, a Boston sen captain, took the dissevered head in a bag to the secre tary of the navy at Washington and avowed himself as the criminal. That officinl was amazed at the man's au dacity and asked him If he did not know that he would be severely pun fshed. Dewey calmly replied that be bad considered the matter and bad as- certained that the legal penalty was slight and could not be applied until be was convicted by a jury in Essex county, Mass. "And If you think a jury In that county," he added, "will punish a man for cutting off the head of Andrew Jackson you are welcome to try it." The secretary went to the White Ilouse for instruction, while Dewey was detained. General Jackson laugh- ed heartily ant the whole incident and forbade the man's arrest. Before this Captain Elliott had provided a new bead for the figure, and the wooden statne of Jackson that is now at An- mpapolis was at the prow of the vessel for forty years. © Captain Elliott's last voyage on the Constitution was from the Mediterra- pean to Hampton Roads in 1838. Here {he was removed from command be- | cause of charges of severity to the men and of having incumbered the berth deck of the ship on the home- | ward voyage with jackasses for the | improvement of the breed in the Unit- !ed States. The Constitution finally went out of commission for active service at Portsmouth, N. H, after a | career of pearly fifty-eight years in the service. In 1860 she was transferred to Annapolis for the use of the mid- shipwen, } | When ibe civil war began her posi | tion there was deemed unsafe, and she | was sent to the New York navy yard. In 1865 she was returned to Annapo- lis, where she remained until 1871, | when she was taken to Philadelphia, | where she was again rebuilt In 1878 | she was used to transport exhibits to France for the Paris exposition of 1878, and her career at sea finally ended In 1881. The centennial of her launching was celebrated at Boston ln 1897, where she was bullt--Baltimore Bun. POORHOUSE REFORM NEEDED. Grand Jury Find "Dark Hole" in House of Refuge. The Inspector of Hospitals of On- tario has been instructed to inquire into the of a Grand Jury ich recently visited the House of Refuge Markdale at e The jury mentioned "a dark hole or room in the basement, without proper ventilation, into which the forcibly places any i "The practice of enforcing the at- tendance of every inmate to worship in the chapel at the dictation of the manager, who has his own iar etved lo maintain, and who is ofies y preacher available, abolished the cept a billet, | EER* IS GOOD FOR MOST FO S L) RAGE FEEDS SO W most grown {HARDLY ANOTHE 4 R BEVE EER really excels milk as a food-drink for people cannot digest milk easily, because ; : it is so lacking in solid food-contemts, Moreover, milk is so liable to contagion that it is seldom pure when we get it in the cities. But Ontario- brewed beer is really pure,--brewed in cleanliness, of sound materials, in a sanitary way, and brought to the user in the same fit-to-drink state. people. And many, many Beer Is No Stimulant Drink beer with meals and at bedtime, as an item of diet that will help the stomach do its work better, and will feed the body besides. not contain enough alcohol for that. that induces lazy stomachs to do their work well, and so helps them get more good out of all food. Fis 'power that hops possess ta repair nerve waste these brews. That is what makes beer so particularly good for women to drink regularly. he thinks of beer for your household. Don't choose beer as a stimulant, though,--it does Use it as a food-drink | Better Nerves kept in Ask your own doctor what a. ni wc BEER is a term which covers lager, ales, porter and stout; and, in the 'practise of Ontario Browetss Saphoy Reverants mans rer moet Drasecic conmtus from Dutaric vhricy (the beet 1a the world) malt, hops and pure water. 301 r 'Believe me Wwe Are LViIhg ih alg rougu sovera. Cows Bre Repl 1,4 45d we are not emotional." on the premises, and butter and cream are otherwise disposed of. "We find, too, that the vegetables grown on the premises are being sold, instead of being used in the house for the inmates, ns they should be. "In justice to Mr. Harness, the manager, we wish to state that he is practising much of the unwise economy complained of under the instruction of a committee of the County Council." PLAYED PRACTICAL JOKE. Competitors For Limerick Prizes Hoaxed at St. Kitts. Some practical joker put up a cruel x on a lot of people at Bt. Cath- ies recently, and now he is being sought with axes by the outraged vic- A series of telegrams were de- livered to various persons around town, notifying them that they had won the leading prizes in the Lipton Limerick contest. The telegrams were ou the regular forms of the telegraph companies, and looked genuine en- ough, being signed by Septimus Lip- ton. Nobody thought of questioning the genuineness of the messages, an they brought joy to a lot of hearts. The victims had been selected with an eye to the artistic, being pretty well spread throughout the leading mercantile houses of the city. The joker apparently knew just where the telegrams would do most good Everybody was congratulating the lucky ones who had managed to bag $100 and $50 prizes, and it was decid- edly amusing in the light of after events to listen to the confident air with which the fortunate "winners" recited the particular lines they be- lieved had won the money. The py delusion didn't last long. The first rift occurred when two mu- tual friends produced separate tele- grams to show that they had both won the second prize of $50. After look- ing mystified for a moment or two they began to ask questions. The cat was soon out of the bag, The ele. raph companies pronoun: e tele- ger This report spread tast- he tims 1 NCLOSED in a hand- some velvet lined case this brooch sells for $6.50. THE pearls are all selected and of the best quality. THE mounting is of heavy 14k. gold and very sub- stantially made. THIS artistic design is en- tirely exclusive, being one of the newest and prettiest brooches that our factory has yet produced. Our Catalogue is yours for the asking. Ryrie Bros., Limited 184-138 Yonge St. TORONTO "Anyway we hear to much in our papers about the Old Country." | "My dear young gentieman," said 1, taking him up, "I have heard ever gince I set foot on Canadian, seil too many pitying and patronizing refer- ences to the 'Old Country." I am not a fighting man, and I carry no mora dangerous weapon than an. ivory nail cleaner "ex ungue leonem"--let me recommend the inventiqn for importa- tion--but if you will maintain a peace- able frame of mind and endeavor yourself not to foam at the mouth or draw a gun on me, I should like to | tell you that my country. far from | being old and outworn, is in the very | flush and dawn of its manhood, that it is the greatest country in the world, that i+ has the pleasantest cus- toms, the most agreeable manners, and infinitely the strongest arm of any other nation under the firmament "Further, 1 should like to tell you that without my country, the 'Old Country,' as you obligingly call it, your country could not exist for three agitations of a gopher's tail; and fur- ther, that if you were to cut the paint er to-morrow it would not interrupt a single cricket match in Jjogland or cool a single bowl of porridge on the western slopes of our Scottish High- lands. If you will journey to British Columbia and engage yourself in con versation with the old-timers. you will find that what I have told you is their own settled and well-reasoned conclusion. No, young gentleman, be calm and receptive. I will not brook an interruption. The Old Country is 04 its legs. The lion is roaring Be g) good as to chew gum, spitting as little as is possible to your conveni- ence, until 1 have finished this ex: ordium "Now, young gentleman, 1 wish you Pir icularly to in mind the fol- cwing considerations whenever you hear your simple people talking hot air about the Old Country. It is from our islands tho® we send every vear, out of our schools and universities, ycung and healthy boys, who rule vast provinces, and bless with justice millions of alien people. They ask no one to wave flags, but they maintain peace throughout India. They ask no one to sing Rule Britannia, but they sow with corn the desert of Egvpt Consider the miracle of Egypt. That miracle is the work of the Old Coun- try--the work of her boys. From the same Old Country we draw boys who | crowd the ships of Britain and protect on every sea the commerce of people | kind 'enough to fly the Union Jack. | and unkind enough to speak amused- ly of the 'Old Countrw' Tp to F YOU WOULD HAVE JOD LUCE IN HATCHING CHICK DUCE AsuTURKEYS, you should without dela purchase ** The Chatham", the Kin of all Incubators. { Let us lista few of the features th: make The Chatham Incubator the most effective hatching apparatus eve: boilt. It has double walls, which are thoroughly picked with Mineral Wool which i absolutely fireproof, and the most perfec nou-conductor that conld be used. [t has Automatie, Thermostatic Bar Regn lator, Selfveutilated Nuwisery, It i made for a Canadian People by a reliablc Canadian Firm that has a reputation ta maintain 4 THE CHA than apy othériuve Farm Mr. tieorge Lee, Greenbank, Out., writ: | us follows ;-- orT Prrry, O~T, am more than am Incubator pure! ix giving entire satisfaction I have just taken off ny first hatch fox this season, March 15th, 1905. and from 90 I have 79 smart chicks which I consider ard to beat at this time of the % better than hat bing wit ae g every person contemplating buying m Incubator, as yan cannot make a mistake by so dging. ? "| THE CHATHAM is sold on time, eitlot , two or three payments, not until next October. 3 ."BGGS FOR HATCHING | When porshusing +ggs for hatching aA al tt stock, - Wé can supply you with a best, and a to . ree ele i en free of y ners, if Campean, © wave has of M. mat 'and nc Jeuaoih y bens 3 {7 can cheerfully recominerd [he Chatham tc mn mervice of without fee, tons beyond 1 ritatn of of opeftl abou proud of ite' C when her for he art y 0 spirit and not th spire your politic literature, and you your audience of pose an applie: ainless absorphi ine you fi member 'when Country' that G you, that Great in the van of the ever you' tain, if yom © " take oft your hi from----. e. api prolifie Tao Sunday La By a new 0% 'gs so far as to ab least refrain | {, 1 observe, is | on png gang PRLT Lo didn't have a strong muscle and ho the moving® p and other mechanical vat {airs have made a 8| 3 matinees and evenin ars ville af- .Bunday which have been la YT t00 healthy for Now this. must stop, 8 " order issued by Chief - Campeau, who has sta 4 : an old city bylay, be wi ~ Sure Ware tha the Sunday Doctor -- Thet's. the worst et ers : of wrypeck 1 ever see, Peleg. Don't sleep on your baek, for this thi you get it? Peleg--Drivin' thet method of getting rest is, bad for the wijved in a ee, mare o mine an' everiastin'ly pervous system. 8 ono tent and the fow "fixings" Bookin' behind t' see if an auto was with which he started. He was now josmntn', earning 20 dollars a month with his } The Old R lodgi keep, and was looking Ne Giving Up. gi and Do you know that tl man mor- A hope he which quarter section of 160 acres in a year remarkable or so. He knew little of farm work, tar was harder than t it held together? It is thing that we do not make mortar like that ns an eye those old Romans bad for po sition! It is a pity that some historical 1 writer doesn't write a 9ance with Julius Caesar as the central figure. Bhakespeare seems to be'the ouly au- thor who has done an g of that sort really well.-- London Captain. And what 3 Cold Comforts "] have no money," the man com- plained. ge "You have been givem® responded Jupiter, "a sense of humor Instead." | "To what end 7" | "That you may enjoy Watching those who have."--Editor, eg er False. i Miss Biondlock--Ilow dare you tell people my hair is bleached? You know it is false? Miss Ravenwing--Yes, dear; 1 know it is. | told them it was bleached before you gut it.--London Telegraph. | His Versiohe | Sunday School Teae Freddy, do you remember the prec about spar- ing the rod? Small Freddy--Yes, ma'am. Spare the rod and lose the (oa N returning thaw ta the public for a patronage extended te me for over 3C years 1 wouid pespectiully intimate that ani, as usoal, DOW veady fur Lusinces, and large & Assorted Stock OF 1LOUBLE AKD. SINGLE HARNESS which I am detevnrined to xe!l very CHEAP As an inducement to Cau purchasers A Dooouh of 10 wr nde- will-le altowen ob all Sales fiom now unit Jan, 1st next. All work being KZ MADEBY HANDEZ factory wouk kept in stock, the super ority of ny goods will at cuce become appa' ent. cia i Ttecding purchasers will find that by giving me s 'all before looking ~lsewher the ycan be suited in quality aud price, my long exp-rience in ade being an indis- puataule guaran perfect satisfaction will be given by a ticle purchased. Everthing my Hue businres kep coustantly on hand and repirs neatly snd promptly attonded to. Fa 3 "JOHN ROI PH. port Perry, Dee. 1, + © ' o e all kinds of repair 'strictly attendod to, to please all who col w bow to but was willing to ow. and meantime to { him by his employer. B80! fully to take up his , turning his learn, re tha | "Neither will L" jwho disputed tbe debt.--Exchange. 1857, sone [907 OUR JUBILEE YEAR The Publisher and Proprietor of The OBSERVER WISHES HIS PATRONS replied the man rt of man to get on in Canada, and : whieh Tam about to luge'y extend in believe will --London Daily Mail. ' A girl generally plays with a man's ori facilities eo that the public may be Meart just about as carefully us a ba- | betver necommodatea with safe and desir i (Successor to J. A. Rodman.) 7 i z doors north of Mr Widden's stote | Office | aii BY PORT P:RY. I EKARTILY thanking the pubic for the Tibworal patronage received during the many years I have kept a Livery Katahlish ment fa Port Perry, 1have wuch pleasure ix announcing that [ have removed MY LIVERY! to my former place of business 'Water Street able |2res AT MODERATE CEARGES K. VANSICKLEKR. | Part Parry, June 21, 1000. Our {ge returned §f we fail. . Auy one sendin sketch wud descripiion of any imvention will | promptly receive our opinion free concerning | the patentability of sane. ** How to Obtain a | Patent" sent upon requ I'atents | through us advertised for sale at our expense. | Patents taken oul through us receive spectal | notice, without charge, in THE PATENT RECORD, an illtstrated and widely circulated jowrnal, | consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. | Send for sample copy FREE. Address, _VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. (Patent Attorneys,) | Evans Building, WASHINGTON, D. C. | Sealed Tend 6diod 1ENGErs EALED TENDERS will be WY received By the undeesigried for [the purchase of all or any of Lhe | Parcels-- Farm Properties ~ belong ling to Mr. John Adams, advertised (to be sold by auction on the 23rd | Noveinber, and withdrawn at the 1 sale. | J. A McGILLIVRAY, Temi le Building, Toronto | Nov. 30, 1899. 50 YEARS® EXPERIENCE Co. . 62 ¥ Bt.. Washington, Agricultural aches ------AND-- i In Co AY SUNDERLA # undersigned keeps on hand and for z] sales the following Agricultural Mack Central Livery ND| new and Iwplements manufactured by the | 3 COUNTY OF QNTARIO. £ : 1007, - -" : wil WHITEY Clerk, D. C. Macdonell, W) Sout ary 9, Febraary 1, March Ap } hE on Ma, Ju 3 3, Se Ler 6, ph Tigh oper bower & ivenler OBHAWA Clerk, D. 0. Macdooe!l, Whithy-- wnt ary 10, Fabrmary 4, Marmh 4 April 5, Mi- £, A men 5c wae * July 4, Heptember 9, ember 9, Jan. 10, 1908. . BROUGITAM--Clerk, M. Glenson Greenwood Jagt- ary 11, Murch §, May 7, Juiy, § Supteminer 1, Ve ember 7, Jun 13, 198. 7 on 3 rant PERRY = Clerk, J W. Burpham, Port Perry --Jwwary 7, Mnreh 7, Ju 8; 12, Rovemink Jor 2% 7 £ Sop ular 4 UXREINOE Clerk. Jos ¥_ @eull, Uxbridge-- - Janvary 16, March 15, May 17. , 20, Novemler 1, Jur. RE Fork, Sutades 5. CANNINGTON --Oterk, Ge Suyilh, Caonington-- January 18. Merch 14, May 16, July 1 19, November id, Jun. 16, I Ine Buembor BEAVERTON (lerk. Geo. P. Brice Bea Javurry 13, Marc: 15, May 15, July 17, ovptend ov. miter 13, Jun. 15, 198, eo x UTI RGROL E--Clerk, P. Mu'yahill, v Ji nuary 17, March 12, Muy ee ber 17, Nove ler 12, Jan. 14, 1908. By order, J. BE. FARF WEL, Ql Peace, Dated at Whitby, Nov. 16th, 1006 + °F i General Blacksmithing The undersigned having opened business in the 3 Chop alley serie by Mn IL Bell Just west of Drs. Archer & Archer's Office, 1s prepared 10 do all kinds of of General Blacksmithing at Reas- onable Chirpes, 11ORSE- SHOEING lho ul n ie 2 Ai Patronage 8 licited. S. W, SWITZER Port Perry;-Seat. 16, 1go2, » Dictionary has won a greater distinction upon its merits and is in more general usc than any other| work of its kind in the English language." A. H. SBayce, LL.D., D.D,, of Oxford University, England, has rocenily said of B16: It is indeed a marwelots werk; it js | dificult to conceive of # dictionary more. eximustivo and complete. Everything fs init--not only what we might sxpoot to. find In such a work, but also what fow of us would ever have thought of ooking for. A supplement to the new dillon haa, brought # fully wp to date. 1 have been looking through tho Jatter with 8 feeling of astonishment at its completeness. 2 the pmount of labor that has been mil into it. we ee LET US SEND YOU FREE. "A Test in Pronunciation' hihi Sn pious, uid Jusiructive 55 z : a * Tustrated pomphict alsofrge, * Ne G.&C, MERRIAM & Pps . pt JOHN.ADBL; Toronto. 3 High slam Threshing - outhi Viet ngines and Machine _Hallee, Pox Trin