-. Tositabl here is po mec gut ois banish this sum-- _ Just one'medicine that 'strength and vim to fag ot even the hottest Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. have helped thousands. Per your neighbors bave already Tou they have helped them. the medicine that makes 'pure, rich. redblood that every -oue meeds for good health--they never fail to do eng Mrs. L A. , the popular stewardess of the Jacques Cartier Club, Montreal says, "For two years | was a constant sufferer from general de- 'bifity. The least work fatigued me and sometimes I could not work at all. _I could not raisg my hand above my end without esting. pains d by the time had taken ¥ was in perfect health and now able to look after all my duties without the least fatigue 'When I began taking the Pills I was a great sufferer--to day 1 feel asif I never was ill--thanks to Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills." Dr. Williams's Pink Pills strike right at the root of anaemia, debils ity, rheumatism, indigestion, the secret ills of women and growing girls, etc., when they make new blood--they do just that one thing, but they do it well--good blood al- ways brings all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Several sums from MONEY. $300 to f10,000, have placed with me for immediate in ied at lowest rate. HUBERT I. EBBELS, Barrister, Port Perry. THE OBSERVER Has 4 Goon Oras LATION. aod is con bocpls | of ache ners ft jn Lhe Oldest and Bost Established | im 1857 the most. original in is Joost snd general news Berrien: ® printed entirely in the pace lication -- Port Perry wr TERMs--§1 per an in advance, advance, $1.50 wil be oe charged JOB PRINTING THE MOST MODERN STYLES good health. Sold by | # not paid in | { , are in a forward and. pro- dition. The Committee having the matter in hand, after tracing so far as possible the pre- sent addresses of all those who have been pupils of the High School for 'the last thirty-five years, have communicated to these old scholars their scheme for a gathering at their old Alma Mater, a scheme which, 88 far as replies have been receiv- ed, has met with the most cordial approval. These ex-pupils are scattered: through the cities and towns of the continent. Among them ave ministers, doctors, law- Fpl yers, tefichers, bankers, merchants, manufacturers, financiers; leaders "| mising to visit their home-school to enjoy for a day the pld and pleasant fassociations of their youth. The man of middle life will again be the hopeful youth of seventeen; the stately dame who now takes pride in her larger sphere of influence and responsibility will again become the maid of sweet sixteen coyly court- ing--the classics. And the pres ence of their former teacher, the Principal of the school who bears so few marks of th: pas:ing years, pow no longcr to them robed in au gust authority--the old School House --the once familiar class room, will insensibly bring to their minds the thoughts and feelings of youth-- "the smiles and tears of other years." Few Principals who have taught for over a third of a century have so lightly flourished the birch that 5 hey ar are not even within hailing of being Oslerized; and wd | and few P rinciples have so mingled t| the discipline of the Master with { the pupils {the patience and wisdom of | Father, that their former [longingly | years, to revisit their old school and desire, after so many AND AT LOW PRICES | 1867 North Ontario Observer. (The Omecial Paper of the People.) OUR JUBILEE YEAR. FOUNDED IN 1857. Only Paper Printed and Published in Port Perry. ee PORT PERRY, JULY 18, 1907. The Toronto Star's report of the Liberal convention at Beaverton last week says: "North Ontario Liberals yesterday re nominated | - George D. Grant, M.P., for the next Federal elections. Mr. Grant said his physicians had warned him to avoid all excitement. {f the gen- eral elections were to be pulled off this autumn, he would have to de cline the nomination. As it was he could only accept the nomination with the understanding that he 'might give it up should he not secure the convalesence that he 'hoped for. One can sympathise with Mr 1907 | And ! {will be a glowing testimony to the told teacher. this occasion universally kindly feelings of the which, have burned teacher, enkindled in youth, pupils for their through all the following years. These home-comers were the boys land girls whose shining morping faces we met on our streets, ten, the boys whose shouts on the playground twenty, thirty years ago; made the air vocal with happiness ; the girls whose pretty and modest looks were as a vision of angels ; they lived with us, worshipped with us, were one with us; and we wel- come them again to their old town. The Programme for the full day is in the hands of the Committee ; on the thirtieth of August the town will be theirs; Winnipeg, fromm New York, from St. they come from John, from Toronto; they come from everywhere to honor us and we will rise to honor their coming. Auction Sace.--It will be seen by the posters that Mr. Jackson has instructions from Mrs. Jarwood to sell by Auction at her residence Cochrance street, Port Perry, on Thursday, August 1st, all her Household Effects, consisting of furniture, stoves, beds, bedding, pole : E> Our Band intend running . Exciirsion on Wednesday, and social life ;| - Grabam | for the past week were * | Miss Matthie, Miss Jackson, Miss E. Swain and Mrs, | Bryson, all of Lindsay, and Miss Moffatt of To- ronto. > Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Jamieson of the parental roof in this place. Summer visitors at The Bunga- low last week were Miss Coles and Miss Estella Coles of Chicago; Mrs. A, Stouffer and Master Victor Par- sons Stouffer of Newmarket, The Chicagoités were delighted with their Canadian visit, The interesting accountof a hunt- ing expedition in New Brunswick published on our fourth page of this issue is from the able and fluent pen of a former Port Perry boy, Mr, Scl- wyn E. Sangster. It is wetl worth Grahem "described he Wiiey Government as "floating aimlessly about upon the wreckage of his own broken promises." How much more satisfactory it would have been if he could have said the Gov- ernment had gone down with the wreckage. AN EFFICIENT POUNDKEEPRR.-- On the evening of Monday, July 8, Mr. John Lambe, Shirley, who had been absent from home during the afternoon, found a valuable team in his stables the doors of which had been left open. After keeping them nearly two days during which time he made diligent inquires for the owner, he impounded them with Mr. Sinclair Robertson who at once advertised them as the law directs, and he also took every possible means to ascertain the owner, and on Sunday last succeeded. in docat- ing him through a friend who was visiting Bowmanville on that day. The owner proved to be a wealthy farmer residing on the Kingston road west of Bowmanville, who on hear- ing the glad tidings of the recovery of his lost horses, started at once for Shirley inorder to secure his lost property and he willingly paid all Robert- son great credit for his persistent effort to find the owner of the lost charges ; he also gavé Mr, animals. Gazette :--North On- tario Liberals have re-nominated Montreal Mr. George D. Grant, M.P., as their candidate for the coming parlia- Mr. Grant's latest public utterance was to the mentary elections. effect that a lot of the Laurier min- isters were old and useless, and for the good of the party should be re- tired. His constituents evidently agree with him. Otherwise they would not have endorsed him. Mr. George D. Grant, M.{P., ap- pears to be anxious again to appeal to the electors of North Ontario, and the politicians of the riding who have aspirations of their own afe more than willing to let him. The ease with which Mr. Grant--an outsider, with no particular claims upon the party--again obtained the nomination, is in itself significant, and a most encouraging omen for Mr. S. S. Sharpe, EF A GaroEx Party will te be given under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church, Port Perry, next Wednes- day, July 24th, on the Lawn of Mrs, Geo. Rose and adjoining Park. Tea from 5.30. Band in attendance. Admission 15 cts, child 10 cts. "The United States Government finished the year with a surplus of " Bobs" " Stag" and "Currency" Chewing Tobaccoes. , According to the Toronto Star, |. Mr. Graham assured his E the Liberal party was not Why was the assurance Guests of Dr. and Mrs. Orr + Toronto, spent Sunday last under o ists, Whitby Brooks, ¢o dance. 1 Myrtle-- 6.30. Adults, 25 cen All. welcome, Bandel, A. Q loss of offe life and the tion of eight coaches b red on the C. P. R., eighty-three miles westof Hat, on*Sunday aftersoo 16.30 o'clock, when Ex (Conductor McDougall) ju track and was difchett. | The unfortunate victim A. McKinlay, Express m He, along with the crew #nt engers, escaped without an when the train left the t he was standing at a distan yards from the wreck, as afterwards paced off, when the aget e gas tank beneath a burning "lene car suddenly blew up and the head was thrown with cannon hall jvelecity directly at young Mc Kinlay striking him in the legs just below the body and mangling one to such ag extent that it bung only by a striplef skin. Two doctors, who were on the train, did thelr best to make the poor fel- low comfortable with the appliances which were at hand, and he was placed on the pilot of the engine and taken to Brooks station a dis- tance ef twenty-five miles, from which point dispatches were sent to Medicine Hat for sid. A "special train was quickly made up, but the locomotive broke down and was stalled for two hours before if reach- ed Brooks. The young man had been dead about half an hour when the surgeons arrived. He was con- scious until the last and told those who were with him that his parents, Mr. and Mrs D. N. McKinlay, of Orillia, Ontario, were at hit time in Victoria, having come west for the purpose of visiting him; he having been absent from home! fir about five years. On being communicat- ed with his parents immediately left Vancouver for the Hat, arriving here yesterday morning and leavic again in the evening with the boc ty on their "mournful journey home. The deceased was 28 years of age and had been employed for some time in the Vancouver office of the Express company, but was given a run recently, and only a Week ago was transferred to the Calgary- Moose Jaw division. Eight coaches in all left: viz, the mail, express, 1 three fish cars, the touris 3 the first-class. Fire broke out im mediately in the Express. sumably from an o 1 pread along A . e rails and the flames quickly' the line of coaches in the members of Peck's Bad pany, both men and ported to have done str insaving the mail bag ing the dining and p the track out of reachiol The track was cl about ten o'clock on ing. ; In spite of its difficul fession of medicine, is a good one for For Quality ant Gramtiy suk your pe os dealer for the Hew big plugs of [ey J] 1907. "land Miss Hazel Bell, _{ Soprano. Band" will be in attendance. . | ladies of the "congregation are put- *I'this the Best Entertainment lever "| grounds, . {blacksmith .| Such was not the case--a reduction -lof $50 was made. E¢age, | mi pizstae fis A Garden Party under the us- | of the Methodist (Church, Max ester, "will take place on the spaci- ous lawn of Mr. I. M. Vernon, Man- chester, on 'Wednesday, July 24, Tea from 6 to 8 o'clock The Committee have been success. ful in securing Will J. White, 'one of. Canada's most nated Comedians Toronto's The Greenbank Brass The ting forth their best efforts to Take held uuder the auspices of the church. Refreshment stand on the Admission--Adults 30 children under 12 years 20 cts. ; Committee--M 18'S, om Ch . F. Dol Snell, Pastor. ; ispecies In reporting the Port Perry Court of Revision we inadvertantly made it appear that Dr. Archer's appeal to reduce the asses: ment on the lots in connection with the Switzer shop was dismissed. te . SEND CATS TO INDIA. English "Mousers" to Kill the Rats That Spread Plague. One hundred cats of the ordinary household variety have been exported from London to India in order to de- stroy the rats which at present over- run the plague districts. In the opinion of old A: Ho-Indians the Government is i vised in' adopting this method of destroyin, the eastern rodent. It is assum thet the rats distribute the plague in the central Indian districts; but a ahed old Indian ter re- marked recently, better a plagua of ial than an unlimited orug of as breed like vermin, and, though the snakes keep down the rat tribe, no self-respecting reptile will ever look at a Pot repels aril mouser, "The. Centre huirch, Scugog, will (DV. te-0p ied on Sunday and: Monday, July aret and 22nd. On Sunday-- Sermons will be preached at 10.30 a.m.and 7 p.m, by Rev. Prof. Bowles, M.A,, B.D., Victoria University, Toronto, On Monday --Tea will be served in the Town Hall from 5 o'clock until all are{- served. After which a high classed program will 'be rendered in the] church. The chair will be occupied by Wm. Ross, Esq., Port Perry. Music will be rendered by the Quar- tette of the Methodist Church, Port Perry, and the Centre ChurchChoir. Miss Florence Wharton, Elocution- ist, Toronto, "will: render several choice selections. Address will be delivered by Revs. B. Greatrix, A. J. Terrill, B.D,, R. A. Delve and J. U. Robbins. 15¢. Conger only, adults tor Toront a N say Falls UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE 5c h Booth children roc. A mr 'will be on grounds. An interesting} Football Gane will be played dur ing the afternoon on Hope Bros' field. Collections of Sabbath and receipts of Tea are in the interests of the Trust Fuad of the Church. Everybody welcome to these ser- vices. A good time is expected. Hucu MtcHourr, Sec. of Board. W. T. Wickert, Pastor. inne I'll stop your pain free. To show you first --before you spend a penny--whatmy Pink Pain Tablets can do, Fwit mail you free, a Trial Package of = Shoop's Headache Tablets Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, Period pains, etc., are due alone to hlood congestion. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets simply kill pain by coax- ing away the unnatural blood pres: ire, Tnat is all. Address Dr. Shoep, Ravine, Wis. Hold by A.J. Davis. Sixty-five per cent. of the customs duties collected in the United Siates last ycar were paid at the Now York Custom House. nid | PORT PERRY MARKETS. (Quotations by A. Ross & Hon, July 18, 1907. {on "It will be a repetition of the rab- bit plague in Australia. India will be overrun with the greatest pest known to ctvilization." This and much more said the An- | lo-Indian. Meanwhile, the shipping rm intrusted with the ition order is carefully gollecting e comsign- ment, snd. ~in- se- lecting "gen | the hope that the se will be oe The cats will receive no special train- ing before deportation. The import- ers upon the good sense of the socio wna 15 Lit TECH o 'war on the rats. It may be, of Sn that some of the town bred, m cats will come off second hg in the conflict 'with the native rodent. But every one hopes for the best. CHINESE MUST GO. Fiat of Botha Popular With Residents of the Rand. Gen. Botha in his statement of the policy of the Transvaal Government, announced that the Chinese would be repatriated at the termination of their indentures. This marks the first De ry Ihe Gow vernment the EE ig of fulfilling to the letter eir and has left the mine esistan i $ & Jthe body proof against weakness Fall Wheat Spring Wheat . . Goose Wheat. . 68 @ $ 65 @ 62 @ 42 @ 56 @ 25 @ Rye'..5: §& Returning, good going on one train only ; valid to return July 31. day and J. W. MEHARRY, Chief. 6 5454 K MARIPOSA" MANILLA JCT.. SONYA. SEAGRAVE .. PORT PERRY PRINCE ALBERT ... MANCHESTER HIGH POINT MYRTLE...) BROOKLIN ..... tickets valid to August 1. the American side of the Falls. Fr . = : : 'SPECTAL Grand Trunk Train will leave the following Stations: NIAGARA Fas, NY Tomo, $2.10 $1.85 2.10 1.85 2.10 1.85 2.00 1.90 1.90 1.80 1.80 Arriving at Yonge Street wharf, Toronto at 8. 30. Leave Yonge Street wharf at 10.30 p. m. Children half above rates from any point. train will leave Yonge Street wharf at 10.30 p.m. Tickets Lindsay Excursionists take the Niagara Line Bbat which leaves Yonge Street at g o'clock a.m. Arriving at Lewiston, excursionists will take the Gorge Electic Route Special Attractions at the Falls are of every day occurence, and Tues- Wednesday, July 30 and 31, will be no exception ;in fact, on those days something more than ordinary will be on the tapis and thousands of Excursonists will be present to witness the' interesting events, A cordial invitation is extended to all to participate in this, The Ex- CURSION OF THE SEASON. COMMITTEE. J C DENNISON, Captain. W. COOK. R. McKNIGHT, Sec'y- Treas, 00 @ 00 @ 00 @ 00 @ 75 @ Grass Seed... Alsike Clover. Red: Clover: ....; Peas--Black eye .." Peas-- Small, . Buckwheat... Turkeys ... Geese .... Teacher Wanted 2 Wanted Teacher for Section Nox 2, Scugog. | Duties to comin. ice at close of holidays. e "Apply Sonic Rt M. ALLDRED, Ch. of School Board. Bucks... Chickens. . Butter 4 +A C0000 OOO+~~000000 17 C000 00CIODOOO~~00000 Cattle, per 1b a Hogs, per 100 lbs.. o4t @ 6 60 @ 6 60 Fits Your Case Exactly. You know how you feel,--blue, sickly-and heavy. Each morning WANTED -- After Teacher Wanted, Vacation for School Section No. 15, Reach, (Samtficld) a Teacher. Apply to A JAS. GRAHAM, Sec-Treas. June 17, 1907. you waken in a dull, "dopy" condi- | -- tion and wish it were night again. Your liver is wrong and needs fix- ing with Dr, Hamilton's Pills; they do cure all liver ills. At once the system is relieved of the poisons, blood is enriched and purified, ap- petite increases and digestion picks up. Health and vigor return be- cause Dr. Hamilton's Pills make the and disease. For your liver, your | the kidneys, your stomach, for the sake of your looks and feelings, try Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25c per box at any dealers. DIED LaMB--At Port Perry, on Tuesday, July 16th, 1907, John Wesley, Lamb, aged 43 years 3 months Deceased from boyhood mani. fested much interest in 'Clydesdale horses and he had no sooner reach- : ed hfs majority than he embarked | TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, required b; mitted or suant to said Act, of all persons a by the last Revised Assessed Rol said Municipality to be entitled te vote in the said Municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Munisipal | Sections and that the said List was Scugog, ow ~ oth day. of July, 1907, and remains there for ecto ar said List and errors are ate Voters' List 1907. Municipality of the Township of Scugog, County of Ontario, that I have transmitted or delivered to persons mentioned in Secs 8 and 9 f Ontario [Voters' List |Act, the copies said Sections to be so trans- Shoeret of the lists, made pur- of the t posted i) at my 'office at th called to examine the or any other <fode to take immedi- gs to have the said errors to law GRAHAM, Clerk of Scugog | in Clydesdale stock h and some yearsy during the season, he] possessed no fewer than three of them; aad they were the best avail: 8, Voters st 1907. ing | Pe For Sale or Exchange A good Draft Brood Mare. Apply "JAMIESON & DENNISON. . Three or tour ambitious Liberals would like to run in North Ontario, if they didnot have to run against S. S. Sharpe. Coal !--~Coal WING TO A DROP IN PRICE OF CoAL by the operators, we are advised by the Coal dealers of Port Perry that they are prepared to accept for new Coal for future delivery at the following prices and terms. An advance of 10 cents per on per month on all hard Coal, Nut, Delivered, $7 30, at dhe Ein $6 9 Stove " §7 30, Egg Grate Pea Steam Smithing A Discount of twenty-five cents pe will be allowed on nll cash settlements made by the lst of the month following sale. The above prices apply to new only. For ation or five i ounds or less, a charge of forty cants per 100 lbs will be made without discount. An extra charge of IJ cents per tom, for carrying or wheeling, where assistansc is net Terie by the hr Port Perry, April 8, 1907. NOTICE to the Ureditors of John Matthews, late of the Pillage | Y Port Perry, gonltcs gentleman, deceased: URSUANT toRevised Statutes of Ontario," 1897, cap: 129, no- tice is hereby given tha credit- ors ardothers having claims against the Estate of the above named John Matthews oe 'died onthe twenty- fifth day of January, '1907, are re- quired. i or ion the 'third day of " " " " " ust, A.D. 1907, to send by post prepa or dein to H > ; of the Vil