ies Far any "he will tell you that a icine myerely gallops 'bowels, weakening the © He will tell Jo ive cannot possi gus build up bad 1 Pod, d is weak and watery, ystem is tun down a be one thin needed --is the titing that will: bh af you right. And in og) this world there is no 'so good as Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills for Pale People. Every dose | pills actvaily make new, which {lle the veins, 'bod d several medicines which seem- edtoleave me worse. Then I was} advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and a half dozen boxes made .me as well as eversI was. They have done me so much good that 1 wonld like every weak girl in the Sonya, purpose running r to Niagara Falls on une 14. The managing may be relied on to make outing as interesting and. enjoyable as possible. Par: ticulars later. | Mr. Frauk Jewett, of New York City, youngest son of the late Jas. Jewett, is this week making his native village, Port Perry, a flying visit. The young man is a member of the Art Preserva ive and all are | pleased to meet him, and know he is succeeding in the land of his adoption. Mr. Daniel Dennison of Coid- walter, while in town the other day the OBszrvEr a pleasant call. " MUngsto.~It willie seen by the advertisement in another column jthat Messrs. Carnegie Bros, have been appointed Sole Agent in this district for the sale of Muresco, acknowledged to be far superior and more lasting and beautiful than land to try them.' It was new blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make that re- stored Miss Beaudreau to health | Carneg and strength, and in the same way | they will restore all sufferers from any other commodity yet invented for Wall Finish. Give it a trial land obtain the genuine article of ie Bros., Port Perry. EX. Miss Walker has just return- anaemia, indtgestion, heart palpita- {ed with a complete assortment of tion, neuralgia, lives of so many women and grow- | ing girls a burden. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2 50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. | rheumatism, and] the newest Summer Millinery. the secret ailments that make the | Sailor the Li Albert columns The 1S a ingerie Hat. The Is = correspondence, 'Prince too extended for our Reports from Europe indicate, a| Camp, No. 139, Sona ot : leading feature ; also | Reach Council. The May meeting of the above Council was held on Monday last-- all members present. The minutes of the April meeting were read and confirmed. The Clerk read a number of com- munications. From the County Clerk, stating, that owing to the fact that Mr. A. W. Campbell, C. E., had been constantly engaged with official duties in preparing amendments to the Good Roads Act, it made it im- possible to convene meetings in the County of Ontario at dates decided on at the Janusry meeting of the County Council. Mr. J. W. Meharry came belore the; Council -regarding the flooding af his lands in the 7th concession, defective ditch ou the L required ditching i any furrher loss to him. made application for the erection af a wire fence across one hundred acres his property on the terms of Wire Fence Bonus By-law. The Reeve said that the Council during its tour of inspection of roads and bridges would visit the locality referred to by Mr. Meharry | and inspect the road referred to, also | report on the necessity of the wire fence or otherwise. | Mr. D. Till came before the Coun-| cil ; he gave valuable information | | reg garding his discovery of gravel [easily accessable and conveniently available. Mr. |. H. Brown, Seagrave, came before the Council. He inquired, if it was the intention of the Coun- cil to manufacture a further supply | {of 12-inch sewer pipe, the present | | stock of that size, he said, was| nearly exhausted. ~ Asbury Park, While racing with a Railroad train Pleasant and Asbury. a racing automible | W. Boyce and Miss of Point Pleasan! and Miss Mass was Mrs. Boyce, who automobile dealer: was rendered ung taken to her home ant. % Mrs. Boyce wai machine. The Point Pleasant, Park, when tha a a terrific page, roadway whigl road track and the. train. Jus ¥ women ask i forged by Abef ba | automobilg wasfabreast © motive ahd when both were: going i at the rafe of 5 mites an hour Mrs. Boyce [ost coatrol of ihe 'automo bile. The michine swerved from the roadway, vent over an enbahk- | ment into a swamp and overturned, | crushing Miss Mass. His Advertising Bilh = wt "I figure that sdvertising costs me « couple of thousard dollars a year more than I can afford®-- "What are you *alking about? You | don't advertise." "No, but the department stores do, and my wife has the bargain) habit® . J a fr: "Wo ®t the. wmiTk fre get 1 | i | under 12 years, through ticket, 25 Choice. iy music by the child. ren of the school at Afternoon ser- vice. Special Collection at close of each service. VICTORIA DAY! (FRIDAY, MAY 24TH) : ings will commence at-fout when the children will en- tion - Tea from 5to 8 o'clock. Whitby. MR. GEO. FAX, Humorous Entertainer, Toronto. MRS. GEO. FAX, Piano Accompanist. THE GREENBANK BAND! will enliven the proceedings with Choice Selections during the time allotted for Tea. Rev. Mr. Keith will occupy the chair, Tea and Concert 35 cts. Concert 25 cts. Tea 25 cts. Children cts.| A cordial invitation is extended to all. Ray Stone, way of Epson tn on: te Friday procoed to his own stable, night. Sat: urday, proceed to Johu Renshaw's, | con: 8, Uxbridgé, noon; then to his oN his own stable: W-. Pugh is Manager. ABDALLAH STANTON 127--This ccle- brated Road and "Qarriage Stallion, the rty of H, McKenzie, Seagrave, will make the present Season as fol- lowa--Monday night, Liittle Britain. Tuesday, noon ight Wood- ville, Wednesday, noon § Caesarea, Ont, will make the season of 1907 as follows--Monday, leave his own stable, Caesarea, and proceed to ~g----, noon; Thos Syers', night. Tuesday, House, Juvetville, noon and night. Wednesday, procced ta Fergus Porter's, concession 14, Manvers, noon: Richard Wilson's, Lifford, night. Thursday, proceed to Finney Bros' Ballyduff, noon; Fred. Ferguson's, Lotus, night Friday, pioceed to John Sanderson's, Cadmus, noon; Tempef: ance House, Blackstock, night: Satnr- day, proceed to his own stable ard re- wain till Monday. Robt, McDonald is . Manager. PRINCE OF KINELLAR IT [3236] Vo. XIIL,C.8.B.C.--The well-known Clydes dalo Stallion, the property of James precoed to Temperance | lion the property of Syvdicate, Blackstock, Ont, will make | the ssasort of 1907, as follows--Mon- Gibson's, Purple Hi, noon ; then by | Co, way of Shirley, to Raglan,Hotel, night. || perty of Paxton & Collacuts, Port | for Porry, will make the Season of 1907, at the Sebert Houso Stables: Piles get quick and gertain relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointeient. Please note it is made alone for Piles, and its object is pos- itive and certain. Itching, painfal, protrud- ing or blind piles disappear like wagic by its wsv. Large nickel-plated glass jars 50 cents, Sold by A. J. Davis. Free Samples of "Preventies" and a book- let on Colds will be gladly mailed you, on request by Dr- Shoop, Racine, Wis, sim ply to prove merit. Preventjcs ure little Candy Cold Cure tablets: No Quinine, no Laxative, nothing harmful whatever. Pre- venties prevent colds--as the name implies --when taken early, or at the "Sueeze Stage." For a seated cold or LaGripps, break it a Sp misty and quickly with Preven- Imported Hackney Stallion, the pros{ fo yoni 1907, he Town Halle Ma oa MONDAY, JUNE 907, Two o'clock p.m., of which all per- sons interested are required to take notice and govern thomselves ace Sordingly. W. F. DOBSON, Township Clerk. Manchester, May 14, 1907. COURT OF REVISION. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the first sitting of the Court of Revision to revise the Asessment Roll of the TT -- ; ] said the millional Wiis way | |G zo. D. McMirran : eral sums fram | low yield 'of wheat in all countries | ewiniBiigh whey 1 : : na Ey by A: J. Davie, Township of Scugog MONEY ue oto 10,000, hare been placed with me for immediate in- vestment at lowest rate HUBERT L. EBBELS, Barrister, Port Perry THE OBSERVER co ve wm is not a favorite ¢ cliques ; it is the Olds --foundwd in 1857 th in iw kK 8 and & printed entirely in the pia loation-- Port Perry TERMA--$1 per annnm in advance, if not paid in advance, $1.50 will bo charged | JOB PRINTING THE MOST MODERN Sri JES D AT LOW PRICES | YEAR, 1907 FOUNDED IN 18587. Only Paper Printed and RYblished in ort Ferry = | 1907. | | Wheat Almost a Dollar. Winnipeg,, May 13.-- Bulls stam peded the local wheat market to. day, and amidst trading that was fast and furious cash wheat went soaring to 93}, twelve and a quarter cents above the price for the same day last year, and nine cents over that a week ago. It was the wildest session since the Leiter boom. The market was reactionary at one time, dropping back 2} cents as the wheat was called out after the first advance. Trading was enormous and many traders were badly nip- ped in the erratic fluctuations. Roasted the "Coun ty. a Fredericton, N.B.,, May 14-- Chief Justice Tuck presided at the Sunbury Circuit Court atBurton to-day. An indictment was pre- sented to the Grand Jury in the case of the King v. McLean' and Samuel Adams, charged with horse- stealing, and a true bill was return-- ed. As the accused recently escap- ed from jail and were pot recaptur- ed, a second count of jail-breaking In his address to the ary the Chief Justice spoke on the disgraceful condi- 'had been given to understand many years ago a Sunbury acquitted a man on a ¢ of murder for no other rea- they Ar {on tl {a big treat, | him. will be more than pleased. form simce taking Hollister's Rocky Moua- of | for several hundred yards' into the ended to. the unfortunate animal. except France. 54 As they behold the price of | at am advancing by leaps and | , Western farmers who were elied to hold their grain all Winter are leaining to forgive the | railways * It will be seen by Mr. D. ] edverlisement in another appointed at the April meeting, de- | A Suggestion of Rara that he is offering to rent 100 acres of splendid pasture lands. GRAND derson, the well and miss IN PORT PERRY Land of the Midnight Sun, relating his varied experiences in Norway and Sweden. This will be and those who hear Come, prepared for a good time and heard him will be more fasinated than ever. The entertainment will be held in the Sons of England Lodge Room, and is in aid of the English Church. Doors open at 7.30, lecture to start at 8. Admis- sion 15¢C; This treat will be Hall at Epsom, (Tuesday) evening. At the Annual Meeting held on Monday evening last of the Epworth | Lsague, held in lhe Methodist] Church for the election of officer | for the ensuing year, the following were duly elected : -- President--Mr. Downey Christian End. Depar't--Miss Hern Missionary Dept--Miss Bedford. Literary Dept--Miss Stewart Social Dept-- Miss Pearse. Secretary--Oscar Jack. Treasurer-- Miss Devitt, Pianist--Miss Philp. Reserved seats repeated a the Admission 15¢. | following Artists have no trouble in securing mod- els, The famous beauties have discarded corsets and have become models in face and tain Tea. 36 cents, Tea or Tablets. --A. J. Davis Of all the fruits there are in the land, That grow on bush or tees, I woald give np the choicest ones For Hollister's Rocky Mounntain Tea. --A. J. Davar, Preston, May 13.--This after- noon cne of Miss Wilks' valuable tandem show horses, driven by two of the stable boys, 'took "fright at a passing car near the Galt, Preston & Hespeler Railway station. The g men were thrown out of the the Hofel Delmonte, going through the large plate glass window. and completely shattering it. Thehorse was badly ut and had to be passed through the office and taken out of the front. door. A veterinary sur geon was sent from Galt who ate Babies. , who suffers from indi- starving to death. e for food and the Goss no good and cross and set Il gfind Lecture --Rev. Bennett known traveler onary will deliver a lecture | 2o0c, | The Reeve replied that would be manufactured. more Epencer and Jas. Council. was to Messrs. Robert W. Ross came beiore Their object in appear: have their road beat reduced in size | s0 as to embrace 400 acres, No action was taken. { Owing to a number of Pathmasters, chining to act, the following were (ap pointed to fil Il their places : Messrs. Jolin Munro, John Michie, Jas. Medd, Ed, Barrett, Jas. Allen, Wel. Somerville and Thos. Boyn- | ton. On motion of Mr, Lamb, $1.25 was paid Mr. J.W. Ross, [or shovel- | ing enow on Whitby town line; 45¢ to Mr. W. Mark for work on road land soc to Mr. Rus® McDonald jor work on n centre road, con. 12, was¢ paid to Mr. Ro erecting 67} rods of wire fence on south side of Gravel road. On motion of Mr. Graham, $2 50 was paid to Mr. Thos. Love for shoveling snow on Brock townline. of On motion of Mr. Graham, §4 | was paid to Mr. Robt. Swanick for |stoaing side road -- 4 rods -- be- tween lots 6 and 7, con. 13 On motion of Mr. Leask, 50 cts was paid to Mr. D. Crosier for re- | pairing road. On motion ot Mr. Graham, $60 | was ordered to be paid to Mr. Wm | Stovin being part of salary as| Assessor for 1907. On motion of Mr. Leask, &).5 was paidto Mr. D. L.W ikon health officer for expen8es incurred, | and supplies furnished the Belknap | family during their late illness. On motion of Mr. Lambe, $7.80 was paid to Mr. J. G. Holman for | goods supplied to theBelknap family during their late sickness. On motion of Mr. Lambe, §2 was paid to Mr. Pile for work on road in Prince Albert; also 8: each to Mr. J. Johnston and Mr. W. Midgley | for work on Nonquon road. | On motion of Mr. Mark, the first sitting of the Court of Revision for 1907, was fixed for Monday, June 10th, at two o'clock. On motion of Mr. Lambe, the day fixed on for the commencement of the tour of inspection of the roads and bridges was Tuesday, 21st May, at nine o'clock, then to leave Manchester sharp on time. Mr. W. J. Brown, con 2, came before the Council egudivg the taking of gravel from pit He was desirous that a gate should be erected so as to protect his pro- | the Council. said his business with "the Council was to obtain, if nt to' gravel the h in g for LER) and 'a coat of gravel at t ous luvestment. The Reeve said, theCouncil tigate the matter. trelerred; to by Mr, in few days, s particular time, he | was satisfied would prove a judici- | wonld visit and inves-|; | *Then why not have sorde hipped | from Cowes?" inquired the near hy- | morist, with a hoarse laugh. 1 | ts Amex ME | | Ore learns taciturnity best amohg | people who have none and loguacfty | among the taciturn.--Richter, -- | |e | A deceasad conditipn of t face of the air passage cause breath, but more commonly {ates from indigestion orl an pure condition of the blood Thous-| | ands of cases prove tht Dr.Ham | ilton's Piils through their specific action on the secietary and eiiminative organs, not oily cure bad breath, but so thoroughly puify the system that apythiag sug-| gestive of blood or digestive troubles is impossible. Though Dr. Ham- iltou's Pills the : urns met to- and the Dur- O'Brien and Tony night for a purse of 8 30.000 heavy, 'we ight champion: ip ing the first round® Referee Eyton called off ail bets iil g a reason. O'Brien 18 been injured. Burns won the fight, getting the decision after the twerftieth round. id to have fa Danger in Corn Salves. They usually o#btain acids and burn the flesh. The only safe cure is liquid in form 18 Pu s Pain- | less Corn Extractor, which is purely vegetable, causes no pain and cures in one day Don't forget the name --*Putnam's.' [7 INHUMAN TORTURES. The Old English Cusk of Women Alive. The horrible punishmen t of burning | women alive seems fo have existed in 'perhaps ouly ia the Norman 'high 8nd other minor of | from tinse to' time through the Second and third hed by act ' the last actual having, ow. | irs earlier. variops: of- | {was so bad with . | sometimes I thought it was all over | with me. , | come on that left me prostrate and | weak. "| have | write Supt. * Heart or Kidneys, are merely "error of treat tom treatment heat The the res) a. ' ns, and Fowack is tably : Thoops | oatorative ot has Er fame: No other _ Xemedy over Secretary. Superintendent. Almost Dead of Bronchitis. people have suffered more than Jno. P. Taylor of Dyment, P. 0O., Ont. To-day he is well and writes, --*'I must tell you how much Catarrhczone has been to me. 1 bronchitis that Few A spell of choking would Since using Catarrhozone I had no trouble at all. It strengthened my throat, stopped the cobigh and gave me free breath- ing and entirely cured." Just the usual experience. Catarrhozone invariably cures whether Bronch- itis, Asthma or Catarrh. Two Sizes, 25¢ and $1.00, at all dealers. > Qartwright Oouncil. Jobb, David Malcom was gran leave to expend $50 on road divi- sion No. 45. James Holmes made application to erect a projection in front of his shop. Granted. Stephen Page, Mrs. Jos. Samells, Geo. Stephens and John Marlow made application for bonuses to erect wire fence, which was grant- ed. On motion of Messrs. Byers and Bruce, the Clerk was instructed to of C. P. R. regarding condition of road at Galbraith's crossing. On motion of Messrs, Jobb and and Byers, John Watson's offer of | operating the Grader at 20 cts per hour, was granted. Robt. Philp's offer regarding cement walk was laid over till June meeting. The Clerk laid Assessment Roll on table, which was returned by the 'Reeve signed ordi as follows: Parsons, printing, &c., $20; Municipal World, statute labor lists, $1.45; Daniel English, ser- vices as Assessor and postage, $40.50. The Clerk will be at Blackstock on the eveninas of May 18th and 25th, and Jane 1st, to dispose of i ether or r The Kiduoys. Adds ron Rucine, Wis: Troubles of & deeper ailment: Don't make be "always. And the' i hr and 'well, bave their contv "herves. hs dare Shp the ling have weak vital organs. Davis. ; (claims to treat the * hu r, May on Mit ed a Fastos of rh cute A. Phat: Teoma young, season of 1907 as follows -Mondav, April 29, leave his own stable and pro- ceed to T- Moase, Fincerhoard, for night to Jen noon ; Conger Johnstons, ' night. con. 2, Opa, noon ; night. noon ; night. noon ; Tuesday, tontin for Wednesday, to Joo Roiley's, John Cod liliv's for Thursday, to Lorenz Jenking' Hotel, Little B Friday, to Alex. MeD on John Waddells, Saturday, Dvikon's tain for all's, Pinedale for night, to own stable till Monday. D_ McDonald is manager. FISCAL MEMBER (12144)--A imported choicely the pre- | Lamb, will make the at the SéhertsHorse A horse of great scale and bred, Clydesdale, perty of Wes Season of 1007, Stables. commanding appearance, large size, in fact, a rare type of the Clydesdalo breed. ROYAL FLUSH (11006) [4700] --Th: at highly-bred Tmported Clydesdale Stal- lion, the property of the Reach, Port | dicate, will make | drennan Farm, Manchester, for night, Tuesday, to Jas. McKitrick's, con. 10, for pight. Wednesday, to Alex. | Leask's. eon. 11, for night. Thursday to the Sebert House, Port Perry, for | night Friday, to Thos Scugog, noon; to Jas. night Saturday, to Wm. Midgley's, lot 18, con. 3, noon ; stable till Monday. liams is Managing Director. chard is groom, Gralmm's, Jackson's for then to his own Mr A. W. Wil C- Blan- ROYAL FREELAND (imp) [6098] (Vol 29 8.)--Thir Choice-bred, Imported Clydesdalo Stallion the property of The Shirley Syndicate, will make the season of 1907, as follows-- Monday, May 8, leave his own stable, Shirley, and proceed to John Hobbs', Cart- wright, noon; Blackstock night. Tucsday, to Ambleside Farm, Scugog, night Wednesday, te Hope Bros', night: Thursday, to Sebert House, Port Perry, night. Friday, to Wel. Somerville's, noon; Myrtle Station, night. Saturday, to Raglan, noon; $0 his own stable and remain till Moxn- day. Mr. Geo. Mackie is manager LAKEVIEW LADDIE 2477 The Im- ported-Bred Clydesdale Stallion the property of H. Henders, Yelverton. Ont., will make the Season of 1007, as follows--Monday, May 8, will leave bis own stable, Yelverton, and pro- ceed to Blackstock, night. Tuesday, to W.Redwan's, Scugog, noon; Hope Bros', night. Wednesday, to Sebert House, Port Perry, till Thursday afternoon. Thursday (four o'clook) to A, Cryder- man's, Cartwrght, night. Friday, by. way of Neatleton to his own stable and remain till Mondsy noon. LAVENDER Il. [4536] -- That - 'Grand Young, Clydesdale Stallion the pro- perty of W. J. 'Henders, Port Perry, will make the Season of 1907 at, Roadster: Stallion, the property B Angle, Raglan, will serves timited * 'number of mares witha raidusef afew miles of Raglan 11s scason- ~ For route see large cards + nd folders, See Tab- 'ulated Podigree in' | f goin of paper. : mat rOEAED: foc grand, ug Clydesdals Stallion, the pro > Beetles | A e--eem. ties. Sol Your Eyes and Your Stomach. It was a matter of surprise to Emer son, says the Health Record, that the following little plece of advice by De Quincy should not have attracted more attention: "The depth and subtlety of the eyes vary exceedingly with the state of the stomach, and if young la- | dies were aware of the magical trans- | formation which can be wrought in | the depth and sweetness of the eye by | a few weeks' exercise I fancy we shonld see the habits om this point al tered greatly for the Detter) Self Acting. "How dld this plate get broked, | Mary 7' asked the mistress. "Why, ma'am, it tumbled down and broke itself." | "Aha, the sutomatic brake again!" exclaimed the lady, who was a chant; | feur of some note. § h An ness College, 'oronto, I'd y and August. «Students may enroll at i ith equal advantage. Write atalogue and special summer rate of this oldest and best school. T. M. Watson. €2 Our coal dealers find it ab solutely necessary to raise the price oft all coal except steam and black- smith's ten cents per ton. eee etl MARRIED. KELLAR-DOLLAND -- At Thornhill, on Tuesday, April 20th, 1907, by Rev. Dean Egan of Barrie, Miss Hermine, daughter of the late Herr Dolland of of Heidelberg, Germany, to Mr. W. H. Keller of Uxbridge. DIED. LAKEY--At Utica, on Friday, May r10, 1907, Mary Jane Dafoe, beloved wife of Jas Lakey, aged 75, years, 5 months and 10 days. Deceased was universally re- spected by all her acquaintances for her amiahle disposition and other endearing qualities. She was a native of the Township of Mark- ham but has lived in Reach over fifty years. She was a loving and beloved wife, an aflectionate, excm- plary and estimable mother, a de- voted and consisteut member of the Methodist Church, a sincere Christian and amiable neighbor. The devoted and sorrowing hus band has the sympathy of all in bis sad bereavemcot. She is survived by ene son and four drughters, all of 'whom reside in their native township, Reach, and live in 'the ic y of Utica. Mr. James Lakey; Mrs: Wm. Orchard, Mrs. W. Wag r, Mrs. Luther Mitchell and for the year 1907, will be held at the Town Hall, Scugog, on SAT- URDAY, MAY 25, 1907, at One o'clock p.m., of which all persons interested are required to take notice and govern themselves ac- cordingly. THOS. GRAHAM, ME Clerk. = oa] ! Hh --(oal | 2 oy TO A DROP IN PRICE OF CoarL by the operators, we are advised by the Coal dealers of Port Perry that they are prepared to accept for new Coal for future delivery at the follewiug prices aud terms. An advance of 10 ccuts per on per month on all hard Ceal, Delivered, $7 10, atthe Bin $5 5 " #7 10, Nut, Stove Figg Gibte Pea " $7 10, $6 35, $6 1 38: x the Tet of the we sale. The above prioes apply fo be only. For quantities five hn pounds or less, a charge of forty 100 is will be made without An extra charce of 15 cents per tou: carrying or wheeling. where assist not 40 Ba by the pu 86 Port Perry, April 6, 1907. For Sale -- First-Class Farm. 1 ACRES---East- SCT alf Lot 5, Con. 1, | Roach. Good Buildings. wi fenced. Plenty of water--(a fl spring filling a two-inch pipe df Soi running stream all the year ronnd clay loam. Within easy igh following viz :--Ashburn P. O, Church, Store, Blacksmith and other shops, Tel~ ephone, School, C.I' R. (Myrtle Station), G.T R. (Myrtle, High Point and Mean- chester Stations. For terms, etc., apply" to ROBT. B BROWNE, Port Percy. PO. made Feb. 11, 1907. TO ENTER THR WELL KNOWN TORONTO, ONT. ~ Canda's Fa gh Grade nd dutes are always success. to fi se enables sense trained for rnin life. cations. Commence now. Cal free. Ww. J. ELLIOTT, Princ Cor. Yonge and Alex: NOWis 2 GOOD TIME}