3 e in offive and Aime iy the: lines south, co) with the resideace of G, L. Robson, Port Perry, Nov. 18, 1894. A hovers open ight Lc 81 ao | Grioie, Security: to Bepitnitore. in Driwwing Your Money Interest. 2 or Compounded Twice a Tear. Wait till you have a large sum to de, will Open an Account, Begin with ws Small Savings form the Base of Large ter owl \ rim about it. Soca, x toa oat Act gently, 2 VIGOR. pe Panama way? called it. Ob, he mustn't! He mustn't!" She fled home, into the library, and began a search for Information con cerning Panama way, n search that was somewhat hindered by her linking the tw words. But by the nid of the encyclopedia, the physical geography and magazine articles she soon ac for Retta's strong point was not learn- wekly hole, Charfle. | "Really! How---what did he say? "It wasn't what he sald; it was what he did. He spilled a cup of tea "She married him to reform him." you fake me for a £501?" "Oh, George," she said, "thls § 80" sudden!" Every man is occasionally what te ? = Magistrate-- What! Do you mean to quired more knowledge of the country over my new white silk dress." WM. H. HARRIS, B. ALB. WE CASH SALE NOT Td Spay RAI} Eo yi Bouring ache an Te - | BARRISTER, So. r x Te a. Ms cup been a tng. She was just a sweet little girl "Did she succeed i physical wreck since he struck me. TET------ e was a sw I" y a a: \ ns Bustomesr 90d gooupe t of the BANK MONEY ORDERS. » : | womanly and tender, with a careless "Sure! He used to be a spendthrirt | t 18 Difficult For a Fire to Burn fu: 5 Upto $5 .......... 3 cls . abrinking from responsibility, engen- and now he has nothing to spend."-- the Sunfight. Port Perry, - Ons ; Over up to 810... 6 cts. { - Best way to send small amounts Wn | dered by her entire freedom from such. Houston Post. -- you over Ko. Shap di Sut Over 10 to 30..10 Cts Cashed free at any Bank. y i: But now her heart was aroused, and « ~ | burn as wel sunlight as they do HoXsY To LeaN. Over 36 ro pA 15 cts. y Magistrate--You didn't steal this she was nghast with horror at the idea STAKED HIS VADLIN. the shade or at night?' asked myi Private Fun per . hi: watch? Prisoner--No, sir. Magistrate of Alf, her own Alf, going down Pan- ree friend, the man much given to bunting ~/Then how did you get it? Prisoner-- ama way to endure all sorts of tor- The Incident That Cured the Great and fishing. "Of course they don'f my attention was that the fire went' Fob. J, 100, For sums over $50 nse Bank Dra¥ts. . Best and cheapest way to send-Laros Amounts, Special Rats. | 0 We it on 2 det Mogiairate 3 bat ments and dangers and finally die of Paganini of Gambling. seem to because of the greater light Jno. W. Crozier, a! 2 oo Sones pot Li friend the dreadful fevers! He should not! When Nicolo Paganini was only fif- | from the sun, but I mean as an ii Cou e it away from the man He should not! She would prevent it teem years of age, It is said, bo left his | fact they dou't. 1 noticed this re a PORT PERRY AGENCY. i 6. HUTCHESON, Manager. Who sayy Lstole it, somehow, and it must be done at once, father's house and plunged into a reck- | When on a hunting trip up in Maine' Gf for he would be making arrangements less life of dissipation and gambling. first, and how it happened to attract Moxxy To Loan. 2 N. FB PATERSON, XK. C., ach (ope mile west of Port Perry,)-- ir Protecting His Interests. Mr, Tightwad (in Pullman car)-- Could I borrow your whisk broom for a few moments, sir). The Porter--No, | ber head when "Don't get x and Alf, came out to leave his business, even this minute, perhaps! She rushed away to consult her mother, but that good lady, being deep- mined to act for herself. Perhaps it At times his losses at the gaming table even compelled him to part with his violin. This occurred at Leghorn, where he was billed for a concert. A When Paganini weat to return it after out, totally out, before the sticks were entirely consumed. The wood was dry" and resinous, and there was no reason why every particle of it shouldn't have able times when fires were burning in : ' sah, yo' couldn't! If dey's gwine to be | the gide stood drawing on ly engrossed in some charitable func: resident French merchant and ama- Poti s J oR any 'scrimination 'gin de negro in dis | their gloves. tion, was out indefinitely, and Retta, teur M. Livron, hearing of his dilem- | burned. The guide told me be had no- % ; a. heah cah, I ain't a-gwine to be no old man," Char- feeling no time could be wasted, deter ma, loaned him a Joseph Guarmertus. | ticed the same sort of thing innumer- OWEN SOUND, ONT. E. FAREWELL, K.C,, LL.B,, v County BANKER AND BROKER. ADAMS, | access'ry befo" de fact!--Puck. Love, a cough, smoke and money lie counseled #84¢ eontinuing a conver- sation. "Rett th ng all right. She's a Httle flighty; t's all." "That's wh weed to think," Alf she had had the advice of an older head she would have been less pre cipitate and irrevocable In her actions. the concert the enthusiastic Frenchman exclaimed, "Never shall my bands pro- fane the instrument which yours have the sunlight, and this started me on an investigation which proved in actual, practice that open fives not only don't J. Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol cannot Jong be hid.--French Proverb. ; f sitor, &o., Notar Public and i, | returned gloomflyy "but I'm convinced ~~ "I'm mowing a clean swath, burn. touched!" and presented the violin to | burr so well when the sun's rays are Jffice--South og Court House, Whitby, TT i Ge "= | now that sh peslly shrinks from a Ing my ships behind me," she com- the virtuoso, This became Paganinf's | shining on them and fall to throw out Ont, MONEY I O LOAN GEO. JACKSON, marriage | with fme. I suppose she mented confusedly, in the middle of a favorite violin and. Is the one he left | As much heat by thermometric tests, J L doesn't Joye nie Bx she thought she did tempestuously busy afternoon in which to the city of Genoa, where it Is exhib- but often are actually extinguished by {British Capital) at 4, 4) and 5 per cent. icensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &c when we becime engaged." she did some very unconventional ited in the municipal palace. The | the sun if he as rs bright wi oy : FOR TNE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND ToWNSHII | Charlie shook his hend. "Ob, no, Alf, things. threatened loss of this Instrument | Sieong enough. Con Pes are ! ected io OF CARTWRIGUT, " > 1 him of gambling. According to | JUS e same as wood. range to say, . . . you're mistaken. B8he's wrapped up in I suppose it does look curious te cured g: g g | : DENTAL SURGEON. Fi re, Life and Accident [ngurance V ISHES at thie the commencement ef | you," 3 them; I suppose the bride to be's moth Paganini himself, his means had been | Sey oe sent => how I Bae h another Auction Sale Se . o We x tal pea asserted 1a he sun's y' mie ET tae thaw oi. manos sons or | ro LEOKRJGIRES At laughed sara ole Seal fn Be to onion. but fen and ho fot that he wond be | COUId Davo no effect whatever oh & gS y evenings, : A ; 3 he Also open Saturday evenings REAL ESTATE BOUGHT. SOLD OR EXCHA ED past favors. In requesting their catcemed on 93 I can't wait on mamma when Alf't obliged to accept a standing offer for | fire: They do, however. I know thig y and vontinued patronage he desir backed out, d she waa not ready beyond all shad ¢ doubt, and I or Gold Fillings, Bridge and Crown - state that Bn oF ns omy oar. when the omed close. I haven't getting ready this very minute for his much prized Guarnerius, made to Wi vik a ow. 0 Fi dg oth 1 Work a Specialty. . Vitalised Air. in any of the Proviners, or principal Cities in the on his part to make all sules trash to her. I know a gil Panama way. I've got to fix it sc him by a prince who greatly coveted It. | a att 7 8 RE -- hent 4 oe Dominion of Canula. him successes. Hin very extensive practice | deal when sheymar- there's no getting out of it and leave As a last desperate chance of saving | | sun adds to the consumption of oxygen rr Dr. F. D. McGrattan bis Jo pris, or AGENT --Allwn Lins and CP.R Steamship Com- in the past should be a sufficient $ecom mendation ag to his ability. All" Sale Kivou int6 his cliarge will be attended t and ny of having '& home low with nobod) remember me a rag of--and I don't care much if they de stare--and I guess I'm sure of dear old Alf!" ' laying him as he left his office. If--ii his precious violin he staked what lit- tie money he had left on one play and won. But the risk he bad run gave him such a fright that he quit the gam- a the atmosphere which is necessary a blaze and also produces carbomy belps to extinguish the fre." ¥ cl DENT LIT), "x ? Lh ish prompts aud dist cho. Sug list Yet sho was a bit anxious as she » 1.5. 6F Royal College of Dental Surgeons, ~ gn i H walted in. a. convenient spot for way. ing table fot good and all. . New York Pros. is Sikh t on: "rm able to pro- \ da loo 0.1.8, of Toronto University. Partirs wivhing to evgage his seivices - Offive iu the Allison Hinck vver Allison's| meee eerie ay consult hie Sar¥ HK Kainrri vithor at Fin the style she Is accus- Alf were bent and determined on Pam THE GAELIC TONGUE. MIRTH AT MEALS. i Diug Store. Ea om TT the Olmerver or Standard Offices, Port would not have asked her Ama way, she would be In a pretty pre Ofc hones---8 a.m. 108.30 p.m, JOS. BA IRD Miss Harrison, Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, and dicament! She whipped around the peculiarities of the Language of the | Flip In Jokes Like These Between Each Port Perry, April 9, 1902. ICENED AUCTIONEER for the muke arcangemeuts, or write to his add ross corner, apparently oblivious of him un Highland Scotch. | Mouthful. til she almost collided with him. Ther mere are in Gaelic no neuter nouns. | A doctor says, "Don't allow a meal J. A. Murray, DENTIST, 4 County of Ontario. Sale Register at the Ossrrver Office Patronage solicited Manchester, Jan, 19, 1899, Dress and Mantle Maker \ ISHES to idform the ladies that she has moved to her fire 4& Phone at Residence, No. 31. ®a CHARGES MODERATE GEO. JAUKSON, Port Perry P.O Nov. I, 1901. her heart sank at his grave and forma! apology. He had been more deeply hurt and offended than he had shown the evening before when she had in They are all either masculine or femi- nine. Sun, moon, star, tree, rock, stone, ete., are feminine nouns; sky, air, bird, | fish, house, barn, étc., are masculine. | to pass without a joke between eacly mouthful." This will enhance the val- ue of humor to a great degree. Dinner will move along something like thisy : H. McCAV i i A #* er en Dion over the Boat Glee, i 1sUKR OF Room fis lligen Flock Where sisted on a further postponement, bul , hy jg masculine; a mountain, femi- | Mouthful of soup--screams of mirth, : PORT PERRY, MARRIAGE LICKNSES, Port Perry Ont, | op PLPATEG 0 exctic ap orders she must--she caught ber breath a8 Dé mine. The ocean 1a masculine; the ses | fakes of laughter and breadérumus' Af branches of Dentistiy, including | Port Perry, Dec. 10, 1883, 4 an} e Making in a ies 'S sald coldly: is feminine. Strange to say, the word | pervading the air. Mouthful of roast Crown and Bridge Work fally manner unsurpassed fot "I am glad to meet you. It will ¢,. «3 female" $s a masculine noun | duck reminds domestic humorist of practiced. Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminnm or Rubber Plates. Fillings of Gold, Silver-or Cement Painlesa'extraction when required: To Sell or Rent. The undersigued will sell or rent his House and Lot in PrirceAlbert Correctness of Style and Charming Effect. Our charges are consistent with Livery save my coming up this evening to tel you"-- "And I'm glad to meet you," she broke In, laughing nervously. "I wani to tell you that I've--I've changed my and the word for "a manservant" a feminine. But these two curious ex- ceptions stand practically alone. In the construction of sentences Gaelic is very different from English. something. "Do you know why a duck goes {nto the water?" long silence and more extensive eating. Domestic hu- morist answers it himself as follows: ~ #2 Prices to suit the times Wh For particulars apply to the pro | he value given. ¥ RE undestigned ad th mind, Alf." People who know enough about the | "For divers reasons." More bread, : _ | prietor on the premises. 3 Port Perry, March 27, 1902 Aa epRortinity bu Taking the "Changed your mind?' he repeated janguage to make dangerous use of it | vegetables and general good feelings : fin J R. BRANTON. surronnding country. for. the blankly. will tell you, for instance, that in | "Why does he come out?' No answer = Cora Belle McCaw Prince Albert, March 20, 1905. liberal and still increasing pat- "Yes, about--about"--it was harder Gaelic you have to talk backward. By | and po sound but that of an old joke FARM LABORERS ronage bestowed upon fim than she had imagined with his cold, this is meant that you do not begin by | under the table cracking its knuckles. Teacher of Drawing. Painting, Sie i A Quriing and Sena eyes ph ie it using the same word that you would | "For sun-dry purposes," explalus the i 5 very in Port Perry und now ould--she quak t plu on n with in English, In Gaelic the | ready and brainy man, looking casual- Des a'and Ohina Decoration Local Salesman Wanted AND DOME TICS i Shetter hia | --#about our wedding--and we won'f begh comes before the: houn and the | ly at & memorandum on Lis cuff. Mors PY 10.12 a.m. 1.3010 for PORT PERRY and|' S . SE yDuparad fn PDL w postpone it, after all" noun before the adjective. Thus, If | dinner and thea, "Why does be go in ! ) At Once for PO a andl xy Yin okt chibote od He flushed angrily as he replied. you wers going to say "A wise man | again?" Sadr over 'W. H. McCaw's| Surrounding Districts. 2YiE sxfensively aided to "You were not asked to change your ghuns evil companions" you would ar- | Nothing can be beard but the low Stare, Port Perry. : North Ontario Observer 'HIGH CLASS SPECIALTIES n Fruit and Ornamental Stork grown and for sale by Canada's 1 HAVE been appointed by the Do- . minion Government to place Immi- grants from the United ingdom in itions as Farm Labourers or Domestic rvants in this ¥isinity, Any person niring such lien should notify me by my stock of horses ; as well as conveyances of the latest type of construction for comfort and pleasure, T am in a position to meet the requirements of the most fastidious us to style und desirable equippage in every mind--nor the arrangements you made last evening." "You mean that you don't want to --that you won't now," she cried, with wide eyes. "I mean that you are not to be com- range your words in this order: "Shuns a man wise companions evil" This way of putting the verb at the very beginning of a sentence is really bet- ter than having it follow the noun. Being the word of the sentence, it mutter of a thinker, perhaps, as be grapples with the great problem. "To liquidate his bil." Yells of laughter. screams of delight and astonishing feats of digestion promoted by mirth. "And why does he again come out?" Greatest Nurseries ister or personaiy sating tay he kind bie : Weekly Political, Agricultural and et = of help required, when wanted and TeAfecteein every oy anit pelled, influenced. When did you see stands in its proper place. To the | More thought and mastication; then # Y Vandy ton : "A permanent situation for the Yages offered ore ga sreivin able fur private diving, Xu. Charlie?" And between his teeth he highlander English is the language | the gastric jester says, "To make a i 1% PUBLISHED AT right tty, Liberal inducements. a ag res 5 wir ly all ie Wihing aatisen.n drivet as ¥ muttered savagely, "Just wait till I that is spoken backward. | little run on the bank," and amid a | : Pay Weekly. Handsome free out- | provide each applicant with help requir- have their choice of suitable @LAD TO MEET YOU." see him!" Font shewer.af rest battons and trirth + ¢ FORT PERKY, oT. fit. Write! lor terms and catalogue, | ed. ¥ double or single vigx and cure: And If we are ever to | "I haven't seen Charlie to speak to Banana Leaves. the kenal, all round tonic humorist Banana leaves serve many useful BEY $HEEIDAY MORN Toms ING and send 25¢ in stamps for our Puodkrr MaGxirving Grass, or 30¢ for our Haxpy, Mazar Hack Saw. "STONE & WELLINGTON FONTHILL NURSERIES Ontamto ¢ GEO A. ROSE, Canadian Governnent Employment ; Agent. Port Perry. Farm for Sale. Cpe 12, Township of ed by the undersign- ge Tenders for for the purchzse of ful drivers will also be sappli ed when required. possess a nuniber of good spi and Dray Wagons und Il, at all times, stten] to Curting with the utmost care and promiptness. I wish further to state that in future suitable conveyances will heat the Railway Depot 10 couvey passengers and bug: pil to privateresgidences, and also co Sey anengors ud {us there's no use in waiting 's found that she cares that, Alf!" Charlie Inter- tta flirts a little, but that's nu told her how seriously he postponement?" m not going to either," She"-- d ant and shan't!" Alf since yesterday morning!" she declared and burst into a bewildering torrent of explanation and tears. "Oh, if you | won't, Alf; if you've changed your mind and don't want me now, when I've found out how much I want you-- it you won't--I'll have to run away! For, oh, Alf, I went alone and bought | the dress--and took it to madame's and | was nd I've ordered all the invitations--and engaged the caterer --and the flowers, all--just as plan- purposes, for of them are made tough paper from the thinnest tissue to thick- est cardboard, elothing, hats and brushes, mats and hammocks. Mlllions of pounds of banans fiber, misnamed manila "hemp," are each year brought to the United States or taken to Eu- and Joy Promotes goes or 18a The Best Dressed Man. | Of course the best dressed man in the world is the English gentleman. If you enter the royal Inclosure at New- market or visit the lawn at Goodwood, ou the day of a classic race; if yon at- tend a fashionable orchid or horse show. when some great personage presides, you will en gr But oties, WM, JAMTESON. Port Yu, July 30, 1008: or r Sale. [JOVsE AND L¢ LOTS, situated | on Cochrane St, Port Perry known as the Wilcox residental} one has influenced you?" he demanded incredulously. | "No one has said a word to me about it! II found out how much I really cared, and I couldn't ws got ready fast enough, ' though mamma was away, and I had to do it alone," she pauted The Limerick Variety. Some years ago M. Paul Villars, Lon- don correspondent of the 'Journal des Debats, went to Limerick on the occa- meeting. at--namely, that the American is me general dressed more stylishly and ini ~ better fitting and better cut clothes.--~ = C. M. 8. in Derrick's Trade Réport, 4 beautiful Ta the sad- dest. evs rane N mosived property, Apply to 3 man nw oe gr wind af exeunt ' D. J. ADAMS, 'Broker, Port PERRY. turtively; no, it was too public! "Any- way we can have an hour at the store selecting our furniture." And, tucking her band under his |All parties prey d {ing shooting ox trapping on lot 15, | n the 8th concession. of. he 3 will J)