felsft E ii g g % ig i g Hf zd i gz EZ Hii hk £2 FaiEice for me." His lordship said he ed to Ea sktonely. against an argument, and he hoped no would ever believe that the of this university was in- as anything more than a staff and an sssistance. t could be more fatal than a library without a de? A young end ardent mind, let loose in the collection of the University of London d, as President Lincoln said, about indefinitely' without finding any fixed point on which it could concentrate its reading. Rather than browse about like a wild bui- falo one had better be as a Dut oow, that was tethered to a Fi could only eat within a limite = cle. A student might enter a lib , take down the first few books came to his hand, and devour them without knowing till long after- that the books were quite obso- te had been superseded by a hundred better ones on the same sub- ject. A student entering a libra must go there with an object, ot must have guidance. He was quite aware that many eminent men dated their success from their haphazard reading in libraries at home. He would remind those who relled on that argument that those men confin- ed that desultory reading to a very early period of life; if they had car- ried it on into middle age they would » yt B various de meng ve would tell us whic Ly that were Shsoleie any given a books So fad" bos been superseded, and that, practioal purposes, might be said iy Pore no further existence. There was no student who had not felt that defi a great one in his own line of study. In the domain of history there should be no difficulty about authorized inquisition condemning ooss to literary death, and thus en- #bling the studept confronted with a Shing of books on any subject to dis- ecard a fea} number of them as prac- tically * KBAD STURT. 12-Year Courtship and Journey Across the Sea Ended By Death. ly sad s was that un- the inquest held by Dr. --A Ear a few A Sie Flor nh Jones was former! ence Bi r of Btaffo land, and 17 years ago Mr. Tonks end the 4 were companions ag boy and Roma Sears, ago Mr Mr. Sones went = ; ered toto nslriogs as Ere Su best wil Hl id -time Ea with a ols Ti | The fnimal tralner pause midnight supper. Y «It is strange," he said, "how triin, ing increases an animals valve. | can buy a young lion for $100, train it and sell it for $500 afterward. Take the group I performed with tomight-- three lions, three tigers, twa leopards, four bears and four They are all young adults in the pink of con- dition, but untrained the wouldn't, be worth more than $1,500 OF $2,000 at' the outside. Yet the boss was offered took four years to mine, and, teén animals in it seventy had to be a before we got together the sixteen we ted." 2 theumatic sufferers can have a free ample of Dr. Sho. p's Rheumatic Reme with book on Rheumatism wy Simp VTi Dr. Shoop, Ra- line, is lis book will explain iow Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Re- nedy'suceessfullyjdiivesRiieumatism wt of the 1. This remedy is not a relief only, It aims to clear he blood 'entirely of Rheumatic yoisons, and then Rlieumatism must lied a natural death. Sold by. J. davis bloot Causes of Headache. People get headache because they do not take sufficient active exercise to keep the blood circulating actively, be- come excited and often about things that do not concern them 'at all, neg- lect daily action of bowels, bathe In cold water without wetting the head, gleep on a low pillow, take too much alcohol, allow the feet to get cold, take iron and quinine when these drugs deo not agree with the system. i The Return. "I believe," said the cheery philoso- pher, "that for every single thing you give away two come back to you." "That's my 'experiénce," sald Pham- ley. "Last June I gave away my daughter, and she and her husband came back to us In August." It often takes a lot of common sense to get a man out of trouble a little Ch got him into--Beaver (Okla) Weak: Kidneys - Weak Kidneys, stroly nt to weak kidney Nerves. The Kidneys, If oO Heart, ney the Kton:s ach. on Jheels Weakness, not in the organ fsgll, ihe barw es. that con ide ands plas hem. "Br Shoop's Restorative is b medicine specificaily prepared to reach these gE nerves. To doctor the Kidneys alone, i futile. It is & wasio of time, and of money 88 "If your back aches or ic weak, if the urine yonlds, TS act and strong, if you bave symptoms of Brights or othar distross: aug or dangerous kid- poy discase, try Dr. Bhoop's Restorative a month-- Yablets or Liguia--ana soe what {t can and will fo for you. Druggist recominend and sell Dr. Shoop's Tostoralv A. 3 DAVIS. FRENCH SENTIMENT. SUD for then Jugb api The trata | BEE ot - for Coughs and Colds. DRUGGISTS: BOo. AND $1.00. Annual Report of Or, 8m! ~--Refers to Spread of Insanity ard Our Psychopathic Needs. Lan W. J. Hanna laid befave the Ble other day the annual reson ruce Bmith, inspector Roepfials and prisons. In the 8 Eo 'vin Yinosy' steer g to the report, re are 681 hospitals, 87 refuges, 80 orphan- ages, 3 homes "tor ineurables, 2 oon- t homes, a Magdalen asylum, 25 oounty The OR Yakor of patients houses of rei hompitals, Oct. 1, 1908, was 8,549; admit: year, $7,587; births; 1,784; under treatment, Biri} degths, ospitals, trom all oe -- $1,001,082 ons, donatfons, eto. 150,620.- tal expenditures (including capi- ol Soornith $64,070.95) $1,888,980; av- erage oost Of patients, $1.08; percent age of provi grant to nuiio- tenance expenditure, 12 8-4 cents, Dr. ®mith notes that there has been considerable improvement ia' To: hosp! but there is yet need of in- accommodation. The new gen- rr hospital will not be completed rt four or Tre jours, a and by that e the (popula be greatly ctor hopes that eve large hospltal will soon have w fo. LR pera oases. portance of the mission of Yohei hospital cannog be ny extolled," he says. "We shut our eyes to the fact that Sh 1s on the In and if we are to oombat that 08 SUO- Ry - chopathio measures. Tororto have a large poder pg peychopat pital, se distinct, of these ho sub- ioo Fi oess must be sought care and treatment cases, and where greatly needed olini- cal advantages might afforded." He speaks of the neocesst spe- cigl hospitals or sanatoria for tuber patients. Instances of oruel heartless treatment may well sug- gost considering the ad lily of étatutory enactments compe each county to take advantage of the act relating to the establishment of muni: cipal sanatorta, The National Sana £y ready ed a path which must be { and extended until every county in Ontario has established at some point within the county & sanatorium where ig oF own cases may be cared for t 4 sn sugges that an institu- tion Ie care of feeble-minded women would be a valued addition to the public charitfes of the province. There are in Ontario at least 600 fee- ble-minded women without propér custodial care. Regarding houses of refuge, the re- oh Sodiral houses BE deen and not Je er a Ge = In many the ba were Quite mates left al themselves fo see that els persons were kept clean. All these conditions could be remedied if sufficient Hi was employed." Orphanages, of which there are 50, with a pypulsiion of 4,940 children, were not found to be so erowded." adlan Parents' Great Bon. to | & he News--No 'Pure Drug Con 'ure Laws would be needed, it 'ongh Cures. were like Dr. Shoop! --and has been for 20 years. T National Law now requires that oy poisons enter into a"cough mi ure, it must' be printed on the lab ir package. "or this reason mothers, and othe .hould insist on having Dr. Shoo "ough Cure. No poison marks of )r. Shoop's labels--and none he medicine, else it must by law n the label. And its not only sald wt it is said to be by tlose w aiow it best, a truly remark ough remedy. Take no chan sarticularly with your children ston having Dr. Sheop's Cou 'ure. Compare carefully the shoop package with others and No poison marks there! You ways be on the safe side by nanding Dr. Shoop's Cough Cute simply refuse to accept any other sold TY A. J.Davis. Chwwing and Dyspervin: "for every bite" to grind again. "You make me laugh," his fon, a physiologist, returned. requires little, if any, chewing. You must have wasted a lot of chews in your time." "Go on" "It's true. vege ei ch 2 at mon 35 i Se ground." Glasses For Stamm Cases of stammerin, by Snglish opticians y fitting glasses to: fects 8 of the ayes. I returning thanks to the patronage extended to sears, 1 wouid respectinly 'm, as usbal, dow Loady bave'a Large & Assorte JF DOUBLE AND_ SING ~vhich I am stermived to : ¥ s $ 3 3 $ % I$ $ SS a OUR JUBIL YEAR The Publisher and Proprietor of Whe OBSERVER WISHES HIS ¢ PATRONS THREE HUNDRED ¢ ~ PORT PIRRY. § Rito thanking the pubiic for the liberal patronage received durin id many yedrs Cave kept'a Livery Hstablis! ment in Port Perry, Ihave much pleasure i > * sunouuting that I have removed MY « LIVERY to my former place of business Water Street which Iam about to largely extend in- crease facilitive so that the public may be better accommodated with safe and desir. able RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES R. VANSICKLER. Port Perry, June 21, 1900, Located in Our New Premises S.T.CawkeraSon. ISH TO ANNOUNCE that that they are now comfort: ably ensconsed in their new pre mises in the Purdy Block where the Public will always find an ample. supply of CHOICE, FRESH MEATS| at prices that cannot fail to please. A full supply of Meats of 'the very best grades, and cut in dimensions to please the most fastidious. All orders will receive prompt attention. ST CAWKER & SON Mareh 5, 1902. EALED TENDERS. will be received by the undersigned for '| the purchase of all or amy of the Parcels-- Farm Properties-~bclong ing to Mr. John Adams, advertised November, and withdrawn at the sale. JA McGILLIVRAY, Temple Building, ~~ Toronto Sealed Tenders to be sold by auction on the 23rc. |_tsapm | 33pm. Sittings of the Division Courts . gol Livery OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. 0 1907. ; D. 0. Macdonetl, whi Bape Eber fealy te rary & LM dA wr Ap: Sal, San See her % wyIeS. a ys RE 5 Ta Rar Ss uly © eneemins n How ary il, h v 0 eaberT, Jun 15, 1908. hor 1 3 PORT PERRY Clerk, J. W. Ruroham, Port anuary 7, March 1, n RET 15, Noveinber 8 Jan. 14, 1 Flys hl! ole 5 ti. Suita es nua 19, x, November, 15, Jp 11, Tuk. Seams + +A 5. CANNINGTON Clerk, Geo. Salih, Canpington: January 19, March 14, Muy 16, J 19, November 14, Jao. 16, 1 Gi Sopiuber § BEAVERTON. Clerk, Geo. F. Bruce, Beaverton Jan 18, Marchl 3, M. 15, 15. Noveuber 13, Jun. 16, 1908. 7 Sorte 1. UPTERGROVE--Oleck, P. Mulvahill, Tiptersrove ¢ =F ¥7, March 12. Mi 3 , ber 11, November 12, Jan. 14, hs 35iy 16; Soptem By order, J. E. FAREWELL, Cl } 'ence, Dated at a Witty, Nov. fis ee Sri of the General Blacksmithing The undersigned having opened business in the Shep Il sed by Me. 2 ll just west of Drs. Archer & Atcher's Office, 1s prepared to do all kinds of of General Blacksmithing at Rear oushie Charges. HORSE- SHOEING A Specialty and Satisfaction Guaranteed, Patronage Solicited. SW. SWITZER Port Perry, Fepe 16, 1902: "AL 600D THINGS" must win upon thei ; merits, The International Dictionary has won a greater distinction upon its merits and is in more general use than any oth: work of its kind in: the English language. TA. H. Bayee. LL.D, D.D,, of Oxf University, Eopland, occubly said of! it: It Is indeed a ma ua work; 'It 'is, difficult to conoel of 8 dietiormary doxhaustivo and oirnplite. Lroryiiag fx inff--not only wha might Expood And'in sucha vrark, leo heh few "Jus would ever have thought of looting fors ; brought' § y ty to dite. T have loiing roi ho futies with & of astostshiment «tft ths amount cf