' PRIN Yas Cob excep he variops } . illinery cetitrés and on ; be digiributed: We her return early in March, will have painting of pe i : in showing her | the securing Port Perry ou Top. i | pascoas th newest and most fash- b ops Spring Millinery. zo br te lowing; "Factan, #1dest son of 'our estima. {0 * Por Perry ech ble townsman, Mr. O. Graham, left |of which thy 'and:Ottawa at the series of v a Auction Salen of Pure 14% 'week to atiend Lindsay Busi. |theit popular i wuss College. We predict for the {10% was uc ied yond mao o brillant gradua entire proces N 4 A session N siNass Cnanon ~My." C. H.|ing was a J. phead on the e ng Allison, who for many ysara ibas ed by Mc. A, thatat tb G el; ro carried on the drug business in this |cisl 'Deputy. othe Cusirh 13 town, has dispoesd of it {o Mr. E, | Works, apo 34 males sold Nagh B. of ahi erage $75.45. at : wd Mountjoy, &nd seconded by Mr. Agson Taylor, that this Society hold .la Spring Show "of Stallions and Bulls ou the Fair Grounds st Black: stock, on Wednesday the 24th day of April, and the following prizes be fered thereat, viz i-- ' Heavy Draft Hokses, over' fout sold-- 87,85. 83. Heavy Draft Horses, 87, 85, $3. Thoro-Bred Durham Bulls, oxer three years old--8s, #3, $3. peje Thoro-Bred Durham Bulls, twa years old--$s, $3, 82. Thoro.Bred Durham Bulls, one year old--#s. $3 $a On motion of Mr. while 1d, ie | seconded by Mr.-Andrew Devitt, it was decided to hold our Fall. Fair off the 1st and 2nd Oct. next, these being the dates of our fast fair, . ~~ * On motion of Mr. Devitt, second ed by Br. Mountjoy, President Weight, Treasurer Philp, and Di- rector Campbell were appoioted a committee to revise the Prize List so revis=d to'submit same to a meet- ing of the Directors to be called by the President for' the purpose of ol desire with : 1such recommenda. e i Rei is : he | ral Canada Ice. 'Rucing Association of Ottawa is a member of thé Nati- Gemmtme eva svpsnlaed che eharitior Stomach Medicine is Usotony from the os alt difoctions appeal 'which Impossible to cure catarrh in the are souress of appeal YA ¢ nose by dosing the stomach. 1 the healing vapor of Catarrhozone gets and you, At<opce ac tarrh is tale "that's sary is to" You stop 'of 'ea-14 do-trrarprionns Thane sem, if ad corse srt -- Faster and faster the pace is set, By people of action. vim and get, Saif at the finish you would be, TakeHollister" ey Doh TO Toronto, on Wednes- day, ih. 13, 1907, Rev. W, J. ASTRAL i ng. 1 |ed, throat 1s healed and freed of Jong legm : every Nestigs of the tvonble '11s forever dri ae you want pergnent curs tor a zomr 1 B PRONE, Perry. £0. Ont. ana Feb. ir, 1907. SPRING G GOODS are coming in and I am anx. ions' to reduce. my: Thargs : stock. ei OATS At and Below Cost. i "PANTING ¥ Greatly Réduced. 'Fir AND WORKMANSHIP,