pei amt ss rae + nena Sc pxpel Promised, let us aay. 8. =o To Animals : friend at his 4; Sh 3a EY Hudger. into the country together. He © 0 tite it vig a he 0 1 cls Tut roker, merchant, what you morist. He was ing down: the: 1 Have. ] ess being ten « steps of the hospi Itself seems to bgsin hich he was. fromthe station, you working when he met a fellow student. them. When a bird isiness hour d hours, about a lefsurely apis vw & for its lost mate its 8 before the train ~~ "Hallo, B 1 ried the alow , outcry of the breedin ys chonstully Seige ping 1s Yeina Iockell' piotoctl' has Veen thwarted, z ¢ counts for ou're in-a- v sympathize ho WOTR. absolutely declines to start ter? Any cases?" a SE yet. Tt ig too absurdly early. After five "I should think so!" eried Brown, a birds OF himulopiyon suggest departure. By no just bursting with a new pun. "We've ory tho means will he move. It never takes got® women in the ward upstairs who in hearing will b TR hore Sah gevn Tih at the h 80 Sines & that the tears run Join in ™ 5 x . OW! s walking ca] 0 Ped 80ason. ve no-pro cities, you d , but adquiesce. A "What * said his friend. "Could not go it at other times, it you are off, and halfway to the do auything for her, could you?" thie sympathy ut train he says: "By Jove, old"man. we "T should think we could, replied of the parental insth must hawry up. My al is slow." ge Droln "We ireatad her 1 a onie Podstn pa very werd individual. Grabbing an = joi re iy en pels "the oy Sa Tit-Bite. ory of many birds; from a discarded moving train. and as you sink parspir-| --_-- footed animals on ) h ie 3 ® ane Dreathlees into you? 5 be His Hereditary Foe. language of distress. ! iF aY Ly | aw p% rp A r see, We Were in plenty. An Irishman, a Scotchman and an universal language ¢ r : spared . ¢ ki called for e He Fever ie 8, ain . od = Englishman on the unemployed lst' understand more or: . Pe a all kinds of i mney were once tramping the country in if sympathy as we - | Lg A $3.4 A Th a A 31 fie hud de sogral of work, Om soning ® a nel) appreciation of thet he | 8 Papet and Paint furnished i : a e ; of turnips they several in order {stort f ther, required ' amazed to flud a black hole where ee aed to appease the pangs of hunger. For bint oe i 5 moos should have been. A burst ha hadn't, or at all events he didn't. his they were dragged before the | =. 4) amg place--4 mr NE NOTT, % (Successor to J. A. Rodman.) showed thelr further ap- . of a slip in stage manage- quivered on i 3 thelr lives at securin the banks of the reat Yellow river in China. Yet every now and then the tide sweeps away all opposition, and the loss in human life is greater than any war ever caused. In 1897 the river burst Its bonds. Day after day the torrent flow- "ed twenty miles an hour, thirty miles wide and ten feet deep. The flood has been described as that of five Danubes pouring from a height for two months on end. Kor 2,000 years the Chinese bave been embanking this river. The silt which the waters bring down from the mountains builds up the bed and raises the surface of the water. The banks are raised higher and highér to keep In the water, and for mile after mile the river runs over a bed whose Jevel is far above that of the flelds through which It takes its way. But the weak part of the embankment is always found apt. The river always breaks through. And then a province is swept out of existence, and people die by millions. The death roll in 1887 was estimated at from 2,000,000 to 7,000,000. When Baths Were Scarce." Iu a guide to etiquette published ear- ly In the last century the writer says that "soap does not irritate the com- plexion. Some of the finest complexions we have known have been regularly washed with soap every day." The same authority remarks that "the daily bath is now the rule rather than the exception, and common sense has tri- umphed over the decision that washing was injurious." And then the writer has a dig at her great-grandmother, *whose only ablutions consisted in wet- You mop vour brow and, though he is twerv good friend, remember with J eémplagency that this "just ont trang leads to many. goron- don, Ba rT ay at a dinner party, Thom- aikes tells us in his diary, John Wilson Croker, who was nothing if not dogmatic, flatly contradicted the old Duke of Wellington about some incident in the Waterloo campaign. The duke gave up the point cour- teously. Shortly after the discussion fell npon percussion caps, and Croker the hero of flatly contradicted again Waterloo. "My dear Croker," said the duke, "I can yield to your superior information on mo&t points, and you may perhaps know a great deal more of what passed at Waterloo than my- self, but as a sportsman I will mein- tain my point about the percussion caps ths American Collector. "Historic Bibles In America" is a very remarkable record of American enterprise. Among these Bibles are volumes that belonged to Charles I., George 111., Queen Anne, Prince Hen- ry, son of James IL; the Duke of Sussex (ten), and Richard IIT. Will the crown jewels find their way over there?--London Bpectator. Bismarck's Mystic Number. Bismarck, writes a correspondent in reference to our paragraph on super- gtition, held, with Pythagoras, that not 3, but 8, was the great and perfect number. Bismarck's associations with 8 were remarkable, Xe had served three masters. He had three nagnes-- Bismarck, Schoenhausen and Lauen- burg. The arms of his family are a clover leaf and three oak leaves. He was concerned in three wars and sign- ed three treaties of peace. In the Franco-Prussian war he had three horses killed under him. He brought about the meeting of three emperors judge, who took a lenient view of the case. Before sentencing each to 12 lashes on the bare back he agreed to confer a small favor according as each The Englishman asked the a sly glance at the jud A, "Ma it please your honor, would like the Englishman across my back." A Driller. An Irishman looking for work took his stand in a group at the gate of a large engineering establishment. By and by the foreman came up to the gate and asked "Are there any drillers here?" "Yes," said Pat, stepping forward. He got the job at onoe, but he had not been working long at the machine when it broke down. The foreman, in anything but a pleasant mood, then inquired: "Where, man, did you learn drill ing?" "In the militia," was Pat's reply.-- London Express. Helping Out Mamma. About a dozen people dropped in unexpectedly at a country house in the evening, and the fluttered host- ess did her beet in the limited time at her disposal to make a good shew at the supper table But she had only just begun to flatter herself that things were pass- ing off swimmingly when her voung- est daughter, aged six, to the gentleman next to her "Aren't these nice tumblers we've got, Mr. Brown? They all came from the grocer's full of marmalade. Didn't they, ma?"--London Express. A White Cobra. A milk white cobra some five feet long was killed with great difficulty, so says a vernacular paper, by some peasants at a jhular near the canal bridge on the Lahore-Mian Meer road recently. Hooded snakes of this tint and size are very rare in the Punjab. . just ' duced the Bible In illumina { began his task in 1244 and Aid | get a thread long enough to mentary form, exl orders. -- John Bum Traits In Animals" zine, centuries monks frequently themselves from fhe world pro: | i ek : e During the : s ZINN 2 wojated RES Part Perry: Roller Mills IN FULL BLAST 1 lake great pleasure in announcing that my New Mills are now completed and in full oper- ation and that I am betler than ever prepared Lo meet the requirements of my friemds and the general public in cvery line pertaining to my already extensive and rapidly increasing busi- Correct business principles, prompitude and courteous treatment may be relied on. JAMES CARNEGIE pv SCKSK / script. The work was ne a and In vo Instance was it acco in less than thirty-five years. Jars was a producer of these | ed manuscripts, and a beaut men of his work was sold alo the books of Sir W. Burrell This copy of the Bible had 0 haif a century-In Its production note {no the beginning of the ma in Jars' handwriting Indicates 7 SINZNZIN INNIS RIK 2 N clude tt till 1204. Oh The Marvel of Distances The distance to the nearest Axed si is 80 tremendous that, like wany th facts of astronomy, it is beygndiAth grasp of the human Im ) though not beyond the reach of ematical demonstration. Light 'S travels at a speed of 156,000 mile ¢ single second of time, takes of fou years to reach us from the star. The thread spun by & sph excessively fine that a pound would be long enough to reach @m the earth. It would take ten pounds of it to reach to the moon and over Si pounds to stretch to the sun. 3 A NIN IR 7 i RK Nis ZN nearest star would require h lion tens. If a railroad could to this star and the fare fixed af a mile the total cost of the journey would be $250,000,000,000, or mor than sixty times the whole amount of coined | eald ta tho world. 3 z doors nofth of Mr. Widden's store Sittings of the Division Cour! entral Livery PORT PERRY. EARTILY thauking the public for the liberal patronage received during the have kept a Livery Establish in Port Perry, Ihave » announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY ! . 'ta my former place o? business Water Street which Tam about, to hraely extend in- crease facilities 50 that the public may be better accommodated with safe and desir- 1. WHITBY Clerk, D. OU: Macdonell, Whit), CICIGICRIBISK NZ IN oR ~ 'RIGS AT MGDZIRATE CHARCES id 7. ULTABAROY B--Clork, I'. Mulvahill, U; IVS NYS TRZINZINS 12\ RN Pert Parry, Jane 21,1900. Port Perry, Dec., 1902. ACIACKRIIPRIK i > . 3 z ET 215 Located in Our New Premises NZ DX © 5 a 11.45 a.m. '133 pm, $7.33] yo -- = COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1907. 30 8 Fibmacyh, March 1 ARE, Mo ga 0 nriher 8." Octo! N a re hp vos fn: Noten ber & Bas OSHAWA - Clerk, D, U, Macdousll, Whitby ~Jasu- ary 10, Tebrubry & Murr 4 A Sir any July 4, Sepbewnber 9, October 7, November 8, Det ber 9, Jan. 10,108 2. BROUGHAN---Clerk, M. Gleeson, Greenwood=Ji ary IL, Baral 6, May 7, July, 5 Keplembe, . Cale, Jun 14,1908 £19, Jot 3. POIT PERRY Clerk, J W. Bumham, Punt ay A. --JIniuary 7, March 7, M July &, Beptumber 12, November 8, Jun. .4, 0G8. 4. UXBRIDGE Clerk, J: ¥ oul xy nmuney 16, Maro 15, Bny 17. July 19, Bepiember y 15, May 17. Juiy 19, Beptembe W, Novewber 15, Jen. 17, 19 &. 5 gi § CANNINGTON Clark. Geo, Sih. Conninglop = Janna y 18, March 14, May 16, July 18, 8. It: 39, November 14, Jan. 16, 108. °° liner § BEAVERTON Clk, Geo. T Bruce, Besvertbuo:- Jattary 18, Maruh 2, May 15, July 17, Bap NaS Men 5 A 31. Bagtomber grore -- Jl unary 17, Maroh 12. Moy 14. July 16, Sec bor 17, Novemuer 12, Jan. 14 1908. vim By order, J. E. PAREWHBLL, Clerk of the Peace. Dated at Whitly, Nov. 10h, 1266. Genera! Blacksmithing The undersigned having opened re an Camber ting her cheeks with a cambric hand- ALS CL Spi x ' kerchlef dipped In rosewater." "In all and was responsible for the triple al- A YER ORD y : business in the our directions with regard to the bath," | lance. He had three children. His {is in the market for ail WE TO ANNOUNCE that | ! } adds this early Victorian dictator, "it family motto was "In Trinitate Robur" FURIES IN THE ARENA. 4 that they are now comfort-| NAfi a] 1 fiRi2 i , \Lise CI Seed in ) (RAVE dab Bit Ala dha ably endconscd in their new pre ("Strength In Trinity"), and contem- 3 en mm 3 | porary caricature pictured him with The Wrestling Matches Detween Wo- three hairs on his head. Three was the men i Japan. | f Destractive Shellfish. beginning, the middle and the end of Describing a - wrestling ten bes t 1n the tropics rock boring and wood Bismarck.-- London Chronicle, tween women in Japan, a writer says: boring shellfish are among the great- | "The wrestlers arranged themselves in est natural agents of destruction in the How They Save Lights In Stornoway, Leo sides, Sach led by a captain. They waters of the sea. It was not | OR a sunken rcef 350 feet distant = cross ? "builders of fron ahips launch- Gs Slormpwy Rghiliogse isp i a kJ 5 ed the present navies of peace or war | marka con which warns mari. UeBl A ta ! upon the deep that the hulls of vessels | Drs with the help of a light which is ii he Topie TI aren opin moored for any time In harbor were Only apparent. The beacon is a cone ry oe on a K e late { . Safe frou thelr ttacks. The shells of of oust HOR Pielcs, sprmomnted wih = being fulfilled, they stood up again and must be borne In mind that we only re- fer to those in sound state of health." which ig will pay the ver. market price, aud in cudérgghat Sguce mises in the Just west of Drs. Archer & Archer's ~ 3x ) Office, 1s prepared to do all kinds of - Pur dy Block | of General Blacksmithing at Reas- where the" Public will always find jonable Charges. ity RSE SHOEING A'Specidlty" and Satisfaction Guaranteed, S f | farm 1s may obtain the He obtainable hie has Hed t Drociastinationdess ¥ | itd i ity Ta brated Chppe Patronage Solicited. 8. W. SWITZER Alsike Seed io dh : i i - best grades, and cut in dimensions to please the most fastidious. these mollusks are elegant and beaut | Jantern containing a gliss prism. The . site ther like ! x . 8 ris ves Its Melt Ir refracting Dent over opposite one another It Mr Purdy's store hous r 3 Port Peiry, Sei t. 16, 5 1y adapted for boring. Frequently they a °% a chance to seize an advantage. Dur. | 777 mmmm----" in attention. Ms x and the optical delusion is marvelous. Th a lp : S. T: CAWKER & SON are very thin, looking almost like hard- 'nz the i Aire Fie . ' DDOS a g preliminaries the audience was ened paper. Yet they bore through teak Mariners naturally suppose that there tense with expectation. Then suddenly ke e the beac Se) or oak, hardened clay, chalk, rock and 1s u lighted lamp on the beacon fself, the women sprang, hissing at each concrete breakwaters. > Shoe Etiquette In India. Indians take off their shoes when #here Is a farash upon which they have fo squat. The mud from the shoes i spoil the sheet. A native vis- tor to a European should on no ac- t draw his shoes, there belng no If any deputy magistrate does he is a cringing slave, imitating the 's chaprasee and showing that he "as humble as Ram Bakhsh before | fthe sahib. If his socks are torn aud | toes are out It is a regular iusult to pabib.--Lahore Tribune. v > Nero and Big Noses, " Nero never liked a person with a nose. He flippantly told the sor- relatives of Plautus--whom, it alleged, he killed--that It was only | on Inspecting the corpse that he dis- j¢overed that Plautus had so large a and many of thew vill not believe oth- erwise. But the object of the beacon is attained when the navigator sees the reflected light, which Indicates the per- {lous rock below. This beacon in the north of Scotland has been In use more than balf a century, and since it was fixed In position others have been placed in other neighborhoods to make cl®ar points of danger. It Is an In- genious and very effective safeguard against perils of the coast. Cooking and Spoiling. There are three kinds of cooking-- negative, meutral and positive. The first Is no cooking at u It is only spoiling good material. It Is simply jabbing wildly at a delicate duty. The neutral sort is the kind where a person eats and doesn't know {t--just swal- lows and goes; no sentiment, no beau- ty, no delight in it. The third Is where the light of the mind and the grace of other furiously aud gnashing their | teeth, at first by simulating ferocity to | spur themselves up to greater excite- ment, but, after a few clutches, in | deadly feminine earnest, the umpire meanwhile buzzing close to them as they swayed around the narrow ring. | "Any and all holds seemed fair means | to the end of pushing a combatant over | the edge. Sometimes with a clean throw one woman landed her opponent, sprawling, in the midst of ber friends. This was the signal for the umpire to begin, 'Hitotsu, futatsu, mitsu, yotsu, ttsusu' (one, two, three, four, five), in a series of Irregular and disconnected squeaks, and before he ceased count- | ing another wrestler from tle Yosing | side jumped up to meet the champion, who stood panting, Lisslag and spitting like a boiling kettle in the center of the arena. | "This time there were no prelim} | naries. A wild rush, and like two fu- | N retarping thanks to the public for a | patronage extended to years, I would respectindl ani, as usual, now ready have Large & Ass OF LOUBLE AND SINGH MAEN GS: JES wenan 0 AN GOO THENES STHETHIEF OF TIME Sled Tenders TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of all or any of the Parcels-- Farm Properties -belong ing to Mr. Joho Adams, advertised to be sold by auction on the 23rc its also the robber tint Salis LL RAY for ever 30 s/eals from many a busi- ! nin 2s wd | ness man the oppor tunily to become wealthy... .... must win upen their merits. Tho International Dictionary has won a greater (ici ERTS imose, and if it had been pointed out the heart join In the delicate mingling ries or two beasts the women were | which Lam deteruined to yLHEAY i he would have certainly spared ' of the material and touch this and gtruggling again. Some affected quick | Ax an inducement to Casi 'his life. "Life with such a nose," cool- that feature of the process with the clutches, some locked their adversaries y a 5 es iyi CE {ly added Nero, "would have been am- lovely vision of the sculptor who in their arms and stood stock still for | = Dienst b el i FER" TRADE Manne _ple penance for any crime." | rounds the white muscle of Venus' g full five minutes. Some picked up : ' os \ . 5 a Dest % 1 | shoulder or of the artist who blends In thelr opponents almost at once and | will re Siinwed Sha All 3 a id a SomisUTe ao. f A Proper Pupishmert. ! a flower the tints of another world-- threw them bodily over, the ring, while | Bi, Au pean. 4 2 auleniy & ES our Syinion tres whether tn ; gF MALELY Hi ipvantlen on Patents I "You're not going to bar me out, are (hjo State Journal, y others rolled over with them." you?" the newly arrived spirit pleaded. z - and ue. factory work ke super ority of iny goods wi appa: ent. 3 {pty £ "fF guess not" replied St Peter | The Hyena In Shakespeare's Time. : . "You're the street railway magnate, | John Trevisa wrote that "the hyoena | AMERICAN ART. Is a cruel beast like to the wolf in de- ' "Intending purcharers vouring and gluttony. It is his kind t0 The Way Men of Means May Promote | £!VI!E 18K © 1 Jefore | change sexes, for Le Is now male and Its Advancement, i tae ygan Ee 3 y now fémale and is therefore @n un- It is an encouraging theory tliat all] amir th : Bs , clean beast. And cometh to houses by important art epochs have been pre=! .ii| be given by any urbicle a «A York i . JOHN NOZT, night and feigneth man's voles as be cdded by epochs of great wealth, and | Everthing in m b : A Ny 7 | UNDERTAKER for men should trow that it 1s @ it may well bé that the present multl- | constantly an haud asi xs gi = Ti : ) y Bea nd Director, ill be the | promptly atiended @. 3 : i % ; . ir 2 xr just akin Se LFOY SHOESHEREe oo tL; Nn Daniel Webster one door Seuth of tie S i ; to plan Sor, something £00 owner of 'sore 8 parative exhibition of 8 few years go, | Hotel, where be intends tg Hoh wil } " advertising geeervietevrn they held thelf own with for- | j,, j5 of Boots aud Shoefy all kinds of repairing | strictly attendcdto. H 10 please all who come. possible. 8 Post Perry, June 10, 1 dips, when child study 1s a 'long god bard, It 1s in- of the nerve training i a i