Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 Jan 1907, p. 1

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1] Un hth Savings Departmen t--Deposi est current rates. Farmers' Business--Special attention to out-of-town accounts. PORT PERRY BRANCH, . \R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria N I Ont i 0b i : M.B. T to Uni ity, Diy ih Eee North Ontario Observer , Out.; Licentiate ol e y! oi tical. % and By niin: Liou Waskly Posi al, Agricultural of the Royal Collegeof Physicians, Edin- | ¥ wspaper barg ; Member of the Faoglry of Physiciaus 18 POBLINHED AT and Sargeons, Gl Ww 5 te dent r " or subject to withdrawal at any time without notice or delay. ts of one dollar and upwards received in this department Interest at high- giveu to Farmers, Cattle and Hog Dealers, and Farmers' notes discounted. -Sale Notes Cashed or taken for collection at lowest rates. Blank forms free on application. A. e. VERCHERE., Manacen. £100,000 s TERLING (British Oapital) a Hospital, Dublin, . Poplar the vein and Bocsdr re, second KVERY THURSDAY MORNING door west of Dafis Furaitore Em oi, - + eedn Street. ce rs Mm. ; ' a to5 p.m. and evenings. H. PARSONS NA 1 have taken as partner, my brother, Dr. 'qppsg 61 por aumim, 1 ped in dace i no 41.0 g R. Archer, M. D., C. M., Member of Col- Wii ve Gh ed No stbueripeion | en for less Apts ts until arrears are paid up. 7 ege of Physicians and Surgeons, Out. ¥ Port Periy, June 9, 1897. DR. 8. J. MELLOW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &O. LETTERS containing money, whe ensed to this Odie, prepaid sa rogttered wil. Le at oor Hak. ADVERTISEYFNTS measured" x i, and bE Be Eo a ouDesieh ADVERTISEMENTS received for [otiiaion, with- out _specifi~ In tructions, will 1 ohbiar, sd socordingly. No advertise- 'ment will be takin out until paid for. A LIBERAL discount sllewed to Merchants and other who advertise by the year or half year. THESE terms will in all cases be strictly adhered to JOB DEPARTMENT. Office and Residence, Queen St, Port Pe.Ty five hours--8 to 10 a.m ; 1to3 pm. and Bveuings. Telephone in office and house, open night and day over the lines south, cennecte with the residence of G. L. Robsen, V.8. paral a Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1894. Sa dn id Lecter leads, Wedding Invitations, WM. H. HARRIS, BA. LLB. Blank Forms Receip Books, Business Oa BARRISTER, &c., Bows Ciroulars, Assembly Cals, Successor to and gecupany of the Visiting Say be offices of the Jate F. M. Yarnold. of every myle snd calor Port Perry, - Oat. Bc, a8 lu rates aa any - the Couuty..... MONEY LOAN. SD ption Hom 2 tenon. satin bind. bile. Be Private Funds at 4 per cont. ted Car. have them printad io take with them. : H., PARSONS . 'G80. JACKSON, Licensed Avctioneer, Valuator, &e. FOR THE COU STY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSRIL OF CARTWRIGHT, ISHES at this the commencement ef another Auction Sale Season to re. tars thanks to his numerous pa rons for pust favors. In requesting their esteenied aod continued patronage he desires te state that no effort or pains will be spared on his part to make all sales entruated to him successes. Hie extensive practice in the past should be a sufficient recom | mendation as to his ability. AH Sale given into his charge will be attended ¢ with promptness and dispatch. Sale list | made out and blank notes supplied free, on application. | Partire wishing to engage his services may eonsult hie Sarx REGISTER either at the Ohbnerver or Standard Offices, Port Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, and make arrangements, or write to his address £7 Phone at Residence, No. 81. ®a CHARGES MODERATE. GEO. JACKSON, Port Perry P. O Fob. 1, 1901. 2 y Jno. 'W. Crozier, simisrsn, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, "ge. Office at residence, 6th Con. (one mile west of Port Per:y,)-- i Money To Loan. N..F. PATERSON, K. C, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Pablic, &c, Nes. 310 314, Temple Building, Cor. Bay and Richmond Streets, Toronto. Toronto, arch 81, 1893. E. FARYWELL, K.C,LL.B,, County +) , Crown Attornay, Barrister, County Sol- eitor, &c., Notary Public and Conveyancer. Mios--South wing Court House, Whitby, W. A SARGSTER, f DENTAL SURGEON. : Out. OfBoe Hors --9 to 12am, 2 to 6 p,m. _ Also opr Saturday evenings Nov. 1, 1901. JOS. BAIRD | ICEN 'ED AUCTIONEER for the 4 County of Ontario, Sale Register at the Onsrrykr Office Patronage solicited. Manchester, Jan. 19, 1899. ew Gold Fi lings, Bridge and Crown Work a Specialty. Vitalised Air. Dr. F D. McGrattan (DENTIST): L D.% of Rayal College of Dental Surgeons, alzo B.1.S; of Toronto University. Office in the Allison Black over Allison's . ISSUER OF > Drug Store. MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont, Office hours--8 a.m. to8.30 p.m. Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1863. Port Perry, April 9, 1902. : "J. A. Murray. MISS HARRISON *. . DENTIST, © Mice over the Posi Office. H. MoCAW, ISHES to inform the ladies \ ~ that she has moved to her fir 'Rooms in the Allison Block where <he is prepared to execute all orders! .n_Dress and Mantle Making in «manner, unsurpassed for Corrects le. = ' i Taint Dress and Mantle Maker fut Ba Mortgage Security. nker and Broker, Port Perry, Ont. Jamieson's Livery aE undersigned takes th opportunity of thanking the inhabitunts of Port Perry and surrounding couutry for the liberal and till increasing pat- roouage bestowed wvpon him sinca eommencing Courting and requirements in his line. Having extensively my stock of horse: conveya Livery in Port Perry and now in » that n added to 8 well as nces of the latest type of canstruction for comfort and pleasure, Tam in a position to meet the requirements of the mont fastidious as to style «nd desirable equippage in every respect--in every way suit. able for dings, funer ls, &c. wishing huve th private driving. wed- Parties an afternoon drive can eir choice of suitable double or single rigs and care: ful drivers will also be suppli ed when required, I possess a number of good Spring avd Dray Wagons and will, at Curting all times, attend to with h utmost care aud promptne 8. I wish further to state that in future suitable conveyances will be at the . Railway Depot ta convoy passengers and bag: gage to private residences, and will also convey passengers and baggage for depa to the Depot in time rting trains, on being given notice WNL, JAMIESON. Port Perry, July 30, 1903. WorLp. -- M1. W Perry 1s now in a position 0 issu tickets to all parts of the world an to supply all unecessary informatie to parties as to the cheajest and In addition to his numerous Ticket Agercies for Rail 'road and Steamship lines, he has re appointed Ticket Agent for } rand Trunk Railway. Parties intending to travel will consult then wn interests by consulting Mr. McCaw before embarking on a trip. | best routes, &c, FONT! hi 4 } TICKETS TO ALL TAKTS OF THI H. McCaw, Per or HILL NURSERIES VER 800 § To lend at 4. 4% and 5 per cent. | DAVID J. ADAMS + Local Salesman Wanted Ouce for PORT PERRY and Surrounding Distuicts. A 300 At =| for our Hanoy Metal Hack Saw. STONE '& WELLINGTON il gro { and : . Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only genuine hair-food you can buy. It gives new life to the hair-bulbs. You save what hair you have, and get more, too. And it keeps the scalp clean and healthy. The best kind of a testimonial -- "Bold for over sixty years." TERE Yersis mm. The Rejuvenation of Chilton Forester By Constance D'Arcy Mackay Parcells Copyright, 1908, by E. C. Olivia Forester descended from her auto and looked about her helplessly. As far as she could see the road stretched away dusty and desolate. It was the haying season. Farmers were busy with thelr crops and passersby were few. Olivia's car stood half In and half out of the wayside ditch, and it was beyond her power to move it. There was nothing to be done but walt. If deliverance In any guise approached she could readily signal it, for she stood on the crest of a hill, Below her the countryside lay like a green map. The clear air mocked dis- tance and brought things wonderfully near--the cluster of houses that formed Oakdale village, beyond these the gray gables of her own home and still far- ther away the shining ester' a land line, had coutl for two gen- erations. -The elder Willoughby had died, but Broughton Willoughby bad returned from eollege and the manor was reopened. The villagers, who took a lively In- terest in the two families, declared him to be a fine, sensible young man, nor was Olivia a whit less popular, Peo- ple liked to walt for her smile and nod as she galloped past. Recently her motor had taken the place of her horse, a course of which her father heartily disapproved, for he hated mod- ern innovations. His role of hostile neighbor was only one of many idiosyncrasies. Trains filled him with a horror unspeakable. It was his boast that he had never rid- den In a sleeper. He loathed the bus- tle of a city life and clung tenaclously | to his New England homestead, whose inaccessibllity rendered it doubly dear fo him. Olivia often teased him by saying she was sure he would like to keep her at home beside a spinning wheel. "Anything," he cried, "would be bet- ter than what you have chosen! With such a hideous, snorting thing as that bow can you expect to come to any- thing but grief? And, thoggh Murray, the groom, is an excellent--what do you call it?--chauffeur, you insist in going about the country alone. You hre a modern, Olivia, and I wash my hands of you!" Yet now, as Olivia was experiencing her first breakdown, she recalled her father's words with a twinge of ap- prehension, and it was a relief to hear nother machine approaching, a relief which turned to consternation when the saw Its occupant. Young WH- foughby coolly Ignored the embarrass- ment of the situation. "I beg your pardon," he said pleas- intly, "but can I be of some assist- tace? "Thank you," answered Olivia con- fusedly. "It won't move either way, and I can't find out what's the matter 'Wilionghi by when, aim. roof of Wil- pipe," he sald, mirth from his Y have another try at my m ps by this time its changed There, you see!" and his puffing with an alacrity ht have awakened Olivia's but she bad no chance to & emotions. "It's a my machine Is cov- ered," he on, or we are going to have a bith " He snatched up his dust 6d t and held It out for her. = ¥] it's so cumber- some," hg # ling, "though at | least it's & " Olivia 8 the folds of it, and the wind @ her veil out banner- like and sl ped Into Willoughby's car, The had broken on them, and the blindingly In thelr | faces. and road seemed blotted outs n was still coming down In the two machines pavel driveway under cochere, and Wil- loughly op door for Olivia as It it was an occurrence, though none of his ly had set foot within nds in a lifetime. and breathless, stood di in the hall, while her father in a p of resentment listen- ed to the story of her afternoon's ad- venture. And fn the house across the way young. jughby mused with an unlighted pipe between his lips. "What Olivia, pp would she have thought," he murmured, "4 ghe had kppwn that the breakdown of my bully notor was nothing but to finish? But all's a shonld," Willoughby whim- sically protested. "I know of some one who's longing for the place." "Why, what began Olivia and then stopped. The bok In Willoughby's eyes was not one of banter. "I'm warthy of It," he went on, "but sll T dare to ask. And If you'll say Tl do my best to steer stra; and ell and guard you to the poy od ey. Will you trust me, Olivia Always," she answered, and from " the autumn lope of the hill down which they mde it seemed as If the wi ; Wy golden before them. But theif dream was destined to end with stamling abruptness when Wil ve loughby 'wrote to her father, for it ga 'gentleman a grim satls- fuse all terms of concilia- rished the feud because It be old order of things, and mn was not easily uproot- a's many entreaties be e obdurate answers. But fire that burned In him, mination fanned Its em- as she went quietly on ations--preparations of ah knew save Willoughby fac Wurter, the village jus- d known Olivia since child- mantically old fashioned t even your father," de- hby as they sped through ght on their way to the oa wer was a clutch on his eb!" she cried. "We're be- @ It's father--in my ma- durray, the groom." chauffeur put on full je walting MacWurter was cyclonic rapidity. The forward at a d out the words It was a looked strangely "PRE The growing Financial Streng! LOANS th and Careful Management of this Bank Warrant 'Your Coufidence. : i TT ----r SAVINGS | | Onr long acquaintance with this district enablex ws to make as liberal loans to our customers as sound Anancing will per Interest Undoubted Security to Depositors. No Delay in Drawing Your Money Don't Wait till yon have a large sum to deposit. 81 will Open an Account % aid or Compounded Twice a Year. Begin with ua Now ! nif, Small Savings form the Base of Large Fortunes. | TIN (AQ A ANTOTTINQ | WE CASH SALE NOTES. . | |BANK MONEY ORDERS. | Upto $5... vives 3 = | Over $5upto $10.. 6 cts. [ Best way to send small amounts i Over 10 upto 30..10Cts f Cashed free at any Bank. Over 30 upto 50..15 cts. | For sums over 850 use BANK DrAFTS. Best and cheapest way to send LARGE AMOUNTS, Special Rates. 'PORT PERRY AGENCY. H. G. HOTCHESON, Manager. | Te a | NEW STORE IN PORT PERRY titi | I'he undersigned having purchased that brick building on the corner o { Queen and John Streets, in the Western portion of the husiness centre of the town, has opened out a fine Stock of General & Fancy Dry Goods TINWARE, GRANITEWARE, NOTIONS, &C. which he will sell Cheap for Cash. TUESDAY, FRIDAY AN D i Wanted Scrap Iron, Rubbers, Horse Hair, &c. Sheep M. SHAPIRO. of Farny Produce rakén as Cash. Also SATURDAY BARGAINS. Skins, Wool, Horse and Cow Hides, Samples of Choice Grain for he Improvement of Seed. To the Editor of the N. O. Obsarver. | Dear Sir/--By instruction of the { Hon. M uister of Agriculiuie a dis tribution wil be made this year of superior sorts of gran 1o Canadian | farmers for the improvement of | seed. The stock for distribution is] >t the very best and has ben secur d mainly from the excellent crops recently had at the branch Exper | mental Farms at Indian Head Sask., and at Brandon, Man. The listribution will consist of samples of oats, spring wheat, barley, Indian corn (for ensilage) only' and pota toes. The quantity ol oats tob sent will be 41b<., and of wheat or barley 5 lbs., sufficient in each cas to sow one-twentieth of an acre Ihe samples of Indian corn and potatoes will weigh 3 lbs each. A quantity of each of the following varieties has been secured for this distribut on :-- Oats. -- Banner, Wide - Awake White Giant, Danish Island, Thou sand Dollar, Improved Ligowo (white varieties) and Goldfindel (yellow). WhhkaT. -- Red Fife, Preston, Pringle's Champlain, Percy, Huron | Stanley and Whitz Fite. BARLEY. -- Stz-romed. -- Mensury, Odessa, Man:field and Claude, | Two rowed. --Standwell, Invincible, (Canadian Thrope and Sidney. Inpian Corn (for ensilage.-- Early | «ors, Angle of Midnight, Compton's Early and Longfollow; later var-| eties, Selected Leaming, Early, Mastodon and White Cap Yellow Dent. i Poratoes.--Carman No 1, Ea:ly White Prize, Rochester Roce,! Money Maker and Late Puritan, | Only one sample can be sent to each applicant, hence, if an individ- val receives a sample of oats he can- not also receive one of wheat, barley or potatoes Lists of names from one individual, or applications for more than one household cannot be | entertained. The samples will be | sent free of charge through the | mail. | Applications should be address. ed to the Director of Experimental Farms, Ottawa, and may be seni in anytime before the 15th of Feb- ruary, after whica the lists will be losed, so that the samples may be sent out in good time for sowing Applicants should mention the variety they prefer, with a second sort as an alternative. Applica: tions will be filled in tke order in which they are received, so long as the supply of seed lasts. Farmers are advised to applv early to avaid disappointment. Those applying for Indian corn or potatoes will please bear in mind that the corn is: and that not nshally disttibuted until March, | | potatoes cannot he mailed | from here until danger from. frost in: transit is over. No postage is re. quired on mail matter addressed tc the Experimental Farm, Ottawa WM SAUNDERS Director Experimental Farms Ottawa, Nov. 21st, 1906. ite | neighborhood whe | to wick or crippled Weak Women To weak and ailing women, there is at least one way to help. But with that way, two treatments, | must be combined. One is local, one is constite- | tional, but both are Important, both essential. | Dr. Shoop's Night Cre is the Local | Dr. 8hoop's Restorative, the Constitutional. The former--Dr. 8hoop's Night Curc--iss topleel | mucous membrane suppository remedy, while Dr. | Shoop's Restorative is wholly an internal treat. ment. The Restorative reaches throughout the entire system, secking the repair of all nerve, all tissue, and all blood ailments. The "Night Cure", as its name implies, does ffs | work while you sloep. It soothes sore and inflam- | ed mucous surfaces, heals local weaknesses and | discharges, while the Restorative, eases nervous excitement, gives renewed vigor and ambition, builds up wasted tissues, bringing about renewed strength, vigor, and energy. Take Dr. Shoop's Restornti ve--Tnblets or Liquid--as a general tonie to the system. For positive local help, use as well Pr. Shoop's light Cure A. J. DAVIS, | The Best. There is a legend, says an English writer, to the effect that after Lord | Btanley came Into the house of peers | a lady somewhat indiscreetly asked Lord Brougham at a dinner party who was the best speaker In the house of lords and that Lord Brongham prompt- ly and emphatically answered, "Lord Stanley, madam, is the second best." Enumerated. A schoolteacher says this sweeping answer was made by a pupil in a his- tory lesson: "How many wars," she asked this pupll, "did England fight with Spain?" "Bix," the pupil answered. "Six?" sald the teacher. "Enpmerate them, please." "One, two, three, four, five, six," said the little girl. A Broken Cup. Signora Veronelli (seeking & sérvant) --Why were you sent away from your last place? oa ay "Because I broke a coffee gup." "Was that the only reason?" . "Certainly, except that of 'that casion my mistress hed a little wound on the head."--Il Riso. : Like AI} a app SWE ty to the driver of the city sprinkling cart, "that you only follow this busi- | pess for the money there is in #9 of the | | | + For It Onres for Every Sick Ohild in On © whose Parents Cannot Afford to Pay for Treatment. vay The Hospital for Sick Children, College street, Toronto, appeals mothers of Ontario 1 to fathers and or funds to maintain the thousand sick children that is nurses within ite wally every yeas. The Hospital not a local instita- tion--but Provia- cial. The sick child from an place in Oatarla, who can't afford to. pay has the same privileges ss the child liviog in Tor-, onto and is treated free. The Hospital had last year iu ita beds and cots 858 patients--331 of these were from 231 places outside of Toronto. The cosh is 1.37 cte. per pa tient per day, and ' "MEW PICTURE BOOKS, JUST dation primis the Hospital has treated 12,120 children. About 8,600 of these were unable to pay and were treated free Your money ean put gol- RT AST dividends of health and happiness to saf- foiing childhood om every dollur that is d by friends of ittle children. If you know of any child in your or has club fees send the parent's name to the Hos pital. TWO #LOB ¥OOT CASES TN PLASTER Boe what can be done for club foot chil: dren. Theres were 38 like cases last vear and hundreds in 31 years. ArTER Please send contributions to J. Ross Robertson, Chairman, or to Douglas David~ son, Bec.- Treas , of the Hosptial for Sick Children, College Street, Toronto The Dawn of Conscience. The development of conscience has been Interestingly traced In the career of a deaf mute who for many years was quite uneducated. He thought in pictures and had mental words for only the fewest things. He had no sense of right and wrong. Being often hungry, he stole food--that is to say, he found and took it, not then knowing that it was an offense to do so. Small sums of money he made his own In the same way, and again he saw no wrong. But one day he took from & butcher's counter a piece of money which turned out to be gold. He went into a shop to buy sweets with it, but when he realized the value of the coin he snatched it up and ran away. He | wae horrified, not at the theft, but the extent of it. In the end he buried the plece and from that time stole no more. The shock had quickened conscience into life, and he needed little "con- verting" when kindly instructors at last took him in hand. --8t. James' Ga- set/ a a ran Necessities Alike on the farm and in the town these four Ryrie articles come nearer to being necessities than luxuries : THERMOMETERS --Our full and reliable line rangesin price from 50c. to $2.50. 3 FIELD GLASSES--Our hi "Ryrie Special," with 12 in Aluminum Mountings will be delivered to you for $12.50, tua, BAROMETERS--These behad at from $5.00 wo 350.00. Our, Barometer Book is yours for the POCKET COMPASSES -- Tested ones--$1.00 0 $3.50. Drop us & postal card and we v send you free of charge our large illus ar dnl

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