Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 6 Dec 1906, p. 1

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142 BRANGHES # Savings Department--Deposits of oie' doll a subject to withdra wai at any est current rates. Farmers' Business--Speeinl attention given to Faruters, Cattle and Hog Dealers, and ' to out of-town accounts, Farmers' notés discounted. Sale Notes Oashed or taken for collection at lowest rates: Blauk forms free on application. PORT PERRY BRA . nEH, = Ae. 5 "in this department elay. Interest at high- VERCHERE, Manasenr. R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria University : M.B, Toronto University, Memb-r or the College of Physiviany and Surgeons, Ont.; Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburg; Licentiate of tha Royal College of Physicians, Edin. burg ; Member of the Paar of Physiciaus and Surgeons, (Glasgow; late Resident Pupil of the Rolunda Hospital, Dublin, for Wowen. Office and Residence, second door west of Davis' Furniture Emporinm, Queen Street. Office hours--9 to'1la.m., and 2 to 3 p.m, and eveniugs. 1 have taken as partper, my brother, Dr, R. Archer, M. D,, C. M., Member of Col- ege of Physicians and Suigeons, Ont. Port Pervy, June 9, 1897. DR. 8. J. MELLOW, PuvsioiAs, SURGEON, &o. Office and Residence, Queen St., Port Pesry fie hours--8 to 10 a.m ; l1tod pm, and Evenings. Telephone in office and house, open night and day over the lines south, connected with the residence of G. L. Rebson, V.8. Port Perry, Nov. 15, 18MM. WMH. HARRIS, B.A. LLB. BARRISTER, &c,, Successor to and occupant of the offices of the Jate F. M. Yarnold. Port Perry, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN, te Funds at 1 per cont. id Sorte Office at vesidene ach (one mile west of % Mosey To Loan. ' N. I. PATERSON. K.C. : Barrister, Sclicitor, Notary Public, &c., Nes. 810 311, Temple Building, Cor. Bay anil Richmond Streets, Toronjo. Toronto, March 81, 1898. FE. FAREWELL, K.€,, LL.B,, Count; J . Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol oithr, &o., Notary Public and Con veyaoer. Jfice---South wing Court House, Whitby, Ont. WA SANGSTER, Office Hovrs--9 to 12 a.m, 2 to 6pm Algo open Saturday eveninge, er Gold Fi'lings, Bridge and Crow: Work a Specialty, Vitalised Air. Dr. FD. McGrattan (DENTIST) D.8. of Royal College of Diwtal Surgeons » G oe DDS. of Toronto University, Office in the Allison Bleck over Allison's Diug Store, Office honrs--8 a.ow te ¥.30 p.m. vort Perry, April 9, 1902, J. A. Murray, © DENTIST, ")fice over the Post Office. £7 PORT PERRY. ding £11 Family Newspaper 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT FERRY, oNT. BVERY THURSDAY MORNING BY H. PARSONS unt arrears sre paid up. os Seuss TOL, et rape, ET EI a ADYERRISEUL TY rsived for publica with- for charged accordingly. ment wil be taken our i tor. A LIBERAL discount allywed to Merghante who advertise by the year or Ralf year. 20d Wttut THESE terms will in ail cases be strictly adhered to JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlet Hand Bits, Posters Programs, Dodger Bill Heads, Thechs Letter 1lends, Wedding Invitations, Blak Fors Recelp Books, Busines Ca Books Assembly Ga-da, Visiting Cards, &0 of «very sryla and color executed pr mpks.end a¢ As low rates ag a other establishment the Conny. .Purtien fom & din' hand' . rind a ache od 1 AL the _ iH. PARSONS, Cirvulars, ny n FOR THE 00UNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSRII 7 OF CARTWRIGHT, cu ea ISHES at this the commencement ef V another Auction Bale Season to re- turn thanks to his numerous rons for past favors. In reqnesting their esteemed | and continued patronage he desires te| state that no effort or pains will bé #pared on his part to make all sales entruated to | him successes. - His very extensive prac in tire past should be a sufficient 'recom! wendation as to his ability. All Sale given into his charge will be attinded' t with promptnuss und dispatch, Baleilet: made out and blink notes supplisd-{res, on application. § v - Parties wirhing to engage his dervioes may consult his SALE REGISTER either at the - Obseiver or Standard Offices, "Pact Perry, foi dates claimed for Sales; and #make arcangements, or write to his address 4 Phone at Residence, No. 51.1 CHARGES MODERATE. GEO. JACKSON, Nov. 1, 1901. Port Perry P. O JOS. BAIRD ICENSED AUCTIONEER for. the J County of Ontario. Sale Register at +he-OssrryEr Office Patronage solicited. Manchester, Jan. 19, 1809. : H. McCAW, SY. JASUER OF ir MARRIAGE LICKNSES, Port Perry Om. AN branches of Dentistry, "7 Crown and Bridge Wark 0 Loy poacthied. co » Teeth on Gold, Silver, Alaminps ~. ov Raber Plates. bigs 4 Sir "Artifical Port Perry, Dec, 18, WwW ISHES to inform the ladies 5 red to execute all orders Correctness of Siyle MISS HARRISON Dress and Mantle Maker that she has moved to her fire s in the Allison Block where n rae nd Mantle Making in a manner unsurpassed for and: Charming Effect. over AF Ps : 4 un iS Sige, erry e Port Perry Wilcox residentald 1 nsf 3 North Outario Observer A Weekly Political, Agricultural avid [Canada's Greatest Nurseries £100,000 STERLING (British Capital) To lend at 4, 4% and 5 per cent. on good Mortgage Security. Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, Port Perry, Ont, Jamieson's Livery Pos undersigned takes th A of thanking the inhabitants of Port Perry and surcapnding oonntry for the liberal und still increasing pat. rounge bestowed upon him since commencing Curting and Livery in Port Perry and now intimates that hé is better than my stock of hurscs conveyances of the latest type of construction for comfort aud pleasure, I am in a position to meet the requirements of the most fastidious as to style and desirable equippage in every respect--in every way i able for private driving, dings, funer ls, do. ur ties wishing an afternoon drive can have their choioo of suitable double or single rigs and care- ful drivers will also be suppli ed when required, I possess a number of good Spring and Duy Wagous and will, at all times, attend to Carting with the utmust care and promptuess. I wish further to state that in future suitable conveyances will Le at the Railway Depot to convey passengers and bag- gage to private residences, and will ulso convey passeng~rs and baggage to the Bares in time for departing trains, ou being given notice. WA, JAMIESON. Port Perry, July 30, 1903. TICKETS. TO ALL FARTS OF THE WorLp.--Mr. WH. McCaw, Port Perry, is now in a position to issue tickets to all parts of the world and to supply all necessary information to parties as to the pest and best routes, &c. In addition to his numerous Ticket Agencies for Rail- road and Steamship lines, he has been re appointed Ticket Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway. Parties intending to travel will consult their own interests by consulting Mr. McCaw before embarking on a trip. Local Salesman Wanted At Once for PORT PERRY and . Surrounding Distri Eset grows aud for & A permanent situation for | the right party, Liberal inducements. Yay Weckiy. Handsome 'free out- fit. 'Write for ternis and cataloghe, Pocket MaGNIFYING GLASS, or 30C for our Hanpy Metal Hack Saw. STONE & WELLINGTON FONTHILL mUESERIES and send 25c in stamps fi our} ulets the soothes, heat Ask. your doctor about this. The best kind of a testimonial -- "Sold for over sixty years." Teale by J. S.Ax3z Co, Lowstl, Mass. 9 SARSAPARILLA. ers PILLS. HAIR VidoR. We have no secrete p the formulas of ai} ots mediotace: Hasten recove b bowels regular with kooping me WINTER. Who's that rapping at the door Me! 1! Thou! I had forgotten thee; The days and nights were sweet land and sea, " And all the stars looked tenderly on me. Who chaseth from my thoughts of glee? soul the Ree? Me! ! | I told you so. I told you so--I{t--Me-- Me, and I'm here to stay, you'll see. I warned you many a day, and many a day. And yet I heard the foolish people say: hau be summer time forever, aye; It lid day. My friend, why are you anxious, why 80 sore, 'When I come rapping, rapping at your door? I am not bitter, I am sweet; cold, but warm. I am a paradox; I come to kill and save. I will not, harm, If thou shouldst face me boldly and be brave, Thou art my pet, Hke thee; I am your saviour; at my bosom's core dec) there are no folk | 'When I come rapping, rappin . ih ping at your door. 5 RA A THY ! thy knee. . = And I am well prepared in blanke deep. The babies and the weary old folks snore. Benign I lay me safely down to sleep. When thou comest rapping rapping at my door. Thou art my father, sire; ) Thou are my sister and thou art my dam. 9 grandfather, my The grasping world cannot my muscles tire, { And thou, O Winter, made me what, I am! ~The Khan. Cannings Cruise By CLARENCE ODELL Canning, running down the besch, looked about for the familiar bine and white turban. Somehow he had com to expect the sight of the odd little bathing cap, and it was with a gesture of Impatience that he searched the beach and the little knot of bathews clinging to the life ropes. h Hver since the girl had first appe on the beach Canning had been Int ested. She was a splendid swim vastly different from the girls clung to the ropes and gave little shrieks every time a wave rolled She headed straight for the raft strong, steady strokes and kept aay from the filrtatious group in the shak lows. £ Canning admired her for It, and 1 cannot, shall not do thee Tn i on - oe | ter to Who raps upon my door and fun doth the first gare ¥ won Si ere comes no night; It is a splendid down I hold a gift--oh, do not anxious be, | MI: bed on, and the swell tore it i v fon tS fe?" she asked wonderingly. Stood up together and waved gully, but apparently the little dvanced with the girl ly matter for him 'first, and he won- faring farther out. been making slow ld see that he was 'was not more than m the raft now, | j@ fifty feet behind her, threw up her arms, jappeared under the i way desperately to- e she had disap- up to her just as she time. "back," he command- to the float. Don't Just in time, and filed with one hand to- | It was a difficult mat- | the raft unaided, but that he would have to | ve him new strength. | sciousness, and his | administer first aid. | iI minutes before her eye- | - and he knew that he had When at last he was was all right he sank | ds beside her to rest | ing to signal the life | be more exhausted | sald after a moment. | j@ been hard work getting ! raft.' { thade it dificult," he ex- | or twice I thought I 5, but I held on." we can get them to send us," she commented. "It easy to swim back." be out of the question," he 'longer than ever before with o little shudder as she aver the heaving water, Our long acquaintance with this district enables us to make as liberal loans te our customers as sound financing will per- mit, Interest Undowbted Security to Depositors. No Defy in Drawing Your Money ail or Componnded Twice a Year, Don't Wait till you have a lnrge sum to drposit, #7 will Open an Account. Small Savings form the Base of Large Fortunes. Degin wth we Now ! WE CASH S ALE NOTES. [BANK MONEY ORDERS. | Upto $5 3 cts. Over 5 up to $10... 6 cts. | Over 1o upto 30..710 cts Over 30 upto 50..15 cts. 1 ; PORT PERRY AGENCY. Best way to send small amounts Cashed free at any Baik, For sums over 850 use BANK DRAFTS. Best and cheapest way to send Lire Amounts Special Rates. H. G. HUTCHESON, Manager. NEW STORE IN PORT PERR { mrs | I'he undersigned having purchased that brick building on the corner o Queen and John Streets, in the Western portion of the business centre of the town, has opened out a fine Stock of General & Fancy Dry Goods, TINWARE, GRANITEWARE, NOTIONS, &O. which he will sell Cheap for Cash, TUESDAY, FRIDAY AND d to het with a grave "not be alarmed," he said I am afraid the raft is was moored at four corners!" med. "How could It get 8 rot In the water. I sup- ed the edge out of water as kt any rate, we are In for a | less we can signal the shore." had passed unnoticed on shore, was no answering signal that 1d perceive. At last, tired by rtions, they sank down on the faced the situation. oastwise steamers eome close e here," he sald reassuringly. 11 be a good chance of being before night. Perbaps at the e tide we may drift back." least have a raft" he com- uguppose you had to keep | nid have given up long ago," | "Ag it was I should be dead it not been for you." afraid you would haye some # he sald, "when I saw what "undertaken to do." ou follow me out on purpose?" | wonderingly. "I didn't know had seen me. The guards 'me against trying, but I waunt- it I couldn't, and I did--al- was the only reason that me out," he sald. "I saw your p, and I knew it was you." | am the reason for your being | 1 » "xr to | it was because you want- | be ned 11," he protested warmly. 0 glad that I was in time be . hed htin f tin you," he admitted. "I your swimming ever » } Rose Wilcox." Canning," he respond- | "I'm glad to meet you, | { fet in hearty clasp. She 'perceived that be was and for a moment she en she drew closer to ad they sat there and chat- r eyes searched the sign of sall or steamer, d that they knew and this swept away jer of reserve, and she 'they had known each 'did they become that gi of the situation, save the fact that wonderfully con- start that they heard nd them and turned to they had been taken ' 3 i raft towing behind to shore. | cruising better," ~wAnd just to 'In sight of the hour and. neves ve S i CE © (he, Olbus Retiztons. | oF tion Sh the; oldest. exivhie re- Horse Ha'r, &c. i . M. SHA PITRO. SATURDAY BARGAIKS. "TE never occurred to me that they | would have to telephone the inlet for a beat," he explained, "though I might have known." "I'm a little sorry the cruise stopped | so suddenly," she confessed shyly. "I | had even forgotten that It was getting pear lunchtime." "Let's make the next cruise in a yacht," he suggested. "We could get up a party," she as- | sented. | "1 don't want a party," he declared. | "A party would be de trop on a honey- | moon." | "Yes," she admitted shyly, her eolor deepening. But later he managed to obtain a Jess vague acquiescence to his proposal. i Stopping Runs on Banks. | Runs en banks, as all the world knows, are often stopped or restricted in the oddest ways. A rich bank knew that a run was to set in on a certain Monday morning, for It had been rob- bed of some postage stamps on Batur- day night and the robbery had been exaggerated in the newspaper reports, and if this run was not kept within reasonable limits the bank would have to close its doors. It had plenty of money, but not plenty of cash. It needed twenty-four hours' time. Be- fore sunrise on Monday morning a man | put a fresh coat of paint on the front doors of the bank, on the wall panels and on the counters. The result was that people who made the run on Mon- day made rather a walk of it. They wanted their money, but they rushed no one. On the contrary, they came on with ecdgtion and deliberation. Bo careful were they lest they get paint on their clothes that it took longer to pay off one of them than It would have taken ordinarily to pay five. This is one of many odd tricks whereby, in a run, 8 bank bas saved itself from wreck. § wie y ligion. Brahmanlsm 18 Bud- dhism third and Mohammedanism fourth. Buddha was born in the sixth century B. C., at Kapllavastu, in In- , near the Himalayas, He was named Siddhartha and Gautama and was the son of a wealthy Sakya chief- taln, called a king In modern poetry. Buddba lived to be very old. Brahma is the all pervading soul of the uni- verse, the creator of the universe, his brother gods being Vishnu and Siva. Mobammed was born at Mecca, in Arabla, In 570 A. D., and died in Me- dina, Arabia, June 8, 632. No one can | say when the worship of God began, It is probable that the very earifest man worshiped some unknown power, who was his God. The religion of the Chaldeans antedated the Jewish re- liglon, Noah worshiped God: se did Abraham, Judaism did not begin wn- til late in. Abraham's Ife, Historie Volumes. The Provincial Archivist, Alex. Fras- er, has received a valuable addition to collection In the shape of numbers. The Kingston Whig-Gasatte, bearing date of 1812-1§13-1814 and parts of 1815. recounting many stirring facts relative to the war, the ment of the doun« Joga \ ton. was: located, in: 'creep mlong In the shi SIGNS IN THE THUMB WHAT THEY MEAN AND HOW YOU | MAY LEARN TO READ THEM. They Serve as an Index to the Charseter of the Individual--The "Thumb Center" In the Brain--Posi- tion of the Well Balanced Thumb. The gypsies have always recognized that the thumb is the most important factor in delineating special tendencies. These nomadic people are the most in- tuitive on earth, and the fact that In thelr fortune telling they often confine their prognostications to the thumb alone is worth more than a passing no- tice, The fact that there is what Is known as the "thumb center" in the brain, rec- ognized by all surgeons, demonstrates the immense Importance attached to It by medical science. If there is a tend- ency toward paralysis the physician notes it in the thumbs long before the malady shows itself in other directions. An operation to avert the calamity If possible is frequently performed on the thumb center of the brain, and the thumb Itself is watched for results fa- vorable or otherwise. It is a matter of record that the thumbs of idiots and those mentally weak are undersized, | characterless and usually cling closely to the side of the hand. There have been books written on signs in the | thumbs as denoting criminal instincts, and detectives have been often moved to consider seriously this phase of the hand In making their deductions In puzzling cases. T The position of the thumb with refer- | gv yo ence to the rest of the hand makes el- ther for or against favorable tenden- | cles. If it is bound to the first finger at ow and profit by another's enterprise. If in connec tion with this position it should be very small, with vacillating, almost In- visible joints, it indicatés mental weak- ness. If, on the contrary, it flies out at right angles or even firther it shows want of balance [n smother direction. The person will rush fo extremes and is Independent and aggressive almost to foolhardiness. Such people are dis- agreeable to associate with in any en- terprise, as they always want their own way and are not subservient to authority. dru The well balanced thumb lies at an fees from earnings, and if a left him it is likely to pated Hels a Tot only in money, but 'he rides He Is Small, | state or nation, | | with the first it Is said | | | of Venus, indicates' the affect | love of fellow beings. In & | anced nature the first and | Joints are about of equal le } indicates a wholesome %justment be- | tween the judgment and the will. = If, however, the first joint is longer than ~ the second the will exceeds the judg- ment, and the person Is likely to be stubborn and often acts without reas | son. When the second joint is the | longer a person plans better than he executes. In this way he often gets the reputation of being visionary and is frequently full of schemes which he lacks the will to carry out. The third joint, or "ham," of the hand when too thick indicates ungov- ernable passions and an inordinate love of the opposite sex. Such a per? son will be "bail fellow well met," & boon companion, but is likely to neg- lect the intellectual demands both of his home and his other self. When the second joint Is thin and small in circumference as compared to indlcate great tact and niceties In judgment, even to the splitting of a hair. Wheth- er the hand is firm or flabby it has & modifying influence in all cases, 4 2 Idle Lives. ; No Idle life can produce a real mati. A life of luxury calls out only the ef- feminate, destructive qualities. Tha creative forces are developed only by stern endeavor to better one's condi tion in the world. WOOD RAT TYPIFIES MAN. 1 ut His Acquisitivemess Is Insatimble, Too many Americans have the "wood rat instinct." The wood rat, the ani- mal, is a native of southern Oregon, but the wood rat typified in man is not restricted to any small section of & but is well nigh uni- one insane desire seems to be to fms ™ crense the size of his pile of sticks: The neighboring field 4s placed under tribute. First, all the nearby sticks are gathered into the pile. Then, as these are cleaned up, he goes farther and farther away from home, and eve ery twig ls eagerly seized upon to in | crease the size of his pile of sticks. The wood rat regards his pile of sticks as a refuge in time of trouble. On the first sound of alarm he rushes for the pile and crawls underneath. It is here that be often finds his destrucs tion, for a fire sometimes sweeps through the woods, and the wood rat's pile ef sticks makes a veritable furnace, The larger the pile the hotter the fire, and thus he has piled up the means of his own agony. We do not need to carry the com-. parison any further, The lesson is obvious, but still many of us do not appear to realize that we are like tho wood rat, worshiping a pile of sticks. We marry a man because of the size of his pile of sticks and not from an Innate attractiveness. We call this man a success because he can gather sticks faster than any of his compan fons. We eall this man "sharp" and "shrewd" because, after a fellow worker has laboriously made a huge pile, he steps in and ousts his fellnw from the pile and appropriates all the sticks for his own. Let us take warning frofn the wood, rat and the summer fire--the larger the pile of sticks the flercer burns the fire when the time of destruction final- ly arrives.--Montrea} Star. summer FACTS ABOUT YOURSELF, he average number of teeth is this' The average weight of an adult is 350 pounds 6 ounces, of The weight of the circulating blood i tyventy-nime pounds. 2 The brain of a man is more than twice that of any other animal. A piffttbreathes shout: . minute, or 1,200 times &1y hour, Over B40 pounds, or 'ore hogshead and one and one-fourth plats, of bigod pass through the heart fan hour, ¥ The average weight of the brain of & o man'is three and one-half pounds, thay of a Woman two pounds eleven ounces, There), are 175,000,000 cells ia th lungs, which would cover @ surface thirty times greater than the human, body. % The averagh height of an is five feet nine ¥ five feet four in fest seven inches, "In their way," 'said pe man, "fishes are not such prophets. If a storm, is a} the fish stop biting, and they again until the storm is

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