_ Sometimes my back ached so sev. "erel ' plasters, but none of them helped Savauel obi Bot readily accept his says that Dr. Willks en statement or his case | "the hope that his experience might benefit some other sufferer. He said : I have suffered fiom kid- ney trouble for about three years that | was unable to work, at times 1t was almost impos- sible for me to straighten up. I had to urinate frequently and often had to get up several times during the night. At different times I was under the care of doctors, but I only got relief for a time. 1 also tried a number of medicines and backache me and 1 began to think the trouble h A ad m good. 1 decided to tryf & pills and it was not long botoreld® 1 felt greatly benefited. I continu- ed using the pills for some time long er and I am glad to say that every - vestige of the trouble has'disappear- ed and I am now as wel as ever Id not be cured. One day dur- . a th T ored sections of the Dem found the people of the West rejoic- ing if their prosperity andfullof hope ve | and gonfidence in the future growth | cee olat its agticultarsl and industrial OP Irie NEW ProvincES. The quinquennial census recently taken in the Provinces of Alberta and, Saskatchewan shows that hosp ProTins are now entitled to an idGrease in' their representation in the House of Cammons. A bill giving effect to that provision will be sutimitted | for your approval, TAR REVISION. 'sccordance with theannounce- ment 'made in a previous sessiom, you 11 be asked to consider a bill he ireaty made Japan. A hill for at purpose, will be submitted for your approval. OUR EXHIBITS AT MILAN. The product and manufacturers of Canada shown at the recent in- ternational exhibition held in the |thousand copies, town endeavoring 'to organize a lodge iv Port Perry. The gentle man is of the right stamp to suc- 'ceed ; should he failiit would be the task. an . Furniture at STONEHOUSE' s is not "cheap" in the sense of being inferi- or. Reputation is valued as well as profit. Everything we sell is thor: oughly reliable, EZ" Mr. Brock's Aurumun Cir CULAR is just out, and the edition is the largest ever issued by that es tablisbment, there being three "every page of which is crammed with bargains. PosTPoNED AucTioN SaLe.--The Auction Sale of Mrs, John Edwards postponed (owing to ui prapitious KX" Raglan Xmas Fair will be held on Friday 21st December. = It is expected that the 1906 Fair will eclipse all others ever held in that village. useless for anyone else to attempt | ot fa, con. 7, Cartwright frag been | ess for nearly" sixty ed to (retire from termination to m all his 'stock that fs desirable ling Make} 8m don't fail to be when ithe bell sin in other colamms, Jaekson is auction When there i lar doing the T always "have fun in a hundred and nine m ties at the January elections: of the bylaws are for repe two hundred licenses arela the icaf8 aiable hymn, Rev. W d in'prayer, Rév." J. A Jewell, 1s stead the Toth Psalm. Mr. r ript nt year are nearly six - dollars in ali-fadvance of the preceeding year Rev, Mr. Smith, the Societics-Agent gave a very interesting and instruc- tive, appropriate and earfiest ad- to with .. Kenner, -| rangemen Far that will I toakeke importance |; s Fall-and--Winter | ever held by fils. impor- tant and popu lar. Soci ued 0] Ham List' ibe in. keeping "with of or PE and extent. More are Peek "Bu igh re cure is' *Catarrhozone." I 'clears the head of all mucous discharge. Put rid matter in the nostrils; nih in the throat, and' Jisease, comp etely swept away. of the disease 1s destroyed, #18 re- gts are de; tro ed, en system IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE. --Mr. Geo. Smuh's Great Auction Sale of Stock lias been fixed for Friday, Nov. 30, on the premises, lot 9, coi 1. Mariposa (near Figgerboard) tant g Aghia fg wound from tak- To Hh wrong turn, and speedily ; Hrs it. of trouble in waking hours. Man want- ed a word for such terrors and took the mere name of the left hand. This would serve as well as another, De Mrs. Fright. af 8 ttt 1 got a prick from. A SE re pat had leg, old 'wounds;.etc. chapped hands. Of all drnggists at rfty cents a box, or post free from the Zamn-Buk Co., Toronto, upon Dr. Williams' Piok Pills have proved dress, that was listened seeing city of Milan proved a great attrac- M b » A Large sums of money €of d ? x HH The list embraces 40 head of cattle] J 1o0 a blessing to me and I gladly recom 1. R. Thompson, Seagrave's en by sympathising 'conmBngl wrapt attention for which he receiv-{¢ horees and colts, and 20 pigs nat all Werle hic Yo are, Bev So of price. Six "voxes for mend them to anyone similarly af- tion, and as a result it is confident- terprising, indefatigable and pros- the sufferers by the Saif Fra ed a very hearty and weli merited Mr. Jackson will be Auctionecr, material beginning, as 'bitter' and flicted." ly believed out trade with central ; i . See' Dr. Williams' Pirk Pills are the y q a hero E porous general Merchant Sxar alive earthquake ar.d fire, wete ef: vote of thanks. The officers were |)See posters.) ; 'gweet' Emerson says that all lan- oo % 1 and southern Europe can be mater: | and or , The Cobalt mining crowd around * » greatest cure in the world for all the |. oq and'on the slert to supply his en diverted by those wl 7 reelected ; President, D. Cash:| Mesqrs: J. J. Scott (Conservative) and guage Js femeh) poo, Bat I the King Eu 1 2 | a P cre. ~ 1 1 1 . A rd anguage gro' P| - common ailments of men and wo- ya YARD tire community with the very best them. ¥ Vice President, Rev. W. Kenner ; | Allan Studholmé (Labor) were nominat-| neq tring Bas come to life SE gohan x otel. Were Yes men --Jor all weakness and weari | HALIFAX DOCKYARD. the markets of the world afford, ; S cy, Mr. J. Jefirey; Treasurer, |ed in Hast Hamilton for the Legislature. | time." t rday considerably stirred by a re- ness, and backaches and headaches | The naval authorities having re-/h1s just issued a comprehensive, Some of the jurors att} s| Rev ¢ Me aa "The 55 i : a - port of (ne of the largest deals of anaemia ; all the heaviness and |linquished the dase of the dockyard ict ; J a rere late i -C. 'Meaung.. ~The: young, y The coasting steamer J. H. Joes Beef Tea For the Aged. whic} ! . distress of Indigestion": all th ; 1 y explicit and neat Circular, ap-|a! Walkoron were lately d ple sang some well selected and |been wrecked near the Christian Islands, | 1 pave often had occasion to protest | hich has'yet been put through ix : ingigestion ; a © Pans | 4 Halifax, a proposal was made to| propriate to the Holiday Season.|!Pg the Court, and € A ici y i t : - {and over a score of lives have been lost. connection with the silver ficld of and aches of rheumatism, sciatica tansfor it to the: Government -of ¥ dock efficiently rendered pieces'of music against the widely hugged delusion of Norfl o : ansle C ic 1 or. i . . : ° and Beuraigra, md all the ill Byalrh ni riser es na hie will 2 largely circulated ji: 2 Hh fees 4 me nd duringithe service which was very| The York County Council desided to bee? ed being & SIERY BO on On ntario, 3 a. 3 i at follows any disturbance of re. | aba - | througnout this section, containing | 24de& at they might be mach a2 a tit the Attorney-Generel for a ted, was regarded as excel itv i . 5 : s ppreciated. A vote of petition «the ¥ has the ebjectionable quality of render- y Eplachy in tie blood supply: oy cepted and the dockyard will pow |Jists and quotations of the abuudant that they were not i dicts thanks:was pazsed and is tp be for- mounted police to assistin the app sehin: ng the ject lax. ™ oy a leat authority, that Mr. George C. hese ions jg Cause WA ae be used by the Department of | supply of the comforts and luxuries| Shinments of live sh is} warded to the. Rev. Mis.R..L. sion of borse-thieves. is an opposite natural tendency--at | Campbell had on Monday purchas- 1181S S| Marine and Fisheries as a base for | of (} o d heii Whi of live sHeq 3 Ss 4 : the aggre that is the rule. When this rule ed over $700,000. worth of Cobalt actually make new, rich, red blood. Ce door MEA a a fA ol the scason,. an e is giving |said, are to be made from New |Ockley, of Troy, who sent two dol- To the end of September the aggToqote | gyqing and there Is weakness we shail properties, including Bailey mine, ad 1 ) 1 3 . y 2] pv They strike straight at the common F With | them at a low figure so that all| Zealand to British Columbia bis | lars (0 be entered in" remembrance earnings of the Temiskaming RZiisiy| Ang in strong beef tea a most valuable ts bin er EE root of disease. But you must get |aids to navigation. may enjoy them. fl ihted fath th 4 since January first were $388.300, and lie | medicine. But do notgeommit the mis- } y Foster. the genuine piils with the full name | yuGration FRAUDS is somewhat of a reflection,.an the | Ofer sainted Jathier, COREL, ANC ,o¢ profits $144,511. take of regarding the Stull: as' food, J dred thousand dollars in cash was Dr. Wiiliams' Pink Pills for Pale M: om, te Lavi A Mr. W. F. Nott who has been |stockmen of the C analdian est, I SISter, who took a lively interest in f -- says Home Notes. It will so stimulate i Te Eide. Investigation show- People on the wrapper around each =A Fy * A ind kn ee "taking in" the Great West for the| They should bs able lo cafe: for the Bible Society: meeting sto the DISCOVERED BY THE AUDITOR, | at . oo tant - Js , ~ c re ee . : y v : @ « box. Sold at 50 cents a box or | ent ¥ cen jnduged fo cong lo past three months returned yester- | the mutton market so néar$@thei evd of life. Thus ended one of the . : feel better, but it I king him IY £ g ish 2 x six boxes for $2.50 by all dealers or | Canada by false representations : : fig sul t held The credit for the discovery of} fee r, but it Is making him live on 250 acres of land surrounding the Town ; from the Dr. Williams' Medicine | made in the United Kingdom, at the day, he speaks fa glowing terms 'efi doors, { § Haug) Snoces Hig hen 1¢I O01 he frauds belongs to the Auditor- his vital capital. Beef tea Is no more of Cobalt in return fora cash considera- Co.. Brockville, Ont edn st of {he Minister ge Labor . its immensity and bright prospects, Gusiph Herald: Wel oo 7 these behalf of the Joey in Prince Al Generals depariment. | which 1a in nourishing than brandy. tion of half a auillion. dollars. ---Mail and ' ; . st 0 pe . X i > bert.--W. Kf z Empire. 3 clause has been added to the mer- Sate Meio ol ie ost Tend things better in Canela . Vg dependent of Governnent rontiol Th Zhe Got & Jen Drntiinss the pa impli N nl Several sums from | _ . a sociatior eld a e Seber Y AAR A TS 4 : ere is a true story of one young me implies, MO? E . $300 to $10,000, go | chants shippiog bill, now before the | House, on Friday of last week, prelimin- Peary, hunting for the I Pole i d's P Ed ti Bill and whose exaniners, though thet woman who had devoted almost a prevent all Colds and Grippe, whea } bean Placed i me for immediate in- | Imperial Parliament for the punish- | ary arrangements were made for the com- and living an dog flesh, hy Capt Ord 8 Passes ucation Bill. fare not supposed be familiar with | ear to pulling wires and using all 'taken in the sneeze stage." en lowest rate i : ' A t 1 1 . s Ee ment of any persons who may be | ing Ice Meeting, and the following were| Bernier and the boys were Thunting Losdon. N immigration routine, saw at 2 | possible influence to gain an Interview When the tip of a dog's nose i JBERT SRBELS ) 1, Nov. 22.-- On the ground ; Mp gS DC s HU BERT. ERBEIS: found guilty of that offence. duly elected officers : = Mr. H. Collacutt, | for a good time and feeding. 0B. pul- that it contained the spirit lb glance enough in the accounts them- Die Serigin theatrics] manege at cold ar.d moist, that dog is not : : ! 2 ! selves and the bogus vouchers to SL, Jer: igpes Were. ren ; she got ick A feverish dry uose means " - Gentlemen of the House of Com President ; Mr. John C. Dennison, Secre- let and parsley sauce, with dashin's rule, the House of Lords this even- her appointment, and she was finally sickness with a dog. And so wih tary ; Mr. O. Graham, V.S, Treasurer y 3 3 . + : 23 ' ' {ct 5 » % sily excite their suspicion. [It i A : : mons : The dates for the 1907 event were fixed of champagne to wash ing struck out the clause in the Ed- gary exe y i tk fe fhe Sage De the human lips. .Dry, cracked and > The accounts of the past year |g 3 nti ; a small matter, compared with the | fice. He received her mest co fork li feverich . or January 8 and 9. During a charivari ucation Bill empowering the estab- ok : and offered her a chair; "Thagk you," Soloriess 'lips mean leveiishness, - North Atlantic Trading Company and are as well 1ll appearing. To Spel opmsarvdtive smd practical cisss'of people THE OBSERVER........ HAs A Goop CIRCULATION. and is con stantly growing in favor. It is the BEST Advertising Medium in the Couaty; Is the champion of the Agrioulturists and more # not a favorite of sohemers, boomers and cliques ; it is the Oldest and Best Established ~foundod in 1867--the most orighial and best in its local and general news department and s printed entirely in the place of pub- Boation--Port Perry. Banus $1 ye par somum - Rat; if not paid in , $1.50 ik be be hanes; will be laid before you. 1am glad to say that the revenue has shown a large expansion, and has not only provided for ordinary expenditure, but has also, to a great extent, pro- vided for the outlay on capital account. The estimates for the coming year will be laid before you at an early date. Auction SALE OF STANDING Tim- BER --It will be seen by the posters that Mr. John Strong, lot 24, con. 3 Cartwright, -has "instructed Porteous to sell without reserve, 10 Acres of First-Class Standing Timber (Maple and Beech) in and } acre lols on Tuesday, Dec 4th. This will be a good opportunity to secure first-class fuel at auction and wounded four of th ! col The Montreal' G seems to be need istrate, who will t ~ will responbibe an 'example "that lishment ot a 'Central Educational | Cauncil for Wales. .The bill was ther h House of Lords. : "As amended.by the Upper House 'thie bill is wholly unacceptable to the Governipent and the majority in the committee | ' swindle, but it shows incapicity and usreliability of one of great Sieg oF Sto {what was going of it 'was necessar§' for him to act. 'But it remains tC be seen wether in case the men sus pended shall be found to have com mitted criminal offences, he wil treat them as he did his {riend Mr. ai she said gratefully; "I think 1 will sit down. I've been just fen months get- ting here, and Pm a little tired." And who. is at a. great 8498s of Dur mofit Davis in fed 2a Magazine, Built of Bulrushes. the first place of worship in Western Australia was unique in two respects --the materials of which it was built and also the several purpeses to which have beautsful, pink, velvet-hike lips, apply at bedtime a coating of Dr. Shoop's Green Salve. It will sofi-- en and heal any skin ailment, Geta free trial box, at our store, and he convinced, Large nickel capped ginss jars 25cents. A. J. Davis! gAT large gua: tities %f New Biunswick "Shingles just arcived at V ckery's. P les gnickly and positively enr- OB PRI INTING Hon. Gentlemen of the Senate : ; serve as a warning to dy el- ; it was devoted. This remarkable bulld- ry 5 J; MOST MODERN €TYLES Gentlemen of the House of Com prices. ement for a lon oe y House of Commaps, who contend Wagner, who, after serving a tern | ing was made at Perth by soldiers d walk Dr. Sheep's Magic Qint- AND AT LOW PRICES g ie, that it has become frankly denomi- in ail for frauds committed in bi: | shortly after their first arrival In 1820 sunt. lis made hr Piles alone-- J and it does the work surely and North Oni Ontario Observer. (The Official Paper of the People.) FOUNDED IN 1 IN 1857 ud Pablished tn erry. Only Paper Printed P mons ; A united application having been received by my Ministers from the Gcevernments of the several Pro- vinces, asking for an increase in the Provincial subsidies, a conference was recently held, when the reasons for granting additional aid were In Quartered Oak Dinning Room Furniture such as: Buffets, Com- bined Sideboards, Extension Tables Seated Diners. You have a good choice at less than city prices at STONEHOUSE'S. None too early to select a Quart- China Cabinets, or a Set of Leather | States authorities that not more than power of electricity frontier. Ths deal ernments on this gov- national, siuce it requires that un- less religious instruction be given in them daily schools will be recog- _| nized as Public elemantary schools. The Nooconformists are sq incens- ed atthe House of Lordsamendment that over'a hundred -Nouconformist members of Parliament alicady have amendments of the Upper House office, was re appointed at double his former salary. and at the same time encoureged 'to drum wp the Gallican vote at the Edmonton election. A Floating Mine. and was composed almost entirely of In addition to its use on ys for' afte worship it occa- sionally served as an amateur theater in the week and during the whole time as a barracks. A Money Question. Jack--What's "the difference between the color of & rose and a counterfeit coppét?™ Dick--I hate to give up any- with satisfaction. Itching. painful protruding or blind ples disappear i ke magic by its use. Lage Nik | Capped glass jas 50 cents. Sold and recommended by A. J. Davis. The new Pure Food and Drug Law wil mark it on the label of very Cough Cure containing Up um, Choloroferm, or any other fully set forth and discussed. Re-|ered Oak Secretary for Xmas, Ri EEE : : i hings of politi :| signed a memorial asking the Gov-| Landon, Nov. 28.--The Kobe corres- vi 5 : ? solutions based on the conclusions | Stonenousk hasa variety of styles. things ol p thing With money in it, but I do. What S!UPUying oF disonous drug. Fut FORT PERRY, NOV. 29, 1906: y Some seem afraid t 1d, erument to promptl reject' all the [pondent to The Standard cables thata 2 ADSWer On good !{ passes Dr. Ehiov 's Cough C 9 77° | reached by my Government will be | single or combination. Rk Fromm floating mine, a legacy from the Russian- is tne 3. Jack One, la a AP for 20 ye ih LL thy The Session Begins™ Ottawa, Nov. 24, 1906. The Session of Parliament which began on Thursday of this week IMPORTANT LEGISLATION. amending the electiou act, the post- office act, the Dominion land's act ; a bill for the more effective super- submitted for your consideration. Bills will be laid before you 1f you are furnishing a new house or refurnishing any bedroom before the holidays and would like some thing nobby in Polished Quartered Oak Suits with large mirrors, oval or square, go to the reliable house and some are ts The philosopher wh was ruled wath | for those whe we him as well as for aries. ; This would mean a deadlock and an ineitgbls gai between ' the Strong elforts are: sr in Japanese, war, has been driven asbore at Akita, on the west coast of Hondo, where it exploded, killing ten villagers and ete fifty-six. North Battleford, Sask., Nov. 26 --Gold in what appears to be immense quantities has been discovered iat Birling 42 miles scent, and the other isn't Dr Shuop all along has bitterly op- posed the nse of all opiates or nar-- ch. cs, " Nature is the most thrifty thing In Di. Shoop's Cough Cure is the world; she never wastes suything; aichuicly sate even for the young- she undergoes change. but there's D0 . |..lLe _and it cures, it does not is the essence remains; mat- iy sucpress. Get a sale and atagmal, jretialide Cough Cure, by simply in { siti: + on having Dr. Shoop's. Let x = Wilting i i " influential Moderate quarters | Goldwin Smith : ucation, actordi and his fellow en put an end to er merely the offs, Now we have saying that p stead of putling a has been attendeéi of it, ouly . sul burglary, a gives promise off unusual interest. It is the beginning of 2 new system. Sessions hercafter will commence _in the Autumn instead of the latter part of the Winter, and the fiscal yea is to close in March instead of 'June. The promised legislation of "this year includes, a revision of the tariff, and the re-adjustment of Pro- * vincial subsidies. Other bills mep- tioned in the speech from the throne "are a measure increasing the repre; sentation of Alberta and Saskatch A iver Roman aves, west of here. The discovery was made by an old prospector named Hughes, who sent samples taken at random over a square mile of territory to the assaying office at Ottawa. The report came back that his dirt had assayed $5510 a tou--a {vein of immense richness. : vision and inspection of Canadian canned food products. meats and fish ; a bill relating to the sale apd manufacture of patent medicines, and also also a bill to make better provision for dealing with juvenile delinquents. REPORT OF INSURANCE COMMISSION. 1t is hoped that the report of the commission appointed to inquire into insurance companies will short ly'be completed, when it will be laid g 4 the law be your protection. We Garum, the 2 Lado op or tw. cheerfully recommend and ell it. Romans, seadhmest; but its a eo was £3 Vedling Cakes a Seoisty Let at Mr. Chas. Pearn's. furnisher STONEHOUSE. bject prominen "gi in on v. a to of Cant cary _ Already three of the six town- ships set aside by the Government on November 15th for the benefit of veterans entitled to land grants have been taken up. Inthose three 'municipallties, Carnegie, Hoyle, and Murphy, in the District of Al- goma, 440 ex-soldiers have secured locations. All but ten of the home stead allotwents in Hartman, one of om the table: the three Rainy River Townships, | Tlie subjects I have mentioned have found owners. For "the re 7] receive Joue best con- and to be |: sgn PORT PERRY MARKETS. 4 (Quotations by A: Ross & 8a, 3 ? Nov. 29. 1996. pi Fal Win So Bes 0 i. ng Wheat. ...... © ° 6 on, Coos W Ge oc heat ,..... A When Ilinees Comes. Have you near at hand. a remedy 'that wili alleviate pub atid belp wil ie doctor comes ? . A wise thing is in your hom a bottle fi 4 exhausted. Ihe authorities are, |. therefore paying those' wish "to dis- ; i Joris Sfroman in ol $25,000,